Author |
Message |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 04:36 pm: | |
Thanks Ed, glad I could be of help!! See you again on Fri. Unfortunately, Taylor Hawkin's cover band that was also supposed to play that night, has cancelled. But we're still on! Randy, I forgot about your offer for the Guitar Wars DVD! I'm gonna Paypal you... Cheers everyone! Steve Z |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, November 17, 2003 - 07:20 pm: | |
Hang in there Ed, and I just replied to yer reply to my orignal e-mail to ya. Okay..., so I did see our favoritest band last night and da guyz did jest fine! It was thier usual T-reffic stuff in front of a small, but very appreciative crowd. Derringer went on first and it was a real thrill just to watch his hands and listen to the music that flowed. Rick N. told me after the PTB set that they hope to have the new CD, ".. and the horse you rode in on" CD available real soon. Aw'ight..., It seems that the guys have another central Floriduh shebang on Nov.29th! This one in the town of Vero Beach, which is located right on the edge of the Atlantic ocean. WOOHOO! If any body out there in PTB land needs details, just ask! Ahhh..., how come I`m just so damn lucky? Life is good! S'later, JH |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 12:34 am: | |
Hey, Ed. If anyone knows the feeling of recurring pain and the agony of ongoing defeat it's probably me. Keeep your eyes on the prize -- they can only get you down if you let 'em! The hardest thing for me to do has been to just let go -- keep pressing forward, but let go of the outcome because it's usually not ours to decide. Ditto Stratmandu's comments -- the PT Family owes you much, and we are here for ya, Slim! Steve Z, keeping rocking Ed's brains out 'til his storm passes! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 06:24 am: | |
Thanks again for all your support. I guess life can't suck without some good times to compare... Now where did I leave my good times? |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 06:32 am: | |
JH - I've read your e-mail(s) - intently... I now have perspective back in my life. Thanks a ton! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 06:42 am: | |
Randal - Your a card... They broke the mold... Steve - Too bad for the Taylor Hawkin's cover band. Will you guys be playing an extended set then? Rock! - Thanks. You... Rock! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 12:34 pm: | |
No problem Ed, I`m just glad I learned from my mistkes and I can help someone else. A lot of people have helped me in the past. I just got word today that Dick Dale will be in nearby Palm Beach this Sunday! WOOHOO! I can`t make the PTB gig this Friday, but DD is a heckuva consolation. A friend in St. Petersburg saw him this past Saturday and said that old guy is still a master guitarist and hasn`t lost a bit of talent over the years. ...and the hits just keep on comin'!!! S'later, JH |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 12:51 pm: | |
Check 1...2... |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 12:54 pm: | |
hey Ed...don't know what's ailin' ya so, but please know that my prayers are with you... Don't know you well, but you do seemed bummed by something, that much is obvious in your recent emails. You know...sometimes "there's no escaping the blues"...but then things always seem to have a way of turning around and start "lookin' up"! bill |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 01:15 pm: | |
Hey Rich Got your email...thanks for the quick let me get this want $50 to dub the PT San Diego 1999 concert from DVD to CD?...$50?, F I F T Y?...Just so us PT fans can listen to that in our car or where ever?...Is that how much you would charge people on eBay?...$50 FOR 1 (UNO ONE) CD?!...Rich, got a question for you >> Are you a couple cans short of a six pack OR just one greedy motherf****r? |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 02:37 pm: | |
Geez TonyD-couldn't you say that in an email to Rich? Please don't start this crap again. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 07:01 pm: | |
DITTO BLUR...... |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 07:57 pm: | |
I just got an e-mail from Eric and he said that this Friday`s PTB gig in Ormand Beach is OFF. He did mention that BAD ASS REK will be playing at a huge street party in Orlando the evening before Thanksgiving and Kevin Neal, who plays in Lou Gramm`s band, will be joing them that evening. I still have a few vacation days left at work and will try to make the B.A. REK hootenanny. S'later, JH |
Freight Train
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 08:59 pm: | |
Wow....Hey Rich PLEASE do not respond to this TONYD persons post. The picture has ben painted very clear on this one. You continue to be the man and PAT and us appreciate you and Nancy. What a shame huh?!!! ERIC |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 18, 2003 - 09:49 pm: | |
Hi all! Well we're home from our long voyage. We had an awsome time, everything you could hope for in a vacation/honeymoon. Thank you sooo much for all the good wishes, it means a lot to us. Bette, it was really fun to spend some time on Oahu with ya, too bad the good times always pass so quickly. ED? So what's up buddy? Thanks again for your kind hospitality, and ride to LAX. We owe ya one, or two! We're still working on getting the pics together, there are so many to choose from, but as soon as we get them posted we will let ya know.It was a real bummer to miss the recent PT gigs, hopefully we'll get back on track and make it next time around. Well everybody thanx again!See ya ! Daryl and Kathi  |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 05:55 am: | |
Welcome Back Daryl and Kathi: Now we get to see the signature as a couple! Glad to hear you two had a great time and again Congratulations, looking forward to your pictures! How nice to spend that much time in Hawaii! Hope to see the two of you soon, take care!
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 06:53 am: | |
Double-Ditto Rich! Remember, if you don't want to join 'em, fork 'em! My small collection abounds with quality stuff from you and the missus! I am always grateful for your efforts, even if I don't buy them. But that is due to my economic factors only. Finally, to quote the infamous Rodney King, I leave you with this:
Quote:Hey! Quit Hitting Me!
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 07:12 am: | |
Wow! Kevin Neal? He's one of my favorite PTB drummers. Heck of a nice guy. Ask him if he's been hanging out with Mars any lately. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 07:38 am: | |
Well, there was at least one bright spot in that uncalled for sarcastic remark. It brought Beseau outta his cave, and for a brief shining moment he touched us with one of his profound quotes and sense of humor. Dude always cracks me up! Gotta love that Rodney King Quote.... And as always....well, actually only this time, PTB and Rodney are BOTH Kings! (Sorry...couldn't resist the chance to use that one...) |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 07:49 am: | |
However, the main difference is that the PTB is here to kick your ass but Rodney King just gets his ass kicked! I know that's cold but I couldn't resist. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 09:38 am: | |
TonyD Didja ever copy audio from a video to a CD? I gotta tell ya it's a pain in the A$$. Not too mention there is his investment in time and equipment. Look it, he uses his PC to make money.... While he's copying the audio off the DVD (time = concert length plus time setting things up), probably can't use his PC much. Then time spent checking it out making sure it's right, then burnin the CD (longer if you expect song markers so you can skip tracks), which will take another bit of time he can't use his computer. you're probably looking at a good 3 or 4 hours just to make that. and as they say, (whoever "they" are) "time is money" I'd say he would enjoy a couple brews and he's just a guy out trying to make a buck like the rest of us. So let's think these things through before we start going ballistic in public,eh? peace |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 03:09 pm: | |
What is black and comes in a little white can? |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 03:56 pm: | |
....afraid to ask, what is black and comes in a little white can?? |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 05:26 pm: | |
Michael Jackson! Sorry! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 07:34 pm: | |
That was good Blur! And Hooked, you stated the obvious (to most of us anyway!) in a very clear manner. Good job. Jimbo....I must be dumb (don't answer that!), but I'm missing the punchline??? All I know is, the news regarding the allegations against Michael leads me to think...He better hope he doesn't slip on the soap as he's moonwalking in the cellblock! Also, this sure offers a lot of double entendres to the song "Beat It" doesn't it? Maybe that explains the "Single Glove Theory"? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk... All kidding aside, let's hope for the kid's sake (the little one, not Michael) that this just ain't true. It would really be sick if these accusations prove true. No kid deserves that! This whole story could only get weirder if it also involved Rush Limbaugh! And as always....PTB is King! NOT Rodney! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 08:21 pm: | |
Hey Rich, you greedy bastard! I'll send you the damned fifty bucks! geez -- whiners SUCK |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 11:08 pm: | |
LOL!!!! Ya know........ Man..., I really miss the 70's!!!! Anyone else feel my pain!!! Where did all that go? Remember peace and love and free sex and.... In reality those that do not know are truly lost and will only be forced to repeat this life before moving on to the next one.... most likely ... HUH?! Crap.... next time I will be more understanding... .....till, then Cliff 'em if they cant take a F**CK. a lil' early metallica for those who bothered to ever listen. Seriously thogh... ..remember the old hippie craft fairs and all the LSD influnced love fest that ensued? I do not know about anyone else, but I had fun> The funniest thing is.... I had the hardest f'ing time typing this on Zanax, weed and liquor!! LOL!! jk ,'a tros |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 19, 2003 - 11:12 pm: | |
How do you know when it is time to leave Micheal Jacksons house...? When the big had touches the little one. |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 04:21 am: | |
Ooops, with all the rock and rollin' goin' on here in Floriduh, I got confused (imagine me confused) and posted below that the Nov. 29th PTB gig was in Vero Beach. WRONG!!! It`ll be in Riviera Beach, which is just north of Palm Beach. The scene down here is getting to be like the old Abbot and Costello "who`s on first, what`s on second" routine! Hey Eric, or Rick, could ya e-mail the specific`s on this coming Wednesday BA REK gig? Hey Randal, could you send me fifty bucks too? Being a stalker ain`t cheap, ya know. S'later, JH |
Too Cool
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 05:48 am: | |
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 06:12 am: | |
Listen everybody: What Rich does is professional quality dubbing. It involves time and money. There are other ways (like running the audio output patch cables from your DVD to the stereo input jack on the back of your computer), but expect less in the quality dept. The old saying "You get what you pay for" comes to mind. Thanks again Rich & Nancy  |
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 06:36 am: | |
Hey RockPigus!!!
Quote:What is black and comes in a little white can? Michael Jackson
Insert an alternate, less PC spelling of "comes" and consider "can" as a euphamism for a part of the anatomy, not as an actual can! Way less funny when you diagram it and conjugate the verbs!! It really is an audio joke!! Later...Jim
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 06:46 am: | |
Sorry, it's euphEmism not euphAmism... Jimbo |
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 07:24 am: | |
Ginbel-the better line for your Michael Jackson joke is: Q-How do you know when it's bedtime at Michael Jackson's house? A-When the big hand touches the little hand. Either way that's a good one. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:03 am: | |
Quote:I really miss the 70's!!!! Anyone else feel my pain!!! Where did all that go? Remember peace and love and free sex
You mean sex was free in the 70's?? Jeez, where was I...? Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 10:28 am: | |
You had to pay for it??????????? Ken, great pic on the home page!! |
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 12:18 pm: | |
NEW YORK (Billboard) -- The late George Harrison, Prince, Traffic and ZZ Top are among the 2004 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees. Jackson Browne, the Dells and Bob Seger round out the group. Prince? I think I'm gonna throw up. The rest are pretty much acceptable but Prince? One day... One day...PT (and maybe BÖC)will be inducted and then the HOF will be legitimized. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 12:24 pm: | |
Bette asked: Quote:You had to pay for it???????????
LOL! In the end... One way or another ALL of us guys end up paying for it.
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 12:26 pm: | |
Yeah nice Pic there Ken.... "Mr. Travers are you ready for your closeup?" |
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 12:53 pm: | |
Ed, do us chicks. B |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, November 20, 2003 - 03:30 pm: | |
Nothing in life is ever free, right? Ed, they've added a Police tribute before us this Fri night. They're very good, if you like the Police. Cheers! Steve |
| Posted on Friday, November 21, 2003 - 07:29 am: | |
"free is when you don't have to do nothing or pay for nothing...I want to be free!" -FZ |
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 10:06 am: | |
Hey Randy, Just received your Guitar Wars DVD and the UFO History -Too Hot To Handle. Thanks a plenty! Just watched Guitar Wars last night! Awesome stuff and your right when you said "Source: direct from the cable onto S VHS - doesn't get much better than that." The version of Nuno Bettencourt and Paul Gilbert doing PT's "Gettin Betta" is worth the $$. What am I saying, it's a bargain at twice the price! Thanks again -now off to watch the history of UFO!!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 04:35 pm: | |
Greetings one and all. Long time since I've posted. Hope everyone is doing well. Great to hear about the new PT comin' out. Ginbel, any idea when "Radio Active live" & "And The Horse You Rode In On" will be avaliable ??? Regarding the dvd to cd audio recording thing, it is fairly easy and very cheap. I have a dvd player hooked up to my "working" stereo which has a cd burner on it. Simple as that. Ed, I finally got a scanner. I have some excellent pics of Pat from the mid to late 80's to mid 90's. If I scan them, will you post them ??? (At your descrition of course.) These are great shots. 5 of which I have enlagred to poster size. I hope to be around a little more in the future and maybe come to a chat or two now and again. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 07:49 pm: | |
That would be the easy way. However the correct way would be to "strip" the audio out of the MPEG2 files or better yet to create the CD from my master. None of which I have any intention in doing any time soon (if ever). The new CDs are far greater and deserve my complete intention, plus I have some more PTB DVDs on the horizon. On top of all that there are some really incredible live shows from the 70's that have been put into my hands in the past couple weeks. So just be patient and it will all be available. Just trying to fit it all in to my already tight schedule. Besides no point in doing it if you are not going to do it right. I think most know us well enough by now to know if it ain't ready, it ain't going out. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 22, 2003 - 10:08 pm: | |
Rich, I do a lot of demuxing and (re)muxing of DVDs that I get that were created with a stand alone burner. I like disks with a nice opening menu, individual song selection menu, etc., so I don't mind doing this. I've noticed that the .ac3 file that I pull from the DVDs is pretty small - 200-300 megs for a 90 minute DVD isn't unusual. When you say stripping the audio out of the mpeg2 file, is this what you mean? I've heard of programs that allow you to convert the .ac3 file to .wav, but I wonder how well they really work. Randy |
| Posted on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 04:48 am: | |
Yep, that's it except that AC-3 is compressd too much (for me at least) to use as an audio file for a CD and converting it to a wave doesn't help as the info was already lost when the file was converted to AC-3 the first time. Still it is about the same as an MP-3. The funny thing to me is the divergence in music to go either o MP-3 of DVD-A (audio). So much info is lost in an MP-3 I don't know why anyone would listen to them on a home stereo. DVD-A is the cream of the crop, but VERY few people posess a stereo that will reveal the improved detail. Further more most of the few DVD players that will handle the format have less than adequate audio cicuitry in comparisone with normal high end equipment. Not to mention the surround sound amps generally are seriously lacking in the area of producing sonic detail and most of the engineering goes in to efects handling and imaging. Eventually you will get all the detail you can handle from wireless streaming... just not today. |
| Posted on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 01:48 pm: | |
From Bette: Ed, do us chicks. B ------------------------------------------------ If Ed isn't up to the task, I'll do the chicks. Sorry, couldn't pass that one up. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 03:12 pm: | |
Quote:On top of all that there are some really incredible live shows from the 70's that have been put into my hands in the past couple weeks.
Damn, Rich, someone needs to hire you full time to crank out these productions!! Looking forward to it all! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Sunday, November 23, 2003 - 07:31 pm: | |
Word up PEEPS!!! Long write!! Hope everybuddyz doin great, especially w/ the holidays right around da corner!! In TX for Turkey day, and on the long 16hr drive here, finally listened to "Power Trio." Of course I loved it but I must be getting "modern" cuz I really felt a lack of production wizardry.....I mean it was a tad bit TOO raw. I happened to listen to Blues Tracks right after it, and there must not have been a lotta money floatin' around for a descent mix, or post-production. Now, PLEASE dont get me wrong, I said I loved it!!! Just thought a wee bit more "love-n-tenderness" coulda' been thrown it's way! Can't wait to here what Rich is gonna do!! Hey Rich, ya never called me back w/ a review of the show!! This TX trip would be PERFECT if PT was playin here.....opening for ZZ Top....throwing money into the crowd.....picking us up in a limo for the after-show party......w/ Pamela Anderson ignoring me because I broke up w/ her right before the show......and.....whooo..I'm back. Hi Cindy!! Later peeps!! gREG |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 08:13 am: | |
Well...I've come to the conclusion that PT is the LOUDEST concert. When I leave a PT concert, my ears are ringing for the next 2 or 3 days if not more Recently I went to see "Hero!" (a new rock opera about Jesus) and the Tran-Siberian Orchestra. While both concerts were very good, ringing....kinda disappointing actually! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 09:56 am: | |
gREG!! Good to see your voice again! Don't be a stranger 'round here! Sorry I'll miss you Wed in AZ, since you're out in TX. Hope you're doing well! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 09:59 am: | |
gREG!! Long Time! Will you be anywhere near Longview on Thursday? Or D/FW Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? Lemme' know! Later...Jim
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 10:30 am: | |
Hey Hooked, what did you think of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, I bought tickets for my hubby and I. From what I am told it is a totally cool show, a bunch of ex-rockers got together to form? Everyone, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Be Safe! We are leaving for Reno to stay with family during this holiday! |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 10:57 am: | |
TCFan....the Tran-Siberian Orchestra was an awesome show! the classics meet heavy metal...I can't get enough of that stuff!! Like when PT does his Vivaldi bit. It was well worth the money. You won't be disappointed. Have you heard their stuff? It was written by Paul O'Neil (I think) of Savatage and a couple others. I guess he's taken to writing rock opera's. I need to check out some of the Savatage CD's. Chris Caffery (also of Savatage) was on one of the guitar's at the show we saw. They have two tours running at the same time. I'd be interested to know where you are seeing them and if it's different, who's in the orchestra. We saw them in Erie, PA Saturday night. Played for about 2 1/2 hours. Did stuff from all the TSO cd's. Amazing, no, incredible, light show. Most elaborate affair I've been to in a while. Caffery at one point took credit for the blackout in August...said it was Paul testing the light show! Basically, they followed "Christmas and other stories", then went into a other stuff once they got through it. Incredible energy from start to end. We didn't stay, but they did have a meet and greet afterward. If they are anything in person like their stage presence, I'm sure they're all nice folks. I, however, make my way done to the stage and asked a roadie for one of Chris' picks (his mic stand was still there and there were a few pics on it). It has Transiberian Orchestra on one side and his autograph on the other. His signature included a smilie face with a santa cap. Hope you enjoy them as much as we did! bill |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 01:04 pm: | |
Steve....blow da' doors off the Calun House!! Catch the mighty Lad Zepagain next time round!! Jim, Stuck down here by San Antonio. Might be visiting Dallas in Febuary, we gotta hang!! Heard there turning the Bronco Bowl into a Home DePot!! OUCH!! Just listen'd to Phil Anselmo's Superjoint Ritual. Now thats "ear'spank" to its fullest. PTB!! gREG |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 01:06 pm: | |
Make that "Cajun House" and Led Zepagain!! Me fingers dont work. g |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 02:58 pm: | |
Hey, how about that? I just signed up for the PT message boards and what do I find? Discussion on my favorite band Trans-Siberian Orchestra! (Note the TS in my username stands for Trans-Siberian). I HIGHLY recommend this show to just about anyone. I have been a huge Savatage/TSO fan for many years now. I attended their show last Xmas when the left coast tour landed in Tucson, AZ. It was the best concert I've ever attended! Killer music, killer musicians, and a beyond killer light show. The music is very versatile and appeals to all audiences. I saw everything from 12-year-old kids to grandmas and grandpas at that show...and everyone getting into it! And Hooked on PT, definitely do check out the later Savatage albums if you like TSO. Dead Winter Dead, Wake of Majellan, and Poets and Madmen are all killer progressive metal/hard rock albums. Basically Savatage started TSO because they were beginning to write too many songs that just didn't fit into the Savatage songlist (not heavy enough). So they started a new side project as a way to release these songs to the public. Little did they know that a few years later, their little side project would grow well beyond the levels of success they ever attained as Savatage. Now onto the original reason I signed up for this board a few days ago: Does anyone know where I can get a copy of PT's Hot Shot CD? I've looked EVERYWHERE on the net and can't find it. I am assuming it is completely out of print and I may be up the proverbial creek with no paddle to speak of. Am I correct in this assumption? |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 03:32 pm: | |
Welcome aboard TSO! Hooked, we are going to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Wednesday, December 3 at the Flint Center in Cupertino. I will let you both know after the show; from what I have heard on the radio and what the two of you are saying I am looking forward to this! See ya, Regina |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 05:44 pm: | |
Steve, evidently current affairs have passed you by otherwise, I am certain you would not have even considered your previous post. Kathi, are you getting soft or just going somewhere else to keep things in shape? Glad to hear you arrived home safely as part of another half. Ken |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 06:34 pm: | |
hey TSO... For Hot Shot CDs and a LOT more... go here.. ooopss.. back to the salt mines... ...does anyone have a Valium?.... ... check out the president... wooo.. hooo.. LOL! |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 07:53 pm: | |
Thanks for the warm welcome ChickFan. And Ginbel, I looked on ebay several times doing a search on Pat Travers and/or Hot Shot. That never came up in the results! Thanks so much! |
| Posted on Monday, November 24, 2003 - 10:20 pm: | |
Ginbel....word. where u be? did ya see wrick-n-ewric?? g |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 02:51 am: | |
Word up gREG! I will call you tonight 'bout 5PM your time. Those two clowns are fine and funny as ever we had a great time at the Jaxx gig. Of course 99% of it I can't post here. You know.. kinda like midnight Frisbee. LOL! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 05:18 am: | |
Anyone got news on any 2004 Gigs? A little help.. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 09:07 am: | |
Rich, Im in TX. Be here till Sunday....then back to Avondale! Can't wait to hear some details!! Hows da CD comin?? Any cover art yet? gREG |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 09:57 am: | |
Ken, I remain blissfully UN-aware of current events behind the scenes in the PT camp. I have enough drama with my own bands that I need to just enjoy the music of PT! No offense to any side, yours included (and honestly, I don't really know who's who on any side!), but I am happy to see any PT releases, and will support the efforts of all those who work to provide them for us. Rock on! Steve Z |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 11:51 am: | |
gREG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yer BACK!! Now Cindy's the lone lost Hummerhead NYE?? R |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 05:01 pm: | |
Okay...., Tomorrow I`ll be cruzen on up to Orlando to catch Eric and Ricky, and who noze who else. Then on Thursday it`ll be turkey day with the whole famn damily. On Friday some of the local bands are having a big jamboree, and I`ll be there fer sure. Then on Saturday...., let me think..., hmm..., ah yes, IT`LL BE THE PTB!!!! So ya see, I got a lot to be thankful for! Hey Rich, will I be thankful for the "...and the horse you rode in on" CD this weekend? See gREG, I told ya if ya behave yerself they would let ya out on parole sooner. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 05:17 pm: | |
Hmm... I too must be blissfully unaware of "current affairs". LOL! I couldn't figure that post from Ken either. Unless he was referring to "the Police" or something.Like Steve said I have enough drama, but maybe it has nothing to do with any drama. Ken? |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, November 25, 2003 - 05:44 pm: | |
Rich, never mind Ken! (Nothing personal, Ken) What about "the horse"?!?!p |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 02:45 am: | |
Here's my guess on Ken's post -- Rich has OBLIVIOUSLY been working his ARSE off getting new stuff out, so when Steve said someone needed to hire Rich full-time to get stuff out, Ken was sayin' -- "HUH??? He's already on the job!" my best guess Ken???? and, oh yeah -- PT ROXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!! and Ed shreds and gREG lags (or is it puffin' legs -- heh heh heh you old bastard) |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 05:54 am: | |
Ding ding ding! I think we have a winner! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 07:34 am: | |
Instead of everyone taking a guess, why doesn't Ken just explain himself? I thought the comment was a bit coy, and hinted of resentment towards Rich from an incident that occurred almost a year ago. I really hope this is not the case! How about it Ken? Care to clear the air for everyone? Welcome back gReg, you ol' goofball!! Happy Thanksgiving to EVERYONE. In spite of a weird year what with Iraq, terrorists, unemployment through the roof and countless other issues, we all still should have SOMETHING to be thankful for, even if it means searching deep... Oh, and as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 08:10 am: | |
I thought it had to do with the whole Michael Jackson thing. I mean, I don't know about one else, but I have just been out of sorts since his run in with the law. Gosh... what kind of country is this when a famous nut job can't molest a few boys with out getting trouble. Speaking of which anyone hear about Glenn Campbell? |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 08:32 am: | |
Here's something I got in an email the other day I thought I'd share, prompted by Rockpig's comment "we all still should have SOMETHING to be thankful for, even if it means searching deep..." I apologize for the length... **************** I am thankful for the wife Who says it's hot dogs tonight, Because she is home with me, And not out with someone else For the husband Who is on the sofa Being a couch potato, Because he is home with me And not out at the bars For the teenager Who is complaining about doing dishes Because that means she is at home, Not on the streets For the taxes That I pay because it means that I am employed For the mess To clean after a party Because it means that I have Been surrounded by friends For the clothes That fit a little too snug Because it means I have enough to eat For my shadow That watches me work Because it means I am out in the sunshine For a lawn That needs mowing, Windows that need cleaning, And gutters that need fixing Because it means I have a home For all the complaining I hear about the government Because it means that We have freedom of speech For the parking spot I find at the far end of the parking lot Because it means I am capable of walking And that I have been Blessed with transportation For my huge heating bill Because it means I am warm For the lady behind me in church That sings off key Because it means that I can hear ***************** Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! Bill |
Freight Train
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 09:48 am: | |
As most of you know by know we have given the go ahead to Rich (ginbel) to polish up our C.D. and make it available to youz guyz. Rich by far has proven himself to us most importantly to Pat. The cover art work is done and waiting for Pat's approval. We would like to say Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. John 'bout this guy huh? He drives his ass off year round just to hang with us and give us GREAT pictures. John you are very appreciated as well as a great friend. In closing......Happy Thanksgiving,Thanks John, You rock Rich and Nancy. And HOLY SH%T gREG's BACK!!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 11:55 am: | |
I read about Glenn this morning! Check out his mugshot with the link below!! Rhinestone Cowboy! Happy Thanksgiving Day To All & To All A Good Night! Later...Jim
Our Turkey A$$E$!! |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 11:59 am: | |
Eric wrote: "As most of you know by know[now] we have given the go ahead..." Who does "we" include? Happy Thanksgiving to all! Ken |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 12:41 pm: | |
hey Jim not just a DUI but an extreme DUI!! He kneed an officer too. Not too bright. Happy Thanksgiving and we will try to not end up like Glenn this weekend, huh? But make it fun everyone!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 12:45 pm: | |
My guess is that Glen Campbell is an angry drunk and not a happy drunk. What do you guys think? angry004 |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 05:56 pm: | |
In my native Long Island drawl? Happy Toykey Day! You can bet I'll be thinkin' ALOT about what I'm THANKFUL for. Peace. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 07:20 pm: | |
Oui, oui. LOL! I think "we" includes Pat, Rick, and Eric. Ummm... that is if it is okay with you Ken. LOL! I am thankful for the opportunity to serve my favorite band. Oh yeah and I am thankful for all the snide comments and hate mail I get. Those are the true "turkeys" LOL! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 08:44 pm: | |
Hello (almost) everyone out there in PT land! As the saying goes..."The more things change, the more they stay the same". I can see from catching up on 2 or 3 weeks' posts that a few bad apples insist on keeping the doo-doo stired around here, what a shame. Without taking "sides" on the issues (whatever they may be, as I am blisfully unaware), let me just say that Rich and Nancy clearly work their azzes off to provide the best possible PT products which, save their Herculean efforts, would be unavailable to us, the PT faithful. In particular, I'd searched for "Putting It Straight" on CD for YEARS before finally locating it at a PT show, which I would have had to wait several years more for before getting a worse version from One Way Records, were it not for Rich and Nancy. So, back da ••••• up, ya whiners. 'Nuff said. The Ice Queen and I have been catching some awesome shows lately, most of which might not appeal to your average PT fan, but are worth noting for the musicianship. One of my newest "favorite" bands is a group of guys who call themselves "Spock's Beard", who carry the torch of progressive music (think Yes, Genesis, ELP, etc.) into the 21st century. Having recently lost their main writer and lead singer/keyboardist #1 (of 2) to a more "religious" path, they managed to put together another awesome album and we drove to New Jersey (about 4 hours) to see them. The show was amazing and we met some great people also. Then, last weekend, we drove to Ohio (more like 6 hours) to see young guitarslinger extraordinaire Joe Bonamassa totally tear up a club in NE Ohio. This Saturday, we're going to VA to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra for our FOURTH year in a row. I could go on for pages about these guys, TCF, you're in for a show. Drop me an email at and maybe I can give you a taste of what you're going to experience without boring the general public here to tears. All I can say about TSO is...GO! You won't regret it. They have some of the finest musicians in their two touring companies, and the story (narrated) and the light show are spectactular. You've probably heard "Sarajevo 12/24" on your local radio stations, it's a rocked out version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" but the rest of the album (showing my age) is great as well. It's called "Christmas Eve and Other Stories". I highly recommend it. Also, the guys are great at the meet and greet afterwards, specially Chris Cafferty of Savatage. They also have some spectacular vocalists as well, some from Broadway, all very talented. Am I gushing sufficiently? Well, I've gone on for too long and it's late. Keep on rockin' with PT Carl |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 09:24 pm: | |
Besides permission granted to Ginbels for the PTB project, you all will be happy to know that Rich/Nancy have secured the publishing rights to my biography.....yes it's true, my story....not the "made-up" stories or half-truths....but THE true story. Please, please, don't overwhelm the Ginbels w/ pre-orders until we have a more secure release date. Have a wonderful Turkey Day PTB, this acid is potent......listen, I hear footsteps..............g |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 26, 2003 - 09:41 pm: | |
gREGSTER!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 04:37 am: | |
LOL!! |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 06:11 am: | |
Quote:Besides permission granted to Ginbels for the PTB project, you all will be happy to know that Rich/Nancy have secured the publishing rights to my biography.....yes it's true, my story....not the "made-up" stories or half-truths....but THE true story. Please, please, don't overwhelm the Ginbels w/ pre-orders until we have a more secure release date. Have a wonderful Turkey Day PTB, this acid is potent......listen, I hear footsteps..............g
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 07:24 am: | |
Okay... finally... something new! This is the new CD called "METRO" we have been working on for quite a while now. It is really great to hear this early stuff. It's funny when you listen to this older material compared to his new stuff you realise just how much he has matured as a musician. These recordings spent some serious time in the mastering process to fully capture the essence of the shows. We know you will all enjoy them as we do! to get it go here... NOW we can get to "...and the horse you rode in on" |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 07:41 am: | |
I have a question, can't we just buy the CD at a fixed cost instead of bidding against each other for it? |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 08:02 am: | |
Yep... that was what I MEANT to do. I fixed it now. Go here... |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 08:18 am: | |
thanks Rich |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 09:17 am: | |
Well put Purple Haze62 (aka Carl). Like you, and others around here, I'm amazed that this stupid nonsense is showing up again! And I also believe that Brian Maybe (aka Steve) is ADULT enough that he can decide for himself what and who he chooses to purchase from without anybody else's input. He obviously is not some immature child that needs guidance from anyone else. He's always come across as very well balanced to me, so leave the guy alone. Hey Rich...I sure hope you got PERMISSION before you offered up the latest PTB offering....OUI, OUI??? LOL! Or else the "Self Annointed PT Mafia" will be all over your ass! It must be said that some people REALLY need to move on with their life, and maybe even grow up and be a man about things. I thought Eric (an actual band member of the REAL PTB by the way, in case somebody forgot!) stated the obvious very clearly with his last post. How in the world someone could STILL have questions regarding PERMISSION is way beyond me.....but then again, stupidity has subtle ways of showing itself over and over again. I'm done talking turkey about I'm off to better things...turkey dinner & football! Happy Thanksgiving all...BE THANKFUL, and remember the troops doing a job they have no choice in that are far away from their families and loved ones. Hats off to those guys and gals! And as always...PTB is King! (without the help of the "Self Annointed PT Mafia"...) |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 09:45 am: | |
Hey Bette! Hey Strat! Hot of the press: PAT TRAVERS Canadian rock-guitar hero from the '70s ("Snortin' Whiskey"). Dec. 13, 9:30 pm, Jimmy Z (1712 Hewett Ave., Everett, Wash.). Tix US$15 (plus service charges and fees) WOOHOO!!!!!! THANKS SANDRA! HAPPY THANKSGIVING & SEE YA' THERE! Darren |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 06:51 pm: | |
when the acid wore off, I found that I had broken into my parents neighbors house, covered myself w/ turkey grease, and somehow married thier pet cat. Sounds crazy, I know, but we're gonna try and make a life of it. Rich, can't wait to order my "METRO"!!! I love the live in Germany DVD!!! You are truly a General in the PTB Nation. Thanx everybody, good to be back....even though I'm in TX, but will get back on-line in AZ by x-mas. Listen'd to my RADIOACTIVE today....SWEET!!! Need to go stuff myself w/ some more turkey.....and change the cat box. Geez, us married never ends! g |
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 07:12 pm: | |
Oh man... you are too much!! Nice to have you around!! |
Freight Train
| Posted on Thursday, November 27, 2003 - 07:17 pm: | |
WE (as defined by Eric Frates of the Pat Travers Band).....Ready here it goes. This is the Pat Travers web page. I am the drummer for the Pat Travers Band. When I say "we" from now on I mean the Pat Travers Band as a whole. That being said I am sorry for my obtuse statement. I mean Pat, Rick, and myself (Eric) decided together that Rich has more than shown us his ability to handle this task. Rick and I are supplying the artwork as well as the Glass Master from the original sessions. Pat will sell these C.D.'s through Rich as well as at the live shows. We are looking forward to Saturday in south Florida. PTB Stalker here we come. I am sorry in advance for any misspelled words this time. ERIC |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 03:16 am: | |
Hey Eric,how are ya? Hope you're doing fine. It's a long time ago for us we saw the GREAT PTB!! We're looking forward to see u guy's again Live In Holland!! And from the Pat Travers releases have unfortunately had to be put back until early January 2004. A lot of greetingzz from "the Dutch Hammerheads".
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 05:12 am: | |
That figures... That's okay. To get ALL the vintage CDs AND the BRAND NEW CD called "METRO" go here... |
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 08:56 am: | |
Eric, I only obzevded tree mizzspellded words. Know neeed two be emmbareassed, as youz are umong frinds'. You mizspellded 'Travers', 'Rick', and 'the'. Just slo it doun a litlt next post. O Kay. gReJ |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 10:22 am: | |
Quote:when the acid wore off, I found that I had broken into my parents neighbors house, covered myself w/ turkey grease, and somehow married thier pet cat. Sounds crazy, I know, but we're gonna try and make a life of it.
Dammit gREG, I just woke up, and now I've got tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard! Congrats to you & the feline Mrs! Rockpig, me, well adjusted? Guess you don't know me that well! But I guess buying CD's ain't exactly rocket science... Hope everyone had a great Turkey day, and enjoy the weekend! Oh, and well done, Rich! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 10:26 am: | |
Hey gReg...that's funny!!! BTW...How's the new wife??  |
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 12:32 pm: | |
Poor Poor Glenn Campbell. I love that guy. Jimmy Webb really put some excellent number ones together for Glenn. Then as a natural course Glenn had his own hugely successful TV show. Poor, poor Glenn, don't even think he has his own lear jet anymore. But after a successful careeer like that I can't blame him for drounding his sorrows. Now he drinks after and in between his shows. Not before mind you. He played the Nugget last year and was a stellar dude. He played that blue electric guitar like nobody's business and his vocals were as good as his orginal albums. But, Glenn is getting old and a little forgetful. Enough on Glenn. Pat ripped the •••• out of his Gibson when he played the Underground last month. He and Tonylo were great to hang with at Dinner and the Wishbox boys couldn't have been better in concert. That Inside Looking Out is a real rocker. We tried to get the New Years gig in Reno and it was confirmed, then when the no experience casino buyers received final details on the contract they bowed out. Too bad for them - because the show was set with PT, Alex Ligertwood, Glenn Hughes, Jimi Jamison and Joe Lynn Turner. I got have that show and I will get it some how. Pat is the greatest and one of the nicest guys around, my wife enjoyed dining with him and we both loved the show. Crissy and I gave Pat something special simply because we love him. Rock on Pat. Scott & Jo were there too and in a little club with great acoustics the show was really special. Pat signed autographs and the girls as usual tried hanging all over him after the show. Great Job Pat and as someone on this board keeps saying PTB is King. I agree. - See ya - Blu PS Good job Ginbel and Ken, I'm glad you guys are both working on getting out the precious PT materials. Most of us will take it all. Peace and Love you hummers! |
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 01:43 pm: | |
Any of you NorCal folks check out MSG this week? Reviews, comments? Contemplating the drive to Sac to check 'em out tonight at the Roadhouse. |
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 05:50 pm: | |
Glad to see the bloodletting has died down a bit. Tis the season People! |
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 07:21 pm: | |
Yo Brian Maybe...I never said you were well adjusted! I said you seemed balanced! Ha! I'm sure you're just as warped as the rest of us around here (with the possible exception of gReg!). Hey gReg...if you start hacking up hairballs we'll know what you've been up to with that new wife of yours. Dude, you're a crack-up! My man Eric...I think you just might have explained things well enough that even an imbecile could understand....Let's hope so anyway, 'cause that whole issue is getting TIRED! Also, will you and Rick be playing the December gig in Everett, WA that Darren mentioned? If so, I'm there, if not, I'll catch you next time. I also agree with Blu...Glen Campbell is quite the guitar picker. A master of the understated, kind of like Chet Atkins. They make it all look so effortless that their talent goes underappreciated... And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Friday, November 28, 2003 - 07:28 pm: | |
well, it's been fun peeps. Just got back from the lighting of the 'Riverwalk' in San Antone, gonna catch a few hrs sleep, and off to AZ!! It's really true: after about 3 days ya wonder how ya ever lived w/ yer parents. By the 5th day, yer basically ready to "run" home!! hahaha!! Love my peeps!! sure do miss ya'll and if I don't get a chance before x-mas: Have a safe and wonderful holidays.........and not just at 'Hooters' for lunch! I mean the whole season!!! PTB Rules!! g |
| Posted on Saturday, November 29, 2003 - 05:51 am: | |
Will we ever see PT in the Ohio area again? |
| Posted on Saturday, November 29, 2003 - 07:48 am: | |
Where can I find PT lyrics? I've searched the net and only found; Daddy Long Legs Rock'n'roll Susie Snortin' Whiskey I used to write out the lyrics by hand but often got some words/phrases wrong. Thanks |
| Posted on Saturday, November 29, 2003 - 01:25 pm: | |
PT and the trio at the Lorain County Fair, Ohio next summer? |
| Posted on Sunday, November 30, 2003 - 05:08 am: | |
BRAND NEW CD called "METRO" go here... |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Sunday, November 30, 2003 - 06:16 pm: | |
What a great week it has been for me and I sure hope all you PTB groupies had as much fun as I did! Wednesday evening I caught Bad Ass REK in nearby Orlando. Peoples, until y`all catch BA REK, you`ve only seen a fraction of Rick and Erics talents! Dean Aichers, (pronouced "aykers"), on lead guitar, is everything you can want and a really nice guy. Eric was doing lead vocals and playing a lot of accoustic rythym guitar most of the night. Eric`s good friend, Reed Hayes, was on drums. A long while ago I heard Eric refer to Reed as his mentor, fer real! Eric had his drums set up right next to Reed`s set and Eric would sometimes jump back and he and Reed would jam together. Rick even jumped back and grabbed the sticks for a song! The guys played a wide range of tunes from the 70`s to now-a-day stuff before several thousand people!! I won`t soon forget that night! Saturday night I caught the PTB in a small hall in front a very enthusiastic crowd. They played thier usual set and I gotta admit, they sounded extra, extra fine that night!!! After the show, we all went out to small local club and grabbed a bite. After eating, Eric, Rick and "whats-his-name" borrowed the house band gear and played a few tunes for the heck of it. There was a bit of technical glitch at first with the drum set, and the bass needed some tweaking, but they got that fixed and played a psychcodelic version of Stevie Wonder`s "Superstious", and the Hendrix "Voodoo Child". After that, everbody pretty much went on thier way. Kan't wait for the next time! |
| Posted on Sunday, November 30, 2003 - 09:25 pm: | |
Quote:By PTB Stalker on Sunday, November 30, 2003 - 06:16 pm: After the show, we all went out to small local club and grabbed a bite. After eating, Eric, Rick and "whats-his-name" borrowed the house band gear and played a few tunes for the heck of it.
Damn... when's the last time you heard of someone of Pat's stature doing something like this? A real rarity these days. Randy |