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Message |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 08:03 am: | |
Kathi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Howdy. It was great seeing you guys. I wish I had felt better but it was still great fun. Congratulations and hopefully see you guys again soon. You have shows next week, too. you have been spoiled. Take care. |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 08:05 am: | |
Gettin' Bette exclaimed! Quote:Pat Travers Rick Derringer, etc. @Emerald Queen Casino. Already got my ticket in the VIP section woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sooo happy for ya! Have a good time! Tell the guys I said "Hi!" Ed PS - who ever said nobody walk's in L.A.? Hah! I'm proving them wrong! Hey I wonder how long it would take to walk to the Emerald Queen.... |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 08:26 am: | |
Ed, speaking of..........what the heck happened to your truck? What a bummer you weren't there in Tahoe. Remember in Sac when your ignition wouldn't work and had to call AAA. Cars are a bitch sometimes. Miss ya and wish you could come to Washington. See ya, B |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 10:07 am: | |
Bette...I saw Pat and Rick last summer, but they didn't jam together. Pat looked exhausted though, perhaps he wasn't feeling well, and left right after his set. Anyrate, they both were great. Hope you enjoy the them! You'll probably get a chance to meet Rick after if you haven't already. He and his band are very down to earth and approachable. have a blast!!! |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 01:34 pm: | |
Jim, thanks for checking in with us. Keep yer chin up - time heals |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 02:22 pm: | |
Hey Randal, I am gonna bring you some spf 45 when I see ya at the Emerald Queen. Oh, at least you will be indoors. Gettin' Bette LOBSTER MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 02:43 pm: | |
A huge thanks to Pat Travers, band and crew for coming out to Fairfax, CA (19th Broadway) on July 18 and rocking down the town!!! It was a great show! The town is still buzzing about it. Everyone was into it that night, singing along and dancing. It's nice to know there are real people on stage, who'll stop and say hello. That's a class act. We sure hope you will come back to our "lazy hippie town" THANKS! |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 02:54 pm: | |
Hooked, I haven't seen Derringer yet. Does he still got it? B |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 06:03 pm: | |
HHAHAHAHAHAHA Funny, Bette! I peeled in record time - I'm just LIGHT red now . . . that Tahoe sun means binniss. Might need some spf 15 for the stage lighting, the way I tan . . . heh heh |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 06:23 pm: | |
Bette inquired Quote:I haven't seen Derringer yet. Does he still got it?
You won't be disappointed. He's focused and sober and I think better than ever. We liked him so much in Buffalo last summer we traveled to Akron, Oh to see him on my 40th. It was well worth the trip. Celebrated my birthday with his band at after the show, Tom Curiale (drummer, huge PT fan, played with him once on tour, was in the crowd when they recorded Go For What You Know, sat near the guy that blew the whistle during BoomBoom) and Kevin Ryan(former PT bassist). Great guys and it was a great jam. Be interested to know if they're still backing him up. If you want to see a good concert, get Derringer and Edgar Winter in Japan. There's this part where Edgar's doing this vocal skat stuff and Rick is echoing him. Fantastic!!! You can get it on DVD from NetFlix |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 07:26 pm: | |
Hey hooked mind if I fix your "quote"? You friendly neighborhood board admin |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 07:29 pm: | |
There that's better... We can all sleep easy tonight. |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 08:18 pm: | |
Bette, The original PT Cruiser finally said "Enough's enough already! Sheesh!" But it'll be fixed and heading back up north before you can say...
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 08:20 pm: | |
Welcome aboard Fairfax! |
| Posted on Friday, August 01, 2003 - 08:24 pm: | |
Archive Jim?!? No way dude. They broke the mold... Welcome back. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 09:46 am: | |
Hammerhead wanted to know Quote:Hey hooked mind if I fix your "quote"?
hey thanks...I knew it was f'd up but was in a hurry.... board admins rock! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 10:07 am: | |
here's some pics from the Derringer Akron show last sept Rick with Ann, Erin, and myself Just rick Rick with Kevin Tom with Erin |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 01:28 pm: | |
I saw Rick N. and Eric in a little nieghborhood beer joint, called Muldoons, in Orlando last Saturday evening. Also onstage with them was their new guitarist, Kirk McKim. Kirk is just superb on the six string!!! Kirk sat in with the PTB a few weeks ago at a club in north Florida. The name of the band is called "Bad Ass REK". The guys said that they now have plenty of gigs, both with PT, as well as their own! Oh yeah, I did buy a REK t-shirt also. I hope that Rick and Eric are part of the upcoming PT/Derringer gigs. Rick and Eric have both told me that they enjoy playing with Derringer. They said their favorite tune to play with Derringer is an instrumental called "Rhapsody in Red" That tune starts out slow and slowly picks up and by the end they are really rockin'!! Man, I sure could use another PTB/Derringer/REK gig right about now! S'later |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 02:11 pm: | |
Brian - maybe - maybe(lol) email me with your tribute bands and order to which they'd play. Give me 5 tribute bands including yourself. I need website addresses, don't worry about Zep-Again, I've seen and heard enough - I'm sold on you guys as long as it's workable - budgets and the such. A late October "Prey for Snow" Party or a Ski-Resort Day of Tributes etc. Is what we are thinking. Scott & Jo, was Blindside as hot as I told you they would be Saturday? Rockin eah? Randall - Hey you Tomato Face, it was a treat hanging with you bro. Again soon alright? Ken you are a super techno-absolute fantastic buddy and one I can call friend or amigo!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 04:09 pm: | |
Too many JDs and soda..... Anyone remember what year Animal Magetism came out? Thanks! Hammer(ed)Ed |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 04:16 pm: | |
Blu's pondering... Quote:A late October "Prey for Snow" Party or a Ski-Resort Day of Tributes etc. Is what we are thinking
Stand back... Genius at work! I like your ideas Blu!! Say I know this BÖC tribute... they're called the Green Clam Clan Interested? No seriously... interested? Have a great weekend everyone! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 04:17 pm: | |
Mike call me! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 04:57 pm: | |
PTB Stalker-is Kirk McKim in the PTB or just in the band with Eric and Rick? Any news out of the PTB camp? ORIGINAL CD? Anything interesting? |
| Posted on Saturday, August 02, 2003 - 09:48 pm: | |
Hi All- I went to the Tommy Bolin Festival @ the Surf Ballroom, last nite, 8 1 03. PT headlined the show with Glenn Hughes before him. On the setlist front, Crash and Burn was included, which I've heard on various CDs but not seen executed live, so that was cool. The PT set was a bit of an oddball, a weird deal actually. After PT announced that 'we're here to kick your ass!', a broken string stopped the show three Hooked On Music power chord slams into the show. PT fixed the broken string only to be plagued by amplification problems upon his return. What seemed to me to be PT's guitar signal processing unit cut out for the first four or five tunes intermittently. He'd be singing and playing and the guitar signal would stop. PT would go back and push or beat on the errant button or piece of equipment to restore the signal. And then there was the incessant heckler requesting 'Alligator' and/or 'Jimi' while Pat's trying to deal with the intermittent amp situation. Finally, PT told the heckler guy, 'Oh, Shut-up! If you don't think we've not already got the set list written out and that we're not going to play the songs we're going to play, if you think we're going to play something not on the setlist, well, that's great...I've got bigger fish to fry here, I've got some gear to keep afloat back here...Shut-up!...No, I'm kidding, I'm using you for...minor entertainment value here...Can't you see I got a piece of gear here that's screwing up every two seconds?...and you want me to start playing some other stuff?...I'm accomodating but not........... not..............We'll play nothing but old stuff, really old stuff...(Eric breaks out into a Ventures surf drum beat, like the intro to Walk Don't Run) old as this piece of gear back here...allright, that's enough on breakdowns, it's been two long nights...(PT starts playing Wipe-out by the Ventures, Eric + Rick chime in).' A PT Tommy Bolin via Glenn Hughes story follows the heckler incident and the point of PT's story I'm not really sure of, because frankly I haven't figured out what PT was talking about yet and probably never will. I can tell this show is not going well at this point if you catch my drift. But the good news is, PT recovers the 2nd half of the show, his gear works and the remainder of the show comes off great and I enjoyed it very much. Setlist was: Hooked On Music Life In London Case Of The Blues Crash And Burn The Pain Stevie Elijah Rick's Bass Solo Credenza Whippin' Post Snortin' Whiskey Boom Boom Credenza Born under a Bad Sign Glenn Hughes did cover Tommy Bolin at the festival. That was cool, too. Wild Dogs comes to mind. And last but not least, all opinions expressed are FWIW + IMHO. Quotes are based on documented evidence, if you know what I mean. Regards, T |
| Posted on Sunday, August 03, 2003 - 10:53 am: | |
Alright! I'm heading out to see Pat at the Tracy Dry Bean festival in a few minutes, and you can bet I'm stoked. The really cool thing about this is that it's an open street kind of thing, which means I'll have my vid camera with me. Yahoo! You won't be seeing this on the's just for myself, and so a couple of friends (fans that can't make it to this one) can see what they missed. 'Course Pat could have a copy if he wanted one. I'll see if I can make it to the Boardwalk show too. Hope to see some of you there! Rock & Roll! |
| Posted on Sunday, August 03, 2003 - 03:44 pm: | |
The Stalker said Quote: They said their favorite tune to play with Derringer is an instrumental called "Rhapsody in Red" That tune starts out slow and slowly picks up and by the end they are really rockin'!!
That's a fact!!!! He will probably do it when Bette sees him. That is a great jam, has like 5 or 6 seperate movements in it and is as your friends describe.  |
| Posted on Sunday, August 03, 2003 - 07:24 pm: | |
What a great afternoon of hot r-n-r,P.T. & WISHBOX rocked the streets of Tracy!!!Ran into a couple of my old partners in crime,Randy & Ned it was great to see ya guys and have too many beers with ya!!!20 years later and you guys still are the best!! DAMN GOOD TIMES!!!As always good to see ya Ken...Rest of the gang we missed ya,hope to see you soon..TLO/WISHBOX YOU GUYS ROCK & RULE!! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!!!,Take care ,Scott & Jo |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Sunday, August 03, 2003 - 07:25 pm: | |
Hi Blur, I think Kirk McKim is pretty much a REK thing, but like I mentioned, he did sit in with them for a show. REK did do "Crash & Burn" last Saturday with Kirk on vocals. I talked to a couple of people that was at the PTB/with Kirk show and they all said it would be cool if it were a regular thing. Kirk is very impressive, but then if your gonna play with Rick and Eric, ya gotta be. PT and Derringer is proof of that. S'later. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 03, 2003 - 07:33 pm: | |
Thanks John. I'm so jealous of you living in Florida. Sometimes I think I should move there (or Cali for that matter) just so I can see PT more often. I think my life would be complete if I could see PT every few weeks. |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Sunday, August 03, 2003 - 08:40 pm: | |
The Livermore gig has been cancelled. A PT gig has been added for Portland, OR for this Thursday. More to post at a later time. Ed Give me a call, bud. We have a grocery list of things to cover. LOL. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 03, 2003 - 09:57 pm: | |
Hey Hammerhead (Hammered Ed), If you're talking about The Scorpions "Animal Magnetism", that was released in 1980.... Hey Tom, thanks for the Bolinfest review. Sounds like lots of gremlins with pick axes were chopping Pat's mind into little tiny pieces at that particular gig. Some days you're the windshield, and some days you're the bug! Too bad the PTB didn't work up a Bolin tune for that particular show, since it was a memorial for Tommy. Oh well. Mike K. emailed me that he missed the gig because he & his family were in Chicago this past week. Has he emailed you yet? He's been wanting to get in contact with you again.... Hey Bette, I'm working on plans to make it to the Emerald gig also, or the Portland gig that same weekend. How 'bout you Cindye, Darren & Randal??? As always, PTB is King! |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 07:32 am: | |
ShivaMeister, Will do... after 8PM tonight. |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 07:35 am: | |
Rockpig! I was talking about the Animal Magnetism - Animal rights CD - that Pat and Monica contributed too. "That" Scorpion's album rocks but I still like Love At First Sting better. Thanks. |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 08:14 am: | |
Scott, that is so wierd that you ran in to Randy and Ned, Sue Perry called me about 2 weeks ago out of the blue and after 20 years also, she asked about those guys and Brett. Now I am sorry that I missed the festival, had other priorites though, would have been nice to see those guys, lots of memories! Hope everyone had a good time in Tracy, I will be at the Campbell show. Steve, I missed Sticky Fingers, my cousins from Holland surprised me (flew in to town, staying with my parents). Had to do the family thing. |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 08:16 am: | |
talking about PT's equipment troubles... Last year when I saw him he had trouble with an amp, too. I asked Rick after the show about it. He said that the problem is that they usually rent equipment where ever they go, so they really are at the mercy of what has been provided for them. That's gotta suck!!! I can't count how many times on this board someone has mentioned the equipment problems PT has had. How frustrating to deal with that crap night after night, and then to get people heckling him. Geezzz.. |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 08:19 am: | |
Takashi has the Animal Magnetism CD I think. I've asked him to post here if he knows when it came out. |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 08:25 am: | |
Great show on Sunday. Pat never fails to deliver. My tape came out pretty well too. I had a good spot...right in the first row. Eventually I had to get up to film over the heads of the people standing in front of the stage. I got up there myself a couple of times...first with digital camera, then with video camcorder. If anyone saw a guy with a white t-shirt with Zion Harley-Davidson, Utah emblazoned on the back, that would have been me. Of course, I had to get a signed copy of Pats new release, and I couldn't resist the 2-in-one disc of Putting It Straight and Heat In The Steet (two of my favs). Pat says that Makin' Magic is going to be re-released...I'm not sure if it's by Polydor tho; if Pat buys his own catalog, he wouldn't have to deal with those clowns. ps. for you brother guitar players out there, I managed to get close up footage of Pats amp settings post show...kinda surprising. |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 08:36 am: | |
Yo Headward, Now I understand! I pulled my cassette copy to check for a release date, and it's not listed anywhere on the liner notes. This morning I dropped an email to King Snake Records (the label that released this recording) asking for the information. I'll post if & when I get a response from them. My favorite Scorpions would have to be Lovedrive. The first release with Matthias Jabs in the band AND Rudolph's brother Michael is onboard as well. Now THAT's a guitarsenal! Great songwriting as well. And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 09:08 am: | |
I checked some letters of the PT fan club. The Animal Magnetism CD was mention in a letter (Patter) of May, 1995. The booklet has a small photo of PT family and two dogs but his wife isn't jonahing a song. PT is playing an Elton John's song "The Cage" with a female singer Jody Hudson. I showed it to Steve Morse 2 years ago and interestingly, he told me that he hadn't seen that CD. |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 10:57 am: | |
My favorite Scorpions has got to be something from the Ulrich Roth years. A toss up between "In Trance" and "Taken By Force". Brutal stuff! More of a Hendrix influenced guitar work as opposed to Matthias Jabs' heavey metal approach. DOn't get me wrong. I love the Matthais Jabs stuff too! It's just different and I have my preference. That's my and I'm stickin' to it! |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 11:17 am: | |
Hey Strat, Unfortunately, other plans will keep me from attending the Aug 22-23 shows. I'm #@$%@# I won't be able to see Pat with Rick & Eric, although there is a glimmer of hope that I'll be able to make the August 23rd show in Portland. I'm crossing my fingers! |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 12:59 pm: | |
Quote:By Missingmars on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 10:57 am: My favorite Scorpions has got to be something from the Ulrich Roth years. A toss up between "In Trance" and "Taken By Force."
I love all Uli-era releases. The one that really gets my motor revved up is the live one "Tokyo Tapes." I've actually acquired copies of all of the concerts in Japan from that tour. None are quite as nice sounding as "Tokyo Tapes" but still some killer stuff. Randy |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 01:15 pm: | |
Hey Strat & Randal...EQC.....BE THERE!!!!!!! B |
| Posted on Monday, August 04, 2003 - 11:28 pm: | |
MissingMars, "In Trance" would be my 2nd favorite Scorps release, followed closely by "Blackout". Takashi, great to hear from you again! Drop a line. I have an updated "live" trade list for you to look over. I'll also have several Dio shows available soon from '84 & '85 you might be interested in. Currently converting from cassette to digital, and they will need flagging & hiss removal. I remember the picture you emailed me! Ha! Any luck locating "Moth Poet Hotel" over there in Japan? I'm still looking for it! Hope all is well with you... Darren! No excuses! Get yer booty to one of the two gigs! info from King Snake yet.... Ginbels...glad to see that you took my advice & checked out the Heart show. With Gilbey & Mike Inez on board, you knew it was gonna rock. Ann's voice has lost nothing over the years, and Nancy is STILL one of the finest babes in the biz...not to mention a fine picker in her own right! Glad you enjoyed the show. Just caught Dream Theater & Queensryche in Portland last Friday. This could possibly be 'Ryche's last was a good show. Both bands jammed on 3 songs together for the encore, and the last song was "Won't Get Fooled Again" by the Who! Worth the trip! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 05, 2003 - 08:23 am: | |
Oh my gosh Rockpig, Don't say that about Queensryche! We missed the DT/Queensryche concert here because we went to Tahoe for Travers. Those are two of my husbands favorites, especially DT! (Purple Haze has Matthew contacted you yet?) They are truly an incredible duo in concert! Sorry we missed it, but we had a killer time at Blu's event! Thanks again Blu for everything! |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Tuesday, August 05, 2003 - 12:34 pm: | |
Jo!! Hope your day goes great! See you folks this weekend. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 05, 2003 - 03:36 pm: | |
How cute,Thanks Ken!!We won't be at the shows this week,we;re off to Vegas on Thursday,be back Sun. THANKS,take care Jo & Scott |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 04:55 am: | |
PT fans......bad news for Lake Texoma and north Texas fans......the Friday August 15th show at Pompano's Island Club has been cancelled. The entertainment company and venue had a disagreement on revenue percentages after last weekend's they no longer work together. The venue's deposit check was consequently no good so no deposit cements "no show". I apologize for those that were planning to come out but whether a show ever happens depends on a lot on people coming together with a venue, deposit, eqpt, advertising, etc. I am trying to recover the performance somewhere else at this time but have no guarantees at the moment. Stay tuned! Texas Rich |
Freight Train
| Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 09:48 am: | |
I need to know something immediately Rich. ( |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 10:08 am: | |
I just emailed ya' |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 12:53 pm: | |
Brian, Ed are you talking Led Zep, AC/DC, Pink Floyd? Then there's The Doors "Peace Frog? I've had Dave Brock's Wild Child. Who's better? Brock is getting older now. Boston, Cheap Trick and BOC? Who looks the part the most authentically? I'll be checking all the websites on these bands. Who sounds the best? Wasn't there an Aerosmith - "Rocks" band? We know Led Zep is in!!! Daryl - You are unreal. I got your CD of pics from the show. You got some great shots. I'll treasure them always. They downloaded beautifully. Your quick service is astounding. Haven't recieved anything else yet, but looking forward. Hey Ed, Prey for Snow dude. Brian, I'll call you when I see what exactly these snow folk want to do up here. Meanwhile, I am gonna buy another PT date end of October in Reno, Nevada on the Tony Lo train. Amazing that PT's Tracy set was completely and entirely different than my Tahoe set. Lucky PT fans that came to Tahoe, Lucky me. Over and out - Blu |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 12:54 pm: | |
Sorry to hear that Texas Richie. You'll come up with something else. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 06, 2003 - 02:39 pm: | |
Daryl -- Just "redug" your pictures from my 40th -- very cool! I really like the one with gREG on Jake's drumse5t -- priceless! Any chance I can see what you took at Tahoe? My little disposable stopped working with 7 pics left, so I didn't get one with PT . . . bummer |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, August 07, 2003 - 12:20 am: | |
Hey Blu, Rocks, the Aerosmith tribute, is no more. There's another one called Pump, but I don't know anything about 'em. Some of the bands are look alikes, some aren't. Who knows what Boston looks like, it doesn't matter! But the band, 'Smokin' is incredible! They blow away anyone who hears 'em. The Cheap Trick band does the look & the sound. Which One's Pink is only a sound-alike, but ask Ed, they rock! TNT is a great look & sound-alike band. Both Doors bands are great, but I've only worked with Peace Frog (I subbed with them for a few gigs). Let's make it happen! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, August 07, 2003 - 06:55 am: | |
Hey Steve, let Blu know about Sticky Fingers! Arleene and I went to see Pat last night, great show! Small crowd so it was perfect! Ran in to a lot of friends there! A friend of ours Dave, who was at the show is the lead singer for a band called Rippin they are playing Sunday night at this place called Gaslighter Theater in Campbell, if you are in the area, check them out - they are pretty good! TLo you are the best babe! Thanks! Have a good everyone, oh yea, Wishbox sounded awesome last night, way to go guys! (Hang in there Sal!!(lol) |
| Posted on Thursday, August 07, 2003 - 06:57 am: | |
Have a good everyone* That's what I meant to say! Got home a little late last night and was at work by 6:00a, I am dead tired! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 07, 2003 - 06:58 am: | |
Okay one more time! Have a good one everyone! There we go! Ken good to see you last night also! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, August 07, 2003 - 10:15 am: | |
Man, you folks up in NorCal are getting just WAY too much PT!
I'll get my shot on Sep 12, finally! Yes, Sticky Fingers is also a worthy contender, Blu, if you want a Stones act on the bill as well. They look & sound the part, pretty much dead-on. TCF, thanks for the reminder! Cheers, Steve |
| Posted on Friday, August 08, 2003 - 06:17 am: | |
Hey Daryl, any chance you are going to put those pictures on the Pic Page? Sure do hope so! |
| Posted on Friday, August 08, 2003 - 11:30 am: | |
Kathi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boardwalk toooooooooonite! Have fun........... Bette |
| Posted on Friday, August 08, 2003 - 03:23 pm: | |
thought I was gonna make it to Sac tonight, but no can do. Steve -- I noticed that you guys are playing TONIGHT at Dream Street??? might try to make that show. Strat, I'm not absolutely sure about whether I'll do Emerald Queen or not - maybe Portland -- the family bailed on our camping trip next week and now wants to go to Vegas the weekend of the 22nd!! Will figure it out and get back to ya fer sure. I'm leaning toward maybe hitting the Portland show if I can move the family trip, cause I have a business meeting waiting for me there. By the way, Hammer and Hummerheads, I just hooked up with KB Homes and will be doing condos with them for the next five to seven years! From what-comes-nest to set-for-years in one fell swoop. The Great Mystery (aka God) has shined on your buddy - looks like I'm gonna make it, IN SPITE of the fact that my opponent filed yet ANOTHER effing appeal. @#%@%(&*^%*#$&)&*&)*#* |
| Posted on Friday, August 08, 2003 - 04:10 pm: | |
WOW!! That is GREAT news!! We are happy for you! I know you have worked hard at what you do. I have found nothing can replace hard work and honesty. There will always be those who will try to discredit what you do and stab you in the back every chance they get. Ahh.. jealousy rears it's ugly head. Nothing you can do. As you said... God evens the playing field one way or the other. Bad things happen to bad people and vice-versa. Just the way it is. I think it is the whole "Reap what you sow" thing. Anyway I digress. Glad to hear things are "Looking Up"! |
| Posted on Friday, August 08, 2003 - 06:39 pm: | |
Thanks, Rich! Have a great summer weekend, folks |
| Posted on Saturday, August 09, 2003 - 03:42 pm: | |
Happy for you to hear the good news Randal! Always cool to see someone bust a hurdle! Can anyone confirm that Pat played at the Umatilla County Fair in Hermiston, Oregon this past Thursday the 7th? This morning a friend of mine working sound for a Joan Jett & Rail show there today called and told me he saw a flyer showing the County Fair line-up, and it had Pat playing there a few days ago! No mention of it here at all! Anyone with info, please inform me! Thanks, and as always....PTB is King! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 09, 2003 - 05:23 pm: | |
And Steve, did you guys really play Dream Street last night? Hope you had a great show, but not as good as the one we're going to! R |
| Posted on Saturday, August 09, 2003 - 05:26 pm: | |
what the -- lost a message there : thank you, gentlemen! Yeah, Strat, that's weird about the Hermie show. That would be HUGE for that little burg! Haven't heard a peep, even from my Tri-Cities buddies - you'd think ol' Brother Scott would at least mention it, if not haul ass to get over there! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 09, 2003 - 08:38 pm: | |
| Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 12:53 pm: | |
HEY PT!!! Upstate NY needs you bad. Anybody know of any dates coming this way? Why the long absence from upstate NY? It's been since 1998!!! ps -Love the new PT POWER TRIO definitely ROCKS!!! |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 02:07 pm: | |
Hermiston was leveled by PT! Reports have it that it was their biggest stage yet, excellent sound, lighting, etc. Everyone was on-fire. Has been the buz of the town ever since. Such a rockin' good show that many in the audience thought it was the Thrall, Aldridge, Cowling line-up! We try to do our best to inform you folks ASAP of these events here, but sometimes it does not always work out that way. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 08:30 pm: | |
Bette! Didn't make it to any of the shows, Daryl and Ed didn't make it up ,car trouble and work get in the way, don't they know you sell the car quit the job and hitch a ride? I had about a bazillion things that needed doin, like moving moving and moving........... so I opted to get things done over goin to a show alone. Scott and Jo didn't go no Bette no Ed NO DARYL. Just me and Pat..... people might talk. I did have a dream about a show last night though every one went. It was in a huge theatre somewhere. Pretty realistic. Well gotta go. talk to ya soon. Hey you still plannen on meeting us in Maui? I still say we need to get a party together and have Pat play it, it would only be fitting! Later..... |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 08:30 pm: | |
Randall, congrats!! A little stability is always a good thing, and you deserve it! As for Dream Street, no, that was not my band. Believe it or not, there are currently 2 Led Zepagains. It goes back to a split almost 2 years ago between our singer & the guys from the other band. If you want all the gory details, I'll email 'em to you, don't want to bog down this board with that stuff! Suffice to say, I'm glad you didn't make it to their show, and you will not be dissapointed with ours on the 23rd! Spread the word! Blu, still waiting to hear from you on the tribute show! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 10:48 am: | |
Went to the Concord Show this weekend, PT sounded great and Wishbox was awesome! Different type of crowd at Concord, Ken good to see you there! Tony thanks for everything! Ran in to an old friend at Concord from the days when we used to hang out at Niles in Fremont, good to see you Julie! |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 12:12 pm: | |
Cheers to ya, Cindy -- where in the heck are you?? Too bad we missed that Hermeister show, Strat!!! |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 03:38 pm: | |
Hey Randal, I am in southern BC, having a quiet summer relaxing!! TONIGHT though heading off on a road trip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! going to see Kim Mitchell!! man, I am over due for a concert, can't wait, having a few drinks to get started, and will be "go-ing for a soda" tonight, but spiked one of course with some rum, lol lol. "I am a wild party"........... |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 04:34 pm: | |
Hey Randal, first off, a big, big congrats on you recent primary business success!!! I know you`ve put in a lot of "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" to put it all together!! When, and where, is the celebratory party, featuring the PTB, and wouldja please invite me? It`s your secondary, e-mail based, ventures that I find troublesome. The other day you sent me an e-mail telling me of a rare investment opportunity on the purchase of some rare "Star Wars" movie memorbilia, that were sure to go up in value over time. Yesterday you sent me another e-mail offering to refinance my mortgage at below current bank rates. I just now recieved an e-mail from you asking if I`d like to enlarge my penis. Well Randal, yes I would like to enlarge my penis, but I don`t believe I know you well enough to discuss such personal matters. As far as my mortgage, I feel safe and secure with my current financial situation, and I am not seeking a change at this time. I am still mulling over your "Star Wars" offer. Have any other PT regulars recieved similar e-mails from Randal, and if so, could you tell us of your replys? Thank you very much. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 05:23 pm: | |
JH --- YIKES!!! It appears that I am the unfortunate recipient of a spamming program. Any advice on how to fix this will be appreciated! I've been studiously running Norton, but this one has apparently gotten through. John, you'll be glad to know that I couldn't be less interested in your -- "measurements" LOL effing craphead spammers |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 06:05 pm: | |
geez ran Norton and it found nothing, but ran Spybot Search & Destroy and it found several spybots, which I guess could be the problem. Mr. Howe, you should receive no further solicitations from me. PLEASE let me know directly if you receive anything further - my clients are probably getting the same stuff and I must fix the problem pronto. I DO NOT have a secondary business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't really like Star Wars that much, and after what I just came through the LAST thing I would do is offer to help someone with a mortgage loan! I already commented on the tape measure . . . In fact, all you SHOULD receive from me are good jokes, interesting graphics and news of note, including (as we all know) PT ROXX. see ya |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 06:53 pm: | | ought to do the trick. Surfing the net these days is like banging ALL the hookers in Haiti.... without protection. Lavasoft is the maker and it is a killer program. |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 07:02 pm: | |
thanky, Rich or, as would be more consistent with your message: TANKS for the mammaries!! heh heh heh |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 07:07 pm: | |
oh, and like I said John -- if there IS a next time, I would appreciate a more subtle approach to finding out what's happening than broadcasting to everyone else over the Internet instead of simply asking me. No need to let the spammers have more of a negative impact than they already do . . . now we're both the victim! |
| Posted on Monday, August 11, 2003 - 07:10 pm: | |
Sorry, but NOBODY can be compared to or confused with Thrall, Cowling & Aldridge in regards to the PTB.... You can slice & dice it anyway you wanna, and it'll never happen. The talent level & chemistry of those four was undeniable. Be careful where you blow smoke.... Also, it takes approximately ONE MINUTE to post a message here. No reason for a lack of announcement on the Hermiston show here at this website for those that might have been interested in going. If computer access was unavailable, then a quick phone call to have someone post would have worked. Having found out some pertinent details after the fact, I'm not upset for missing this show, but I'm sure others would liked to have had some sort of advance notice. Even a 1/2 day, or a few hours might have been enough for some. Pat deserves all the publicity he can get! See that he & whatever lineup is playing with him gets it! Randal, just read your email from the Chamber Of Commerce in P.A. Wow! that's cool that they took out a full page ad in your defense! Obviously you have the "right people" on your side! It will no doubt be a success eventually! Congrats on all the hard work and eventual success....BTW, I haven't received any of the spam that J.H. has been getting in Fla. It must be an isolated incidence? Cindye, is Kim playing in Vancouver? At the Commodore by chance? Have a great time, and a "soda" for me, eh? Regarding the "Tribute Bands Concert"....there is an Iron Maiden tribute band in Seattle called "Maiden Seattle". They don't look like them, but they have the sound down pretty good. Interested booking agents should go to for info. Otherwise, I know nothing about them or their asking fees...just passing along some info to those that might be interested. And as always....PT is King! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 09:27 am: | |
Kathi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When are you going to Hawaii? I couldn't remember the date. Like you would want a third wheel on your trip. Gosh, it sounds like none of the regulars were at Sac shows even tho' it was in your backyard. It sounds like you're getting stuff done at least. And Mooooooving. Wow, life sure is wild, huh? Hope to see ya soon. B |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 09:39 am: | |
Hey everyone! Been outta action for a while.... I hope everything is honky-dory!
Hey Jo! Happy (very-belated) birthday!!!!!! I hope it was a wonderful day!
I heard some awesome things about Tahoe.... Wish I could've made it.
Steve! House Of Blues Downtown Disneyland TONIGHT! Lookin' forward to seein' Zepagain again! TooCool!
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 11:17 am: | |
Hey Strat, yeah Kim is playing the commodore on Aug. 22, it was a great show last night! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 11:23 am: | |
Thanks for clarifying that you wre just funnin' me, JH. That's what I thought at first, but then thought again! Those guys SUCK!!! What really pissed me off was the fear that everyone on my mailing list received that crap. The LAST thing I need is for Mrs. Frolander to get a "Teen BlankFest ad" or "Long Dong Schlong" ad from me!!!! But seriously everyone, please gimme a heads up if you get any more. Hopefully Spybot and AdBlaster took care of the prob -- see ya R |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 12:21 pm: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 05:20 pm: | |
Big Ed
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 08:19 pm: | |
Randal,Bette,Darren, and of course, Cindy !!! How is everybody? I have been taking care of my 94 year old aunt, who just broke her hip in June. Needless to say, I have been preoccupied with that, and find it hard to get to a computer. But the time is approaching for the Portland show, and I see, a Tacoma show !! Bette, how do you get to the casino? Is anybody coming to Portland? Ed and Dayrl how are you two doing? Peace To All Big Eddie |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - 08:47 pm: | |
October 9th and 10th No.Cal again!!!!! Go Tony!!!! So Ed does this mean???? Hope you can make it up this time! Daryl just Might have a new camera by then? Of coarse we are leaving for Hawaii on the 24th so I don't know if he would be able to get away for yet more time in October, we could put the presure on him! Bette, we will be going to Oahu on the 24th Maui on the 31st and Kauai on the 6th Home on the 13... I cannot wait! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 08:04 am: | |
Hey Big Ed! I hope your Aunt is doing better! Kathi! I'm always scheming to get to PT shows whenever possible! That's a given. OH and BTW you'll be happy to note the addition of: October 11th Alameda CA - Roosters Roadhouse Yet another NorCal Show! TLO Roxx!!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 08:23 am: | |
So Kathi !!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Hawaii-October? B |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 08:35 am: | |
Steve! Man O man what a great show last night! Two encores! I especially enjoyed the medley in the first encore! What a treat. Zepagain continues to impress each and everytime. Wow!
What was equally impressive is that you guys really know how to pack'em in. I've never seen the House Of Blues so full! IT WAS LIKE - SARDINE PACKED! After all of the shows I've seen you guys play you've never even came close to playing the the same setlist twice! Ecclectic Zeppelin at it's best! Honestly I'm already looking forward your next show! I posted it before and I'm-a-postin' it again. Do yourself a favor... Get out and see Zepagain |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 08:55 am: | |
On 8/4/3, Scooterjohn wrote: "Pat says that Makin' Magic is going to be re-released...I'm not sure if it's by Polydor tho; if Pat buys his own catalog, he wouldn't have to deal with those clowns." I actually heard from Eddie Wilner from OneWay Records (the label that put out the twofer (2 albums on one CD) of "Heat In The Street/Putting It Straight") that they'll be re-releasing Pat Travers (debut)/Makin' Magic and Radioactive/Black Pearl as twofers. He also said that both of these new releases will come in limited edition signature slipcases as well as the standard jewel case packaging. Happy Days Indeed!!! And as always ROCKS!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:27 am: | |
Daryl, thanks for posting the pictures of Tahoe, you did a great job! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 10:29 am: | |
Tony, Daryl got some great pictures of the guys at Tahoe and Capitola. Check it out! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 02:06 pm: | |
anybody going to the show in georgia? bainbridge bike fest. Im planning on it. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 05:48 pm: | |
alright, SJC!!! Big Ed, I'm tryin. The Portland gig looks like my best shot! Good to hear from ya |
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 06:02 am: | |
News! News! News! The San Juan Capistrano PT show will be an acoustic set!!!!! Also from the Zepagain newsletter... "We hit the capacity of 1,100 people, and we were told a few hundred more were turned away!" Like SARDINES I tell ya! Like sardines... |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 11:00 am: | |
Wow, will have to make the trek to Capistano for that one! Is that gonna be just Pat solo acoustic?!! That would be very cool to see; I still listen to the Henderson, Nevada acoustic CD! Thanks for coming out to the HoB show on Tues, Ed! I'm still trying to recover; caught another cold the day before! Sep 9 is the tentative date for our return there. Is anyone in touch with gREG?? How's he doing? I want to invite him & Lisa to my Zepagain show in Scottsdale Aug 29! Cheers all! Steve Z |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 11:01 am: | |
PS Randy, I got your email, I'll try to answer you tonight! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 11:44 am: | |
Steve, I have gREG's number -- eme and I'll send it to ya |
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 12:50 pm: | |
Bitchie asked: Quote:Is that gonna be just Pat solo acoustic?!!
That's the latest info that I have. I would suggest NOT missing this one!
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 02:17 pm: | |
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 02:22 pm: | |
Brian, I am pitching the Led Zep, AC/DC, PInk Floyd and Sticky Fingers acts. Maybe Smokin" too, but since Boston is playing here in a couple of weeks - I'll need to make them a last addition, if this goes through. At any rate, I am meeting next Thursday to lock it up or do my own thing again. Based on Ed's ratings and what I've seen so far - bro I'm going to get your band up here. Reno will freak on you. I emailed you this morning. I'll be in touch. Thanks again to everyone who came to the Tahoe gig. PT mastered the audience and brought a crowd with him, out front and backstage. What a set!!! Did you guys here that Vivaldi turned In my Dreams thing? People ask me about that, I barely remember with all the details I was handling. With the crowd yelling for more, PT graciously played a 101 minute set - yikes!! Thanks for everyones' input on the tributes concert. Tony LO wants me to take October 12. I don't like Sundays historically. Gotta see if he'll move/switch his Oct 10th date my way or look for the following weekend Fri/Sat. (2) Nights of PT for the price of one. Later PT superpals |
| Posted on Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 10:39 pm: | |
Hey Bette, if your lookin for a date, it's November 4th! October is when we actually leave for Hawaii! Unless you are talkin about NorCal shows. Wow October is a month to look forward to! See ya ! |
| Posted on Friday, August 15, 2003 - 07:47 am: | |
T G I F! |
| Posted on Friday, August 15, 2003 - 04:03 pm: | |
Hi Ed! |
| Posted on Friday, August 15, 2003 - 04:57 pm: | |
Hey Bette! How goes it? |