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Message |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 01:00 pm: | |
Hey. I've decided not to post here anymore. Just too tumultuous. Anybody want to contact me do so through my email - Or call me at 817-975-2454. It's been fun. And real. And real fun! TOTLTPO! Later...Jim
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 01:20 pm: | |
too tulmultuous?!?!?! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 01:57 pm: | |
Jim, say it isn't so!! We need your late night rantings on here, it's what gives this board character! Think about it before you make any rash decisions; the PT family needs all our members! Cheers! Steve Z PS - Ed's MIA since he came to TWO of my Zepagain shows this weekend! Whatta trooper, thanks a bunch! Darryl, good to see you on Fri, too, always appreciated! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 02:14 pm: | |
Steve, What?!? Did ya Rock him until he dropped!!!!! Zepagain and again and again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ed, ya okay? |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 03:59 pm: | |
Looks like Jim dropped an effective April Fool's joke on us. At least I hope that's what he did. Don't leave us Jim! You're a breath of fresh air on this message board. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 04:18 pm: | |
I saw that Cheap Trick was in Sequim while I was up that way. I had to drive right by the casino just before showtime since I had to get back to Seattle for a late dinner with friends. DAMN ! Should've blown them off and made the show. Seven Cedars is only 11 miles from where my hotel will be. I hope to have the bands as guests when they play at the casino, and obviously when they are playing in our ballroom. That will definately kick ass. Still intending on a PTB opening party . . . looks like June 2004 if I can get the opposition off my back. Regarding the Top, I was up WAY too late jamming to Tres Hombres last night. Got in trouble for waking the neighbor lady! OOPS. I like "Precious and Grace" for obvious reasons (for those who don't know, Grace is my lovely wife of 20 years), "Sheik" is timely (although it should be "I met a Shake from New York State"), and yes "Master of Sparks" is nicely goofy. Fun to play, too! I think Pat would do a cool Cheap Sunglasses Yeah Strat, it's been almost two years that I've been chasing that gig. Spent Friday in a deposition, then got to shoot nine holes with the City and Port's attorneys. ALMOST put one through a window at the opposition's hotel!! hahaha Good thing I didn't -- I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of paying for the damned thing! Bummer Beseau. Hot, Blu and Righteous? RELAX, folks. This is supposed to be fun and cool Hello, Bette! I like Gettin' Bette for the cover band. And on the Rush cover subject, I like Anthem or Fly by Night or Working Man or, what the hell, just have Pat do 2112! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 08:30 pm: | |
April Fool's Everybody!! Ask my exwife...nobody get's rid of me that easily!!! Four Guinness and an Irish Breakfast later and I am F.I.N.E. to quote an Aerosmith song!!! Take care y'all! All the way from Tejas!! Later...Jim All You Guys &  |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 08:57 pm: | |
LOL! You can't fool a fool... fool! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 09:02 pm: | |
besides I know you don't have a serious bone in your body! Speaking of which... spoke to Z-Bassman today. He is doing well and will be back on line soon. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 09:48 pm: | |
Ginbel. Who you callin' fool....fool. It's in the mail! APRIL FOOL'S.....FOOL! Jimbo, you're always a breath of fresh air around here. Except when you eat tuna.....and lick yer butt. You dog. Oh my...the moral direction is suddenly lacking again... To our Canuck family that asked....The Trick was kick! Always have been! Seen 'em 7 or 8 times over the years. Hope to see them 7 or 8 more! Randal! You shoulda pulled off of 101 on the way back and caught the show. The casino is just off the highway. How many times do you REALLY think you'll ever see CT is Sequim EVER again?? 'Nuff said, Bubba! I have a "Diva" with your name on it. And it's "Beseau approved". Drop me a private mail. Support the troops...stay strong! And as always.....always.....PTB is King! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 01, 2003 - 11:54 pm: | |
Oh my gosh! Two, count em', two big ole glasses of chianti (I know I'm mixing continents now!) and an hour at the hot tub later I am primed for sound! Woo-hoo! I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU GUYS, HOOK OR CROOK! So get 'effin used to it!!! god dammmit! I am too lit to post except to say...
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 04:21 am: | |
LOL!!!!! Man, you are too much! We would not let you leave any way. We would hold you down and force you to post. "Now post damn it or we will get you REALLY drunk" damn now that won't work, will it? Actually we would have drank it all before we even got to you. Then have been too stoned to remember what the heck we were supposed to be doing in the first place! Ever do that? One time (in the military in Germany), I was driving a jeep in a convoy during war games. Well needless to say I took three(yes, three) hit of purple micro dot(just to cut the boredom), all was fine, THEN my buddy says "Hey, I have some Afghan Black!". Now, not wanting to be rude, I partook in my friends fine offer. Wellllllll 75 seconds(or was it days?) later I realized I was driving a jeep(I think) in a convoy. It may have been a thousand feet or miles I had driven. Soooooo off to the side of the road to chill I went. We sat there for a good ten minutes. Finally I look over at my buddy, he had the stupidest look on his face and was just staring straight ahead. I think he thought we were still flying down the highway, because he looked at me and said, "I think you should pull over" I about fell out from laughing. Then he snapped out of it, we smoked two more bowls before some fossil of a Colonel pulled up next to us and said, "Hey as#hole get the f#$@ back in line". Well, I am here to say that day really taught me a lesson.... "If you want to light a bowl while tripping on acid, and flying down the highway in an open top army jeep...... you have to make sure to steer with your knees so you can cup your hands to block the wind" |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 05:28 am: | |
Cracking my ass up! Jim |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 06:11 am: | |
Jim and Ginbel, you two are just too funny right now, excactly what I needed this morning!!! Thanks for putting me a better mood this morning, things are getting so much worse out here at Moffett Field, trying to get through the gates is going through a maze right now, so much security, any way....9 more days until PT is here in Santa Clara County!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 07:22 am: | |
I'm with TCF, you guys are too funny Cheap Trick was awesome on Sunday night, so glad Darren and I went. Cindy so sorry we didn't run in to you, we were front row for CT and I almost expected you to come walking up any minute, let's get together soon Strat what's the Emerald Queen Casino like for seeing bands? Darren and I have often considered going down there to see a show. Is it a seated venue only? PT rocks |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 07:45 am: | |
Rereading Gin's post and I am peeing myself!! OMG too damn funny!! The "that day really taught me a lesson" bit had me clenching my cheeks! I was half expecting some semblance of a real learned life lesson, but Oh No!! Just a piece of good advice to apply to the everyday practical situation of driving in a convoy getting toasted!!! LMAO Funny!! I absolutely love you guys! Later...Jim
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 10:17 am: | |
Hey Sandy, Cheap Trick was awesome at the commodore! Sure was packed there. We were partying longer then we thought before the gig, so we walked into the gig just when they were being announced, made it just in time. we went close to the font at one point, about 4 or 5 people from the front, on the left side of the stage, I didn't want to go any further, I was happy where we were, m&m's do it to ya! lol lol, made some new smokin' buddy's. the people I went with were partying pretty hard, so good thing it was an early show lol lol. I think that is the earliest I seen a concert get out at that place. lets get together for drinks sometime! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 10:44 am: | |
Cindy we were on the left side of the stage too so you were pretty much right behind us LOL, just a few rows back . I have never seen a group come on exactly on time, I was amazed. It was good though, both Darren and I had to work on Monday. Looking forward to catching up! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 11:55 am: | |
You know.... I have had just about the worst day a person can have.... in spite of that I am smiling! Wanna know why? 3 shots of expensive tequilla, 4 beers, and some seriously strong weed! Well other than that, the friendships I have made here over the past several years have really helped! No kidding. Even the rough and tumble type relationships I have had with...._______(your name here), all have helped to make me stronger and a better person and I am better because of it! Thank You! All of you. From the bottom of my heart! This is what this board used to be about. Let's get back to it.... shall we? Sex, drugs, and rock and roll are all we are really after in regards to this place. Thankfully we have Ed as the choir director for our endeavours. If not for him we would just be little lost individuals with no place to post our inate ramblings. Man, I miss just being stupid and not worrying about every little thing. Life is like a handful of sand.... the tighter you grasp it... the more it slips through your hands. Peace and love everyone.... really! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:10 pm: | |
On even more important note...Randal is right! Tres Hombres is f'ing killer! ALWAYS in my playlist!!! One group I think even Pat is jealous of thier abilities(old style). NOBODY can F with ZZ. ZZ was Jimmy's favorite. One of those defining moments in your life..... Fandango! Just came out. In my friends...House/tralier. Full blast.... Okay so he was right! I half stepped on picking that one up. That and Shake Down Street. What was your moment? You know... when you look back time still stands still for you. That moment. ps. not to dis mr. Travers... he is STILL got it... most likely will forever... |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:26 pm: | |
Rich -- that was hysterical! Had a flashback just reading it! I can't imagine that -- your story is even better than my buddy in high school who dropped before he went to work -- flipping burgers at McDonald's! I'll never understand how either one of you avoided losing it all together !! hahaha Beseau, yeah, you got me too. DOH! Bill, will send a note forthwith. I'll put the Sequim show on my list of regrets. All the friends that I was going to see do is sita round and light small grass fires . . . and I traded that for the CT show! (sigh) next time it's a phone call to Seattle sayin' -- "See ya!" Hey Rich, gREG called and asked me to give you his new number. Will send a note. Has anyone heard the 5-day forecast for Baghdad? TWO days. What is the Iraqi national bird? Duck Why does the Iraqi navy have glass-bottom boats? So they can see their air force What do Saddam Hussein and General Custer have in common? They're both wondering where all those Tomahawks are coming from. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:29 pm: | |
Rich, Ditto on the story!!!!!LOL literally. Bette |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:32 pm: | |
Bad days suck! Nuff said! Hang in there Ginbel, at least we're not in Iraq or some other hell hole. God I hope they get that whole thing straightened out if for no one else other than the Iraqi people. My heart really aches for those suffering over there. "New Age Music" blasting my head right now!!!!!!! -what a pounding number that is |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 12:38 pm: | |
Ginbel, with your comment below, you made me think about one of my first concerts Day on the Green in (I think, 1979 or 1980??) Pat Travers, UFO, Thin Lizzy and some smaller bands (TraversTravelers, Scott help me out!). That was the one moment in my concert days I will never forget! Ever since then, those three have been my all time favorites!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 01:21 pm: | |
NICE CONCERT TCF!!!! I love UFO! Early Green Day was cool too! Kind of a mid-years Clash fall back, but stillgreat. Probably, especially live! Oh my God!! Randal you had me bagging up on that one!!!!!! So what happened t gREG's number? I heard the Taliban cacelled the m' f'er! C'mon gREG what kinda human are you being over there?! Going to get out there to see that nut in November. Biking in Sedona is as close to God as you can get. Well, unlesss you smoke a blunt and mountain bike on those religiuos rocks out there. Yehaw, Sedona here we come. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 01:24 pm: | |
Uh, actually you said Day on the Green... ummm.... der7*^ Just got me thinking about that line up. I have a bunch of Thin video that a friend of mine gave us. Most of it is incredible. I miss those guys being around! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 01:36 pm: | |
Is the Thin Lizzy video worth doing anything with? I will gladly pay to see some decent old Lizzy produced by you! Jim |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 01:41 pm: | |
Hmmm.. I'll keep ya' posted with that. I am still doing Pat's stuff till then. So much to do, so little time. Box of Rain, probably the best lyrics ever penned. ....."such a long, long time to be gone. Such a short time to be there".... |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 01:43 pm: | |
Everybody that get's Gin's sentiment say "Hell Yeah!" Hell Yeah! Later...Jim
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 03:24 pm: | |
Quote:I have a "Diva" with your name on it. And it's "Beseau approved".
Is it ever! What a solid disc! Anybody do "The Refreshments"? How did I miss them?! All I had heard before Monday was Banditos. Suckerpunch, Down Together, Mexico...Great tunes! Check 'em out! Or not! But don't bitch at me!!! Later...Jim
...AND HOW!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 03:35 pm: | |
"Everybody knows that the world is full of stupid people So meet me at the mission at midnight We'll divvy up there ......" hey Jim, love that refreshments tune. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 03:39 pm: | |
"Give your ID card to the border gurard and your alias says your Captain Jean luc Picard of the United Federation of Planets, 'cause he won't speak English anyway!" What a great tune! Cindy Get's It! Later...Jim
YEAH!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 03:55 pm: | |
now I will have to listen to that song when I get home, can't get it out of my head now |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 04:18 pm: | |
Man, great reading on this board as of late! Rich, damn, you made me laugh! Jim, ya got me, along with the others! TraversChickFan, 2 DOG's I saw with PT were: 1978 Aerosmith, Foreigner, PAT, Van Halen, AC/DC 1981 Heart, BOC, PAT, Loverboy, OZZY w/the late great Randy Rhoads! Tommy Aldridge played with Ozzy, and Sandy Gennaro played with Pat. Coulda done without Loverboy... That same year (1981) was REO, Kansas, UFO, Gamma (w/Ronnie Montrose), and 38 Special. Thin Lizzy & UFO did one with Journey & J Geils, in '79, I think, but Pat wasn't on that one. I was onstage for 2 minutes in a marching band before J Geils' set! That was a thrill I've never forgetten; onstage in front of 50,000 people at 16 yrs old! Man, those DOG's were some amazing shows! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 04:27 pm: | |
Okay, it was the 1979 one, I remember J. Geils coming out on a Harley!! Thanks for the memory check!! This board is a pleasure to read lately!!! Time to go home now! See ya |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 04:37 pm: | |
The day that stands still for me was in 1979. I was 12 years old helping my older brother vacuum out his car (a '67 Malibu). He pops in an 8-track of Puttin' It Straight. I hear Off Beat Ride and my life has never been the same since. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 07:33 pm: | |
NICE!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 09:33 pm: | |
Okay... one more for ya' Rush - Caress of Steel - Fountain of Lamneth. Just danced the entire song with Nancy while (attempting) singing to her. Such a beautiful song about struggle and success in it! Man, that Neil Peart was sooo prolific in his day(s). What is REALLY great for me is, even though she never heard some of this before she is so into it! I guess I am a VERY lucky guy! Another before was Cygnus X-1 Book 2 from Hemispheres. Nancy asked me why they(anyone) do not write songs like this anymore. Answer...? I think we have none. The same reason that the Sistene Chapel could not be painted that way ever again. Just because. Smile... we are truly in the golden age of music AND in the golden age of this society. Future people will look back and be astonished at our accomplishments! No kiding. We are living in a world that Rome only dreamed of. Smile... your on candid camera. Ha, remember that show?! Too funny! |
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 05:09 am: | |
Neve saw PTB live until 1989! Been a fan since 1979! First heard Pat when "Live! Go For What You Know" came out. Loved it and thought man if these guys are this good live, I wonder how they fare in the studio? Picked up "Putting It Straight" and about 6 months later grabbed "Heat In The Street". My head is still spinning! It was all totally amazing stuff, but it was the instrumental "Off Beat Ride" that first convinced me that we're dealing with some serious musicians here (and later I heard Hammerhead and my head exploded!) About a year later I purchased "Makin' Magic". The stand out tune for me on that one is "Need Love". My god can these guys play! ...."Awww, we'll just get....FUNKY!!!!" That part of the song and the funky bridge part after just floors me |
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 10:46 am: | |
Off Beat Ride is a totally bitchen tune. Some of you guys have really great taste. Who's playing the sax during that fill? The whole tune really has musician firepower. The ballad "What You Mean Too Me" is so melodic and flows like hell. PLaces me in an unkown type of paradise. I can really get deep into that one. Try Rich's April 2nd suggestion and tune into this one. I can't get enough of that tune lately. Try putting lyrics too that. What You Mean to Me, epitomizes what PT means to me and probably all of us. Listen and tell me - I'm out - Blu |
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 10:54 am: | |
Help Me Please and Guitars from Hell, School of Hard Knocks - listened to them last night - wow, wow, wow, triple wow. How do you guitar guru's like that stuff? Rate em' 1-10. I give all three and 11. Jerry Riggs did his best work on this album with Pat - don't you think? I remember when Guitars from Hell became the new closer encore, Remember when it was Makes No Difference? I do!!! Travers Chick Fan - I replied to your email, tell me how you are taking it... Randall, where the h e double toothpick are you dude? Dwarff, are you coming to the west coast gigs? Richie Ginbel - Everything okay dude? New tune by Pat - "Just Beat Up The Mailman" (lol) |
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 12:38 pm: | |
John Butler Trio... Anybody...Anybody...Bueller? Betterman! What a song! Check him out! Or don't! But remember - No Bitching!! Later...Jim
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 01:33 pm: | |
Blu and others -- If you've emailed me and I didn't respond, use Blu, all of my numbers are still good and I'm stuck to the face of the planet, so I ain't hard to find .. . . Rich, once again you're right on with Fountain of Lamneth. Caress of Steel is my favorite Rush, with 2112 right behind if not right next to it on the list. EXCELLENT musicianship. Pat'sChickFan -- you sure it wasn't Eric Bloom of BOC ridin' the scooter?? saw him do that right after Pat played in '79 at Seattle Coliseum okay -- how come nobody laughed at the eye-WRACK jokes? How about his one -- A horse walks into a bar and the bartender goes "Hey pal -- why the long face?" Rich, sent gREG's number to -- did I screw that up? |
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 01:45 pm: | |
One of my moments for time standing still... 1981 - Dallas, Texas - Rush - Moving Pictures Tour with Max Webster! I had only just heard of The Webster's via Battlescar. And I was a relative Rush newbie, having come on with 2112. John Butcher's Axis opened the whole show! He/They were awesome! John reminds me a little of Phil Lynott, musically and looks, so I loved seeing them. Rush took the stage. I have no idea what they opened with, but I remember it was big! And bright! And loud! But so technically perfect! Geddy, stage right hopping around, then going back to his spot to play those foot pedals. Alex mostly standing in one spot stage left. Not a lot of energy in his presence, but so much in his playing!! I remember Red Barchetta vividly. A huge screen behind them with a video playing of the car screaming through the countryside. That show was a killer and a clock stopper!! That's all I've got for now! Later...Jim
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 01:55 pm: | |
I meant to comment on the Irack jokes! They split my butt, top to bottom!! Later...Jim
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 03:23 pm: | |
Hey Randal, thanx for gREGs number! No, you did it right... twice! LOL! Hey Blu, I thinks Pats' best guitar is on The Pain. He has so many great ones, but I think it epitomises him the same way other artists have thos songs to their name also. Like your beating up the mailman song too! Now today Airborne was paid handsomely to deliver me a package. Did they? Nope! I don't get it. Good thing it was ONLY my money for my divorce(ex-wife) attorney! Geee no problem I am sure he will wait... NOT! Listened to some "Steal Your Face Live" good stuff. Miss Jerry. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 05:07 pm: | |
How's about Amgwanna Kick Booty for some of Pat's RIPPINGEST guitar work ever! When I first saw him play that live on the Black Pearl Tour, I couldn't wipe that s***-eating grin off my face for the rest of the night!
Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 05:10 pm: | |
As Far As "The Pain" goes, On th same CD, "Too Cool Woman Blues", "Daydream" (your Blues Away )are my faves. I also love Moica's background on "The More Things Change" and Pat's Hard Chords on "I've Fallen". But I really, really love the melodic solo on Pat's daughters tune "Amanda". Pat would be cool to play both Amanda and Elijah back to back in a gig. Here's one I wrote for my Daughter and Here's one I wrote for my Boy. Gee a really family man since 1991 ish. - I'm out - you talk now - The "PT is King" line really works for me. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 03, 2003 - 06:46 pm: | |
I believe it's Tony Carey on sax on Off Beat Ride. I played sax all through grade school (jazz band most outstanding! ) and to hear a sax blended in with blazing rock guitar riffs is one of the things that got me hooked on PT. I learned the sax solo to Off Beat Ride and even made the guitair and synthesizer solos sound respectable on my alto. I also learned the sax solo to Dedication although it was a bit easier. It would really pump me up if we could hear some sax integrated into some of Pat's new music. |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 12:18 am: | |
Quote:By Brian Maybe on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 - 04:18 pm: I was onstage for 2 minutes in a marching band before J Geils' set...
Steve... Don't tell me you were a band weeny in high school? I swear, if you were in band, there was just no way in hell anyone would have taken you seriously as a guitar player back in my school... an aspiring rock guitarist just wouldn't have been caught dead hanging around the band kids... This was late '70s in a small mid-western town. Randy |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 01:09 am: | |
Back in the late '70s I use to go to concerts at a hockey arena in Kalamazoo, Michigan and almost all of them were general admission only. If you wanted to be up front, you had to get there early and wait in line. The doors usually opened at 6:30pm and the concerts started at 8:00pm. If you got in line by 2:00pm, you were pretty much guaranteed a spot up front. I used to love to be up in the front row, hanging on the barrier between the security pit and the stage. In Sep 78 I went to see UFO & BOC. This was back when BOC had a pretty elaborate stage show that included a laser light show. I wanted to see them up close also, but what I really wanted to see from the front row was Michael Schenker. I knew that Schenker was positioned on stage left, so when the doors opened, I made a beeline for that spot. Gotta back up for a second... I got to this show at about 6:00pm - which meant that there were already a few thousand people in line. There was no way I could get anywhere near the front of the stage with a crowd like that ahead of me in line. So I whipped out the secret plan that worked every time I ever used it. I would walk up to the front of the line like I was walking back from the bathroom (not a real bathroom... just a ditch off to the side of the arena) Of course, most people just assumed that everything was cool and I was just returning to my spot in line. However, the closer you got to the front of the line, the dirtier the looks got because those people had been waiting there for several hours and for the most part, they knew exactly who was ahead of them in line. Once you got within about 15 people of the front, you started getting threatened with physical violence - very serious stuff. I wouldn't let it deter me though - I kept moving like I was going back to my spot. Of course, at some point, you had to show your cards and try to jump in line. I would walk right to the very front, whip out a joint the size of Cuban cigar and ask, "Hey, you got a light?" The initial inclination was for the people to look at you and tell you to get the f$%k out of there. But when they saw the log you just offered up, their eyes lit up and they started digging for a lighter. Of course, a lot of people in the back were still talking ••••, but the folks in the front were puffing away on the log and before you knew it, they'd be telling the people in the back to shut up and mind their own business. By the time the log finally burned down to an ember, the doors would be ready to open and I was off and running to the front of the stage. This strategy worked for me at least a half-dozen times. So UFO comes on and I am right smack dab in front of Schenker... literally the closest person in the whole arena. He just blistered the fret board from the first solo on and I was in heaven. UFO's set finishes up and I've got to pee like a Russian race horse but I can't leave the front of the stage area, because once you leave, there ain't no coming back. I figure I'll just grin and bear it. So I start waiting... and I wait some more... and I wait even more. BOC's stage setup is so elaborate that it takes more than an hour between bands to get it set up. By the time the lights go down, I've REALLY got to pee. I've got my legs crossed and I'm holding my sides. I start looking for a hole in the barricade... I wonder if maybe I could just pee in a big beer cup and get away with it... BOC starts their set. About two songs into it, I've held off this pee for so long and for so hard that the lower part of my body has basically gone numb and I finally do the unthinkable... I fight my way out of the crowd and head for the pisser. I stumble out of the bathroom still shaking the numbness out of my legs and go back into the main arena. I figure I might as well find a seat because I've been standing for several hours and there are no good spots to stand anyway. The only seat I could find was ALL the way to the back of the arena. I was pretty dejected at first, but then BOC's laser light show kicks in. It's really cool and very entertaining, even from the back of the arena (you can see what I'm talking about in their 1976 proshot concert video). I come to the conclusion that it wasn't such a bad deal having to watch it from the back. I had my binoculars with me so I was still able to get some close up views, and I really got the full effect of the laser light show. I went home a pretty happy camper that night. Randy |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 06:08 am: | |
Randal - Could have been, those were the days of many, many, many, many, joints in line before we even got into the stadium. Scott where are you to help me out with this, you probably remember more!!!! Blu - I did get the email, and the guys I guess have taken 2 dozen, and with your email they are keeping that in mind, thanks! 7 more days for PT in Santa Clara County!! Off to an early meeting, it is pouring down rain over here right now!! Ed, Am I going to finally get you that shot of "Hot Damn"? I am hoping you will be at the Boulder Creek and Campbell Shows. Rich in Texas, I am going to shoot you an email this morning, our trip to Texas is starting to finalize, but remember it is going to be about 4 women all reaching the age of 40!! Just a warning! We have been friends since high school and had a lot of fun then and still having fun now! |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 06:29 am: | |
On 4/30/3 Blur wrote: "I believe it's Tony Carey on sax on Off Beat Ride". Not true! Tony Carey played Mini-Moog (Keyboards) on "Off Beat Ride". The sax players name escapes me at the moment. I think it's Bert somebody??? The credits are on the original inner sleeve of the album. I'll check later and post the answer. |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 06:50 am: | |
traverschickfan..aka.ex-wife,you were right about peter wolf of the j.geils band riding out on the H/D at the d.o.g....steve it sounds like we went to alot of the same shows,take care,scott&jo |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 07:20 am: | |
It's Bert Hermiston on sax on Off Beat Ride and Dedication. Tony Carey played mini-moog. Thanks for the info MissingMars! |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 08:36 am: | |
TraversChickFan! Look me up when you are in Texas if you are near Dallas/Fort Worth. I just turned 40!! I have room to crash and you will be safe if you want to be!! My phone number is all over this board. My email is Jim Beseau. Maybe I could meet you for a beer or nine! Later...Jim
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 09:59 am: | |
TraversChickFan, "Hot Damn" shooter? never heard of it, sounds like it might be good, will have to try that one. Have you tried a shooter called sour puss? we bought a bottle of that last weekend, oh my!! So good. when you were a kid, and you made koolaid, have you ever tasted it without the sugar added? that is what the sour puss shooter taste's like. lol lol |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 10:18 am: | |
Cindy - haven't tried that one yet, but I will very soon! "Hot Damn" it's like cinammon schnopps! Are you going to be making it out to any of the CA gigs? Jim - just emailed you with Texas info! It is still raining here!! Gotta go to another meeting. Hi Scott, are you and Jo coming to any of the shows here? How is Jo doing? |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 12:52 pm: | |
05/17/03 Tyler TX - Harvey Hall Convention Center - w/ BÖC! Nuff said. |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 01:05 pm: | |
OMG!! PTB and BOC in TX!! Ed or anyone - Do we know who is playing with Pat? Not too terribly important, just FYI for me! I may have to rethink my only seeing the Dallas show now!! Later...Jim
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 01:55 pm: | |
Randy, ha, no, wasn't a high school band geek! It was the Stanford Univ marching band that did that bit before J Geils, and my sis was dating the band leader. She was up there bangin a cowbell, and I got to go up there with my guitar, not plugged in! scott&jo (I never know which one is posting!), yes, I went to most of the good bay area shows in the last half of the 70's! It was a great time & place for rock & roll! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 02:08 pm: | |
I know who is playing with him, Rich can I tell them?????? Too bad the girls and I are not going to Texas in May |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 02:44 pm: | |
Please do!! Tell me, tell me! Later...Jim |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 03:41 pm: | |
I do not know who is playing with Pat. I am sure Texas Rich knows. Hot Damn is cinnamon to the extreme and very sweet. YUK!! |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 04:05 pm: | |
Here is a strange question, but one that vexes me. Is there any significance for the following releases to only have 8 songs: Makin’ Magic, Putting It Straight, Heat in the Street, Go For What You Know. Contract reason, lucky number? Also, I saw that the Tower Records site has 5/13/03 as a release date for ‘PT Power Trio’. Is this a valid date? Gary |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 04:05 pm: | |
"Hot Damn" it is like breath freshner! Jim be patient, I am waiting to hear from Texas Rich, he emailed me earlier and gave me some info! Time to go home, everyone have a great weekend, not sure if I will be checking the computer this weekend! |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 04:27 pm: | |
There was only so much space available on a 33 1/3 vinyl LP. I believe the maximum you could get was about 22-23 minutes per side. Most PT songs back then were in the 4-6 minute range, therefore limiting the number of songs per side to about 4-5 maximum. That is what limited the number of songs that you saw on LP's before the compact disc took over. |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 04:35 pm: | |
Texas Rich asked for a promo from me on drummer Jeff Martin (i.e. Badlands, Racer-X, Michael Schenker, latest UFO, Blindside Blues Band) and Jeff tried out recently for the Drummer in Whitesnake. Jeff came in a very close second to Tommy Aldridge - so we know what class Jeff is in. I'm going to call Texas Rich right Now and find out who... Delaware Rich: Let's Beat up The Mailman He never seems to deliver on time I cannot figure out why Maybe he wants an extra dime. Let's Beat up the Mailman through rain and sleet and snow The mailman is a nightmare he's much, much to slow. Let's Beat up the Mailman it's been over two weeks you know since you sent me that CD the mailman really blows... Let's beat up the Mailman he can't keep address abels clean nobody can read those wet ones it reminds me of "Ice Queen". Rich, let's beat up the mailman he gives us a bad rap these people are so screwed up they probably need a road map. We'll we could go on and on huh? Rich thanks bro, should have never doubted you, now I never will. The stress factor number 9 is just too much for super cool dudes like you and I. Say hello to Nancy for me. Cheers bro - Blu |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 04:41 pm: | |
Thank God! Now we can all resume our normal lives. |
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 04:50 pm: | |
Who are you calling normal?! Later...Jim
| Posted on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 06:01 pm: | |
LOL! |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 04:48 am: | |
how about NORML..? Natioanl Organization for the Reformation of Marijuana Legislation They have a GREAT site! So does April 20th is prime time for putting certain types of plant in the ground. |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 05:19 am: | |
Quote:By Brian Maybe on Friday, April 04, 2003 - 01:55 pm: Randy, ha, no, wasn't a high school band geek! It was the Stanford Univ marching band that did that bit before J Geils, and my sis was dating the band leader. She was up there bangin a cowbell, and I got to go up there with my guitar, not plugged in!
Whew!!! You had me worried there for a second!! Randy |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 05:22 am: | |
Hey Gin! Do you listen to Down!? They support NORML. Check out there latest "Down II: A Bustle In Your Hedgerow"! It is brutal! Insanely heavy! OMG! Ask Rockpig!! I plowed his cerebellum with it!! It's the least I could do for all the tuneage he has turned me on to! He said it felt like a lobotomy! I always knew I wanted one of those!! Later...Jim
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 08:09 am: | |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRAVERSCHICKFAN! Turning 40 can't be all that bad when you start if off by seeing a bunch of Travers shows. Have a great day & party hard!
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 08:49 am: | |
A Blur doesn't have a normal life does it? Hey Travers Chick Fan, for the Texas and OK gigs -it's Simon Wright from AC/DC on drums with Pat. I will send all my emails to you directly from now on. I'm tired of the remarks by some of theses characters - not you Richie Ginbel. But some of the others. I heard that JIM is a very cool dude. Brought to a Texas gig that old Heat in The Street promo and got it all autographed. What a treasure you have. When Pat saw it it really floored him. I'm back in the pipeline with Pat - it's a great feeling. Going to put together a three-bagger in Nevada this summer. Pat interviewed Simon first and well it's being in the right place at the right time for this. Jeff Martin will get his chance too this summer. Whoever emailed Texas Rich about me is a joke, says Rich. Ginbel thanks bro - everything okay. How do you like my Mailman sonnet? - I'm out - Blu |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 09:42 am: | |
Happy Birthday Traverschick Fan May the day treat you well party hard, have fun, live, love, laugh and rock on Remember people are like fine wine, it only gets better with age(mostly) LOL. |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 10:35 am: | |
Just remember this-a "Blur" has just a little more to it than a "Blu". ;) |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 12:00 pm: | |
Thanks Blu for the Simon Wright info. Who is on bass? Do we know? Is it a secret? Is it Rick Navarro!!? And I'm pretty cool. Not like the Fonz or anything, just easy going, non-judgemental, and for the most part stay out of other people's business. How did you find out about my bringing the Old HITS press kit to the San Antonio gig? Did I post that? I think I may have! Pat looked at the pics and told me where they were taken. I forget right now but I can look it up. It was very cool! Looking forward to May for Pat (gonna meet up with RockUFOrever at the show!) and August to see TraversChickFan and friends!! It should be a good spring/summer!! Glad to see things kinder and gentler on this board. I would never leave but I like it better when it's less insulting. Later...Jim
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 12:33 pm: | |
Hello everyone and thank you for the Birthday thoughts, today is actually the day! A lot of encouraging words regarding the 40 issue, which I must admit, having trouble with! I do agree though for my birthday month, seeing Pat twice is the best birthday present I could ask for! Jim here is a hint, Blackfoot! and we will be booking our trip in August probably in a couple of weeks, will email you with specifics and Texas Rich too!! Blu, will be sending you a packet from the boys very soon, they are working on the picture! Thanks again for your thoughts and Texas Rich you too! Kids are taking me out now, so gotta go, they let me sleep in today! Thanks again everyone for the birthday wishes! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 01:00 pm: | |
Happy Big Day, TraversChickFan!!
I was there at the big 4-0 last October, I can relate! But life is good, not to fret! Simon Wright played with UFO on their reunion when Walk On Water was released. Saw them a few times, and he did a grat job! Should be great with Pat! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 02:20 pm: | |
Happy B-Day TCF! 40 ain't that bad. You get used to it. Thanx for the tip Jim! Can you send me a copy? Blu/\Blur... I am soooo confused. LOL! Mailman sonnet was good, but brutal if you are a hard working member of that team. The suprise bass player is..... ME! not! Imagine that.... I would give the drums a shot though. I am sure I would completely suck compared to all the others, but I would die trying. It's the guitar I love, but I am REALLY bad at that. |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 03:06 pm: | |
TraversChickFan have a good one I won't be making any of the CA gigs, not this time. But maybe sometime later this year I might make it to CA for a trip hoping to soon! We expect a full report of the shows you see!  |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 04:05 pm: | |
You got it Ginbel! I'll add a super secret special to it as well! Happy 40th Birthday TraversChickFan!! When is/was the actual date? Mine was March 29 and it was my 40th as well!!! It is gonna be alright, I know it! No matter what! Later...Jim
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 05:52 pm: | |
cool! I'll use my sssssecret sssssquirrel decoder ring to intercept! |
| Posted on Saturday, April 05, 2003 - 07:01 pm: | |
Jim, Pat told me about you. You see he was amazed that you had that stuff from eons ago. - Stay cool - Blu When your cool the sky is always Blu (e) not blur (lol) 0 Blur you be cool too. Hey Rich I've got a secret squirel decoder watch too. Let's talk |
| Posted on Sunday, April 06, 2003 - 06:58 pm: | |
I just had to get a post in on Sunday! Man! It must have been as nice a day everywhere else as it was here!! About 83 degrees, sunny as all get out!! Did the pool thing for a few hours! Burned my white @$$ a nice pink!! Later...Jim
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 03:14 pm: | |
sure is quiet today. sounds like you had a good weekend Jim. |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 03:34 pm: | |
Happy b-day Chickfan! Yeah you get used to 40 then you forget how old you are. According to Yahho, gREG is still 39 LOL I had to count to make sure I'll only be 42 this year -- ever since Camp Heinie my figgerin' brain cells have been on auto-pilot hahaha BOC and PT? My buddy Tim is a big Buck D fan, and there have been efforts to get he and Pat to jam together for many moons . . . wonder if it'll gel in Tex . . . One more thing - Hot Shots?? Tried it once and agree completely with rich -- YUK and DOUBLE-YUK |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 03:36 pm: | |
Wouldn't you know it -- I have to be in Sacramento, but not until the 24th! aarrgghh the story of my life R |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 04:03 pm: | |
you the man Rich, the dvds are just the coolest thing ever, Eric Cartwright played with Foghat during the tight shoes era and girls to chat and boys to bounce, and the guitar that mars is playing in the bbc sight and sound is a Dan Armstrong Ampeg acrylic, used to have one same era, it got stolen, who is the drummer and other guitar player in the sight and sound? Hello to all, |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 04:10 pm: | |
oh yea and to the question about 8 songs on an album, BECAUSE 8 Pat Travers songs are good as any 10 or 12 songs by anyone else, nuf said, as always the PT songs kick your ass, |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 06:20 pm: | |
Regarding Hot Shots.....the only Hot Shot I care about is PT's "Hot Shot"!! LOL! Is there a drink called "Radio Active" by chance? I bet I'd like those! I would imagine if you snorted whiskey & drank cocaine you could be considered "Radioactive"... Hey Z, good to see you back...The extra musicians at that time were Michael Dyche (2nd guitar) and Clive Edwards (drums)..... Happy 39th AGAIN TraversChickFan! And I hope your 39th birthday NEXT year is as good as this one was! Support the troops & stay strong... And as always...PTB is King! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 06:37 pm: | |
I saw Eric, Rick, and PT this past Saturday night and dey ain`t lost a thing! Not only was the band all back together for that evening, but Mars Cowling, and another early former PT member, a blonde british drummer, joined PT onstage for a tune,"Born Under a Bad Sign", and I got pictures to prove it! Got company, gotta go, be back later. |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 07:29 pm: | |
check this out, we be jammin in hotlanta, |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 08:26 pm: | |
what, whAT, WHAT!!!!! Mars!!!?? Roy Dyke!!!??? Was it Roy on drums? Jesus h-friggin' christ we have to move back to Florida!!! F! ugggh!!! |
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 08:33 pm: | |
Rich - You got in just ahead of me! OMG! Mars & Roy Dyke! Since I'm neutered anyway, I would have given both to have seen that!! And "Yes!" Cindy! I had a really good weekend! I had the kiddos! We went out to eat, to the driving range & batting cages, and hit the pool on Sunday! And ate all weekend long!! They love my cooking! Later...Jim
| Posted on Monday, April 07, 2003 - 09:49 pm: | |
What is REALLY strange about that is we JUST released ANOTHER live CD from that line up. friggin' GREAT CD too! Cool art and all. The link to see it is okay, back to the grind. Man, I wish we were in Florida. 2 inches of SNOW!!! today. yuk! We are so over it already! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 01:24 am: | |
Bloody hell Rich,if you carry on releasing these goodies at this rate I might as well just sign my salary over to you.... Cut out the middle man. I'll email you. TC |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 06:07 am: | |
Good Morning All and THANK YOU EVERYONE!! for all the birthday wishes, husband and kids had a lot of surprises for me, I guess 40 isn't that bad!!! Tid bit of news, my sister first of all is flaking on me Friday night! So who all will be at the Brookdale Lodge? Bon Jovi is also playing that night here in San Jose and I was informed that Pat and the boys from Bon Jovi are going to have dinner at a very popular Italian resturant in San Jose, he is then going to watch the Goo Goo DOlls for a little while and then zip over to Boulder Creek to be on by 11:00p??!! Hopefully I will be meeting some of you hammerheads Friday night and oh yea, I stick by my "Hot Damn"! I quess it is a chick thing!! See ya all! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 06:09 am: | |
Oops, I mean Saturday the 12th at Brookdale Lodge!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 08:00 am: | |
Quote:...and I was informed that Pat and the boys from Bon Jovi are going to have dinner at a very popular Italian resturant in San Jose, he is then going to watch the Goo Goo DOlls for a little while and then zip over to Boulder Creek to be on by 11:00p??!!
OMG! What a busy, fun night!! Any chance to tag along!!? Later...Jim
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 02:15 pm: | |
Texas Jim, My birthday was the same as yours, March 29. I drank at least 12 beers in your honor without even knowing it. Happy Birthday to us!!!!!!!! Bette |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 04:00 pm: | |
Hey Boys and Girls Glad to be a new used. I,m DasColeman aka Jim Coleman. Bruce sent me a copy of the new disc. I was the engineer that mixed that NYE show. Not too shabby for a board tape mix. I was thrilled to mix PTB again. Made my night. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 05:13 pm: | |
Hello all! does anyone happen to know the set list for the Texas shows? |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 05:39 pm: | |
Hey Unam...2, The setlist will probably be the same as it's been for the last several years. Maybe one or two changes. If you've seen him within the last 5 years you should have a good idea what to expect. He doesn't mix it up too much anymore, especially since he's been using fill in band members. Sorry! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 07:48 pm: | |
well i broke down abd bought me a dvd, the west coast rockin is incredible, the sound is killer, it I had my choice of covers I think I would like to see Pat do "All Tore Down" by Johnny Winter, i have been going through the dvds I have, that rather see you dead video, is a blast, I get a chuickle every time I watch it any southern dates planned except texas? oh well, only hoping,... oh well back to my own little world |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 07:50 pm: | |
Happy Beerthday, Gettin' Bette! I miss yer smilin' face Hope to see ya sometime soon |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 - 08:28 pm: | |
Actually, that's not really true about the setlist. His shows with Eric & Rick had not really changed, except for adding Crash & Burn, but the "fill-in band" shows have been quite a bit different. The one in Los Angeles with Wishbox in Jan included full versions of Rock & Roll Susie and Gettin Betta, plus covers of Highway 61, some Hendrix tunes, and others. Plus acoustic solo versions of Stevie & Elijah. It was a cool change of pace from the regular band shows! I'm curious to know what he does on upcoming shows, whoever goes, please give us reports! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 04:35 am: | |
Happy Birthday Gettin' Bette!! I had a dozen or so in your honour as well!! Who would've thunk it!? Celebrating each other's birthdays while foregoing our own celebration! Un-Selfish people we are!! LOL! I won't ask, but did you turn 40 as well!!? Ha! I guess I did ask! Later...Jim
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 06:07 am: | |
Bette and Jim - HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! I plan on going Saturday night to the Brookdale Lodge to watch Pat, Wishbox is opening up, since my sister - Arleene is flaking!!(haha) Love ya sis, my hubby said he would go if he doesn't have prior band commitments! Everyone have a great day! Ed haven't heard much from you, are you going to these next three shows? |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 07:13 am: | |
Hey Bette, good to hear from you. Happy B-day. I've decided that I think you should throw caution to the wind and get down here. Ya know ya wanna! You are more than welcome to camp out here, we would love to have ya! A place to shack and Limo service, you can't beat that! More good times ahead! See ya soon? |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 10:45 am: | |
Update/Reminder on new Pat Travers CD: Tower Records reports "PT Power Trio" pre-order at 4/15/3 and will be available on 5/13/3
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 12:20 pm: | |
Hey Steve, I hear ya on the setlist, but really, as we both mentioned, there's only a couple of different tunes. He's done Stevie forever and Elijah for quite some time now, albeit not acoustic (which IS a nice change of pace), but that kind of explains what I was trying to point out. Neither of those two tunes are of the straight blues based boogie shuffle that "Rock & Roll Susie" and "Highway 61" are. Maybe that's why he's chosen to do them on acoustic? Not enough time to teach the changes to the fill in bands? As a musician yourself, you know it's not too difficult to ride a straight 4/4 beat in the key of A or E or whatever while Pat burns away on the solos. A simple nod from Pat will indicate upcoming changes that most decent musicians can "feel" when performing these types of tunes. Regarding the Hendrix tune, I remember one, but can't remember which it was, but I do believe that it was also a more straight blues type of number. I guess my frustration stems from never hearing ANY of the really different "outside the straight blues patterned" tunes that Pat used to do that got me hooked onto his vibe in the first place. Am I the only one that misses tunes like "Go All Night", "I'd Rather See You Dead" "Amgwanna Kick Booty", "Your Love Can't Be Right", "Misty Morning In New Orleans" and countless others that were so prevalent when he had an ACTUAL band? Just an observation on my part, not trying to bicker with you. You're a musician, so I think you know where I'm coming from. It's easier to cook up a 45 minute setlist when it's mostly straight blues based as opposed to the trickier stuff requiring time signature changes, key changes, modulations, etc., and that seems to be the case as of lately. I'm just missing the "good old days" I suppose.... But...As always....PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 12:37 pm: | |
Sorry been kinda outta touch lately. But will hook up with everyone up north on Friday! BTW - Check the new CA gig! Thank you TLOtouring! - Thank you very much! Summer's heatin' up! PT Rocks - CA! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 02:31 pm: | |
ditto what Piglet said |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 03:00 pm: | |
piglet, too funny Randal |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 03:20 pm: | |
ok lets have it, what is the PT power trio that is gonna be available at Tower records, anyone got any info? |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 03:52 pm: | |
yep tower has a release date of5/13/03, |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 04:52 pm: | |
Pig Pen, Yeah, I think you're right as far as training a fill-in band. They're not gonna be able to put the effort into nailing Heat In The Street, as opposed to putting some blues based numbers together. I was more talking about the differences from the Pat Travers Band shows, with Eric & Rick, compared to the other show, which had quite a different feel to it. I was also very (happily) surprised to hear Gettin Betta played in it's entirety, not expecting it for the reasons you stated! I do hope Pat can get another stable band nailed down, so that we can hear some of the more challenging material again. Go All Night I've NEVER seen him play, only ever heard it live on the live album! It would be awesome to see that someday! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 06:04 pm: | |
test |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 06:11 pm: | |
Hey Steve, Thanks for understanding my comments, and not getting bent outta shape. I knew you would understand. It's really nice to have an adult conversation with different views without all the BS that usually gets stirred up! And I do understand where you are coming from. Thanks for elaborating for me. I just didn't explain myself the first time around. I think there are plenty of folks that really miss the older more challenging material, just as you & I (and apparently Randal) do. I can honestly say that if Pat had started out playing as much of the straighter blues based stuff as he does now, then I probably wouldn't have become so hooked on his vibe. Look at his Debut release. The highlights are the stuff that's NOT so straight based. Guitarists playing that style are a dime a dozen, but NOBODY plays the style of music that Pat is mostly known for (the Polydork years)...with a slight exception & nod to Trower & Marino. And even they are just a notch behind, as much as I really love their stuff. I only wish that you COULD hear "Go All Night"! If only once...You'd wet your pants! Simply amazing, and man do I miss hearing it live. Having said all of that, it goes without saying that I'll see PT every chance I get, because the man is a MASTER BURNER.......Always a thrill to watch him play! And Ginbel! Where the heck do you keep digging up these cool shows, my man? Are you the Rock & Roll Detective or something? The Electric Detective perhaps? Whatever you do, keep it up! You're a blessing to the true Travers fans....Thanks! Support the troops!! As always....PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 06:27 pm: | |
I would love to see "Go All Night" as well. Never seen PT when he's played that one. Other songs I would love to see that I've never seen are "Makes No Difference", "It Ain't What It Seems", "New Age Music", "Need Love", "Speakeasy" and "Your Love Can't Be Right". I know some of these would be really difficult with only one guitar but if anyone can pull off I know PT could. Other songs that I haven't seen performed live in quite some time are "Hammerhead", "The Riff", "Heat In The Street", "I'd Rather See You Dead", and "Hot Shot". Also, does anyone remember a song that Pat did in the mid 80's (after "Hot Shot") that was called "All About Me"? Did that song morph into the 2nd song on side two of "School Of Hard Knocks"? Can't remember the name of the tune on the actual album but I clearly remember the name of the tune that he performed live was called "All About Me". Again, I'm not sure if the two songs are the same or not, but this was the same time that "What You Gonna Do Without Me" was one of the new songs in the set around 1986-87. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 07:16 pm: | |
Hey Blur, Thanks for throwing the icing on the cake regarding missing some of the earlier tunes that never get played anymore. You sure named some great ones! Validates my point exactly! During the "Hot Shot" tour Pat & the boys were already playing "All Or Nothing" which showed up later on "School Of Hard Knocks", but they also played a tune called "No Gettin' Over You" which has yet to emerge on any official release, although I believe it did show up on a Westwood One radio broadcast...but never on a studio release. Could this possibly be the tune in question? Hope this helps you.... What early Travers tunes does everybody else miss hearing these days? Just curious.... piglet |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 08:12 pm: | |
"All Or Nothing" is the song I was thinking of that made it onto the album. Thanks for helping me on that one. However, I think the song used to be called "All About Me" or it's possible that "All About Me" is a totally different song. From what I remember about the shows I saw in 1986-87, "All About Me" did sound similar to "All Or Nothing". Maybe the title and lyrics got changed before it made it to the album. Stranger things have happened. As for "School Of Hard Knocks", I've got a funny story. A few years ago at a show someone hands Pat a copy of "Hard Knocks" to autograph. Pat looks at it, smiles and says "it still rears its ugly head every once in a while". Obviously that is not one of Pat's favorites. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 08:22 pm: | |
ok someone please tell me about this PT power trio cd what is it? Im chomping on the bit here, it is listed at tower records it is like the time im at tower and I get floored to find a new cd blues tracks back in 92, and what is this tlotouring? somebody help. |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 08:33 pm: | |
Richard-bits and pieces have been posted about it within the last month. Apparently it is a tribute to power trios. I don't think we have any original stuff. Nobody's listed the tracks from what I've seen. Apparently this is more hard rock oriented and Pat told Rich he is very excited about it. Aynsley Dunbar on drums. I'm not sure about the bass player. If I told you any more I would have to kill you. On top of that I would be lying since I've already told you all I know! |
Rockin' Roy
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 08:39 pm: | |
piglet, Early tracks I'd love to hear live- 'Stand up' 'My Life is on the Line' 'SPEAKEASY!!' 'Running from the future' 'Tried to believe' 'It ain't what it seems' I so agree with you about the original PT rockin' sound as opposed to the Blues/boogie live stuff which is more applicable to pick-up band set lists. Any PT is great, but damn... I miss that stuff!! R&R |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 09:01 pm: | |
Sorry for not getting back to youz guyz sooner but things have been very hectic lately. I mentioned Monday evening that I saw PT, Rick, and Eric at a small club in Ft.Lauderdale, called Alligator Alley, on Saturday night. I also mentioned that Mars Cowling dropped by and so did Roy Dykes, and they both sat in with PT for "Bad Sign". The club was so packed that the management took out all the tables and chairs so that they could fit everyone in! The guys did 2 sets and in between the sets, while the house band played, they hung out in the parking lot and PT and Roy swapped "remember when" stories. Later on Mars joined them. The guys did their usual fantabulous job and I got to hear them do "Highway 61" for the first time. They also did "la-la-la love you", which I hadn`t heard in a long time, as well as "Rockin'Roll Suzie". Eric did the vocals on the CCR tune "Fortunate Son". Roy and Mars had just stopped by to just say hi to Pat, but no way would he let them go without them joining him for at least one song. Everybody seemed real happy that night!!! Towards the end of the first set I noticed Eric had to keep adjusting the snare on the house drum set. After the end of the set they discovered a crack on the side of the snare. While they were changing the snare I sarcasticly asked Eric if he had busted another drum, and he just turned around and grinned. I scanned in about 30 pics of the evening and if ya want copies, just send me a "gimmee" e-mail to and I`ll attatch them to your reply. The file is a 2.7 mb file so if ya gotta dial up modem, like me, it`ll take a long while for it to download into your e-mail. S'later |
| Posted on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 - 09:12 pm: | |
Now we need McBrain, Aldridge, Headen, and Marchino, and all the others to reunite with Pat. Everybody but Chase Chitty. Pat must be getting sentimental with all these mini-reunions. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 01:23 am: | | "wish" list for vintage PT for the set list...(will sound suspiciously like Puttin' It Straight, as that was my first PT album) Speakeasy! Runnin' From the Future Offbeat Ride (with sax solo?) Crash & Burn (with Pat on keys and ?? on guitar) Makes No Difference Intro to Dedication It Ain't What It Seems Electric Detective I Don't Wanna Be Awake I won't get greedy LOL...I'll stop there. I heard a rumor that PT and BOC are playing an East Coast show in October...anyone confirm? Keep on rockin' groovy guys n' gals Carl P.S. Any axemen on here use Line 6 gear? Just bought a used Flextone II and would love to pick your brains. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 04:05 am: | |
Did anyone else get those pics from PTB Stalker and think the drummer was none other than Nicko McBrain? It sure looks like McBrain instead of Roy Dyke. |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 04:11 am: | |
WOW! The lack of variation in the setlist has been a bit of a bugbear of mine for a while. I've mentioned it here before but I've never had this many people feeling the same way!!!! Trax I want to hear Pat play? Too many!!!!! (All of 'em???!) Just a few different but obvious ones would do!! Almost anything from 'Makin' Magic' to 'Black Pearl' would make me happy. Personal (not necessarily realistic) wishes would be: GO ALL NIGHT!!!!! Who'll Take the Fall Need Love Dedication Love will Make You Strong Just Like a Dream (!) Any unreleased PT compositions, including Elijah & Wiser Man Honourable mentions: Makes No Difference Medley Speakeasy Play it Like You See it TC PS Can anyone clarify UK dates???!!!! Ed, any chance you could investigate (or anyone else)? PPS Yeah the discussion has been particularly open & well-argued - good to see! |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 04:16 am: | |
How about Pat getting back w/ Sean Shannon and Kevin Rian, now we're talking!!! They were sooooo tight! Big, big fan.......... |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 08:02 am: | |
If it isn't obvious by my Username, I Miss Mars Cowling!!! He was the best!! Check out Ginbels DVDs for proof! -Super Saver Vol. 1 (San Diego '93 and London '77 Sight & Sound) -Live '76 (Koln, Germany) -Boom Boom Live '91 (Toronto, Canada)
-not too mention, he really rips it up on "Hot Shot" |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 10:30 am: | |
pigpen.. piglet LOL!! I am hoping that as Pat solidifies his vision for his touring set up(different players in various locations) to the point that he will then update his setlist. Kind of seems like this was holding him back. Now it seems he has a plan on touring more using a variety of musicians. I think if he is going to do that then he will have to mix it up a bit to keep the fans coming on a regular basis. Pat is pretty focused on his carrer now and I think we will see that in the 2003 season. You have to be a little more agressive nowadays. Even if you are the badest guitar player on the planet! Enjoy the Cali shows you lucky left-coasters! |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 03:32 pm: | |
I post a lot at the Frank Marino website. There's a section there called "Ask Frank." Frank usually responds within a day or two. I told him about PT and how he stays active by touring with bands he puts together, and how he doesn't necessarily tour with "his band" all the time. Frank responded and basically said there's just no way he'd ever do that. He said if he can't tour with his band, he'd rather quit. He has a hard time getting backing for tours. Consequently, his fans don't get to see him very much. He didn't rip PT for doing it, he just won't do that himself. With the blessing of his bandmates, Frank did make an exception last year for the Uli Roth Legends of Rock tour in Europe when Uli ask Frank to fill in for Michael Schenker after MS bailed on him (supposedly because of an injury). Randy |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 04:36 pm: | |
R.Pig, Thanks for responding to my set list question. Yes I've seen PT within the last year,also about 10 years ago. The set list changed quite a bit..Pat told me that he was limited to certain songs because he needed two guitarists. Is there a reason he doesn't ever hire another guitarist besides the obvious reasons? (money,egos etc.) And I'm sure he hires musicans who are capable of learning a set list in a short amount of time, or maybe not. Is there a reason he won't hire another guitarist? if so, why?...... |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 04:47 pm: | |
anyone got any info on the new cd? c'mon |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 04:59 pm: | |
I stand corrected thanks to Blur! The drummer sitting in with the PTB last Saturday was not Roy Dykes! It was Nicko McBrain. I knew I heard Eric mention the name Nicko several times during the night but I wasn`t sure who he was talking about. Hey MissingMars, send me an e-mail and I`ll reply back to ya with the pics from last Saturday. The pics will be going out to Jim B. and Gary tonight. If anybody else wants copies, just e-mail me at . For making such a disgraceful, shameful error with the Nicko identity, after I reply to the e-mails, of course, I`m going to jump off of the highest mountain here in Miami!!! Don`t try to stop me! |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 07:56 pm: | |
do i hear the winds of change..... |
| Posted on Thursday, April 10, 2003 - 09:00 pm: | |
Thanks PTBStalker/JH!! Great Pics! And Nicko McBrain!! WoW!! And did Mars look great or what!? He looks younger than the last time I saw him with Pat!! How damn cool is that!? He is the $h!T on bass!! The pic with Mars laughing and Nicko smiling at him is priceless!! Thanks for the hook-up! I hope I can repay the favor! Later...Jim
| Posted on Friday, April 11, 2003 - 06:21 am: | |
I agree Jim. Mars does look good. PTB Stalker is one lucky sucker to have seen Mars and Nicko playing with Pat, even if it was only one song. Thanks again for the pics John! |
| Posted on Friday, April 11, 2003 - 09:42 am: | |
PTB Stalker, Thanks for the great pictures! Gary |
| Posted on Friday, April 11, 2003 - 12:09 pm: | |
Hey, just found some pics of curb 60 (eric's band) |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, April 11, 2003 - 03:06 pm: | |
Roy Scott and Tony T., you`ll be getting the pics this evening. Everybody`s welcome. Keep in mind that if ya got a dial up type modem that it`ll take 20 minutes or so to download into yer e-mail program cause it is a 2.7 mb. file. S'later P.S. I did jump off that highest mountain, for the mistaken identity error, here in Miami and did feel some discomfort when I landed. |
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 08:09 am: | |
hey...isn't it PT's birthday soon, if not today? |
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 08:47 am: | |
Happy birthday to the incomparable Patrick Henry Travers Guitarslinger extraordinaire. Nuff said. |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 08:48 am: | |
Yes, it's PT's B-day today! We know he doesn't read the board, but hey, maybe Rick and Eric can bring the message to HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAT!!! Did anyone mention Rick's birthday 2nd April?...
 greetingzz "The Dutch Hammerheads". Hé Cindy how are you?Already real Europe plans?
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 08:50 am: | |
to the one and only , Mr. Pat Travers!!! What better way to spend that day than seeing THE MAN himself live and up-close!! We are certainly blessed here No-Cal Land, indeed! Last night, those who attended The Boardwalk concert where treated to full versions of: Hooked on Music Life In London Rock N' Roll Susie (complete with the "Uhhh, ohhh...!" ) Gettin' Betta' and Makin' Magic - Pat just ripped on that! |
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 09:16 am: | |
Me and the Hubby are going tonight, and I will try to let Pat know all the b-day wishes, who all is going tonight? Hope to see meet some of you tonight! |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 09:31 am: | |
also a full version of.... Statesboro Blues. After the concert, the soundman(who has served soundman for Pat before and is the club's soundman) was extremely impressed and amazed over the sound. He mentioned how that was the best guitar sound he has ever gotten from any guitar/guitarist! So much so that he was shaking his head in disbelief over how Pat played and sounded, "That boy can play!!" The remainder of his comments were self-interupted as he stopped each line to shake his head and smile in amazement. Keep in mind this venue has hosted some of the best bands and guitarists in the rock business out there (Schenker, Trower, Montrose, etc.) |
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 11:38 am: | |
ED,KEN,DARLY&KATHI,it was good to see you guys again,always a blast!!!!...PAT ROCKED THE HOUSE!!...T-LO and the guys,thanks for everything,see ya soon,take care..scott&jo |
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 01:58 pm: | |
happybithdaytoyouhappybirthdaytoyouhappybirthday Mr.Travershappybirthdaytoyou........ Hope all your birthday wishes come true! from us to you.. |
Tony Y Takano
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 05:04 pm: | |
PTB Stalker Thanks for nice pictures. It is amazing to see both Nico and Mars after a decade with PT on stage!! Thanks. To our Pat, happy happy birthday!! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, April 12, 2003 - 06:43 pm: | |
Hey Tom xxx from the Chicago area, I tried to get those pics to you twice, but both times I got a un-deliverable message back.I don`t know why. Do you have another e-mail addy that I can send them to? Hey Kelly in Kalifernyay, check yer e-mail and tell PT that I said merry birthday too. Have a brewski for me at tonights show! Be sure to remind PT that he`s getting closer, and closer, to that oh so valuable senior citizen discount age. S'later, John "PTB Stalker" Howe |
| Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2003 - 11:01 am: | |
back2back pat shows!!! what a treat!!.. ED,MARY,KEN,DARLY&KATHI,once again good to see you guys and hang out.had a great time..darly & kathi really enjoyed the after show pow wow..let us know about if your going to be around? T-LO AND THE GUYS THANKS ONCE AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING...TAKE CARE,SCOTT&JO |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2003 - 09:12 pm: | |
PT Update: PT will be playing, along with a host of other bands or musicians (including TESLA, Eric Martin, and Dokken) at The Boardwalk Wednesday in a benefit concert for the east coast fire victims. PT will also be playing July 11 in Capitola, CA. Location to follow. Scott & Jo Looking forward to spending some more quality PT time with you Wednesday. Later. Ken |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2003 - 09:20 pm: | |
PT Update: PT will be playing, along with a host of other bands or musicians (including TESLA, Eric Martin, and Dokken) at The Boardwalk, Wednesday in a benefit concert for the east coast fire victims. The Capitola gig is going to rock! Another gorgeous venue to enjoy for a concert. Scott & Jo Looking forward to spending some more quality PT time with you Wednesday. Later. Ken |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Sunday, April 13, 2003 - 09:22 pm: | |
Please, excuse and disregard the first post. |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 04:06 am: | |
Some more (bad) news on the June UK 'tour' - the site for the Renfrew Ferry in Glagow now says gig is postponed. That means that the only 2 that haven't YET appeared as cancelled are Sheffield & Cardiff - looks like they're bound to follow! (The Cardiff venue's website still advertises the gig. The Sheffield Boardwalk site only goes up to May anyway, though tickets are/were on sale.) At least both Glasgow & Birmingham(ish) gigs both say 'postponed' rather than cancelled.... Once again, any info anyone??? TC |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 08:50 am: | |
KATHI!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't make the shows, low on funds lately. Mortgage and bills are taking over. I hope you had a great time and a wonderful drive. I wish I could have been there. Maybe next time, hope- fully in the summer somewhere. "Hi" to everyone who went. Did you get full shows or just a partial set and the other band did the rest? Talk soon. Give a review! Bette |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 01:09 pm: | |
KEN,we just got our tix for wed. better hurry up and get your's,they are going fast!!!..darly&kathi are you guys going to the show ?..ED check your email....take care, scott&jo |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 02:13 pm: | |
Hey Bette... there are two days to go till the Weds show @ the Boardwalk. Whatchasay.......? Scott, Jo How do I get tix? Think I will go! Ed, Mary, looks like we lost touch in Boulder Creek, didn't get to say good bye.I thought maybe you guys got abducted by the ghost. Hope you had a nice drive home. Daryl and I had a great time this weekend, it was good seeing everyone again. Thanx a bunch Tony for thinking of us! It was a real honor to celebrate Pat's Birthday with him. Hey Ken, make those Jelly Bellies last. |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 02:28 pm: | |
Kathi, The darn gig site says the Boardwalk was the 11th. I thought the two shows were so close together and locations so far apart that I thought it would be too complicated. Otherwise, I would have gone to one or the other (probably the Brookdale one). damn! Well, I am glad you guys are having a great time (as I'm turning green). Miss ya, Bette p.s. Did Pat play long or a short set? |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 03:53 pm: | |
KATHI,just go down to the boardwalk,i think thats the only place that still has tix.hope to see you there...scott&jo |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 08:05 pm: | |
Hi Bette, Yeah I guess the Weds. night show was added last minute. We didn't know anything about it till Saturday night, Scott and Jo told us. I just got back from the Boardwalk a few minutes ago after dropping Daryl off at the airport. They said the tickets were sold out, but the lady at the door told them to sell me one anyway coz I was there to see Pat. I guess she remembered me from Friday night. Pretty cool huh? I got lucky. So this will be my first solo PT show without Daryl. Scott, Jo looks like I will be your third Bette, the show at the Boardwalk was GREAT Friday. Some girl standing next to me took her shirt off and threw it at Pat, right in his face,. Hope she used her Secret. He gave her a shirt back but he didn't know it was Sal's shirt from Wishbox. Saturday got off to a slow start for Pat, the sound guys got there really late, and there was no sound check, he was having a hard time trying to get the sound right, he was getting a little flustered, after a few tries, he finally said forget it and just played, the start was slow but the show was good. Yep He played your song. All in all the weekend was great it could only have been better if you would have made it. Talk to ya later............Kathi |
| Posted on Monday, April 14, 2003 - 08:13 pm: | |
Hey there everyone, Tony first thanks for the birthday pass! We had a good time Saturday night. Wierd night! All the mountain folks came out, some trippy people at the Brookdale! Felt bad for the guys because of the monitor and mic problems, however, Pat always pulls it off! Ben if you read this, we will see you next week in Campbell to get the #'s from you! You sounded great! Sal, my sister Arleene will be at the Campbell show! She was at Bon Jovi and had an awesome time |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 06:37 am: | |
KATHI, you can be our third wheel anytime,lol...glad your going!!!! see ya there....BETTE,missed ya at the shows,hopefully next time!!take care , scott&jo |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 08:12 am: | |
Kathi, Scott & Jo. Sounds like you guys are having fun. So, there were two shows at the Boardwalk how lucky for you locals. Brookdale was kinda funky, huh. Granola people? It looks like a nice lodge on the internet. Oh, Traverschickfan, I had a shot of hot damn last night. I've had it before but it was on special last night so I had to again. Good stuff!Talk soon Bette |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 09:06 am: | |
Bette: Are you going to be able to make it to the Campbell show next week? If so, shots of Hot Damn!! At the Brookdale lodge we were next to this girl who must have had a very bad trip of Acid or Heroin because she was just a mess and the poor guy that was with her was drunk off his a** and not doing much better, at one point she was so slumped in her chair she fell out and laid on the floor for a while! Wierd night! Campbell will be much better! Everyone have fun Wednesday night, should be a good time with all the performers! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 01:29 pm: | |
traverschickfan, Campbell's is too soon. Something in May would be better. Where is Morgan Hill, CA anyway? Still wishing for a Vegas show!!!!!!!!!!!! B |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 02:11 pm: | |
Bette: Morgan Hill is about 1/2 hour from San Jose going south. That is where I grew up and attended High School! Little country town that has grown up fast! Mardi Gras is a lot of fun! That always seems to be the High School Reunion! Are you going to that one? Also, Capitola in July, that is a really cool place, that is on the Ocean Front! Then in August me and some friends are meeting up with Jim and Texas Rich! That will be a lot of fun, Jim and Rich get ready for the "Hot Damn"!! Taking a quick lunch and off to meetings, things have really calmed down here at Moffett Field with the security and such. Still a lot of military activity though. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 02:14 pm: | |
By the way, is Pat playing during the day in Capitola, they have a noise ordinance for that city "all bands are to stop playing by 11:00p." When my husbands band played there in August of 2002, they had them stop right at 11:00p they played at a place called Margaritaville! To much fun! |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 02:42 pm: | |
Hot Damn am I ready for some Hot Damn!! Can't wait TraversChickFan!! August is heating up and it's only April! May is coming fast for me!! PT gonna rock this lazy town! I figgered out from hints who is on bass, but did I miss who will be pounding the skins or is it a secret!? (ssshhhh...ixnay on the hombré!) P.S. No kids this weekend! First time in 5 weeks! I will attempt to hold the drunken posting to a minimum!! Later...Jim
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 03:03 pm: | |
TCF, You're gonna be a HOT CHILD IN THE CITY in August in Texas. Hot Damn will be too hot, even. Bette |
Rockin' Roy
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 04:04 pm: | |
John "PTB Stalker" Howe, Thanx so much for sending the Photos...Fantastic!! You are the official photographer of PT Land!! PTROXX!! R&R |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 06:31 pm: | |
You guys in CA sure are lucky! have a great time. |
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 06:58 pm: | |
Quote:You guys in CA sure are lucky! have a great time.
Whatever CindyE just said!! P.S. The weekend started today!!! I'm almost toasty! Later...Jim
| Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2003 - 08:36 pm: | |
Hey Jim, DON'T hold the drunken posting to a minimum!!! they are pretty interesting!!  |