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Message |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 03:40 am: | |
Pat,Rick,Eric and all the Hammerheads: HAPPY NEW YEAR!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 11:44 am: | |
Happy new yrs to all the PTB PARTY ANIMALS,,,,,see ya'll in cali.It makes no difference |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 01:00 pm: | |
Happy New Year to all! Wow! is right!! What a show!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 01, 2003 - 04:55 pm: | |
................••••-a-dooty-poopy.....along w/ the great start to 2003. Da party hasnt stopped, just lost a lil' steam.....recovery time. g |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 12:28 am: | |
Wow was right guys. Great time in Tempe. Just got home..........I need SLEEP big time, 3 or 4 hours a day isn't enough, lol lol. Awesome time, great seeing/meeting everyone. PTB, what can I say "y'all" know they rocked. Steve, had a great time seeing zepagain, you guys are awesome, hope to see you guys play again!!! Now as for you Rich, thanks for the security check flash back. that is all I thought "aboot" when I was through the airport today, I know what you are thinking "uh-huh"!! lmao!! Ginbels, have a safe trip back......Rich you better check YOUR luggage before you head to the airport, you never know what I could have left ya! lol j/k! Take off eh!! Bruce, THANK YOU for bringing PTB to AZ for New years! Happy New year Hammerheads!! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 07:03 am: | |
HOT DAMN!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL YOU HAMMERHEADS!! Sounds like NYE was an awesome time. I think next year my sister and I will plan the Arizona trip! For any musicians in the Bay area, my husbands band "West of East" is looking for a bass player. Their player Joe Birtola got a bass gig with the ex-singer of LA Guns who is putting together a band to play the circuit. You can pull up the website or and contact Chris or Matt. Hope you all have some great resoultions! Mine, showing up at more PTB gigs!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 09:13 am: | |
Hey everyone.... Happy New Year! May peace and prosperity reign in 2003! Back from Tempe, dog tired and road weary but just want to post a few things before I head out to work. Tempe was fantastic! Bruce and Chapman Isuzu really know how to throw a BLOCK PARTY! The PTB Rocked AZ like it ain't never been rocked before....! Thanks to gREG and Lisa - 2 hosts with the most! You guys are most gracious and hospitable and your generosity knows no bounds! Steve!!!! First things first - awesome guitarist! Next- It is obvious that ZepAgain is all about keeping the magic that was Led Zepplin alive. You guys really have something special going on there and you sound absolutely great. I'm really happy for ya! Lastly, what is that little doo-hickey that you keep on your left with the antenna on it? Unfortunately now for me it is back to reality and work will post more later. Ed PS - We got some GREAT video footage. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 09:51 am: | |
Whew!! What a trip it was! It was great to see again/meet everyone, although way too brief! We had to rush back right after PT's show to gather up all my guitars & such, so I couldn't stay to hang out with everyone. But what a show it was, eh?! I think the band was in rare form! The guitar version of Crash & Burn was amazing, as was the rest of the set, of course! Pat played & sang his ass off; Eric & Rick, you guys absolutely tore it up! Catherine & I were joking that we had to start off our first musical experience of 2003 with a bass solo, but in this case, that was a good thing! I can't thank you all enough for coming over to see my Zepagain show, and for all the nice things you've said about the band! Eric, thanks for the plug from the stage, that was an honor!! Don't think I have the energy left to make it down to the Coach House tonight, but I will be at the Foxx Club on the 17th for Pat's solo show. Hope some of you here will be there too! Cheers again, all!! Steve Z PS Ed, that's called a theramin. You can see Jimmy Page use it on the Song Remains The Same movie in Whole Lotta Love!
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 11:01 am: | |
PSS - If anyone feels like giving us a review of our show, we'd love to read it! Go to and go to the reviews page to do so! We'll be updating the site with new reviews real soon. Thanks! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 11:43 am: | |
wwhheeeeeww!!! Man, whatta week! It was great finally meeting Rod from Germany, having dinner w/ him and drinks and sharing some stories. Scott and Jo, Daryl and his lovely better half, Bette....who was So funny! Steve and the mighty Led Zeppagain...everyone kept saying, "Damn, this band is FANTASTIC!", to which Lisa would say, "I told you so!!!!" You guys were awesome!! Ed, as usual, the glue that keeps the event on track, always great seeing you, and Ken, very nice guy! Can't wait to see all the footage!! Be prepared peeps, it's gonna rock! Cindy, her usual sweet self, although we had to BEG her to stop talking SO much!! hahahaha! Eric and Rick, we were honored to have ya'll stay at our home and PARTY!! 2am frisbee is really alot a fun.....with about 15 rum-n-cokes and beer....lotsa beer! Pretty sure we ate an entire cow for the bar bq, and both of you have a life long friend and fan with Nellie. How proud I am to know Rick was my daughters first boyfriend......sorry....big tears.....hahahaha!! We will figure it out and get ya'll on a mini tour from New Mexico-CA! Thanx guys! Thanx Pat for again proving the Pat Travers BAND is still the best band in the world.......although Eric and Rick REALLY love Kansas. I can't thank the Ginbels yet....they are still here!!! Just took them to get thier rental car, they are headed BACK to Sedona, minus Rick, and will be here till Fri. night. A quick plug, I now have everything Rich and Nancy work so tiressly to make us fans, and let me tell you it is AWESOME!!! Example:the "Killer" DVD has a brand new PT song on it, along w/ graet photos from the past! We sat in amasement as we watched it! It's worth it to purchase these! Till the next gathering.....Happy New Year folks....back to the real world! gREG |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 12:02 pm: | |
Great to see all you Tempe people had a BLAST!!! More details please!!! Setlist? I'll be seeing Pat Travers this upcoming weekend in Washington/Oregon on the "Necessary Evils Tour" Unfortunately, I'll sorely miss seeing Eric & Rick but I've yet to see PT unplugged & I'm looking forward to it. I'll miss seeing all you fans too! Cindy & Bette, are you going to the Ballard Firehouse gig this upcoming Sunday? See you there if you decide to go!!! Hey TraversChickFan...Would the "ex-singer of LA GUNS" happen to be Chris Van Dahl? He's a great singer & LA GUNS loss. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL YOU HAMMERHEADS!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 12:02 pm: | |
Geez, almost forgot to thank THE man, Bruce!! First for bringing PTB here again, and second for being so gracious to Lisa and me. You are a class act my friend! You made it a special night for everyone! g |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 03:53 pm: | |
Darren: It is Chris van Dahl! Per Joe "he sings like the devil on downers! He got axed when they brought back their popular original singer Phil" Joe is totally stoked about this project! I guess Chris lives out of state and the drummer (used to be with Vicious Rumors, Eddie Money, etc..)I forget who is playing guitar and now Joe are starting their practices and want to be out touring soon! The posts about NYE in AZ are already making me want to book the trip for next year, you all had too much fun! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 02, 2003 - 04:16 pm: | |
Chris van Dahl, I loved him in LAG...... Hey Traverschickfan, just imagine all the stuff we can't post about NYE, lmao j/k.....maybe Wish we had a video tape rolling when gREG and Rick were playing frisbee out in the street.....wipeout!!!!! too funny. Darren, don't think I will be making Ballard Firehouse, have a great time. I think Big Ed is going to the portland gig. gREG & Lisa, thanks again for everything! |
| Posted on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 08:08 am: | |
Good Morning! Cindy that is why my New Years resolution is to make more of these events so I can participate with all you crazy people!!!! Are you going to post pictures from NYE, I would love to see all the fun I missed! |
| Posted on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 09:49 am: | |
Damn again! I was thinking the Coach House show was tonight and was working out a way to make it when - SHAZAM - it was last night! Can't make Seattle or Portland either what a bummer '02 was for me on the PT scene oh well, I'm gonna go listen to "Lookin' Up" because ott-three is gonna kick last year's ASS (i hope) sorry I missed the partay, gREG -- bummed as a bum can be! |
| Posted on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 09:51 am: | |
I ain't givin' up that easy. Where is the West LA show anyone? What about Vegas - that's still a maybe for me too. Are E-Rick playing that show? |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 12:02 pm: | |
Rand, The W LA show on Jan 17 is at the Foxx Club. They haven't updated their website for Jan shows yet. I will definitely be there, let me know if you're gonna go, and we'll hook up for dinner & drinks! Hope you can make it, it will ease "The Pain" of missing NYE! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 01:39 pm: | |
Yo Steve, posted a review on yer site but it aint up yet. Well, it's officially over, my son just drove the Ginbels to the airport. Sad good-byes. Their a great couple, and true-n-blue PTB fans! We picked up our film this morning (about 10 rolls) and laughed all over again! The group shots at zepagain and playing 2am frisbee are too much! As well as some fantastic pics of Rick/Eric rockin'! Randal, we all missed ya too! The west LA show is Eric/Rickless. Acoustic show......uh huh. g |
| Posted on Friday, January 03, 2003 - 05:12 pm: | |
we finally made it home,palm springs,tempe,las vegas& san jaun capistrano..what a long strange trip its been..greg&lisa,steve,cindy,bette,ED,darly&kathi,ken,BRUCE,ROD&your daughter(you 2 are the true international travers travelers)&RICK&ERIC ,it was great meeting &seeing everybody..what a great time,soooo much fun!!! rick& eric thanks again for the passes.hope to see you guys soon..KEN,we got pats shot glass slide from the s.j.c. show to go along with the beer bottle...ED, thanks for the C.D.s, rocked out all the home..take care , scott&jo... p.s. darly where were you? we missed you buddy @s.j.c. |
| Posted on Saturday, January 04, 2003 - 05:14 am: | |
I just checked out the Boom Boom DVD (thanks Rich!). Just a quick comment. In spite of going to over 100 concerts back in the late 70s, I never saw PT until this past summer when the VOCR came to Seoul. I always assumed that Pat was THE guitarist in all of the earlier versions of the PTB. I was really surprised at how great a guitarist Jerry Riggs is and the fact that he plays a lot of the leads. In the Boom Boom video I'd say he plays just as much as Pat and maybe even a little more than Pat. Randy PS: and what hairdo on Jerry!! A pure "big hair 80s" doo on that boy! |
| Posted on Saturday, January 04, 2003 - 07:52 am: | |
hey randy, glad you got see just how good MR.RIGGS is,hella guitar player, and one of the nicest guys you would ever meet. when jerry was with pat he would always call when they got into town ,make sure we were on the guest list,and get together and party,until the sun came should check out the RIGGS lp,and his work on the HEAVY METAL MOVIE SOUNDTRACK,he also did some work on the movie night shift,you can hear his music during the movie,but his 2 songs did;nt make the sound track..bummer,,back in the 90;s in san jose,ca. at a club had the thrill to see jerry and pat thrall play with PAT at the same show ,what a jam that;s funny now ,we used give each other hair doo lol..i to had the hair.seems like that was a long time ago,since my hair now is about a inch ways it;s nice you get see some of jerry,s work ..we have got a few videos of pat w/ of my favorite guitar players... and a nice guy..even got to jam with jerry after sound check a few times,lots of fun,take care..scott&jo |
| Posted on Saturday, January 04, 2003 - 10:20 am: | |
Howdeeee! Well we made it back to reality.... damn! First off... One hell of a big thank you to gREG and Lisa for thier hospitality!!! We were there for one full week and I know having your privacy invaded for that long can be a real pain. With out thier help we would not have come and on top of letting us stay there they showed us around and gave us a tour of the area. I just cannot say enough about them. One hell of a nice couple! gREG is just too funny! Thanx for all the great times!! Thanx to Bruce for sponsoring the show. Bruce does sooo much for Pat behind the scenes that we are not even aware of. He is truly one of Pat's best supporters and friends! Ed also, Besides running this site he helps Pat make things work out as far as the gigs and a LOT of other details. I guess I should mention the gig... It was the best to date!! They were so tight! They did Crash and Burn with guitar instead of keyboard... FANTASTIC!! Man, Rick and Eric were tight!!! For a minute I thought I was listening to a CD! I was right up front and still had to do a double take. The bass was just mystical and flowing and the percussion was so perfectly executed. The show was so good it made the whole trip worth it by itself. Thanx soooo much guys for bringing it to us like that!! It means soo much to us to be able to hear it like that and no one else does it even close!! Because there is no keyboard Pat had this delay on his guitar and then would play these little riffs... too much!! The crowd loved it!!! People have been sending us emails about how great it was!! Finally... it was all just icing on the cake to meet everyone after so long! People are just as nice and friendly as I thought they would be. What a nice bunch of people!! One last note Zeppagain.... WOW!! Go see them... NOW!! Thanx Steve! |
| Posted on Sunday, January 05, 2003 - 08:08 am: | |
Wow !!! Sounds like you all had a fantastic time !!! 2 AM frisbee ??? I saw Pat do a version of Crash and Burn similiar to what you all are describing, back on the Just A Touch tour in Chicago. It was pretty cool. A guy by the name of Tony Spinner was playing rhythm guitar. Ansley Dunbar on drums. Traverstravlers, seeing the two Pat's and Jerry on the same stage. How cool. Anyway, glad you all had a great time. Wish Mrs. Magoo and I could have been there. Oh well, maybe next year. |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Sunday, January 05, 2003 - 08:16 am: | |
HARD ROCK B-DAY from last year,pics from VCR and PAT.
CU Andries. |
| Posted on Sunday, January 05, 2003 - 09:44 am: | |
hey specksmagoo, the 2 pats and jerry show was soo the south bay blues awards 93',witch pat played and presented awards,ansley dunbar gave us a pair of siged drum sticks back stage.too cool.. have them with tommy aldridge stick&my signed ERIC FREIGHTTRAIN set of sticks... tony spinner is a hells guitar player,i have his 3 C.Ds,dunbar drums on all 3... all3 cd,s are on the blues bureau,worth checking out,if you like rory gallagher then you;ll like tony spinner....ED,WE JUST WANT TO GIVE YOU BIG THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO...JO & I REALLY APPRECIATE IT,YOU;RE THE BEST... TAKE CARE, SCOTT&JO |
| Posted on Sunday, January 05, 2003 - 10:24 am: | |
HEY ED,JUST A LITTLE 411 ON B.O.C.,,FEB.15th @BOULDER STATION IN LAS VEGAS...just another reason to party all night ,if you gotta have a reason why.....we might be in L.V at that time...take care,scott&jo |
| Posted on Sunday, January 05, 2003 - 04:17 pm: | |
Hi guys. gREG mentioned a new track & photos on the 'Killer' DVD? I think I can see a little 'photos' script in the bottom right of the menu pages, but can't access it on my dvd player. Rich, anyone else, help???!!! Tim PS has Rich announced the further dvds he was threatening before christmas? |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Monday, January 06, 2003 - 08:16 am: | |
From release date has finally been set for the Liddell, Rush and Thrall release on Z Records. The album entitled The Law has finally been scheduled for release on April 28th 2003. Musically the album is a cross between the classic Pat Thrall project Hughes / Thrall and Journey, and of course features Pat Thrall on guitar. |
| Posted on Monday, January 06, 2003 - 07:55 pm: | |
TC, its right when the DVD comes on and it offers you the chapters. g |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 05:17 am: | |
Although without the extreme talent of Rick or Eric, Pat will be rocking the state of Texas again. January 23-26 and Feb 1st will take Pat through Austin, Houston, San Antonio and Corpus Christi. With winter budgets for clubs being very small, it looks like summer will put the one and only PTB back in Texas!! By September Rick, Eric and Pat will be doing the lone star state once again!! If you're in Texas....please support Pat and his music!! Rick and Eric......we all love you guys here in Texas and will see you this summer for sure!! NO exceptions! RichTx |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 10:02 am: | |
Ed, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your kindness and driving during that insane Travers Time. You are the best and I always look forward to seeing ya!!!!!!!! Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 10:49 am: | |
R, Sieb...Im not getting yer emails. Hmmm, its thru yahoo, but Im not getting ANY message. I guess Bette forgot about the rest of us.....cokkadootypoopy......"Ihave to find a bathroom and a drink NOW!" g |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 12:05 pm: | |
Sorry gREG, I was going to write more when I had more time............excuse me |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 01:22 pm: | |
kidding....and did u go to any of the wishbox shows? Have some great pix of u. g |
Freight Train
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 04:34 pm: | |
Thanks for the post Rich. But there's no chance I'll be in Texas. I'm sure the band will rock as usual.Great things are on the horizon for me..FINALLY! For now we are keepin' our chins up. Eric P.S. Budget should never stand in the way of an artists integrity to his music and preservation of his reputation. PERIOD |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 05:55 pm: | |
here here Mr, Frieghttrain!! Check Cindy's site out for my reference to "Chuck Berry" syndrome that PT seems to be in. I hear Sammy hagar is dropping the Woberitoes for a while to do shows w/ a house band, and....and....Ted Nugent is now touring w/ Wishbox....and....and.....Tom Petty is doing "acoustic" shows...and...and....BRUCE is again trying to put the brakes on HIS career by touring w/ out the E-Street Band....and: ITS THE FREAKIN' pat travers "BAND" DAMNIT!!!!!! Thank you Ed for not posting NON PTB shows! Eric, hope ya got my email. g |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 09:15 pm: | |
'Ello music lovers..... Man, I really hate that I wasn't able to make NYE in Tempe with all of you. Sounds like it was a great time and a great show. It's what we've come to expect from the PTB isn't it? A great show? It's what I've always expected everytime, ever since my very first PTB show years ago. And they've always performed up to those high standards. But now I ain't so sure anymore what to expect.... I've kept quiet about this whole "fill in" band issue of late, because I just wasn't sure how I felt about it (positive or negative)and I had no experience regarding seeing any of those shows, until this past Sunday night in Seattle at the Ballard Firehouse. I was front and center standing right in front of Pat (with a couple of Canuck Hammerheads, eh Darren?)and I got a damn close look and listen to it all. I want my money back. I've seen Pat countless, and I DO mean countless times over the years since the late 70's. There have also been countless band line-ups. Every show was a kick in my ass and an audio overdose. Every line-up was very talented and professional. Some line-ups I personally liked better than others. But the bottom line was I really dug them all. They had the chops. Can't say the same about what I saw on Sunday night. Don't misunderstand me, because Pat was playing his ass off. He always does for the most part. I thoroughly enjoyed the 3 or 4 acoustic songs and Pat's volume swell solo leading into "Born Under A Bad Sign". But that night he was surrounded with MEDIOCRITY. And a couple of posers. Sorry. But it's true. You could see it, and you could DEFINITELY hear it. And I have a problem with that. Maybe Pat doesn't...I really don't know if he does or not, and it's none of my business. However, Pat seems to have forgotten that as a BAND you're only as good as your weakest member, no matter how talented everyone else on stage is. I know Pat knows this. And you know Pat knows this. The level of frustration and disdain I have regarding what I saw Sunday night sure makes me empathize heavily for Eric & Rick. If I'm this bummed as a fan, imagine how an ACTUAL PTB BAND MEMBER must be feeling? I know what's already been posted about how "everything and everybody is cool about it" but do you REALLY believe that? I can see Eric's frustration in his posts, and I can't blame him. If I were in his shoes, I'd be wanting to throw them away and go barefoot.... with a Heineken in one hand and a middle finger flyin' on the other! My main concern about all of this is....What the hell direction is Pat going in? What is he thinking? And how is this good for his career? Where the hell did the PT and PTB go that I grew up listening to? I miss them already. As I said, I held off commenting on all of this until I saw it for myself......Now I can honestly say I've seen it. And heard it. And I want my money back. Pat...please come home. Your BAND and your FANS miss you. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 - 10:12 pm: | |
Hey Stratcat, If you had seen PTB (Pat, Eric & Rick) play, your ass would have totally been kicked. They are unbelievable together. I have seen them many times and have been blown away every time. The energy the 3 of them have together is incredible. I know there will always be great things in the horizon for you Eric, you are very talented.....only a matter of time, we will be seeing/hearing you on tour/recording, will be up any time soon? |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 01:08 am: | |
Hello all. Eric, the idea of not seeing you with PTB anymore is a bummer. Would mean for us we won't see you again for a long time, I'm afraid. Is there still a way you stick with PTB? If Pat would apoligize, for instance? We can understand how you must feel. It's just not fair after 3 years of hard work. We still hope things will work out... Well, some happier news now, it's Andries his birthday!!!!!!! So Andries.....
!!!!!!!!!! Have a nice day , cheers!
    love from Wilma |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 03:06 am: | |
gREG, thanks for the comment on the 'Killer' DVD. Do you mean the page that is a kind of 'moonscape' with the large PTB logo? On my screen it has the options 'Just Another Killer Day', 'Chapters' and 'Bonus Materials'. Very small in the bottom right corner, it says 'Photos', but I can't find a way of selecting it. This is the same on every menu page. No matter which arrow buttons etc I press, it just won't highlight so I can select it. The highlight just goes back to one of the 3 main menu options. Same happens on all the menu pages. Maybe I nee to email Rich to make sure it's not a fault or something. Tim |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 05:00 am: | |
Hey TC click on "Bonus Materials" That is the photos. The other little "photos is an anomlie on your screen and means nothing. |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 05:19 am: | |
Happy Birthday Andries...Have a great day. We're buried under snow in London. Hope to see you in Holland soon! |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 06:25 am: | |
Eric.....Rich in Texas here. I still love ya no matter what, you're an excellent artist, great guy and I'd love to work with you anytime. I'm also happy for any opportunity that gives you what your talent demands......rewards!! Go kick-ass and keep the "train" rollin!! Although I don't totally agree with everyone's opinion on what Pat has to do to make a living for his family, like play with other musicians to make a paycheck.....I do understand loyalty. Pat's loyalty is to his family, his trade and his financial obligations. He loves his freinds and many business associates but some things in this life have to come first. It sounds like many of Pat's fans think his shows pull BIG bucks and that there should be NO reason that he could not hire permanent, time-tested ass-kickers that solidify The Pat Travers BAND. Well, I hate to say reality sucks this case, it does. I've booked enough shows, bargained with enough tight-ass venue owners and paid the price it takes to bring shows to town for the people and my own pleasure.......with NO radio, small pockets of fan-base, a piss-poor economy and extreme travel/overhead's hard for a player like Pat to make enough to keep his music alive, much less get rich. PT does what he absolutely has to do to pay bills and keep his music alive in todays lousy music market. PT fans love you and Rick as they should Mars, Tommy, Pat Thrall, Jerry Riggs and others. I really feel that those over-analyzing any performance Pat plays because he basically has too should be happy the man even packs his guitar for a living instead of selling insurance. For the guy who wants his money back because Pat had to play with some less than awesome guys to get a show to some fans, give me an address...I'll mail it to ya! Rock & Roll is not rocket science and a less than stellar show can happen occasionally, especially when you have to improvise, adapt and over-come to get a show to the people AND make a living. I have always tried to get the most I can for a PTB perfomance from gets tougher every damn day unless you're Creed. Again, I wish you all the best, Rick all the best and I'll always hope for a day Pat can afford to keep the best on board for our listening and party pleasure. Call me wildman.....let's play some more pool and have some Jack Daniel's!! God Bless........RichTx |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 06:43 am: | |
Hey Everyone! Sounds like everybody enjoyed PTB on NYE in TEMPE, AZ!!! My funds came up sorely lacking and I could not make the trip! Thanks gREG for your offer!! I would so love to meet some/all of the wonderful people I have met on this board!! Now, on to less fun topics. If NYE was the last PTB gig with Rick & Eric, I will kick my ass for the rest of my life. I have never been so warmly received by members of a what I thought was a top notch organization then I have been by Eric & Rick/Rick & Eric, order of names means nothing. I have seen PTB in every incarnation since the Thrall/Aldridge days, and sincerely admire what Rick & Eric bring to the mix. What a tight band they are on stage! And I do not think I have seen Pat looking like he has had more fun in years! And receptive of his audience, but I know that is largely due to Eric & Rick cajoling him into meeting/greeting us at the shows! I will be incredibly sad to see this chapter of the PTB story come to an end. And I have to say that I do not have the most sparkling vision of the future of the band without them. I look forward to seeing and supporting Eric & Rick in whatever band/project they decide to pursue. I hope they never forget us, as I know I will not forget them. later...jim |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 07:18 am: | |
Quote:And I do not think I have seen Pat looking like he has had more fun in years! And receptive of his audience, but I know that is largely due to Eric & Rick cajoling him into meeting/greeting us at the shows!
Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying. I read this to mean that meeting and greeting with fans isn't something that comes natural to Pat. I've only seen him play once (Aug 02). He by far was the most fan friendly of the members of the "Voice of Classic Rock." After getting set up, he offered me a chance to go have lunch with him and the gang. Before the show and after the show - while everyone else was doing whatever, Pat was signing autographs, posing for pictures, chatting with anyone and everyone... Randy |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 07:37 am: | |
This news isn't surprising and is very disappointing. Pat needs a full-time manager/agent to book his gigs if he wants to play shows on a regular basis. That way Pat could concentrate on what he does best, and that's play music. The more gigs you play, the more money there is to spread around. I have a sick feeling in my stomach that the days of seeing a true Pat Travers Band gig may be gone forever. |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 08:00 am: | |
Randy......your post is correct, Pat is the most friendly and fan oriented guy I've booked and dealt with. No one has to coax him to meet and greet fans.....I know, I've done a tour or two with him. Blur.....the days of Pat kicking ass are NOT over......come on down to Texas January 23, 24, 25 and Feb 1st....passes are on me and the rock & roll is courtesy of PT, bassist Greg T. Walker from Blackfoot/Skynyrd fame....and drum killer Mike DeLuko! If ya honestly don't enjoy the show, I'll personally pay you the ticket price for the 4 shows, give ya a brand new PTB T-shirt and buy ya a drink! Come on down for the BBQ wildman! ...Now let's all ditch the negativity and go support some great rock & roll!!!..........RichTx |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 08:22 am: | |
Hey Rich! Just sent you an email to your vanhalen/yahoo address about the Texas PT shows. I have some new free time in my life and would like to see for myself. I am interested in the San Antonio/Austin shows if you can give dates, times, and venues. And Randy, I was comparing my experiences with Pat in the past to the ones since Rick & Eric came on board. He has always been friendly, but it seemed to be renewed with the PTB with Eric & Rick! I was not slamming him at all! Hell, I probably wouldn't won't to talk to my own Mom after a show!! Later...Jim
with Rick & Eric |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 08:42 am: | |
Rich-thanks for the response. Rick and Eric are great musicians and great ambassadors for the band. I simply don't want to see Pat resort to some of the things that have turned me off about other musicians in the past. As for the invite to Texas it's a bit too far. I'm in North Carolina and have used up my travel allotment for the year with my trip to the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville, Florida where the NC State Wolfpack kicked Notre Dame's ass! Thanks for the invite. Maybe we'll hook up sometime. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 09:50 am: | |
Happy B-day Andries!!!  Just a reminder
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 11:49 am: | |
Every buddy.....Da pain. I too have seen pat it seems like a gazzillion times, from 78' on....and I met him maybe twice (of course he was WAY more into the rockstar thing), and I have to admit, eRIC/ rICK bring out a friendlier Pat. Thier love of the band and what they do are infectious....and its awesome! And they kick major ass while doin it! I selfishly think Pats wrong for the extra shows, hence my Chuck berry theme (I'll show up w/ the learn the songs), But I also understand the need to pay the bills. If Pat had full time managment and would tour....yes TOUR 3/4 months out of the year, it might be different. Look at Pollstar .com, there a million bands on tour....and surviving w/ no name...Pat's got the name. Anywhoooo, Pat kicks ass, as do Rick and Eric, and I hope things get hashed out and they tour this summer.....ahem! By the fact we are all posting and concerned tells a story....that we wanna see more PTB!!! Its a good thang'!!! My nipples are still hard from someone mentioning Blackfoot.......oh my! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 11:52 am: | |
AND..........................HAPPY B-DAY Andries!!!!! Hows it feel to finely turn 17? or is that 27.....37? hahahahaha! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 03:10 pm: | |
Sorry! It's me again about the 'Killer' DVD. Thanks for the message Rich and I know you know what you're talking about (to say the least!) but clicking on bonus materials takes me to the menu for the extra videos - no mention of photos other than the 'anomaly' in the bottom right. The full list on this page goes: Play all Ice Queen Lookin' Up I La la la Love You I'd Rather See You Dead Previous Main Help! (I'd take this to emailing to save space on the board, but I guess anyone who's got the same problem as me might find it useful!) Hope somehow Eric & Rick manage to stay/get back on board . And happy birthday Andries! |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 03:16 pm: | |
TC....Hhmmmmm, when I put the DVD in my player, the song comes on 1st thing and shows the chapters(songs) page. Is the song called "easy rider?" produced by by Shawn Cannon? Or something like that....I was drinking WWWWWAAAAYYYYYY too much. Did I mention I was drinking TTOOOOOO much? Help Mr Ginbel.......da man. g |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 04:22 pm: | |
Wow !!! Say it aint so, please. I understand Pat has to make a living and I don't begrudge him that, but this just aint right. I have a couple of videos of Pat playing with a "borrowed band" and it just wasn't right. Pat looked out of place. The talent was ok at best and worst of all, the crowd was less then enthusiastic. It was plain to see that some in the crowd thought it was a joke. If Pat really wants to make money, he must remember to put the best product on the stage every time he plays. I don't see how this can possibly be done with a "rented band". If this is the course he is choosing, Pat would be better served doing the solo accoustic thing. I sincerly hope this is not the end of this PTB chapter. Eric and Rick are two immensely talented individuals and class acts to boot. They formed a very tight trio and are one of the 3 or 4 best incarnations of the PTB. Plain and simple, as a band, YOU GUYS KICK ASS. You guys showed my wife and I a great time and helped make a dream come true for me. Eric, Rick, hang in there. All things happen for a reason. The two of you will come out on top no matter what direction Pat takes his career. Pat would be foolish to close this chapter now. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 06:39 pm: | |
what the . . . |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 07:06 pm: | |
Hey TC.. the photos are not on that video ... they are on the Boom, Boom video. WOW! What confusion. You should have just emailed me immeadiately. If you want the bonus materials with the phots get the Boom, Boom DVD. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 07:26 pm: | |
leave it to Randal to make sense of it all. g |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 08, 2003 - 07:39 pm: | |
Pat's artistry AND his carreer are still intact! He WILL triumph over the current circumstances. I can feel it! Pat is one hell of an artist. He will surprise us all... just watch. The man has more talent in his pinky than most in thier entire geneology. He is like a big battery storing it up. He is sober and straight and focused. Just doing things his way.... sadly as we all would do things if we could...our way. I have my opinions and we already know what they are, but that's just my opinion. Everybody has thier own. I am willing to watch and see. I just pray I don't have to see a show like my friend Rockpigus did! Nothing wrong with being honest Strat. I am sure others appreciate the warning. Pat is going to come out fighting. He might get a black eye in the process, but he will still come out on top! Always has, always will. Rick and Eric are going right to the top of whatever they do! Pat could not hold them back if he tried! That is obvious to anyone who has seen them play. They are some of the nicest people I have ever met and Nancy and I consider ourselves richer for having met them! Go kick ass in Texas Pat! Peace out.. Rich of Delaware |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 02:02 am: | |
Confusion ain't the word Rich LOL!!! I already have the 'Boom Boom' DVD - I've got all 3 that I know about + VOCR. Got any news on other new ones yet, or any new CDs? BTW, what caused the confusion was that gREG said '...the "Killer" DVD has a brand new PT song on it, along w/ graet photos from the past!' So I guess he actually meant 'BB'. Bless him. Aaargghh! Tim |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 03:05 am: | |
The eagle has landed. Very tired!! NYE in Tempe was worth every mile, minute and dime invested. What a pleasure to get to meet all of the coolest and nicest fans someone could hope for. Thanks to all of you for the good time. Eric and Rick i hope i get to see you guys again. Just got back home an hour ago. Very pooped. Will post later or weekend. Thanks for the good time. Rod from Germany |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 07:14 am: | |
Hey all what's shakin'? I have had zero time since I got back from Tempe.... I know - I know - Take down the Christmas decorations!!!!! This website needs some serious updating! Hopefully this weekend. I haven't checked in here since the Capistrano show. So I'm not sure what's up in PT Land but I don't like the sound of what I'm hearin'. I'll have to make some phone calls and see what I can find out. Bette - You are welcome! It was great seeing you again!!! Next time???? Oh and thanks for keeping the Valet honest! Bruce - Got your messages! Will call today! Rod - Glad you and Laura made the trek! It was great meeting you! Auf Wiedersehen! Scott & Jo - how's the CDs? Daryl - WHERE ARE YOU?????? Everyone Else - Keep the faith.
The Snorkels
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 08:12 am: | |
Hé! Thanx for the B-day wishes! Gill, hopefully we'll get to meet again, with ORIGINAL PTB?? I hope so. We are not to much covered in snow, but it is freezing cold over here, skating time! 15 degrees celsius under the zero during the night. Rod, good you got back safely, coincidence, next week we are going to see Saxon, with their eagle...has almost landed CU The Dutch Hammerheads. ALL TOGETHER... |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 08:41 am: | |
Rod Rules!!Glad ya made it home safe-n-sound! Thats right.....I forgot Bette was the one who saw the van accident and ripped into the valet driver.....that was too cool! My daughter still thinks Ed and bette are married!!! She wants to know when Bette is coming back!! Mr Ginbel is right......Pat will come out swingin'...hopefully w/ Eric/Rick in tow! Gonna try my best to go to the SA/Austin shows.....Rich(TX), call me or email me! g |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 08:45 am: | |
To everyone who has requested a new user account on this message board since 1/1/2003.... I have added/updated and responded to all requests. Check your respective e-mail accounts. Sorry for the unavoidable delay. PT ROCKS! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 08:48 am: | |
gREGster wrote:
Quote:Gonna try my best to go to the SA/Austin shows
Tempting.... very tempting. You drivin'? Ed |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 09:14 am: | |
Quote:My daughter still thinks Ed and Bette are married!!!
Huh? LOL!!! Naw just good friends. Actually Bette and I have discussed marriage on more than one occasion. We decided that it wasn't in either of our future plans.  |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 09:42 am: | |
gREG and Ed, Too funny. I forgot your daughter asked me about that. Your family by the way are great and Lisa is always fun. Hope she found her I.D....It sounds like I made the right decision by not going to the Ballard show according to Strat.(the show with "Wishwecould" My car was acting up (alternator) and no Rick and Eric besides!!! Too bad I missed Darren and would have liked to meet Strat. Oh, and gREG I really like your house and the art too. TALENTED!!! Well, I already miss everyone Cindy, Scott, Jo, Kathi, Birthday boy Daryl, Rod, pleasure to meet you, Rich and Nancy you guys are a trip!! Let' do it again, Vegas maybe?? Randal wish you could have been there and of course gREG and ED, take care Always, Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 10:02 am: | |
gREG! Call me! 817-975-2454! You can call the number, hang up, and I will call you back at the number you came in on. I suggest this as I have free long distance on this number if you don't! I am planning on both Austin & San Antonio as well. I want to hook up with you while you are here! I have a spare bedroom with your name on it if you want! And Rich(TX) called me yesterday! Later...Jim
With Every Line-Up! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 01:43 pm: | |
Hey, is anyone planning to go to the Foxx Club show in L.A. on Jan 17? I have it on very good authority, that there will be some great special guests jamming that night! (Think VOCR!) Could be a night to remember, along with NYE! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 05:28 pm: | |
Let me spell it out a bit more clearly. In the last ten years I've seen Pat go from a 4-piece band and about 3-4 roadies to a 3-piece band and 3 roadies to 2 roadies to 1 roadie to no roadies and now to NO BAND! It's gone from a respectable light show and dependable equipment to rented stuff for every show and working out of a minivan! You can't tell me the quality doesn't suffer. You have to draw the line somewhere. |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 05:32 pm: | |
I agree.... |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 06:00 pm: | |
Hey Steve, I'll be at the West L.A. show and I've also heard similar rumors about guest appearances... Say, isn't the Theramin what they used to use for sound effects in early Sci-Fi films? ...and in the Beach Boy's Good Vibrations too if I'm not mistaken. Cool effect! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 06:27 pm: | |
Quote:You can't tell me the quality doesn't suffer.
Well I'll tell you that it doesn't. Some of the best shows I've seen have been within the past 3 years. Maybe you feel this way because you haven't seen that many good shows. I'm here to tell you that I've seen plenty! Proof you say? It was only 9 days ago that the PTB freakin' rocked the hell outta Tempe! |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 08:22 pm: | |
Jim, tried to call you but I'm not getting thru. If yer awake late, call me at work (i do overnights) or early in the morning....think yer an hour ahead of PHX time, I work till 7;30am. PTBROXXX!!! Tempe has scars to prove it!! g |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 09:06 pm: | |
Shoot me a number bro! Email to . I just called the number you gave me in a previous email...Apologize to your lovely wife for me!! Sorry! I'll be up for another half hour or so! Later...Jim |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 09:59 pm: | |
Sir Ed,
the man who makes and makes sure it all comes together. Where and what would we be doing without your generous giving of time, hard work, and dedication that makes and us rock!!! You are one class act and devoted PT fan. The one person who PT can truly rely on to be there to hold things together at ALL HOURS OF THE DAY too! LOL! I cannot say enough bud...the drinks are on me Saturday I intended to post sooner but I echo Ed's comments about having had zero time since Tempe...I have been quite exhausted and it was not until today that I feel I am recupped and my body is once again communicating in unison after arriving back home Sunday - one hell of a week! I do not know how they do it? Acknowledgements(for those not interested scroll down further): Thank you sooo much gREG and Lisa for allowing us to "invade" your home for a couple days. As someone else put it, "I would not have been that hospitable." You so graciously took us in(at all hours of the day too! Wow!) and provided us with a place to catch what seemed like only minutes of shut-eye before our next appointment. Lisa, it would not have been possible for me to feel as good throughout the NYE evening and get by without that breakfast you made!! I seriously needed that energy boost after the previous day/night/morning journey. However, I managed to pass-up Sedona amidst all the scheduling and excitement - darn, no rest for the wicked! Rod, a true-blue PT fan to the bone coming that distance ...we had talk of creating and awarding a special award for the longest traveling PTB fan with your name touted on it. It is great thing that your daughter knows your home country's language. Bette, Rich and Nancy nice meeting you for the first time - I do not think I will ever look at a garbage bin the same way again.LOL Daryl and Kathi, will look forward to the next PT concert when we can get together, you guys are so enjoyable to be around. Scott & Jo, enjoyed our conversations Thursday night when I actually had the time to hold one, I always enjoy your presence and company - you folks are THE ORIGINAL TRAVERS TRAVELERS without a doubt and the nicest ones! NYE with the PTB... what more could I say that has not been already posted?? Actually, a couple of things. Eric and Rick delivered on their promises and put on what I thought was their best concert performance I have seen to date just as we thought they might! Absolutely great...imagine hearing shouts from the audience during the middle of Rick's solo when he stopped, "KEEPPP ONN PLAYINNNG!!" Eric once again practically knocked the drumset over with his vicious assault he heralded on it. The PTB rocked Tempe down to the ground!! What more could one ask for when one gets the golden opprotunity to rock in the New Year with PTB right on past midnight? I kept thinking to myself, how could anyone walking by who listened not be drawn to the concert?! A BIG thanks to Bruce (nice meeting you!) for bringing PTB to Tempe to rock our NYE in!! Those that missed the concert (need not worry) I am certain will have the chance in the future to see just what all the hype is all about right in your own home, up-close! The video we took turned out "Killer!" Rumors are the sound also turned out really good! Wow! It turned out better than any footage of PTB I have seen to date (the stage lighting provided a great backdrop.) This *could* very well be the standard by which all PTB videos will be judged...N/K Stay tuned PTB fans!! Eric and Rick you guys are great and as usual...I enjoyed your company and after-hours conversation. Could either of you shoot me a post? It is about the above. Thank you!! Ken |
| Posted on Thursday, January 09, 2003 - 09:59 pm: | |
Ed, thanks for getting me set up on the board. My wife and I got to see PT at the Roseland Theater in Portland last weekend. We enjoyed it. Wishbox got the crowd warmed up after about 30 minutes. Then PT came out with their drummer and bass player. He did a few bluesy tunes (including Voodoo Chile), then did 3 acoustic numbers, Stevie, Castles in the Sand and Elijah. Really liked those. Brought the band back and did some more that included Gettin' Betta, Snortin Whiskey..., that Boom Boom thing and Born Under a Bad Sign. Broke a string a couple of times during two different songs. During the solos. Changed guitars, with the band still playing, and finished up strong. PT stuck around and signed a lot of autographs. He seemed to be very approachable. I saw one guy hand PT every CD insert he owned and he got everything signed. My wife even got a hug and a kiss (she's cute though). I would have preferred to see the PTB, and hear more tunes. It's been 22 years since I last saw him perform. But, I don't want to miss any more opportunities to see play. I look forward to him coming back...soon. Gary |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 06:01 am: | |
Hello PT fans everywhere.......Rich in Texas here! I consider those that post here PT family so if any of you can make it to Texas for the January 2003 dates....I have your passes. Email me at with names and counts and I'll have your passes at the door of Corpus Christi, Houston, San Antonio or Austin venues. Pat has actually sanctioned Texas Tour PT shirts and I have plenty for purchase with all proceeds going to Pat and tour support. They look kick-ass with the PT logo from Heat In The Street huge on the front and "Here To Kick Your Ass-Texas Tour 2003" on the back, to include cities. These are high quality T's that any PT fan would be proud to own. Eric and Rick, your shirts are on the house!! All others mail me for details. Try and make the Texas shows....the tickets are on me! Rock Hard and keep supporting PT, no matter what! Peace, Rich in Texas! |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 07:04 am: | |
Quote:Try and make the Texas shows....the tickets are on me!
Damn... my last duty station before coming to Korea was Ft. Hood (located an hour north of Austin). I was there for three and a half years. That would be so cool to see Pat in Austin. Those guys and gals back at Hood are all on their way to the Gulf though... so maybe it isn't such a bad deal being stuck on the DMZ in Korea... At the very least, the lesser of two evils. Randy |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 07:25 am: | |
Randy.....Rich in Texas.....I did a tour at Kunsan AB there in Korea, USAF duty 85-86.....I know all too well what a •••• hole it can be. Thanks for serving and going over there for us all here. Keep rock & roll playing loud, our colors flying and focus on the PCS home!! Rock Hard Wildman! |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 08:36 am: | |
Yes Randy, thanx for are much appriciated here at home!! Ed, yes I'm driving. Will leave the 22/23rd and have to be back to work the following Sunday(OUCH!!). Just talked to Jim in TX and he's driving down from Dallas for the SA show. Im gonna try and do the Corpus/SA shows. SA for sure. My folks live in SA so we can invade thier fridge!! hahaha!! Where's Randal? Thanx Bette! Always welcome here! Ken, CANNOT wait to see some of the footage!!!!! Are the Ginbels gonna produce another DVD for us fans? As John would say, 'I'v got a blister on me finger" g |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 08:37 am: | |
Is it Eds B-day??????? Aahhh, to turn 30 again...... |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 09:11 am: | |
gREG wrote:
Quote:Is it Eds B-day???????
No that was yesterday. I sneaked it by ya's so it don't count! |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 09:17 am: | |
Whyaduck wrote:
Quote:Ed, thanks for getting me set up on the board
My pleasure Gary! Welcome aboard!!!
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 09:39 am: | |
Yep.... we will be producing the New Years Eve show to video! I expect it to be ready in about 5 weeks. Finally to be able to see Crash and Burn!! There will be some really cool bonus footage and materials on that DVD also. |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 09:41 am: | |
ED, Happy b-day!!!! Thank you so much for all the work you do here. If it weren't for this site, I wouldn't have met so many hammerheads on my travels.
ED ROXX!!! |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 09:45 am: | |
Hey Ginbels, I just tried emailing ya, email bounced back, can you email me? The last email address I had for you was the |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 11:12 am: | |
it's |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 11:29 am: | |
Hey Ed, Cool, will see you next Fri! I was trying to convince the promoter to get me up there on the jam, too! ;-) Happy B-Day + 1! So now you're old enough to get into bars? You're right about the theramin, that's the sci-fi movie/Good Vibrations effect! Ken, you were right where I was, shooting vid, so I KNOW it's gotta look great! Definitely looking forward to a Ginbel's DVD production of the show! Wish I could've had time to hang out more & chat, but thanks for introducing yourself! Tonight, I'm seeing Dave Meniketti's solo project; should be great, I haven't seen him since Y&T back in the mid-80's! And finally, I wanted to say, there have been some really great things said here about PT, and the PT Band. Eric & Rick, you guys should feel really good about how much respect you've got amongst all us PT hardore's after just 3 years in the band! I'm one of those who've also seen Pat with countless different line-ups over the years, going back to the Thrall-Mars-Aldridge days in the late 70's, and you guys are right up there with the best of 'em! My bass player, who came over to see you guys with me after our Zep set, was really impressed with the band, too! Cheers everyone! Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 11:41 am: | |
Happy Birthday Ed! Later...Jim
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 11:46 am: | |
Ed....finally get into the bars now w/ the b-day!! hahahaha!! HAPPY -late- BIRTHDAY!!!! Goose bumps thinkin' bout the DVD coming our way. Rich does AWESOME work! Steve, a compliment like that means alot....Eric/Rick loved yer show, and ya'll watching all of Pats show was another compliment! Those two boys just plane kicked some AZ ass! Please post after the show in LA. I'm goin to some of the TX shows. I have a feeling Pats gonna "re-group" this summer and do some mini touring....w/Eric/Rick.......ahem! g |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 11:47 am: | |
Oh yeah....when we gonna start seeing some pics of the Tempe show? I saw Daryl flashin away!!! |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 12:07 pm: | |
Hey gREG, I just got my pics back, didn't get many this time. What the hell do you call those party favorites or noise makers? got one picture of that, lmao "See what happens when you leave men........" |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 12:32 pm: | |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 12:42 pm: | |
Happy Birthday Ed! Have a birthday shot of "Hot Damn"! You'll love it! Hopefully soon I will be able to buy you that shot. As soon as PT comes back to the bay area! |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 01:09 pm: | |
Ed's birthday? Uh oh! All those candles create a fire hazard! Call the fire dept.!! LOL! Edward, you da man! Thanks for all your efforts with this great site. Do you realize how many friendships have been made amongst the regulars here? I see it on a daily basis here at the posts. It's a big family! You and the site are huge part of it all. All the best to you! |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 02:16 pm: | |
Steve Z, I forgot to mention how good your band ZEPAGAIN is. You guys were rockin'. .......and Ed, Happy Birthday from your "wife"? |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 02:38 pm: | |
hahahaha! Bette and Ed, sittin' in a tree.....I forgot why we bought those....besides sticking them in our noses and.....well, ya gotta see Cin's pics! Should I send ya some for yer site for another Hammerhead section? Ginbels, is the DVD done yet? Is the DVD done yet (much like the kids in the back seat on a long drive)......g |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 03:19 pm: | |
I just got word from a friend of mine in St. Petersburg Floriduh that Pat will be doing a show with the Rex Rogers band next weekend in the St. Pete area. I`ve twice seen Pat with Rex and DEY AIN`T NO PTB!!!! Still, I`m gonna try to make it to da gig. Sorry I didn`t make it to the Tempe hootenanny. I had to eat the plane ticket, that I purchased back in August, because of a work related situation. I had a feeling for awhile that something "big" was up at the job, and I was right. This past Monday I got a new boss and then on Thursday we all found out that the company I work for, Konica Business Technologies, just merged with Minolta Business Solutions, OY VEY!!! Hey Eric, E-mail me yer home addy. I got a bunch of pics from the Calico Jacks gig and I don`t wanna take the time to scan them and e-mail them up. There`s a bunch. Speaking of PTB pics, where are the Tempe pics, Daryl!? When it comes to pics, yer da "King of dem all, ya'll!" Gotta run now. I`m on my way to check out a favorite local band, the Albert Catiglia Band. Hey everybody, support your local musicians, they need the money. Oh yeah,, hey Eric again, how`d ya like the "Hep Cat Boo Daddies" cd that you got @ the Ft.Lauderdale gig last month. I saw the guitar strummer for the Hep Cats, Joel DaSilva, last weekend and he asked me to ask you what cha thought. S`later everybody, and Merry New year. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 04:05 pm: | |
Thanks for remembering us, Bette!! By the time I got to the PTB stage, it looked like you were in danger of forgetting much of the evening! LOL!
Actually, you said some really nice things to me; much appreciated! Perhaps we can play at the wedding? Ed, is it in the budget? Cheers! Steve Z
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 07:08 pm: | |
Coming soon, Pat Travers with Blur's Blaring Blues Band as we tour Zimbabwe! Sorry I couldn't resist and I promise that's the last thing I will say on the topic. Pat will always be my favorite no matter who he plays with. As always, PT Rocks! |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 07:19 pm: | |
I mean Friday, Ed. I knew this was going to happen...I was bound to forget a couple of you folks. Cindy, nice seeing you again after meeting you 2+ years ago. Steve, we very much enjoyed your band's performance(I could feel the cold weather, my fingers kept sympathizing with you, LOL). Nice to hear some of the not-so-common Zep songs being played live. Some of us here having already heard another Zep tribute band can testify that your band is certainly better. You are a fine player indeed! I have a pic of you from NYE (pretty good not great, IMO), would you like me to burn it onto cd to give to you at the Friday NAMM show? Meneketti should be quite good, while I have not heard anything from his recent solo projects his playing was better from what I could remember during the mid-80's. Certainly a better performance than their live video which I have and consider to be mediocre. BTW, that was not the only location for the NYE video footage...some of the pics turned out good too although I was far too busy with the video to shoot all that much. Hard to go wrong with the footage. Scott & Jo, perhaps I will try to work the man too, "I waaannttt mmmyy $2!!!"  |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 07:46 pm: | |
I think that Blur hit the nail on the head: "Pat will always be my favorite no matter who he plays with..." |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 08:13 pm: | |
Hey Ginbel, You are "ptbroxx" aren't you? Do me a favor when you get a few minutes and send me a list of all your CDs and DVDs of Pat you have available. Thanks a bunch, -Drummz- |
| Posted on Friday, January 10, 2003 - 09:47 pm: | |
this is j.t. from central cal...........happy new years to all and to p.t band........... |
| Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 12:22 am: | |
GO FALCONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PTBRULZ |
| Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 05:50 am: | |
Hey Drummz... just go to All we have is listed there |
| Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 12:35 pm: | |
hey greg,falcons?!!,what about the, GO RAIDERS..... ED& KEN , we;re flirting with the idea of coming down for the PAT show and the NAMMshow..still pretty tired fron vaca...we;ll keep you kids posted,take care,scott&jo *has any body heard from darly? |
| Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 05:23 pm: | |
hey greg, it;s just about kick off time,good luck with your falcons.. how about a RAIDER-FALCON super bowl party in san diego!! how sweet would that be?!!! take care,scott&jo |
| Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 06:42 pm: | |
Falcons...? Oh you mean the team getting stomped by the Eagles right now... E A G L E S |
| Posted on Saturday, January 11, 2003 - 09:41 pm: | |
Rats............ugh |
BC Bound
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 05:55 am: | |
test |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 05:58 am: | |
 Board Clipart Board Formatting New User

| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 06:29 am: | |
check...check. |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 08:35 am: | |
Thank you all for the Birthday wishes! Steve - CYA Friday night for sure! Daryl & Kathi - You guys going?? TonyL - Please please please help a guy out!
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 08:37 am: | |
Rich - got your messages. I'll give you a call tomorrow night if you'll be around. |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 09:59 am: | |
yep, I'll be 'round |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 10:18 am: | |
Allright....who called and left the message mocking my Falcons....ugh! Ed, are ya gonna post the TX shows on the Gigs page? Tell Steve "yo" when ya see him at the Hollywood show. Gonna do my best to see Pat in San Antonio.....but here's the crap part.....It means I'll have to listen to the Superbowl on the radio......because I'll be driving 14 hrs to get back to PHX and drive RIGHT back into work. Ya know, thats a great topic of discussion; our "hard-core" sacrifices we've made to see PTB. Sure there's some cool stories. g |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 10:44 am: | |
Happy Late B-day, Ed! Didn't come in to work Friday so missed all the hubbub Super Bowl in San Diego! That's righht -- no matter how tight things are, I know I can make that trip. Possible party at my house . . . |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 11:10 am: | |
Hey Guys, I'm a PT fan like everyone else on this site, but I have to chime in about all these "filler band" discussions, especially those with Wishbox. I saw Wishbox in Portland, and they kicked some serious ass. The vocals were some of the best I've heard in a long time (they blasted out an acappella version of "My Country Tis of Thee" that brought the house down), and their showmanship was top rate. I didn't know who they were, but I sure wanted to after that show! Then, to my surprise, they came out to support PT, and once again they proved their worth as incredible musicians by playing some of his signature tunes almost flawlessly. Boom Boom, Gettin' Betta, Snortin' Whiskey--all were matched lick for lick. How can people like Ginbel call Wishbox mediocre at best? This guy is nuts! He must have a personal relationship with Rick and Eric or something. I'm sorry, but to me, Rick Navarro and Eric Frates are just as much "filler" as any other musicians playing with Pat. Pt will always be the star. Unless the band members have made a difference in the music (like in writing or arranging the songs), isn't everyone that plays with Pat just another support act? To me, the PTB will always be Pat Travers, Peter "Mars" Cowling (who arranged and wrote songs with Pat like Gettin' Beta), Pat Thrall (from 1978-1981; also co-wrote Snortin' Whiskey), Nicko McBain (in the beginning till Heat in the Street), and Tommy Aldridge (from 1978-1981). Those guys are the chemistry that made up the PTB--not Rick and Eric. What contributions have they made besides just playing Pat's songs like everyone else? Before people go bad mouthing good musicians, they need to see the whole picture. Though Rick and Eric are awesome musicians, so are the guys in Wishbox. Guys like Ginbel and Rockpig have no right to dis them. Rick, Eric, Wishbox, whoever--all these guys are just filling in for the real PTB. In most of the fan's eyes, that was Travers, Cowling, Thrall, McBain/Aldridge. nough' said...PT Rocks!!! Brad |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 12:14 pm: | |
Hey Diehard, Welcome to the site! Always cool to see new people posting here. It wasn't Ginbel who called Wishbox mediocre. It was me. And I still stand behind what I posted. I hold nothing against Wishbox as people. I never bothered to meet them. I'm sure they are nice guys. They're just doing a gig and trying to get by just like any other band. But the Wishbox I saw in Seattle was not worthy of being on the same stage as Pat. The opening local band was better than Wishbox. As I said in my post, I didn't make any judgments about this whole "fill in" band issue until I actually saw it for myself. I've seen and heard it, and I'm sticking with my story. Maybe the "fill in" band in Texas will be a different story. I'll leave that to anyone who catches those shows to let us know. Could be killer shows! But Seattle was definitely lame. Sorry! |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 03:23 pm: | |
Hey Rockpig! Sorry for the misquote. Anyway, I respect your opinion; however, don't you agree with me on the fact that it is Pat we're coming to see (not his band)? Now if Mars and company were there, that's another story. To me, Wishbox played just as well as Rick and Eric, and to me, I consider them both just "filler" musicians. At least Wishbox has an original project besides just filling in for Pat, and that project is VERY good. I doubt these guys are trying to become the new PTB. They're too much into their own music. My buddy Ron went to the Seattle show, and he said it was great. On top of that, he told me that Wishbox only supported Pat and didn't play their original gig there. All I know is that you need to see these guys as just Wishbox and not Wishbox--the band that plays PT's songs. You may have a better respect for them after that. I had the same attitude you had until I saw them in Portland performing as themselves. Their original material is good, and they blew me away. When I went and had my "Puttin' It Straight" vinyl signed by Pat, I talked to Wishbox and found out they were really nice guys. I asked them about whether they were trying to become the new PTB, and they said "never in a million years" (they feel the same way I do about who the real PTB was). They played with Rick and Eric on their last tour with PT and said they were great guys. They didn't realize that doing these favors for Pat would turn into so much controversy. So all in all, I still hold my ground about PT vs. the PTB. Rick and Eric are great musicians, but it's really hard for me to call them the PTB when I'm such a follower of the original project. Regardless, whether it's the PTB, Wishbox, or someone else, I just want to see Pat Travers live. PERIOD. I really don't give a rat's ass who plays with him, as long as I can see him in action I'll be a happy camper. Long Live the Guitar Guru from the "School of Hard Knocks", just always remember that PT Rocks!!!! Brad |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 03:42 pm: | |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 03:43 pm: | |
Darren, Sandy.......anxiously waiting yoru review of Seattle gig |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 05:21 pm: | |
Hey Diehard... Rick and Eric have thier own project also... 7th Fold. They are hardly "fill in musicians" and I consider it an insult to even say that. I have seen Pat more times than I can count and I can assure you they are as talented as any that Pat has played with. Wishbox (for PTB) were just that... fill ins. Like it or not that was the situation. I have a video of one of the shows they did with Pat. My opinion is they suck (at least with Pat). They may not really be to blame as they hardly have ever played with Pat. Which is the whole point here... They are NOT the PTB... Rick and Eric ARE. How can that be so hard to understand? Wishbox has a site. Go there and post how great they are. Furthermore Rick and Eric have helped produce new songs with Pat. The songs are fantastic! Frankly this discussion is boring me and probably others, but I was not going to sit back while you label Eric and Rick as fill-ins. I am not sure what kind of medication you are on that makes you think that Wishbox with Pat is as good as the PTB, but I want some too. How could that band that has hardly played with Pat, be nearly as good (with Pat) as the ones (Eric and Rick) that practice and play together all the time? If this is the case then Wishbox are Gods gift to the music world and how they are not on the radio right now is a complete mystery to me. Of 'course I'll be needing that medication we spoke of earlier. Nuff said. |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 06:20 pm: | |
Hey Brad (Diehard), I think the biggest distinction between our two views is that you stated that you're there to see Pat, and it doesn't really matter who's with him. There's most likely a certain percentage at every PTB gig that thinks the same way, so I'm okay with that. But it's not the way I want MY particular PTB experience to be like. Or ANY live music I choose to go see. I refuse to settle for a "watered down" version of something that I KNOW exists, and that is a Pat Travers BAND that has kicked my ass consistently for the last 25 years. I feel that way about ANY live music environment, not just Pat. I don't want to see a watered down version of ANY band. Give me the best you got. As an artist/performer it's your responsibility to deliver that. Otherwise, move over and let Jimi take over (to borrow a phrase). There's too much good talent out there that will deliver to settle for less. Don't let the live music scene become as useless and banal as radio has. I did mention in my earlier post that I DID enjoy Pat's playing. And I always do! But everything around him.....yawn. I missed the thunder and rumble that pushes that PTB electrical storm. Did your friend that was at the Seattle show tell you Pat had to whistle loudly to get the band back up on stage after his solo leading into "Born Under A Bad Sign"? They weren't even paying attention to their cues! That's professional.....and a bit humorous. The band just wasn't anywhere near Pat's talent level to be "representin'" the PTB. I want the 100% Real - No Bulls*#t PTB that Pat used to promise us. |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 06:26 pm: | |
Verily, verily I say unto thee... AMEN!!! |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 07:53 pm: | |
Diehard -- I'm not sure you'd like the kind of "filler" that Eric and Rick would give you LOL -- LMAO go see Tissuebox again |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 07:55 pm: | |
PS - Heading for Seattle 'til Thursday. Don't nobody say nuthin' 'til I git back Sure you won't! And it'll take me a week to catch up . . . sounds like I did good by heading up this week instead of last, eh Strat? note to self -- get ripped enough not to even HEAR the filler fellahs while Pat's shredding -- apply to all PT shows until the REAL STUFFING shows up hahaha |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 09:28 pm: | |
Just for entertainment's sake, suppose tomorrow that PT announces a nationwide tour with Mars Cowling, Pat Thrall, and Tommy Aldridge. Please - just stick to the "what if" and don't simply reply that it'll never happen. Randy |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 09:52 pm: | |
If Rick and Eric are so awesomely talented, then why isn't their band on the radio right now? What the heck is the name of their band anyway? Sounds to me like you guys think that Rick and Eric are Gods gift to the music world. I've seen them and they didn't impress me THAT much. Bottom line is that it's Pat's name that puts asses in the seats, not Rick and Eric. If that were the case then it would be "The Rick, Eric, and Pat Band". Most people could give a crap about who backs Pat up. Whether or not the "fill in" band is worthy of backing up Pat, on any give night, is obviously "in the eye, or ear, of the beholder". Pat is doing what he needs to do to pay the bills, and if he does a "Chuck Berry" to get it done, then that's what he'll do. You people can berate the "fill-in" guys until you're blue in the face, but Pat is gonna do what he wants to do. I'll bet if you could ask all the people at the "TraversBox" show how it was, most of them would say it kicked ass. Why don't you people stop bashing Wishbox, Rex, and whomever and just stay home until you can see the two only truly talented musicians in the entire world. Gods gift to music. The only two deemed worthy enough to play with Pat Travers, Rick and Eric. |
| Posted on Monday, January 13, 2003 - 10:55 pm: | |
Necessary Evils Tour 2003 PT/Wishbox (no joke-this is the official name of this tour according to the promotors website) Are they feeling a little guilty perhaps? Hey Brad,(Diehard rocker) I was at the Seattle show last week & Strat's(rockpig)review of the show pretty much nailed it dead on. It didn't even come close to a Pat Travers Band(Pat, Rick, Eric) show. "Watered down" version is correct. We were front row center alongside Strat & we saw it all. I've seen the Pat Travers Band 19 times since 1997 & the last 10 times were with Rick & Eric. How the hell can you label that as a "filler" band. You say "most of the fans eye the original line-up as the Pat Travers Band". I disagree. This is 2003 not 1979! Get real! How can you even call yourself a fan of the Pat Travers Band when you say things like "I don't really give a rats ass who plays with him" You mention that Pat will always be the star. Of course he will be. Thats why its called The Pat Travers Band. Why do you think Strat drove 2 hours north & we drove 2 hours south for this show, we knew Wishbox was playing with Pat. You go on to say "I had the same attitude you had until I saw them in Portland" Why would you say that? At least Strat waited to form his own personal opinion after he saw them. The show itself was sub par & was only 45 minutes long which was very disappointing. 45 minutes??? Pat even mentioned that he was nervous during the show & you certainly do not hear Pat say that too often. I could not believe it when Wishbox missed their cue after Pat's trademark swelling solo. Pat looked around, noticed they were not on stage & whistled as loud as he could for them. That must have been an extremely embarassing moment for Pat. Your buddy Ron did not mention this part of the show to you? I'm glad you brought up the point that we may have better respect for Wishbox after seeing them live. I've seen Wishbox the band live. I've seen them in concert when they opened for Pat in Santa Clara & Sacramento last August. My humble polite opinion, I was not impressed at all. The second night in Sacramento a Rush tribute band called Anthem were the openers, they were awesome & the crowd gave them a receptive response. I don't believe I heard one person clap during Wishbox's set. It was very noticable, especially after seeing the response the tribute band had. This was the opinion of a couple hundred other people as well. I saw them perform "my country tis of thee" twice & I thought it did not fit in. I thought it was more suitable for a sporting event or something. Eric & Rick write their own material in a band called Seventh Fold. I've heard their original songs & also seen them play live & I'd pick Seventh Fold over Wishbox any day. But hey just my humble opinion. Go to Wishbox website, listen to the downloads & everyone can judge for themselves. I was actually surprised when Wishbox did not open before Pat last Sunday as advertised. After the show I aproached Tony about this & he told me that that there were too many bands on the bill. I asked him how can a co-headliner be bumped by 2 local bands & then he changed his story & said they were taking the night off. I then asked him about Rick & Eric & he said they were not on tour with Pat because they were at home resting. I told him Rick & Eric want to be here & then he says "yeah, I know" I did not appreciate the deceit! The show was promoted as a an "acoustic/electric" show but Pat only played 2 songs on acoustic guitar as this for the most part was a full band show. I think all us fans want the most is honesty. Pat can do what he wants & we will still be fans but the promotors & everone involved owes it to us to be more upfront & honest with us fans & band members. |
Freight Train
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 03:27 am: | |
Ya know (Johnnyswingo) it's always a pleasure to hear from you. Listen people... I have received literally dozens of e-mails from fans in Cali. about how horrible the band was and asking me why the drummer went so far as to change his bass drum head when Pat came on stage. The truth is I don't know and I don't really care. Just as when the same band opened for us on the Cali. tour last year, my e-mails all read the same. I won't go into detail out of respect for Wishbox. The topic of Fill ins....and who the REAL P.T.B. is is a futile debate. After our three week stay at Universal Studios last year the BAND gained numerous fans who had never even heard of Pat. To each of those fans we were the only incarnation of P.T.B.! Rick and I know and respect each and every version of the P.T.B. through the years. I had never even heard of Pat we he approached me offering the job. So to me Sean Shannon was "the Man". or at least the one that I learned the show from. As for Rick and I having orginal music....We have headlined Hard Rock Live, House of Blues, and each and every original venue within reach doing nothing but originals baby!! In three years I've been in the P.T.B. we couldn't seem to get in to any of the above. I really wish people would understand that WISHBOX is Tony Lopez's pet project. Tony is the bands manager. Tony also is the promoter on every show that Wishbox is involved. You would NEVER see Wishbox's name even mentioned on the same bill as P.T.B. anywhere outside of Tonys' doing. I know that some of these posts are coming from the actual band members themselves but don't worry I won't call you out on that! The bottom line is playing with Pat the last three years as afforded some of the best memories I could ever of dreamed of making. I give Pat full credit for giving me the direction to go full speed into my own career. I encourage EVERYONE to log on to ( and see my new band. Rick Navarro is absolutely world class. He is by far the best bassist I have played with and I am glad he is stickin' around. I only hope he doesn't read the ridiculous posts here and let it get the best of him. Johnnyswingo...Diehardrocker...your posts reflect you, that is obvious. The judgement you pass is received in my eyes as nothing less than humerous. Although I'm sure they weren't meant to be...! Darren...let it go my friend. Why would you ever give Wishbox this much what I mean. It was great to hear from you and sorry we missed you and Sandy on New Years! |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 06:49 am: | |
Eric......God Bless ya man.....I agree with you 100%. The fill-in issue is dead and as we all know....opinions are like a--holes. I love ya and mailed ya a tour momento yesterday! Let me know if you want a T-shirt or two....sizes too. Ed......I'll be at work all day, call me or mail me. Thanks for posting new PT dates!! FOR THOSE WANTING PT TOUR look absolutely GREAT!! I'm off to check out Eric's new band web-site! Take Care......Rich in Texas! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 06:59 am: | |
So Eric, what is your's and Rick's status with Pat? We would all hate to see a split but wish nothing but the best for all of you. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 08:12 am: | |
Thanks Eric We missed seeing you guys at New Years too. Review of the Seattle show? well I haven't posted one basically because there wasn't a lot to say that hasn't already been said. Darren and Rockpig (Strat) said it all, I agree with their views 100%. They are honest and accurate descriptions of the evening. 2 opening bands, first one I didn't catch the name of. Mystic Pup was on second. Both of these bands did a fine job, good opening acts. I personally enjoyed them. Wishbox did not perform as a band that night Pat opened with 3 solo/electric songs including Voodoo Chile and Castles In The Sand. That was amazing. He then proceeded to Stevie and Elijah acoustic. Very pleasant and enjoyable. Then with wishbox as a fill in, he did the crowd pleasers, Boom Boom, Snortin Whiskey etc. We were very surprised at the short set and all the the songs out of a regular set that were missed. Darren and I were considering going to Oregon for the show the following night, but decided against it after seeing the show. The show was watered down, the fill in band just didn't bring the same energy and make the music come to life as the PTB does. My biggest fear in all this is that some potential fan went to these shows and did not get to see PT in the same way we've come to know and love him. Will they attend next time? I hope so If the fans don't come, there would be no show and that would suck for us diehards and all the yet realized fans who might never get to see PT play live. Rick and Eric, we missed you tons You are very talented and I'm sure that you will succeed in all your endeavors. Please keep us fans posted on your projects. You as independant musicians have earned a loyal fan base here. You are and have been the PTB for the past few years. Your talent has earned you that and as is obvious, diehard fans aren't always easy to please. Strat, nice to meet you Cindy, Bette too bad you guys didn't make it. Ruth, nice seeing you again. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 08:54 am: | |
Wait a minute!!!!!!!!Does this mean Eric is moving on to other ventures??? And what about the awesome talented Rick. We can't lose you guys. It's not a band withoutcha!!! And if so, I guess there won't be too many shows in the near future. I will miss everyone if that is the case. Eric, Rick, please keep us up to date. Respectfully, Bette |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 09:32 am: | |
Please please please let's not turn this into a TRASH Wishbox discussion board. These guys have feelings amd I'm sure they're quite proud of their musical accomplishments... Peace! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 10:02 am: | |
I'm not trashing, just wondering about the future. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 10:46 am: | |
Hey Bette... I wasn't refering to you. I was just chiming in. I like it when everything is nice and cozy and warm and friendly and peaceful... |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 10:46 am: | |
These posts remind me of an old saying that I used to whisper 25 yrs ago: "when will the acid wear off?" Here's the freakin' dirt in yer face....I respect Wishbox (Pat must, he jammed w/ them) and it must have been a notch in thier history to say "we played w/ Pat Travers" as any quality musician should! But for the poo-poo heads that just HAD to post, sucking the dicks of Wishbox, and in so many words, disrespct the PTB that we've known for 3plus years, well, ya got what ya deserve!! Ya'll are allowed your opinions, as we are. Its just that WE have seen "this" PTB a hell of alot more than YOU....and THIS Pat Travers Band takes Pats music to the KICK-ASS LEVEL that it needs to be in!! Wishbox didnt. No harm, no foul, just not a good game. Think back....WHEN has there been a post of Eric /Rick being lazy, or "off" that night??? NEVER GODDAMN IT!!! Pats gonna do what Pat does....but its Pat Travers....not the Pat Travers Band! ENOUGH!!!! I COMMAND IT!!!!! Anywho.....back to my discussion about stories involving our "sacrifices" to see Pat!!!!! Thank you!! Strat, Ginbels, darren, Ed, Scott-n-jo, bette, cindy!!, hammerheads............ya'll rule! g Cokkadootypoopy for the loyal!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 10:50 am: | |
Quote:please let's not turn this into a TRASH Wishbox discussion board.
I'd like to add to that stop trashing Eric and Rick as well
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 10:55 am: | |
Ed, I apalogize for my rude remarks. I hope I didn't offend too many peeps. Your site is awesome, and I hope ya realize the passion gets in the way of proper communicating.....hey, look! I should be a teacher!! I have a story.......(to be continued) I'll take one of those Superbowl tix Randal!!!!!!!!!! Raiders/Tampa Bay!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:03 am: | |
Quote:Cokkadootypoopy for the loyal!!
NYE flashback, lmao!! another story...... too funny gREG |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:03 am: | |
Cindy wrote:
Quote:I'd like to add to that stop trashing Eric and Rick as well
Thank you Cindy. I agree wholeheartedly!!! I should have mentioned that in my post as well. THE PTB ROXX! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:17 am: | |
gREG wrote:
Quote:Ed, I apalogize for my rude remarks
hey gREGster - No need for anyone to apologize. We are all entitled to our opinion's here. Unfortunately this discussion always causes tempers to flare and keyboards to ring out in anger. I would never intend to squelch anyone's commentary I just hate it when this board turns negative or becomes an all out trashfest. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:23 am: | |
HEy Ed, Great picture on the homepage!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:38 am: | |
I think the perfect remedy for this board would be a new PT album in 2003. Will it ever happen? Do I need to create Blur Records to make it happen? |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:40 am: | |
PPPTTTBBB!!!!!! stories....c'mon Cindy!! You have some PTB memories!! Oh, by the live in CANADA!!! 73' today!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:52 am: | |
I sure do   |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:53 am: | |
My stomach hurts from all of this. I agree with just about everything said, but I know the discussion is futile. I know that Pat considers Rick & Eric to be the current PTB and Wishbox fills in when finances? demand. I am more than pretty sure Wishbox realizes and accepts this. The rub is this: We like Rick & Eric, as musicians and wonderful people. If we didn't, we wouldn't be as passionate as we are. You didn't see this outcry when Sean "The Cannon" Shannon or Dave LaRue left the fold. Was it because they sucked? Hell no! It was because they didn't impact us the fans in the way Eric & Rick have. God's gift to musicians...maybe not. Damn fine people and incredible musicians...absolutely! That's it. I gotta go throw up now. Later...Jim
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:54 am: | |
One of my favorites would have to be hearing "In the End" for the first time New Years 2000 |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:05 pm: | |
Thank you Cindy for your "stop trashing Rick & Eric post" It works both ways!!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:12 pm: | |
You gotta admit Randal's quote "tissuebox" was funny. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:14 pm: | |
Well I've already been throwing up today and this hasn't helped. It seems the issue is that when PT gets a fillin band they're not familiar enough with his music to play more than a couple songs (based on reviews posted here). It would suck to travel two hours to see a sub par show. I mean you do go to see Pat, he can carry a show by himself as witnessed on Randy's VOCR video, but 45 minutes? I think all we're asking is that he show up with a band that can capture the PT feeling. Musicians are a dime a dozen...maybe less, but just because they're good musicians, doesn't mean they'll fit with PT, or Rick Derringer, or whomever the front man of the day is. Perhaps the Rick/Eric era is over...but there have been many great incarnations of the PTB over the last 25 years and nothing is permenant. We just have to cherish these memories and look forward to more thorough a$$ kicking's in the future! This is what keeps us...Hooked On PT bill |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:36 pm: | |
All I want to know is "when can we see the NYE pictures?" For those of us who couldn't make the Tempe show we are dying to see the pictures!! Hurry Cindy, Ed and anyone else!! Rich it was nice talking to you via email, can't wait for the shirt!! |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:47 pm: | |
Hey Bill........from my understanding and conversations with Pat, Rick will still play as his schedule permits. Eric just got a good job with steady money and has a great new band project he is pushing. I can't wait to hear and see it. Having booked the Texas dates, I'm hoping PT fans will give the Texas band the same chance they gave Rick and Eric when they came out for the first time. These guys are not with any other bands and they are career musicians....good or great is all a matter of opinion though. If ya love PT's rock & roll and maybe the southern rock thunder of Blackfoot....all fans will be in for a treat!! Any version of the PTB has to be heard to be proven although we still love Eric and Rick. Like I've said before ....if any fan drives out to a show I booked and they do not enjoy themselves....the evening is on ME! Peace to all of ya!! Rich in Texas |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 12:56 pm: | |
Jim's blowin chunks, Bill said "cherish", and Cindy....That is NOT a story! Maybe a few paragraphs, instead of the SMALL sentence. But I understand because your in CANADA and your keyboaed/fingers are FROZEN......solid!!! Bette, your comment made me laugh like you were still walking around w/ me and need of drink/ and portapotty!!!! Lookin for the Zep Again stage!! And I agree.........WHERE are the pics??? Rich/Nancy have some KICK-ASS photos.....I saw them....share a few Rich! g |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 01:16 pm: | |
gREG, are you trying to embarass me? |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 01:37 pm: | |
of course not!!!g.....damn good times! |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 02:31 pm: | |
Moderation folks, moderation please... Please. Ease off the throttle. Not exactly the way I would like to have expected to see this board begin '03. Ed, maybe we can post a couple NYE teaser pics over the weekend to wet PTB fans' appetite?? TLo can you help us out?? Would be much appreciated! |
BC Bound
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 06:49 pm: | |
Hello ladies and gents, first time poster on this site and I think, guys are passionat, just a brief description of the first time that I saw Pat that I hope may be of intrest. London 1976, I was 19, just back from Amsterdam with a buddy and some of Hollands finest black when we bought tickets for the PTB at the Marquee club. The famous Marquee where the Who, the Floyd, Tull, Bowie had all had expolsive gigs. We got there a bit early and I remember sipping on a warm Carlsberg and seeing Pat, with guitar in case, talking to a nubile english lass. Being a fellow Canuck, I was about to introduce myself but he said his goodbyes to the girl and headed back stage. The show was amazing ! Pure power ! and being New Years Eve everyone got kind of carried away. I remember at one point the drummer, (drummers always have had a reputation for not firing on all cylinders, ie Keith Moon) left his kit and started strumming away on one of Pat's guitars. He then dropped it, Krraaang ! causing Pat to give him a "don't **** with my guitar look" mid solo. Great show and the evening would have been perfect had not the London transit system shut down at 11:30 (New Years Eve, go figure) PTB ROCKS ! |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 07:56 pm: | |
welcome! cool story!!! g |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 08:37 pm: | |
It is always a pleasure to hear from you as well Mr.Train. |
Shiva Tonemonster
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 09:34 pm: | |
Welcome aboard BC! Great synopsis of your first PTB encounter, you had me grinning. ; Need I suggest, we try to work on making this posting board so others will want to key-in, especially first timers. |
| Posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - 11:22 pm: | |
What? Ed's birthday?! Sorry I missed it dude! Hope it was the BEST ever! Golf next treat!  |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 01:12 am: | |
I know it's a little late but I have to say something about NYE...........IT KICKED ASS!!!!!!!! Kathi and I had an absolutely FANTASTIC time! It was great seeing everybody again and meeting Rich & Nancy and Rod from Germany. Was kinda bummed we never got a chance to make it over to gREG & Lisa's "party house" but it was sure fun partying with everyone in the streets of Tempe. Thanks again Cindy and Ed for the ! PTB was simply incredible!!! Pat's always killer, every time I've EVER seen him play, but it's truely amazing what FIRE Rick and Eric bring to the stage. I hope you guys are around for a long long time! I took some pics but from where I was, could hardly get any of Eric. I'll post what I have soon. Thanks for the compliment John, but I stepped down from my throne once I saw the photos that YOU took in Orlando. lol! Amazing!!! BRAVO to Led Zepagain!!! Boy, what a treat! The closest recreation to the real thing that I've seen. I was totally bummed that I couldn't make the show at the Coach House on Jan 2nd....just wasn't in the cards. Sorry I missed ya Scott&Jo, Ed, Ken, Tony, and whoever else went. Hope it was a great show. We'll definetly be there this Friday in LA ready to rock. All this other talk makes me want to too. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 07:42 am: | |
Thanx for posting the TX shows where is Humble, TX? Can't do Corpus unless I drive straight there, and thats an extra 6 hrs there and back from SA. Hence the Humble question. I'm so "humble", "humble" Pie, um.....I was "humble'd" by PTBNYE, ....enough. Daryl, we should have made sure we got ya'lls phone #, Eric and Rick stayed the day at our house the next day till we took them to the airport that night. good times!! next time for sure!! I hear the DVD project is gonna be awesome.....Mr Ginbel will see to that!!!! You da man....and woman(can't leave Nancy out)!!!! Keep the faith Rich....ya know its gonna kick-ass!!! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 08:00 am: | |
check out Mikes(abarax) review of the San Juan show on 1/2/03 on Cindy's PTB site. g |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 08:18 am: | |
gREG! Humble is just outside of Houston. Probably a little farther for you. I have a funny story about abraxas from Cindy's site that I will post later! It occurred after PTB kicked Dallas's A$$ in October 2000! It's pretty damn funny when I think about it! It happened on a chat a few days after the show! Later...Jim
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 08:22 am: | |
Ouch! on the abraxas review! I think we have a consensus! Hey Ed! How long have you run the PTB site? Including the first one that later became this one. And thanks for doing it! Later...Jim
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 09:19 am: | |
Hey Daryl, One heck of a birthday you had. What a way to celebrate!!!!!!!!!Say "hi" to Kathi for me, it was good seeing you both. Bette |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 10:29 am: | |
Hey Daryl, cool, will be there on Fri too! Thanks for the Zepagain words, I appreciate it all! That WAS one heck of a rockin PTB set, wasn't it?! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 10:31 am: | |
Jim, I've been runnin' this site since I can't remember when. Must be early 95 or so? Seems like forever. And you're welcome!
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 10:32 am: | |
What the??? Daryl posting??? CYA Friday afternoon Bubba! |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 01:51 pm: | |
Cool News! has been offered some free tickets to a Dixie Dreggs show at the HOB in LA on Jan 19th. I am checking on the details now but if anyone wants to go please RSVP by e-mail at as soon as you can. |
Rich Seib
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 02:22 pm: | |
The Dixie Dregs kick major a**. Steve Morse is incredible on guitar!! NOT to mention Rod Morgenstein on drums!! Don't miss it!! Rich in TX |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 02:33 pm: | |
Rich suggested:
Quote:Don't miss it!!
I won't.  |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 02:34 pm: | |
Don't forget about ex PTB bass player Dave LaRue, who is now with the Dregs. |
| Posted on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 - 11:18 pm: | |
Dave is one Bad-Arse bass player... naturaly....Just call me Mr. MOTO....(Master Of The Obvious) |