Author |
Message |
tom leary
| Posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 12:05 pm: | |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 - 09:30 am: | |
Rand, yeah, good to see ya & hang out with ya, thanks for coming by! Question of the day: What's the story behind the song 'Stand Up'? Was it written for Pat, or is it an obscure cover song? (Ok, that's 2 questions...) Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 05:03 pm: | |
Oh, I get it!!! I got a call from "Rick Navarro" in his best DJ's voice, wishing me a Merry Christmas. I kinda think that maybe I know who is was now! hahahaha saved it - thanks g. Oh, and yes, Bette, gREG has Clorets Syndrome. : ) Steve Z, as always I had a great time seeing you guys Friday. Deeper Purple was impressive as well! Glad I went. Thanks fer gettin' me on the list! Hope your trip home was quick . . . Merry Christmas to all of you! PT in Maui?? WOWWEE that would be a show to see. It would BURN an image into your mind, know whut ah mean, Vern? |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:54 pm: | |
Here's another cool review of T&A. |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:47 pm: | |
I mean tourette's... |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:46 pm: | |
huh? Does gREG have turret's syndrome? |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:35 pm: | |
Rick Navarro loves Randal!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:26 pm: | |
...then why does he live in Florida? curious. Been in Maui 4 times, love it. |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 01:18 pm: | |
Hi, just curious where you are thinking of for the PT concert in Maui. I know Maui well.My best friend lives there who also loves PT. She knows everybody on the Island. Her dad was Lyle Bettger who was a regular for many years on Hawaii 50 and was an old actor with John Wayne etc...he was the mayor of Paia for a while. Anyway, if there is anything I can do to help set up this concert, let me know. Pat will definitely need lots of fans (both people and airblowing) cause he hates the heat! |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 11:41 am: | |
that's cool, ED. White Christmas. |
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 10:36 am: | |
Speaking of the Travers & Appice release. There is a new, in depth interview with Carmine at WWW.CLASSICROCKREVISITED.COM that I think you all would enjoy. Check it out... And as always....PTB is KING! |
tom leary
| Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 - 09:48 am: | |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 03:16 pm: | |
I think we all know whatcha meant, Randal! nice analogies......too funny. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 02:44 pm: | |
and yes, it takes alot of balls! DOH R |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 02:43 pm: | |
Kids, I'm actually in San Diego, but I spend lots of time in Seattle and used to live there. gREG, are you kidding about the Cardinals going to Glendale? I hadn't heard about that . . . oh, and by the way, please call the team and ask them to lose on Sunday so Seattle can win the division - thanks. Hey Stalker, I'm being courted by a condo developer in Naples, FL. Not TOO far from you, right? And Jimmy Pagemaker and Rockpig, believe it or not another position popped up in Vegas -- MUCH bigger than the first one! I'd be setting up and running their new Vegas office. Can you imagine the interviews for office staff? omigoodness. There are a couple of other jobs still in the works too, so if i DO have to shut my firm down the fall back position is very good. Not to mention the benefit to the family of leaving the instability of self-employment -- for 17 years! Time to make a change. Hey gREG, thanks for the Xmas card. I thought it was very interesting to see where Lisa ends up in the picture -- you seem to have her trained very well! I was gonna make a Jingle Bells joke, but I won't. Silver Bells? nah, nevermind. White Christmas! I'm not gona touch that one! LOLOLOL Good to hear from ya Carl. Merry Christmas, folks!
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 02:02 pm: | |
Good one! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 01:56 pm: | |
Hey Bette, I did! Ok, I know who you meant... Gettin ready for the Holidays!
Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 01:31 pm: | |
gREG, that is soooo sad about the Block Party. I swear, the best times I've ever had were at the two I went to in Tempe!!! with "who was it that played there"??? ha! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 01:22 pm: | |
Happy Holiday's Hammerheads! Love the TnA, it would be fantastic to have track 10 blasted out at all the Hockey Arena's in North America. Perhaps when this lock out is settled lets all drive the sound men at these NHL arena's crazy. Replace that diddler Gary Gilmore with some adult TnA - whatyea say! By the way the edgeist, coolest, wickedess,and smokedess, next to the TnA disc I've heard in a looooooong time has to be Sum 41's "Chuck" - any other hammerheads have that one ? |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 12:28 pm: | |
Hey guys. Long time no post but I still check in. Just got my new issue of Guitar World. Apparently the Dimebag tragedy hit too late for publication because there is no referance to his death. However there is an interview where he is compiling what would be his favorite compilation cd. He picked "Gettin' Betta" as one of his songs. This is what he said. "Man, dont get me started on Pat Travers. That dude writes killer blues rock and roll riffs. Travers introduced elements of disco guitar playing into his sound, with all those heavy choruses and flanges on his guitar. I remember having this album on cassette and driving around in this beat up 72 oldsmobile cutlass fitted with jensen 6x9 speakers, which sounded so insanely distorted and loud. Tommy Aldridge plays drums, and the groove on this song - you gotta love that ••••." Happy Holidays everyone! Chad |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 09:13 am: | |
Hey Kids65...Me? Politically correct? Huh? You must have me confused with someone else! But hey...I live near the Seattle area too....does that count? Happy holidays to you as well. And to all you other Hammerheads, Happy Rockin' Holidays too! Does anybody else hear bits of King's X in some of the vocal melodies on that TNA disc? The chorus to "I Don't Care" sure sounds a bit like King's X with just a pinch of Alice In Chains....or is it just me? Lotta good tunes on that disc. Can't wait for Eric & Rick to get let loose in the studio with PT and put something out... Shame about the mess that happened at our base in Iraq yesterday. Pray for the troops... And as always...PTB is KING! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 09:00 am: | |
Bette, I will be at the block party....on a corner, standing on a chair, preaching the Gospel to all the sinners. Actually it's pretty much a dud this year! Since the Fiesta Bowl will be moving along w/ the Cardinals to Glendale, the party is actually in Scottsdale this year and the band, you ask??? THE FIXX. Randal, good choices.....the peach too! I caught Ed trying to steal all my christmas presents last night. He had broken in thru a back window. Don't let him decieve you.....he's truly evil! Actually, you could say Ed's our year-round santa for PTB!!!! Thanks Ed!! Have a safe Holidays EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Christmas! gREG |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 08:29 am: | |
Everyone here, have a wonderful CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR!!! Enjoy and be safe. Bought the TNA cd and the hubby heard it and confiscated it from me for his truck, had to go by another for the car! Love that TNA!!! Tony and Wendy, Kristina and I will see you guys on Friday, around 3:00p. Sherry and Rich, see you January 7th at the Arf show (Arf, Bette would say!) Merry Christmas everyone! And Ed, you are the super webmaster of this site!! Hot Damn!!
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 03:42 pm: | |
She's where she belongs!!! worshipping at my just came out that way! Nice of you to notice, though. It subtily screams out my dominance of the female sex. BOW DOWN TO ME WOMEN!!! Gotta go, time for me to do the dishes, a load of laundry, and make dinner. Check out and you can see the new staduim being Glendale, AZ. The funny thing is, it's right next to the BRAND NEW Glendale Arena.....home of the NHL Coyotes. Brand new stadium for a sport on lock-out/strike. OUCH!!! Bette, Glendale is a bike-ride away from our house, so next time Mr Travers plays the 'new' Fiesta Bowl Block Party, everyone can stumble back to my house!!!! Hammerheads Unite once again for justice and liberty, and peace on earth!!! Nice. gREG |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 22, 2004 - 03:52 pm: | |
Oh, THAT Glendale. Thought you meant LA for a minute. Mr. Harper, I need your address and phone number. Don't know what I did with yer number, but I'm pretty sure I never had your addy. Mr. and Mrs. Stansell, I tried the cell number I have for you but it ain't yers no more. eme with it if you would. I want to play the message I got from "Rick Navarro" which I think was gREG. If not gREG it must've been Rich . . . dunno for sure, but gREG left a hint on the message board the other day so that's my pick. Anyone else who wants to hear it can send me yer phone number too. It's funnier than HECK (expletive deleted to avoid offending gREG's delicate ears)!! |
| Posted on Thursday, December 23, 2004 - 06:19 am: | |
New date! 01/22/05 Poughkeepsie NY - The Chance With the Fudge, Mountain, Canned Heat and PT. This show rocks! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, December 23, 2004 - 10:53 am: | |
Ticketmaster has PT at the Coach House in Capistrano on 1/23/05. Ticketmaster Is he really doing NAMM on the 21, flying to NY, and back on the 23? Wow! The Coach House website doesn't have the show listed yet. I, of course, will be flying out to play for the troops in Bosnia on the 22nd... Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, December 23, 2004 - 01:45 pm: | |
cool -- maybe JMROXX can make it to that show in NY. Steve, I'm just curious -- when was the last time Led Zeppelin played Bosnia? I'm thinking some locals would love to see you guys too! : ) |
| Posted on Thursday, December 23, 2004 - 02:14 pm: | |
Randal, My name ain't Steve and I don't play him on TV... But I do know that ZA played Bosnia just a few short months ago! Check out their website for a link to the story and pictures!! By the way.... I have no control over who gets an invite to the NAMM show. I uess I just got lucky the past two years. |
| Posted on Thursday, December 23, 2004 - 02:19 pm: | |
in Edspeak uess=guess |
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 02:02 am: | |
I don't know if Led Zep ever played in Bosnia (or Yugoslavia - back when Bosnia was part of that former country). But the people of the Balkans love good rock 'n roll. When I was there back in 2000 (for six months), I got to see some of the local rock bands when they came to the base to perform. Some of them were really good. I went to a street festival one night in a little Muslim village and there was a local band playing at this outdoor stage. The lead singer was belting out Janis Joplin tunes (among other classics) and I'm here to tell you - she was nailing them. I asked if I could join in on guitar and they were all for it. Just then we got a call from our commander telling us we had to return to the camp right away. That really sucked. At that point in time, I hadn't touched a guitar in months - but I had enough "liquid courage" in me to want to give it a shot anyways. Randy |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 04:05 am: | |
Merry Christmas to everyone in the PT Universe. Have rockin good holiday! Rod from Germany |
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 08:55 am: | |
TXRich, yer card was sent back....guess ya moved. Finally got around to looking at the inner-sleave of the latest DIO- and Simon Wright gives props to Pat Travers. Cool. I know they did a few shows together in the summer w/Greg T. Walker (also mentioned). Everyone have a safe X-mas eve, its allready crazy out there!! Happy Holidays from the Cornett's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 10:05 am: | |
Happy Holidays to all you Hammerheads.... And God bless Paul Gilbert! PAUL GILBERT - "Everything Louder Than Everything Else" [Riff Notes - 04.12.24 02:33:27] As previously reported, RACER X guitarist Paul Gilbert has been working on a new solo album. He has posted the following update at his official website: "My new CD is nearly ready to mix. I need to sing a couple more songs and play a couple more guitars, and then it will be ready for me to make everything louder than everything else. Until it's finished, please listen to Pat Travers or check out some of my music." YA GOTTA LOVE THAT! And as always...PTB is KING! |
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 10:29 am: | |
MERRY CHRISTMAS! To all you Hammerheads 'round the world!
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 01:09 pm: | |
Charlie Davidson loves gREG Merry Christmas, Hammerheads and Hummerheads!! HAVE A GREAT 2005, and may the PTB come your way this year Love to the entire PTB Family, Randal
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 01:27 pm: | |
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 01:33 pm: | |
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 02:29 pm: | |
Don't make fun of me but I really dug Mr. Big with Paul Gilbert, Eric Martin, Billy Sheehan (sp?) and I think Greg Bissonette on drums (sp again?)!! I have read some interviews with Paul where he mentions Pat as an influence but to heap such praise indeed merits a rousing "God Bless Paul Gilbert!!" I am happy to be in such great company! All of you are included as well!! Merry Christmas all! Ed, you're the best! Eric, Rick - come back to Texas! Soon! Pat...someone tell Pat we/I said Merry Christmas and that we love him like family. Later...
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 03:29 pm: | |
NOW THAT'S FUNNY RANDAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Holidays!!! g |
| Posted on Friday, December 24, 2004 - 08:59 pm: | |
| Posted on Saturday, December 25, 2004 - 11:11 am: | |
Heyyy, all you Hammerheads and headettes...Merry X-mas, Happy New Year, and all that...ChrismaKwanzaaKah stuff to ya! Hope all of you are doing well out there in PT land. Hoping Santa brought me a lil' TNA under the tree...and a new CD too (LOL). Regarding Paul Gilbert, he is an amazing (if not a bit...showy) guitarist. Racer X is just a shred-fest, if you're into that sorta thing. I loved the 1st two Mr. Big CD's..great grooves, fantastic front-man (Eric Martin) and killer guitar and bass licks, courtesty of Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Sheehan...the hammer-on duel in "Addicted to that Rush" revs me up every time. Just a note, the drummer (at least for the early albums) was Pat Torpey, who I first heard with Chris Impelliteri. Gilbert later left the band and was replaced by Richie Kotzen, whose early solo stuff is pretty hot...though he did a short stint with (ack!) Poison. One of the most memorable guitar solos I personally have witnessed was when Mr. Big opened for Rush maybe 15 years ago...Paul pulled out this solo that filled a 20,000 seat arena..bigtime! My jaw had to be scraped off the floor...if you have a chance to pick up any of his instructional videos, they are hot! Well, it's almost time for Christmas dinner...cya! Carl |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, December 25, 2004 - 01:00 pm: | |
Ha, Ha, Ha, Merry Christmas and a Stalky New Year to all the Hammerheads out there in cyber land! Got the Joe Satriani "Anthology" CD playing now and it sure is a tanfastic CD! Speaking of JS, I was just over at his website and I see that he`s playing in San Diego on the 28th! He`ll be in Phoenix on the 30th! I saw JS this past October and he rocked the joint for 3 hours! With all the celebrations going on, let us not forget the true question of the season. The true question of course is, "Where in da heck is Cindy?". S'later, JH |
| Posted on Saturday, December 25, 2004 - 04:54 pm: | |
well thank christ for christmas ,glad its over, best of luck to all in the new year,. a while back someone mentioned a hammerhead party in new york state,this would be very cool count me in,. PT KICKS BUTT BIG TIME |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 09:53 am: | |
gREG, Randal BEAT the Cardinals......woohoo!!!!!!!!!! Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 10:08 am: | |
Bette....Beating the Cardinals hardly qualifies as a big success...but I am happy for the Seachickens. |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 10:11 am: | |
now for the Rams to lose tonight, so we clinch the NFC West! |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 11:49 am: | |
Strat, I know....don't burst my bubble. Ya, Randal! |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 01:41 pm: | |
Hey Bette, I won't bust yer bubble. Seachickens will do that for you all by themselves! Holmgren, Hasselback & Dilfer ALL must go! |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 02:00 pm: | |
you're depressing |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 03:14 pm: | |
Unfortunately, we'e gonna lose Shawn Alexander next year too. DAMN free agency! I sliced the rat$#!+ outta my left index finger on Christmas Eve. With a CUTCO knife!! 5 stitches -- OUCH! The worst part is that I keep bumping it on things. That hurts worse than the initial cut! anybody got any spare "it don't hurt no mores"?? (whimper whimper) They didn't give me a damned thing for The Pain. It was time to start drinkin' early today sigh -- and with a gig coming in a couple 'o weeks YIKES gREG, wanna fill in? you can play the bass riffs on the new Fisher-Price keyboard ya got fer Christmas. |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 03:27 pm: | |
I ate at Olive Garden last night. Waiter hands me a SCORCHING hot plate. I'm holding my infant son in one hand so I've got no choice but to grab under the plate or drop it. I grab it and burn my fingers and hand in the process. Should I sue Olive Garden? And, if so, for how much? Is there a lawyer in the house? |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 03:33 pm: | |
Bette...I'm not as depressing as the Seachicken's performance this year... |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 03:34 pm: | |
I'm chillin' at my fav booby bar and this dancer is rockin to a PT song when, outta nowhere, her boob implant fly's off and hits me on the cheek!! I spilled my soda and nacho's, and have this HUGE welt on my face!! I need a lawyer too! Needless to say, she didn't get MY dollar!! But seriously Blur, they should comp yer meal or give coupons for free ones in the future!! that coulda burned yer kid!!! Randal, my fee has gone up recently, not sure if ya'll could afford me and my FisherPrice piano. g |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 03:38 pm: | |
I decided to play it cool and not make a scene. The skin will hopefully grow back. LOL! |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 03:46 pm: | |
Ding Dang Cardz......almost pulled it out their butt-munch hat! They are pathetic! Seahawks should be SO much better. My Falcons can't win w/out Vick. My only hope is that the Eagles suck w/out T.O. It doesn't really matter, AFC is gonna dominate anyway..... |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 03:47 pm: | |
and if it doesnt grow back, yer kid has a "show and tell" story. |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 06:37 pm: | |
Hey Blur, my wife had a hot-coffee-spilled-on-the-chest incident because the moron behind the counter didn't put the lid on properly. She was also holding our-then infant son Jake, so this was a few years ago. The restaurant settled for $5K, which was pennies compared to what she might have gotten in a full-blown suit. It's worth checking into, especially if it scarred and if you could use some pocket change. And NO I didn't let 'em look! And yes the slight scarring that Grace suffered is gone now -- I check every chance I get! I'm sure she'll be pleased that I posted this story, but I'm just hoping it helps ya. They always warn me about the hot plate at the Olive Garden that we go to, so they should've done so at yours too! uh . . . one more thing -- I think gREG has a BFD in Civil Law |
| Posted on Monday, December 27, 2004 - 07:09 pm: | |
Hey Randal....gREG's credentials are BS in uncivil law! Nyuk nyuk! |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 07:38 am: | |
Forgot to mention gREG also has a Masters in Civil Disobedience... Looks like the Rams stunk up the situation last night. |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 11:23 am: | |
Edgar Winter is 58 today! Rock on, Edgar!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 03:55 pm: | |
God Bless the survivors of the worst natural disaster we've ever seen . . . if you live in LA, you might consider moving to higher ground. Unreal. Mother Nature does not f^@# around. |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 04:59 pm: | |
is eggler older er yonger than johnny,same hair doo,white trash,carte blond PT KICKS BUTT MASSSIVE |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2004 - 05:12 pm: | |
Pour another drink there Muddy.... Might wanna put that post through the "translator" software of Beseau's and see what it comes up with. Yeah Randal....That's a mess! Pretty freaky how that unfolded. But I do see a new extreme sport emerging out of that...Tsunami surfing... And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 07:34 am: | |
yeah, howabout that couple that was scuba diving when it happened. Felt it pass over them but didn't realize what was happening. Now that would be wierd! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 08:07 am: | |
It is simply amazing what "Mother Nature" can do! A group here at NASA is putting together a relief package/money to send. My father is Indonesian and I know my Tante and Om were going there next month to visit family/friends, and that has now been cancelled. The family has decided to get together next week to put together a package to send to the family/friends in Indonesia. Was watching the news this morning before coming to work (at 5:00a.) and the Pacific Tsunami watch said that they are just waiting for it to happen with the Pacific Ocean, and that it could happen at any time. It sure is depressing watching the numbers go up with the count of the deceased. Anyways.....Everyone have a wonderful New Year and be SAFE!
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 11:29 am: | |
Travers & Appice "It Takes A Lot Of Balls" is a definite must have for any Travers fan. Growing on me like a fine wine (okay, beer really). Another one Santa brought me is Schenker-Pattison Summit "The Endless Jam". Another must have for fans of Schenker and/or Davey Pattison.  |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 11:31 am: | |
So what did Santa bring all of you Hammerheads?
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 12:25 pm: | |
I got a rock |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 12:28 pm: | |
j/k I got a poker set, a couple pairs of shoes, The Cult's "Pure Cult," U2's new one, a playoff berth but no division title just yet, 5 stitches and a scrip for vicodin |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 01:14 pm: | |
I got an Atlanta Falcon antenna ball. g |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 02:50 pm: | |
Since all of my family lives halfway across the country, I didn't get squat...except a buzz. I also got caught up on my sleep! But I did get some great tunes from Scott & Jo and from Jimmy "Big Pipe" Beseau, so I've been rockin' the speakers pretty much nonstop for a while now. And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 02:58 pm: | |
Randal, Did Santa bring you rain? |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 03:24 pm: | |
I also got a great box-o-music from Rockpig!! But I have no idea what he is talking about...I sent him an erector set! I had my kids for Christmas this year! We stayed up late Christmas Eve and I had to wake them up Christmas day when they were still asleep at ten a.m.!! We had a blast! Had some friends over on Christmas Day. Went and saw Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events the day after! What fun! Good movie!! Jim Carey is just a wacko!! My kids gave me some cookware!! Kick Ass!! I love to cook and I don't suck! At cooking! Or period I guess!! My "girl-I-see-occasionally" gave me a nice black sweater. I walked away with a bottle of Weller from our office Chinese gift exchange! I bought myself a new pair of Rockports (ebay, $37 for $100 shoes!! I love ebay!), couple pairs of slacks, some cologne, Chapstick, coffee maker (mine broke on Christmas Eve!) and the same .mp3 player I bought my twelve year old! It has a wireless FM transmitter to play in your car or home stereo! Very cool! And it will accept up to a one gig SD memory card for additional storage and transportability of music/data/files. I like it! I am extremely lucky and happy. I couldn't ask for more. Except to meet you guys in person! Party at my house!? Later...
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - 03:55 pm: | |
I gotta few of the usual type stuff, which is cool, including the below mentioned Joe Satriani CD. I take it that Randal, or gREG, can`t make the JS shows in thier area,... whatta shame. I did get a raise at work, which really surprised me considering a merger, and subsquent layoffs, late this summer. Best of all, I got a phone call from an old boat racing friend of mine, and he told me he`s putting together another race boat, and so I might do some crewing this coming spring and summer. The boat should be capable of doing about 120 mph, but I know that there are boats in that class that can probaly go a bit faster. Still, if it all comes together, it should be fun. S`later, JH |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 06:00 am: | |
hey ,sorry about the last post ,i was drinkin with an old redneck out in the woods ,and the guy really thinks Mr Winters name is egglar pt the one and only |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 06:23 am: | |
Eggler is the brother they don't talk about |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 06:28 am: | |
Items of note that I got are a Boris Valejo/Julie Bell fantasy art calendar, a tuner for my geetars, a chocolate cream pie from my favorite niece, and a really cool 2 foot long staff looking thing with a hand carved dragon wrapped around that when you pull it in two is really two short swords (or long knives?) I haven't hurt myself with it yet, either! Plus I got to drive an hour and a half in a blizzard on the Thruway on Christmas Eve! |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 07:19 am: | |
Is that Mars Cowling with grey shirt in the Ft. Lauderdale pics? Man, I'd obviously love to see his slippery bass playing return to the PTB! |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 07:21 am: | |
Hey Muddy & Hooked. That would be the Eggler Wigger Group, right? Wasn't Dick Rerringer the guitar player? Or was it Rummie Monstrudle? Had a hit called "Bride Of Frankenstein", didn't they? |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 08:56 am: | |
Look what I just saw: MOUNTAIN PAT TRAVERS CANNED HEAT VANILLA FUDGE in concert at the Star Plaza Theatre in Merrillville Indiana on Friday, March 11th 2005. Must be TNA!!!!!
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 02:05 pm: | |
That was Mars. |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 02:15 pm: | |
you folks are so lucky to have so many great acts touring on a regular basis,but up here in canaduh iza stuck with a couple a backstage passes for the tragicaly hip on new years eve,could get much worse I suppose,.It should be a damm good show ,huey dillon is openin ,good party b/s if anything,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, PT man of many guitars |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 02:32 pm: | |
Hey Rockstrat Don't forget that Dan Fartman was in the band too! Hooked -- I cringed when you mentioned the swords!!! OUCH |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 02:52 pm: | |
Correct you are Randal! And...He can dream about you! Aren't you flattered? |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 04:30 pm: | |
SWEET!! Got my MP3 player today (I begged) and downloading music now! TNA first thing, then the PT library!! Merry-late-x-mas to me..... |
| Posted on Thursday, December 30, 2004 - 10:22 pm: | |
Does anybody have any info on the PT show 01/07/05 Walnut Creek CA - The Regional Center (Animal Rescue Benefit)??? I've heard also Tesla is playing.That would be a great show!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! |
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 07:41 am: | |
Dan Hartman RIP |
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 09:42 am: | |
Zepfanus,The ARF show from what we know is going to be ..Pat and the boys,Tesla,members of Night Ranger..and a couple of more acts...HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!MAY 05' BE FULL OF P.T. LIVE!!!Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 10:37 am: | |
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 11:07 am: | |
same here!!! Have a Peeping New Year on a darker note, geez didya see what happened in Buenos Aires??? 175 dead in a club incident frighteningly similar to the Great White show. The article I read says that fans regularly light fireworks at rock shows -- didn't anyone read about Rhode Island????? LOCKED exit doors??? COME ON -- we've gotta learn from our mistakes, folks! Stay safe everyone, and lettuce hope that 2005 is truly a Happy New Year for all of us. I for one could really use a good year for a change . . . GO SEAHAWKS!! DON'T GO RAMS!!! |
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 01:49 pm: | |
SHLAPPY FUSH YAR EBBADUBBY!! (burp).... Throw down hard tonight, but be safe to yourself and those around you. We don't wanna lose any PT Family members... Pat, Eric & Rick...Where ever you are...Thanks for the great jams & as ol' PT likes to say.. "We'll see you in the big time!" |
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 03:17 pm: | |
Happy new year Stalker, and to all the hammerheads!! Hope you had a nice x-mas!! Got a new years eve gig with my old band, and this is gonna be a nice crowd. tonight.. So I,m gonna make sure the sound guy plays TNA on the breaks.. haven,t heard it through the p.a. yet... Be Safe!!!! Talk to ya soon. J.B. |
| Posted on Friday, December 31, 2004 - 04:33 pm: | |
Nancy and Daryl, !! hope you both have a great one!
HAPPY NEW YEAR Hammerheads!