Author |
Message |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 07:04 am: | |
Inspite of terrible weather and the lingering effects of an ice storm in the area, Pat and the boys rocked hard last night at Amos' Southend in Charlotte. Maybe 100 very enthusiastic fans braved the elements. Pat seemed very happy and in good spirits. The new band members performed quite admirably and the addition of a 2nd guitarist definitely helped fill in the gaps. Pat was in top form and quite talkative with the audience. I'll post more sometime this weekend when I have a chance. Eric said they apologize for a lack of posts but they simply can't get online very much while out on the road. |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 07:08 am: | |
One other note. The guys are playing tonight in Fayetteville, NC. Anybody around NC will be familiar with Fayetteville. I'm not sure of the name of the venue. It's not on the gigs page but is definitely happening. If I had known about this I would have followed the band to this show but we've made a commitment for a Christmas party tonight that we can't back out of. If you live near Fayetteville don't miss it! |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 07:12 am: | |
One last, last note. Give the gift of music this holiday season. I took a good buddy of mine to the show last night. He was familiar with "Boom Boom" but other than that didn't know much about Pat's music. I gave him a copy of mc2 on the way to the show and Pat signed it for him. My buddy bought a t-shirt and is heading out shopping today for anything he can find of Pat Travers! Dude was shuffling PT cds in and out of the player on the way home like he was on an assembly line! Alright-I'll shut up now. Very tired from the show but still pumped. Now back to reality............. |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 08:18 am: | |
Here's a link to the venue for tonight's gig in Fayetteville. It's a place called Jesters Pub. |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 09:28 am: | |
I also owe you thanks Blur. Thanks! Glad to hear the tour is still Smokin' The band is earning their holiday break for sure. Cheers! |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 10:48 am: | |
I'm originally from Fayetteville, NC. I just MapQuested my old address and the club address...2.0 miles from my old house!! I could have drunk walked home need be!! Two miles!! I have never seen Pat somewhere that close!! I don't know why I posted this...I think I'm still on ignore! Hey Cindy!!! Later...
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 12:50 pm: | |
I hear tickets for the show here in St. Petersburg are selling well. Stalker it's cooler up here. In the low 60's at night. Brrrr!! |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 03:56 pm: | |
Jimbo, closest he's played here was about two miles in each direction -- once at Brick by Brick and once at Buffalo Joe's, but when he stopped by my HOUSE after that last gig, why that was priceless!! Had a PT dream last night. I was in Vegas and discovered by chance that the band was in town, I think headlining over Montrose! I wasn't sure in the dream, so really ain't sure now. I went looking for the venue and as I was walking out of a parking structure, there was Freighttrain walking toward me and waving. Woke up too soon to see Pat or the gig, but it's always cool knowing they're not so far away. Gigs in Dreamland -- too cool! Hey Carl! Good to read from ya Only 8 shopping days til Christmas -- YIKES! Gonna get gREG a new green and pink sash for his tutu outfit . . . at Pretty and Plump, which I like to call Pretty Plump. doh -- now I'm in trouble |
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 04:16 pm: | |
Hey Randal, That pink & green sash you got gREG is gonna go perfect with what I got him. Nice sparkly ballerina slippers with angora fur bow-ties on the tips of them. Guess where I found them? Yep! At the Pretty & Plump store! He's gonna look awfully cute.... And just who is this Jim fella that no one is talking about?!?!? It's easy to ignore what ain't there! Did I mention that PTB KICKS ASS? |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 - 04:49 pm: | |
Aw`ight, the weekend is here! Late tomorrow morning I`ll head on up to St. Pete! I`ve got my PTB t-shirt, which Cindy sent, packed in my bag. I`ve got plenty of battery and memory for my kamera! I`s gots plenty of loot too! Ticket Monster got my tickets, for both the St. Pete show and the Ft. Lauderdale show, to me yesterday. Hey, it would be "da bomb" if Mars showed up at the Lauderdale show! He has shown up in the past Lauderdale shows! ...fa-la-la... S`later, JH |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 04:51 am: | | Pict. from Bonamassa and Pat Thrall in the studio. |
| Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 05:15 am: | |
my daughter Erin, turns 21 today.... where does the time go? |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 06:45 am: | |
Anyone else hear about George Lynch & PT getting into a arguement @ The Jaxx Show??? Heard this from a buddy yesterday.... |
| Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 07:32 am: | |
Silver Haze: I've been kinda sitting on this because I didn't know if it was PC to post about it. No, Pat didn't get into an argument with George Lynch. However, according to Eric, his vocalist apparently was about to throw down with Pat because Pat had parked the band's RV in a parking space he believed belonged to him for 5 minutes while he went into the club to find out where he was supposed to park. Needless to say, that didn't start the evening off right. George apparently offered to have the guy come over to Pat's trailer to apologize, but Pat politely declined. That, combined with the complete lack of anything resembling a sound check and some equipment issues/sound reinforcement issues caused it not to be the most stellar PT show I've witnessed, though a solid show and well-received by the fans. My memory is a bit "Hazy" (LOL) at this point, but the (way-too-short) set list (not in order) as I recall it: Hooked on Music Crash & Burn (no keys ) Life in London I Don't Care Won't Play That Game Stevie Elijah PT Nuts Snortin' Whiskey Boom Boom It all went by WAY too fast, and my buddy who pretty much introduced me to PT back in the (gasp) late 70's was flying out to catch half a set or so and completely missed it. Sucks to be him, he had to work until 10 PM. The karmic equalizer was that you could barely hear Lynch's guitar, which was kind of disappointing to me, as I have been a fan of his for some time, but it seemed just. I will definitely try and catch the "new" band again as a headliner ASAP. Kirk definitely has some awesome chops, and Frank did admirably as a replacement for the irreplaceable Rick Navarro. Rock on! Carl |
| Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 08:25 am: | |
Sounds like that incidence could have been a perfect opportunity for PT to work out some of his karate on Lynch's singer had the guy pushed the issue a bit more. Although for a perfect karmic equalizer, it would have been better if it had been the singer in Lynch's band that you couldn't hear instead of Lynch's guitar. Lynch can hold his own with his skills, and it sounds like he wasn't the one causing problems with PT. Sounds like that singer needs to learn what respect is all about. He appears to have a severe case of LSD....Lead Singer's Disease! A happy ending would have been Pat kicking his ass twice. Once in the parking lot and again on stage! |
| Posted on Saturday, December 17, 2005 - 03:25 pm: | |
Eric told me about this the other night and I kidded Pat about it. Pat told me that in karate you're taught to defend yourself and not be an instigator. He probably handled it better than I would have. PT was definitely not in the wrong on this and George Lynch was reportedly classy and apologetic for his lead singer's behavior. I told Pat he was the one who was supposed to announce that HE was there to kick everybody's ass and not the other way around. |
| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 12:54 am: | |
Geez, waht a maroon. The best ID we can get on teh guy is that he's George Lynch's inger. So friggin WHAT?? A nobody liek that having the gall to talk to the infamous badass Mr. Pat Travers like that, without getting his arse kicked? NOPE -- not in this lifetime! That's exactly why I'm studying Won Hung Lo. We can beat the snot out of anyone at anytime, on accounta we can. We are trained specifically to punch the lights out of irresponsible humans, since our sin-say (somebody PLEASE spell it for me) is known for the chronic condition of "One Hung Low" and was ridiculed for it as a child in Beijing. He beat the other kids senseless until they realized that they too were afflicted with the same apparent disorder. NOTE TO SELF: Go see the George Lynch thing and park in his parking spot, beat living hell out of smart-assed no-name singer and enjoy rest of show without his dumb arse. END OF NOTE Unreal . . . |
| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 12:55 am: | |
PS -- The Seahawks are also Won Hung Lo experts, and they heard the Titans were making fun of them . . . NOW watch what happens. |
| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 12:37 pm: | |
get into a karate brawl over a parking spot ,pat being the cool guy he is,probly just got even by blowin away the competition on stage where it matters,. |
| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 04:46 pm: | |
Hey I dont know karate but I know karazy |
| Posted on Sunday, December 18, 2005 - 09:31 pm: | |
This message is for anyone who attended the PT show in cleveland . First thanks to all ,it was one of our most exciting shows ever , still cant believe the response we had that night , very cool, none the less .if anyone needs info about our band go to thanks again, and by the way Pat travers rocks!!! |
| Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 04:05 am: | |
Madman5863; Well and thank you very much for the info! I will be looking to catch your act again. Cheers.. |
| Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 07:46 am: | |
The show last Saturday in St. Petersburg rocked! It was pretty full house. The set list was the same as the Cleveland. The sound was pretty good, but loud! The State Theater is close to downtown St. Pete., but not in the safest part of it. Hooked on Music (first) Born Under a Bad Sign (encore) I don't remember all the other songs in between. P.T. and the guys came out after the show signed shirts and pictures. They had some different shirts than the PT=MC2 t-shirts. Six shows in one year is pretty good. I hope there are as many next year. California, here I come! Stalker, when will you have the pictures posted? Jim K. |
| Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 04:44 pm: | |
As I posted on Friday, the Thursday night show was absolutely great. Same set list as previously posted except for "Heat In The Street" replacing "Won't Play That Game". Here's some misc. notes: *Pat was in very good spirits and very funny. Telling the crowd he was going to play another song off of mc2 whether we liked it or not. Also said that somebody else covered "Take Me To The Pilot" and that they changed around the words because they sounded "too gay". *The new t-shirts are very cool. If you go to a show make sure and take enough $$$ to buy a few. They're selling for $20 and sell out quickly. *I helped the boys load some equipment afterwards and chatted briefly before the guys headed back to the hotel. When I stepped on the tour bus I told Pat to "move this f'ing piece of ••••!" That got a nice laugh from everybody after the Lynch Mob fiasco. *They had a 2-person road crew who were both very cool to chat with. Brad and Paul were their names, and I hope to see them on future tours. *A big thumbs up to Amos' South End. That's a very cool venue that I would recommend for any show. The staff was friendly and the beer was cold. That's all you can hope for. *Everybody seems to be meshing nicely. You guys will really be impressed with Kirk McKim. He's got some very fast chops and nailed the opening lead on "Heat" and "Snortin'". It was easy to see that Pat enjoyed playing with a second guitarist. *Frank is still in the learning process but more than holding his own on bass. He's only been in the band a month but seemed comfortable with the material and hit some notes that sounded familiar to me but I didn't expect to hear out of him at this stage. *And finally, I can't say enough about Eric. His playing has reached new levels every time I've seen him with Pat but this time I was really blown away. His foot is faster and his "rides" are slicker and more sure than ever. Once again I thought he was going to destroy his kit but it must be made of indestructable steel. *Overall, another fine performance as we all have come to expect from the great Pat Travers Band. My buddy went nuts. He went to the local stores the next day and bought two PT cd's which was unfortunately all that they had. This new fan will be a keeper. He was that blown away! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 05:04 pm: | |
Just a quick post `cuzz I gotta get to work, pronto, on the pics from the weekend! Thanks Mitch & Kim for all the hospitality, and your friend is indeed a free spirit! It was great to see Julie again. Thanks drummer1 for letting me hang whitch ya! I tell ya, I`m so damn lucky to have a friend like Sandy! Oh yeah, I almost forgot, (nudge,nudge,wink,wink), a huge shout out to Frank, Kirk, Eric, Joe, and that other feller that hangs out with know...the singer-guitarist guy! Ya`ll were just what the soul doctor ordered! S`later, JH |
| Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 08:05 pm: | |
PT was, as to be expected, awesome on Sunday in Ft Lauderdale! I took a few pictures and he even paused before returning to his mic for me to get a shot of him with Kirk. J I was especially thrilled that PT gave me his guitar pik afterward. |
| Posted on Monday, December 19, 2005 - 08:30 pm: | |
Looks like the news of "the argument" has made it onto the net. Never mind that they don't get hardly any of the details correct. Basically PT goes inside to ask where to park the bus, and this dude goes nuts on Pat. Oh well! As the old saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity. |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 07:10 am: | |
Anything you read at the Blabbermouth site MUST be taken with a grain of salt. That place is the equivalent of The National Enquirer of the Internet. It's never been a "reputable" site to go to for accurate news pertaining to the music world. However, it is cool to see PTB getting some press, although I'd rather it's content be about how KICK ASS his music & the band are. |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 07:25 am: | |
I couldn't help but notice that in the Blabbermouth article they refer to Pat Travers as the "legendary 70's" guitarist. Have these retards been under a rock for the last 25 years?? If they are not "up" on current music they shouldn't be reporting it. P.S. Are any Chicago area dates scheduled |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 12:21 pm: | |
But Rockpig, if it's on the internet, it must be true!!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 02:43 pm: | |
Hey, whatever happened to that Jim guy from TX? Haven't heard from him in years, ha! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 04:23 pm: | |
Just picked up the one copy of Bazooka they had at Tower today. Looking forward to cranking it up tonight! Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 04:55 pm: | |
I wanna be security for PTB!! Will work for Pepsi.....ya can't beat that! g |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 - 05:06 pm: | |
Yeah gREG, you can't beat that, but if you're security you CAN beat up Lynch's singer... |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 04:42 am: | |
Okay folks, as soon as Ed replies to an e-mail that I sent him last night, I`ll send him mass quantities of pics from the 2 shows this past weekend. I rate the quality of pics as "okay", considering that I`m blind in one eye, and that I can`t see out of the other. Yo PBC lady, I thought that was you at the show Sunday night. Jimk, where did you get that PTB t-shirt you were wearing Saturday night? |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 07:04 am: | |
Stalker, never got your e-mail. But then again lately, I haven't been getting more e-mails than I have been getting. Long story. Don't ask. But I want your pics!!!!!! Try and send another test e-mail and see if that one makes it through. Awaiting impatiently... ***** Steve, The Tower in MDR? If so you're a lucky dude. I was there yesterday and almost snagged that copy. Instead I picked up a couple of Zep CDs as gifts. I hope you enjoy it. I spin mine regularly and I've come to think it's one of the finest moments in recording history. It's got a bit of a Vanilla Fudge taste to it. |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 07:14 am: | |
Hey Ed, I just now sent ya e-mail test message. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 08:12 am: | |
Hey Stalker thanks for the quick reply! But unfortunately I didn't get it. But I just set up a temporary e-mail address email Try and send another one please. |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 09:19 am: | |
Ed, will do when I get home tonight. Right now I`m using a customer`s PC, and the pics are on my home PC. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 10:53 am: | |
Anybody hear anything about the Pat Travers "Fourplay" release from Majestic Rock? Just wondering if they fixed the problems with the original Majestic Rock PT Cds? |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 10:58 am: | |
Hey MissingMars, I was wondering the same thing. If you hear anything positive let me know. I'd like to purchase the boxset, but ONLY if the sound issues have been repaired. Otherwise I have the Ginbel issues that sound fine to me. By the way...anybody know if Pat is seeing any royalties from this set or if all the profits are going directly to Majestic? Who is Jim in Texas??????? |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 11:27 am: | |
Dear Missingmars; I also would like to know about the quality issues. I do have a japan import from another lable of "putting it straight" and it is wonderful. I saw one day FYE had it listed in stock but the next day there was a available date of 12-23 or so. I don't get it. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 11:39 am: | |
Hey Fermenter, Several of Pat's Polydor releases are available out of Japan. Putting It Straight, Heat In The Streets & Live! Go For What You Know are all available. I have them and I agree with you that they do indeed sound very good. Much better than the Majestic Rock editions! There are also several of his Blues Bureau releases available from Japan as well as School Of Hard Knocks.I'm a big collector of Japanese releases, so I have these as well. I need to say that if any of you ever find the Japanese version of School Of Hard Knocks, GRAB IT, because it sounds ten times better than the domestic or European versions. I bought the Euro version when it first came out, then found a Japanese version several years later and could not believe the difference! It's just a shame that ALL of the PT Polydor releases aren't available from Japan (or the U.S. for that matter!). |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 03:18 pm: | |
Okay Ed, check the temporary e-mail inbox. Hopefully the test e-mail went thru. The earlier e-mails that I sent ya were not returned to me, so they`re floating around out there somewhere in cyberspace, probably with that so-called Jbeseau guy. In the meantime, I`ll be back at the ranch, making sure that my e-mail anti-virus program is up to date! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 04:43 pm: | |
Rumpa Pum Pum Me and my drum |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 06:30 pm: | |
Hey , I got a radio show . KSVY Sonoma CA . 91.3 FM. Go to KSVY.ORG Fri. mornings 1:00 AM PST . At least two hours but often stay to 4:00AM .Use the "listen now " button . Mr P's ROCK and ROLL RIOT . Play a lot of rocking tunes . Always do some PT , MSG , Deep Purple , Glenn Hughes ,Mountain ,Robin Trower , Etc. It's a shitty time to be on the air but I can do whatever I want . Hope you dig it ! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 06:37 pm: | |
Welcome aboard PT Finatic! I'm a former radio guy and know where you're coming from on the 3rd shift thingie. You name it, I did it-news, sports, weather, remotes, and any shift imaginable on any day of the year. I'll try to catch your show sometime and THANK YOU for playing the music of the greatest of all time! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 07:49 pm: | |
Sirious radio for x-mas......Stern lives! Was in Smithfield Virginia last weekend....felt like Amish about B-Fing Egypt! Although I now know fer sure the end is near.....they had 2 rap stations and 1 rock station! I wept...... |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - 09:10 pm: | |
White people shouldn't rap. Nuff said. THE Rocker |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 05:09 am: | |
There is a slim chance Santa will bring me the "Four Play" set. If that happens I will post a report of the quality ASAP. ....go all night you can't treat me right she said yah..................... |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 05:16 am: | |
Okay Ed, you have the St. Pete pics. Good luck! |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 07:34 am: | |
Hello!!? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone home? Been busy lately. Most of it fun. Hope all is well for all of you and your families/friends. This has been a weird year for me. Here's to 2006!! I'm gonna make it "Gettin' Betta"!! Merry Christmas all! Later...
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 07:37 am: | |
Did...did..somebody just post something? |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 07:39 am: | |
Stalker - got them. Thanks for your efforts, much appreciated! Now, send the rest!!!!! I'll post them this evening. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:57 am: | |
Ed, yes, the Tower in MDR. Thanks for not snagging it out from under me! Good stuff on that disc! Carmine's drums on the opener, wow! And I like having a studio version of the guitar arrangement of Crash & Burn. But I gotta agree with the other comments about Last Child, that one's a little iffy... Overall though, great disc! Gotta listen some more... Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 12:16 pm: | |
Cranked up Travers/Appice House a Blues today w/ my new sub-woofer and the bass on THATS the way to listen to this disk!!!!! word. g |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 01:12 pm: | |
word dude. When I play that disk I have to turn my sub way down. Otherwise things really start a shakin' Peace. |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 01:15 pm: | |
Quote:And I like having a studio version of the guitar arrangement of Crash & Burn.
I know it's special ain't it? Keys were good on this tune. But I think I like the guitars better. JMHO |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 01:25 pm: | |
So PT is playing in Vancouver on 02/09/06 @ Richards on Richards..... Are there anymore Canadian Dates planned for the New Year? |
tom leary
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 01:56 pm: | |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 02:21 pm: | |
Just got RUSH-R30 2 DVD SET,AWESOME DVD!!! The 2nd dvd has interviews on the begining and the interviewer ask Geddy who he hangs out with and his reply was PAT TRAVERS,I thought that was very cool. Trivia question for you,How did GEDDY LEE get his first name?? PT FANATIC, I'll try and listen to your radio show,I live in Cloverdale Ca so hopefully it comes in.B |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 02:30 pm: | |
I know I know!!!! His real name is Gary, but his grandmother pronounced it "geddy", and it just kinda stuck. THE Rocker |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 03:39 pm: | |
That why alot of folks call me "M"! It stuck! Merry Christmas to all you Hammerheads and Hummerheads in PTLand. May you have as happy a new year as me and Jimbo are gonna have -- okay,as happy as Pat and gREG and Pig and Cindy and Ed and Steve Z and Carl and Darren and Daryl Bette and Stalker and Blur and Tony Lo and RichnNancy and Nancy and Bert if they're still around, and Eric and Snorkels and Texas Rich and Fermenter and Specks T and PTFinatic and Travers Travelers and PT Chickfan and Blur and Silver Haze and Hooked and JimK and Zepfaus and TooCool and Rocker and Kellyman and Missing Mars and Big Ed and and everbody who I'm fergetting is gona have! whew! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 04:23 pm: | |
Zep, yes, the new Rush DVD is killer! I was going to answer your trivia, but Rocker beat me to it! You anywhere near Folsom? I'll be playing up there on Feb 25. Thanks for the wishes Randal, I second that to everyone! Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 05:46 pm: | |
Randal-YOU ROCK! I think you covered everybody. 'Tis the season to grab onto your loved ones and celebrate the birth of Christ. I hope everybody in PT land has a great one and an incredible 2006. I'm guessing it's going to be an incredible year based on what Pat hinted at in an earlier post. Can't wait! PT Rocks!  |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 06:20 pm: | |
Okay Ed, I`m sending ya the first half of the Ft. Lauderdale pics right now. I did get "trigger happy" at that show `cuzz the band and the lighting was just tanfastic. I put the pics into two folders so`s I don`t over load yer e-mail inbox. Lemme know when ya get folder 1, and then I`ll send ya the folder 2. JH |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 07:15 pm: | |
Hey Randal,Scott and Jo,Darryl and Kathy,Ed and all of the Hammerheads I have missed I am so grateful for you guys as friends and the holidays just bring great heart felt memories of all of you. The band is doing great getting ready to play the big NAMM show this year and I heard Pat is even going to make an appearance at the show. I love you all and happy holidays and Randal we need to get together at NAMM and VIP you out. Even though I am not in the Pat camp anymore I still believe PT will always be in my family and close to me. Merry Christmas to you all and Happy New Year I still am putting together some cool stuff for the Hammerhead news letter and Cindy and all my Canadian pals lots of love and happiness to you all Happy Holidays all I will check in after rehearsals start on the 3rd of January. |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 08:45 pm: | |
ZEPFANUS you will not pick it up on the air . It is a crummy little signal . Barely makes it to Santa Rosa . You would have to go to : KSVY.ORG and load it into your computer . It's 1 AM Fri. morning . That's like "real late" Thurs night . There is some BS auto pilot jazz on right now because the air head talk show guy is a no show . So I gotta wait until 1 AM ? After a classical show . I'm going to get some sleep right now so I'm raring to go . PT FANATIC |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:28 pm: | |
And Monae |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:33 pm: | |
  Yep, like what Blur said |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 09:48 pm: | |
Silver Haze said:
Quote:So PT is playing in Vancouver on 02/09/06 @ Richards on Richards.....
How did you hear about this gig SH? Hope they are playing Calgary........damn, I need to know ASAP on these dates, so I can TRY to get some time off work, with my work schedule it is difficult. Any other Canadian dates in the works? That is great news!! |
| Posted on Thursday, December 22, 2005 - 10:11 pm: | |
Brian Maybe, I live about an hour and a 1/2 north of San francisco,ca,close to Santa Rosa.Where the Redwoods meet the Vineyards(This is written on the town sign).B |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:04 am: | |
Hey Cindy, I noticed the PT Gig in Vancouver on the Ticketmaster Site... Then I checked out this link........ Maybe PT is playing in Calgary on the Friday Night? And maybe a Gig in Ontario on Saturday? That would be Cool....... Cheers, SH |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:43 am: | |
The PTB has been officaly STALKED! Thanks John! Ft. Lauderdale St Petersburg
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:45 am: | |
Going to see Ronnie Montrose on the 7th in Santa Cruz and then we just picked up tickets for David Gilmour in Oakland! Can't wait for the PT shows in No. Cali! |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:52 am: | |
VANCOUVER SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That'a an awesome early xmas present! Cindy, road trip? Merry Xmas everyone, Be Happy, Be safe and may you all get your every desire! |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 09:22 am: | |
FREAKIN' AWESOME pics!!! word. g |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 09:26 am: | |
Thanks for the info SH!!! At least I can plan some what some kinda trip, possibly...... Sandy, I am hoping a road trip! That Richards on Richards show falls on my 2nd day shift, if I am working until 5pm that day, I can try to get a flight after that, and I don't work until the next day till 5pm or I might be able to make it EVEN if I can't get a day off.... I will believe in if PTB plays calgary on this tour..... |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 09:31 am: | |
Hey Cindy, In the past when PT has played in Calgary what Nightclub was it or what Club in Calgary would be the Best Fit for a PT Gig??? Just wondering...... Cheers, SH |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 09:51 am: | |
Great pics, Ed & Stalker, thanks for those! Zepfanus, we were up in Petaluma last summer, and might get up there again next year. That's a bit closer to you! Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 10:28 am: | |
Happy holidaze and merry Christmas one and all! Thanks for all the support and well wishes this year. You all helped me through a very difficult time in my life and I am most grateful. A BIG thanks to Pat for the Milwaukee show and all the new music this year. Thanks to Ed for keeping this site up. Ed, I have pics from the Milw. show if you want them. Just let me know what I need to do, also have many many older pics scanned and waiting. Everyone, please take a moment during what ever you may have planned, to remember our troops over seas and those who have made the ultimate sacrafice. Without their efforts, we wouldn't be able to do this. Have a safe and happy holiday. Here's to a brighter, more peaceful, more P.T. 2006. Merry Christmas. everybody! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 10:34 am: | |
Hi Ed, thanks for posting the pics! It was a lotta fun last weekend!!! Ya might wanna double check the link to the St. Pete show cuzz that particular link took me to the Ft. Lauderdale pics also, and not to the St. Pete pics. S`later, JH |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 10:45 am: | |
Great pics! Pat looks like he lost about 30 pounds! hey gang, I'm looking for this book we read in class when I was a kid (probably around '74). It was a story about this guy and family who kept penquins in the basement. I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. Anybody recall this book? |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 10:49 am: | |
Nice pictures there Stalker, and thanx for posting them Ed. I couldn't tell from the photos who was playing the Bogner amps...Kirk or Pat? If PT is now using them, then he's done a complete overhaul of his live rig...PRS guitars & Bogner amps. Can't imagine PT without the Marshalls, but these days there are so many great amps out there, you can't blame a fella for switching up sometimes. Also, strange looking headstock on Kirk's guitar. Can any of you guitar gear heads out there identify what make that might be? Or maybe it's just a custom neck? Okay...gotta stop now. My guitar gear geek mode is coming on too strong! Thanks again for the photos! Looking forward to the Beautiful Pacific Northwest Tour! gonna come up for a show or two? Monae? Big Ed? I know I'll run into Darren & Sandy & Gettin' Bette! Maybe even the Canuck Queen...Cindy? What's it all aboot, eh? |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 10:53 am: | |
Quote:Ya might wanna double check the link to the St. Pete
OOoops. I'll fix that ASAP. Thanks for keepin' me honest! |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 11:10 am: | |
Hey Hooked! I think the book you're looking for is called Mr. Popper's Penguins. Click the link to see my favorite book buying site on the planet!! The link below might tell you my secret to finding ANYTHING!! Good luck! SECRET FINDING THINGAMAJIG Later...
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 11:40 am: | |
Ed, nice layout on the front page. Is that rig my Xmas gift?? Rockpig, looks to me like the Bogner is Kirk's. I saw a Marshall in one of the pics on the other side of Eric. And I've seen that headstock before, but I can't remember the name of the guitar maker. Studio guitarist Mike Landau was using them. Not that that's any help... Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 01:55 pm: | |
That's better.... St Petersburg It's been a long year. In amongst the files that I mistakenly did not upload this morning is a particulary good shot of Kirk that Stalker snapped. Photography at it's finest. Thanks again Johnny! |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 02:10 pm: | |
After a short break: Hey Steve. You wish. That was the second best sounding rig that I've ever heard Pat play through. Ceasars Tahoe was the place and the man was on fire. Best? Ventura 99(?) Holy smokes! I couldn't believe my ears! That was during the infamous "Ed left Shaun's cybmals in San Diego tour." That was a long year too.... |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 02:13 pm: | |
Cool single cutaway that Pat playin' too! |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 02:19 pm: | |
Quote:nice layout on the front page
It's a bit gaudy... But we get to be that way a once or twice a year. It's fun! |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 02:21 pm: | |
Quote:It's a bit gaudy...
But I think the guitar needs a Santa hat. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 02:22 pm: | |
That's ok Ed, there's always next year! I did a little looking, and this is the guitar I was thinking might be Kirk's. Tyler Guitars Cheers, Steve |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 03:17 pm: | |
I'm no guitar guru, but the geetar Kirk is playing might also be a PRS. Eric told me that Kirk and Pat recently visited PRS and were given the royal treatment and told to pick out whatever they like. Now that the boys are home for the holidays it would be cool to have them chime in on some stuff. |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 03:33 pm: | |
Merry X-mas H2's!!! Stalker, The pics are absoutly great!!!!! Thank you Ed for posting them. The work and time you take to keep ( active, I hope never discourages you!!!!!!!!!! happy holidays |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 04:07 pm: | |
Yep, GREAT pics, Howie Longfellow! You were right -- the lighting was fantastic! LOTS of great shots of Pat and the band. MY fav of Eric's is the last one in the Ft. Lauderdale group. Purty much says Freighttrain, don't it?? Strat, you bet your fatback I'm coming to my beloved PNW for a show or three. Lesse when the dates layout and maybe can do a mini tour with the fellas -- would be cool to ride with ya for one leg or two. Cindy, sure hope you can make it. I might try BC too will see how things shake out after the first. We call that "New Years Day" down here -- I heard you call it "Plantin' Day" up there, but I heard you say that about ALOT of days, eh! Aboot once a month, anyway LOL (sound of small torch igniting glistening brush) Rich, missed ya last night but had a nice chat with Momma Nance! Gimme a shout when you get a chance. Tony Lo! Man, yer SO cool! That would be a treat to rival being in the studio with Pat for PT=MC2! NAMM NAMM NAMM NAMM NAMM |
Freight Train
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 06:45 pm: | |
Rockpig.....what's up brotha? To answer your question the Bogner is Kirk's baby! Pat is now using the VOX Tonelab pedal board into a Mesa Boogie 90/90 stereo amp into a stereo Marshall 2X12. The tour for the most part went great. A little bus trouble and a lot of weather trouble made for some long days and nights. For the most part though everything was rockin'. My hats off to Frank for stepping in and doing a great job. What can I say about Kirk.....AMAZING! I look forward to what's around the corner even more now that Pat has an amazing talent like Kirk there to colaberate with. Seeing Richard, Chuck, Rich, Nancy, Brad (BLUR), John, Stalker, Mitch, Kim, Jules, Jim, and all the new fans has been a great Christmas present and I hope all of yours will be great as well. Be safe and look the f$%k out west coast cuz' we'll be there mid Jan. Eric |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 08:52 pm: | |
Eric-hope you, Haley, and the rest of the PT family have an awesome holiday season. It was great hanging with you guys, and thanks (as usual) for an awesome show. I can't wait for 2006. Please keep us updated on what's going on. "Johnny on the spot" has vowed to me that's he a PTB fan for life. So you'll be seeing us again real soon. Take care my brutha! Brad |
| Posted on Friday, December 23, 2005 - 11:18 pm: | |
westcoastwestcoastwestcoastwestcoast....... |
| Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 07:33 am: | |
Dont know if I'll get to post later so I'll wish everyone a magical Christmas filled w/ joy and peace. To Ed, what you do for all of us is beyond simply thanking. You keep this hammerhead family in touch and together. Alot of times this year we've even had to depend on each other.....thru hard times and great times. This couldn't happen w/out all your hard work. So, here's to Ed, may your Holidays be joyful! From all of us Hammerheads.....MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! g |
| Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 11:56 am: | |
An exchange between PT and an audience member during the intro to Elijah from 9/18/04 - PT: Yeah, baby, we're gonna do a song for ya right now, this is uh,.... Audience guy: BOOM BOOM, OUT GO THE LIGHTS!!!! PT: Yeah, we're going to get to that, but you gotta listen to all the other shi* first. Sorry, that's just how this works... Makes me laugh every time I hear it! Merry X-mas All! T |
| Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 01:09 pm: | |
Yo! Ho! Ho!! It's PT here and I want to wish all you H2's a very merry and happy Christmas. I also would like to thank everyone for their support and good humor. On the last tour we had some rough times with weather and some mechanical problems. But it was all forgotten when we set up and played to everyone that came out to see us. So many kind and complimentary words from the people that I got to speak with. Much appreciated. I think those of you that got to see us perform would agree that with Eric's thundering drums, Frankie's fat, funky bass and the magical guitar playing by Kirk the band has never sounded better. Thankyou guys for doing such a great job everytime. We have a lot of west coast dates coming up and I will make sure that they are posted next week. 2006 is going to be a very busy year for the PTB and I am very confident that we will be successful in all our endevours and I hope that you are too. I am saddened that so many American service men and women have to be away from their families at any time of year but especially at this Christmas season. No matter what your politics or how you feel about the war in Iraq you have to feel pride and compassion for our toops. I really hope that most of them can come home as soon as possible. They have such an impossibly hard job that I find it hard to complain about some of the trials and tribulations that I have to go through to get a rock band from one town to another. At least we are not being shot at! I would like to thank Wynn Krozak at Paul Reed Smith for providing Kirk and myself with the most beautiful, well crafted, and sweet sounding guitars made anywhere. As a matter of fact I feel Black Velvet calling me so I am going to sign off now and do a little jammin'. Hope to see all of you next year. Once again Merry Christmas! and Happy New Year!! |
| Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 03:50 pm: | |
rockpig..hey dude..the guitar you are speaking of is a tyler studio elite. james tyler is a custom guitar builder in LA. he builds guitars for mike landau,dann huff and other studio cats. the finish is called HAZMAT schmear. and the pickups are duncan virtual vintage with a pearly gates in the bridge position. It`s one of those guitars that can basically do it ALL! anyhow, hope all of you have a safe and happy holiday.. merry christmas.. kirk |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 04:59 pm: | |
Yo Kirkmeister, I just now e-mailed Eric, and Frank, the Ft. Laud. pics that were so graciously, and thoughtfully, posted by Ed. I can e-mail them to you too, if ya should want. Just e-mail me at, and I`ll get them to ya pronto. To all the "Hammerheads/fans/groupies/stalkers/H2`s",... and the entire galaxy, I wish ya`ll nothing but the best for Christmas, and the New Year!!! S`later, JH |
| Posted on Saturday, December 24, 2005 - 09:48 pm: | |
Merry Christmas everyone!
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 12:53 am: | |
Merry Christmas! I hope that everyone has a safe and happy holiday. I wish you all the very best in the new year. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers this season. Thanks to everyone for their support and contributions over the years. And to your undying devotion to the PTB. Pat you're the best. Keep up the good fight. Now it's time to curl up next to the fire and listen to a bit of that old Nat King Cole Christmas album... Peace. |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 12:58 am: | |
wow, i really love it when pat posts. its so thoughtful of him to take the time for us. we all really dig it!! i cant wait to hear the west coast dates! i was really hoping he would be in my neck of the woods. he kicked so much ass when i saw him. i knew he would, but i've got a fixin to see him again... glad to hear you are well, too pat! |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 02:25 am: | |
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
Looking forward to finding out those West coast safe everyone! |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 04:44 am: | |
Merry Christmas Peeps!! You too Pat! Thanks so much! Thanks Ed! You're the best! Later...
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 05:17 am: | |
What's the best way to get Pat to Buffalo? Talk to his management about places to play here so they can make contact? or talk to the establishments to have them contact Pat's manager? |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 07:13 am: | |
Quote:What's the best way to get Pat to Buffalo?
American Airlines, Baby!! Later...
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 07:32 am: | |
Nuthin better for me than to see a PT post first thing christmas morning speaking of Eric's thundering drums and new guitars so cool ! PTB brings much joy to us , so heres to you Pat thanks for it all ! our westcoast is ready! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Cheers, Kelly |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 07:33 am: | |
Merry Christmas all you Hammerheads! Thanks to P.T and the band for a great 2005. I was lucky enough to get to see six shows in FL, and CA Can't wait for the California dates to be posted. See y'all in Concord, CA. Feb 3rd 2006 I love cross country road trips to see P.T. Everybody have a happy and safe holiday! Jim K. Mad Bch, FL |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 07:42 am: | |
PTB Stalker, I got three of those t-shirts at the Fairfield CA. show back on June 30th. I always get a couple of extra. You never know when the chance to buy more will come along. I did manage to get one of the last Pat Travers Band "Power" t-shirts that were sold at the St. Pete show. Jim K Mad Bch |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 08:27 am: | |
Merry Christmas gang! |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 09:36 am: | |
Thank you Pat and Kirk for posting. AWESOME! Hope you all have an awesome Christmas. I just woke up from a nap after my 5-year old woke us up at 5:30 this morning! Man, I love my kids and wife and my extended family, aka the PTB and Hammerheads. Have a great one! |
Big Ed
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 01:59 pm: | |
Hey all you PTB friends !!!! Happy Christmas & Merry New Year. Cindy, Randal,gREG,Darren, Bette,Ed,Bruce,Daryl,Steve,Nancy&Bert(these are all the woderful people I met in Tahoe, a few years back)and, gREG, I actually didn't meet you, but I feel as if I know you. Can't wait to hear the West coast dates-gREG, I'll be in Phoenix approx. Jan.12th to Jan.19th. Way cool if da boys are back in town then !! I'll let you know what's up as the time is nearer. Well I gotta go to Tee Time specials for some Phoenix area golf !!! Peace,Love,Dove Big Eddie |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 04:50 pm: | |
I can't get my lump a coal clean........i thank u. Big Ed, let me know. PHX so beautiful this time o' year!!!! 80' today! X-mas in flip-flops! nice. g |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 10:24 pm: | |
GREAT to hear from ya, Pat and Eric! I hope you and the boys're having a wonderful time at home with loved ones. I for one will be standing by to book flight(s) as soon as the Best Coast dates come out. HEY -- could the shows coincide with Sehawks home playoff games?? Now THAT would be sheer coolness! I'm hoping NAMM works out too, which would be phenominal. Sounds like Tony's working that angle . . . I too send out a wish of comfort and protection for the military families who are suffering for the good of us all -- except gREG. He can pretty much take care of himself. One Chad, cool to know you're still lurking around the site, and Big Ed -- your ears must've been burning! Big Ed, ya GOTTA cut off a slice of gREG and lISA's hospitality in PHX. Alicecooperstown is a must-see, and the grub is pretty good too! Look him up -- I'm sure he's already sittin' on the front porch with the dog waiting for ya. gREG, yer sentiments are RIGHT ON with regard to all Ed does for us. I had found Cindy's site just before the Brick by Brick gig, and hung out there for quite awhile -- in the process discovering Ed's site. I was impressed that the group kind of melded together to the point that one site was enough, and I know that Cindy's still the a strong part of the foundation for the PTB Family! Love ya, dear! ED -- no words can adequately express my gratitude for all your work has meant and done for me, bud. It truly amazes me to see that Pat's music transcends time, but this has always been true for me since I first heard him in '77. What stands up strongly as well is the bond of friendship that this site has developed among we "speshull folk" who have fallen into the vortex of Ed's powerful atomic ray tractor beam. It really means alot to me that some of my best friends in life were met right here and on Cindy's site, and that you guys have been with me as pals through thick and through thin. I been thick and now I'ze thin! hahaha We all know there are many others who can say and have said the same thing. And the countless ways that Pat, Eric, Rick, Wishbox and Tony have treated me with honor, and Sean when I met him and hung out a spell, have been life experiences that I will take to the afterlife and beyond. Just wanted to grab onto gREG's coattails and express my love and appreciation for Ed and Cindy for their pioneering of PTB websites, and of COURSE to Pat and his fantastic Travers Band, and never the least ALL of you guys as previously mentioned and otherwise. see ya in a few gigs !!!! C'mon, 2006!!!
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 10:27 pm: | |
PS -- I'm up in SmellA at Grace's sister's house. Snuck away from her family thing to check in, as I had the feeling I was missing a love-in here! Heading for Big Bear tomorrow -- it's s'posed to snow tomorrow and my boys are raring to go! night all |
| Posted on Sunday, December 25, 2005 - 10:28 pm: | |
PPSS -- hey, LOOK! Santa's FINGER PICKIN'! just noticed that. I had no idear he played bass! |
| Posted on Monday, December 26, 2005 - 09:57 am: | |
Stalker, yep, that was me. The pics are fantastic, almost as good as PTB was that night! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and will have a safe and fantastic new year!! Here's hoping for more PT shows in south Florida in 2006!!
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, December 26, 2005 - 02:44 pm: | |
Yeah Randal, yer right about ol' "SC". Also, those reindeer kinda look like they got caught in a "brush fire" or somethin'. Yeah PBC Lady, I `member I took a pic of you with PT there at the Palm Beach show this past August. If ya see me around at a show, jess kick me in the..., and introduce yerself. Hey PT, if management can pull it off, a show in Phoenix vicinity in the soon upcoming tour would be spiffy! I`m sure a certain "regular", and I use the term "regular" in the most loosest (loosest?) of sense, here on the board would agree that such a show is way, way overdue! S`later, JH |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, December 26, 2005 - 05:55 pm: | |
Pat & the boys in the band, thanks for taking the time to drop in here & give us a few words! Glad the tour went well, and looking forward to it on the West! Speaking of... The Canyon Club in Agoura Hills is listing PT for Feb 1. Would have to be the one damn Wed night I have my own gig! Will have to see what else develops for So Cal! Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 12:37 pm: | |
Hey Eric & Kirk, Thanks for taking the time to answer my guitar gear geek questions. I know you guys are busy, so I do appreciate you taking the time! Now I'm looking forward to HEARING that gear put to good use when you make it out to the West coast. Bring it on!!! Pat, it's already been mentioned by others here but I'd like to thank you as well for taking the time to post. We always enjoy hearing from you. Hope you guys got plenty of rest during the holidays and that you got to spend some precious time with your respective families & friends. Kind regards and all the best to your musical endeavors in 2006! And of course best wishes in the new year to the entire "PTB Family" that posts here on a regular basis, which of course includes King Edward Tierney who makes it all possible for us to be our silly selves here at "homebase". Steve Z, looks like you nailed it with your call on Kirk's guitar being a Tyler. Good work. I wasn't familiar with them, but I did check them out! Thanks for the link! Randal, we'll see you here in the NW soon...How 'bout dem HAWKS? And as always...ALWAYS...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 01:27 pm: | |
loosest......loosest? haha! It would be such a gooder thing if PTB could play show here very sooner! g |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 02:23 pm: | |
GEEZ, gREG! How presumptuous! You thought he was talking about YOU?? Yeah, like you're the only one from Arizona who is a regular . . . sheesh! LOL PHX is within my reach, so I'd have to think about that. I'd also like to hit a nOCal gig to see the folks up thataway. It'd be great to start the new year off with a slew of PTB road trips, as many others have done before me! Scott & Jo seem to hold the record, but Stalker needs to check in on that. Seems like Cindy and PTChickfan are up there too. Ed don't count 'cause he's EVERYWHERE! Stevie Way Gone, where's Agoura Hills? Seems to me its close to Hacienda Heights/City of Industry, no? That's doable for me. Somebody lettuce know when the dates are announced! Rocky the Pig, I'm hoping the playoff games will overlap a PTB, or vide versa. Standing by with credit card in hand. Merry Christmas to me! Merry Christmas to me! |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 02:24 pm: | |
"the only regular from AZ" -- and SO you ARE |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 03:29 pm: | |
Uh....I'm sure gREG is quite irregular... |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 04:34 pm: | |
Rand, Agoura Hills is in the west end of the infamous San Fernando Valley, close to the Ventura County line. 405 N, 101 W from San Diego. I'll be playing there myself with Which One's Pink the Sat beforehand. It'll be great to see the PTB advertised in there, knowing that I can't go! Grrrr... |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 06:27 pm: | |
Ya never know....maybe I can roadtrip=it up there w/ ya Randal! When is the show and where did ya find it listed? AZFan-at-ic-y |
| Posted on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 - 08:17 pm: | |
Hey everyone. Hope you all had a happy and safe Christmas. We had a quiet pieceful day and with a traditional English dinner prepared by yours truly. Standing rib, roast vegtables, Yorkshire pudding and home made gravy. And then we all watched "Polar Express". Incredible movie, I highly recommend it for children and adults. In my last post I failed to acknowledge the heroic and safe driving skills of Brad Banagle.With the assistance of Paul Stokes they got us where we needed to go through weather that seasoned long haulers would have balked at. Thank you guys I know there were many times when you had wished that you were back at home in Houston watching that snow on CNN. Brad especially as he missed his 15th wedding anniversary and his lovely wife Melissa's birthday to be out there taking care us. Thank you Melissa as well. You are a beautiful, smart and classy lady and I value your friendship very much. Brad is also a very talented singer, guitarist and song writer who deserves to be center stage and I'm sure that that day will come sooner than he thinks. And ladies and gentlemen let's please have three loud cheers for Ed Tierney. His dedication to putting up this site seems to know no bounds. He really has brought a lot of people together and I think it's an incredable thing. So many people seem to really care for me and I am always touched but a little embarassed at the same time. I may not always acknowledge the kindness and generosity shown to me but I never take it for granted. Everybody have a great and successful New Year. I plan to give it everything I've got! Cheers! P.T. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 03:01 am: | |
ok, I know this is a stupid question, but what is the name of track 6 on the PTB2004 cd??? I know its from an early album, but I cant seem to track it down. Blur? Randle? G-man? anyone???? The Pain kicks ass!!! THE Rocker |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 03:11 am: | |
Wait, did it just come to me??? is it called " Off Beat Ride"? |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 04:57 am: | |
YES. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 06:16 am: | |
Pat-thank you again for posting. We also watched "The Polar Express" on Christmas-and Christmas Eve, and the day before that.....It was almost a relief to get it returned to Blockbuster, but it's still a very good movie. It's one of those we'll probably just have to buy, and there's certainly nothing wrong with that. Glad you guys enjoyed the day, and your meal sounds impressive. Please let us know what's in store for 2006. Cheers-Brad |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 06:26 am: | |
Just told my Mrs. Blur and my 5-year old that Pat also watched "Polar Express" on Christmas. My 5-year old, Maggie, just "passed out". LOL! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 07:58 am: | |
California dates? Sometime soon I hope. I've got plane tickets, just need show dates. Concord, CA. Feb 3rd? Jim K Mad Bch |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 08:50 am: | |
Oh My God....I rented it....and didn't watch it! DumbgREGdumbgREGdumbgREG......I even returned it late!! Although I did try english pudding.....and then switched to chocalate! Can't wait to see those CA dates...or dare I say it...PHOENIX???? Thanks Pat!! AND ED!!! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 09:18 am: | |
Hey JimK, here is the announcement for Bourbon Street Bar and Grill - Concord: Friday, February 3rd (doors open at 9:30 pm) TICKETS ON SALE NOW! Pat Travers Fear the Days
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 09:23 am: | |
Hmmm....Feb 3rd in Concord, Feb 9th in Vancouver. I'm guessing Seattle or Portland somewhere in between...Bring it on!!! |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 09:26 am: | |
Prev Post : "Now you realy got me thinking. Can anyone comment on the sound quality of "4 play"? I have the japan import of "Putting It Straight" and am happy with the quality, but at the cost of picking up the other three it will still be cheeper to get "4 play". " Can anybody offer more on whether the 4 play is OK soundwise ? Is this an official release ? Thanks |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 09:41 am: | |
Hey PTFinatic, If you shop on Ebay, there is currently a copy of Heat In The Street & Putting It Straight each up for auction. Both are Japanese versions. So if you still need HITS, there you go! I think everyone is really curious about the sound quality of the Fourplay Boxset, but are afraid to buy it since it's being released on the Majestic Rock label, which released the crappy versions in the first place. Ginbel & I had a discussion last week & we figured it was the same versions they couldn't sell just repackaged into the boxset so they could unload them. Of course we can't confirm that, but it could be highly possible. I think it would be great to have a PT boxset, but ONLY if the quality is there... It would be nice if a rep from Majestic Rock could make some sort of confirmation regarding any of this. I doubt that will happen because someone posted here that they have emailed the label several times regarding quality issues and received no replies back. That should tell you something.... |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 09:54 am: | |
Thank You Rockpig , very prompt response . I had a pretty good idea this was a risky situation . Thanks for spelling out the particulars . |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 10:45 am: | |
Can this year possibly get any worse? I just found out my 14 year old black cat Tank has a tumor growing on his chin and will have to be put down soon. I'm going to let him live until he starts showing pain or stops eating, but it just plain s**ks wondering if it will be today, tomorrow, or 2 weeks from now. That's just dandy!!! Oh well, it seems fitting. 2005 started out like s**t and it's ending like s**t. To top it off, I made my annual donation to our local Humane Society on Christmas eve. Someone decided to surrender his cat while I was making said donation. I'm sorry but this is just wrong! You just don't do that on Christmas. If looks could kill, I'd be in the Milwaukee County lock up right about now. Sorry everyone, I just needed to vent a little. I now return you to your regularly scheduled broadcast. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:11 am: | |
Specks-that's the sad thing about pets. They don't live nearly as long as they should. They give so much love to families and are dealt a shorter lifespan in return. Here's to 2006 "Lookin' Up" for you and hope that things are "Gettin' Betta". Take some time to "Stop And Smile" along the way. Hang tough bro! |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 11:30 am: | |
Specksmagoo: I know how you feel, we just had to put our 13 year old black cat down "Black Beauty". He was old and suffering, stopped eating, lost 4 lbs in a month, etc... It's amazing how attached one can get to their pets! I'm sorry to hear about your pet. |
| Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2005 - 12:20 pm: | |
We lost our dog Bear and my parents lost 3 (yes 3) in 4 months. An Alaskan wolf to kidney failure, a chow to old age and another mutt looked like a collie/lab mix....very old dog) to some kind of cancer. Talk about crappy!! Specks, that sux bigtime....but yer a quality dude....and quality things will start goin yer way....keep the faith brother!! g |
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 08:06 am: | |
Quote:Hmmm....Feb 3rd in Concord, Feb 9th in Vancouver. I'm guessing Seattle or Portland somewhere in between...Bring it on!!!
I think you are guessing right. PTB is playing Portland, Oregon on February 7th at the Roseland Grill. Tickets are bargain priced at only $16. Big Ed & Monae will be happy to hear about this show. Keep Feb 8th open for a "Seattle area" show....I'm guessing. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 03:46 pm: | |
Damn Specs, It really pains me to hear the news of your buddy "Tank". Myself, I have two cats that have been with me 14 & 15 years, so I fully understand how attached you've become to him. My cats mean the world to me. I'll certainly keep you & "Tank" in the prayers. Maybe instead of playing "The Pain" in heavy rotation, might I suggest "I Gotta Fight" for you to crank real loud and gain inspiration from that! It can only do you good! You know, Pat touched on something with his last post about how Ed's site has brought a lot of people together, and this is a perfect example of what he was talking about. Several people have responded to Specs, and I can certainly remember several other situations with some of the regular posters here and losses they've endure with family, pets, marriages, etc. It never fails that the "PT Family" regulars around here always step up to the plate to show their support for those needing a bit of solace in their day. Like Pat said, it's a beautiful thing indeed when people pull together to help those that just need a kind word. Specs, you have some good company here...The PT fans are indeed THE BEST. Hang tough...It WILL get better! |
| Posted on Thursday, December 29, 2005 - 08:50 pm: | |
Specks; So sorry to hear the news. This was my first Christmas in 18 years without my old feline friend Melonhead, it was very sad to have to brush some of her hair off of the Christmas tree skirt. But be thankful that God gave you a little more time to say goodbye. Then I was able to spend Christmas with my Mom, brother, and husband, but no Dad this year...I think we all did okay. On a happier note...YAH!!!! PT Feb. 7th!!! The new year is looking better already. I hope that Jay and I can finally meet some of you Hammerheads. |
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 07:22 am: | |
I am hearing on the radio PT Band is coming to Modesto,Ca. Jan 24 at the Fat Cat. This is cool for the people out hear. Unfortunately I just sold my house hear and am moving to Reno,Nv. before then. So I would like Pat to bring the band to Reno-Gotta play Reno Guy's. PLEASE. |
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 10:20 am: | |
Thanks for all the kind words everyone. For the record, Tank took his last breath Thursday night around 5:30PM. The tumor just kept getting bigger and he didn't want to eat anything, so I guess it was time. At least he isn't suffering any longer. As Strat was saying, it is amazing how the people on this board are always willing to help out and offer a kind word or 2. Thanks for the phone call Randal. You all have been such a big help to me, especially this year. A perfect example of what Piggy is talking about is when I was going through my divorce, I actually received more support and kind words from people on this board then I did from my own siblings. That doesn't say too much for my family, but it speaks volumes for everyone here. I mean, aside from posting here a lot of us have never even met. You people are the best! I'm gonna crank up some high energy P.T. tonight and tomorrow night and end this crummy year with a bang. Of course, I'll hoist a few tonight in Tank's honor, and NYE will be it's usual blow out. Have a safe and happy holiday and if you're going out to celebrate, please designate a driver, call a cab, take the bus, or just walk. None of us need to start the new year with a DUI or worse. Take care everyone and may 2006 be just a little brighter, safer, and happier for us all. Oh yea, for anyone partying at home tomorrow, what are some of the tunes on your play list? What plans do some of you have? Mine will include lobster, shrimp, scallops, king crab legs, smoked fish, and raw beef and onions. And that's just for NYE. |
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 10:46 am: | |
Birthday cake is on my menu for Sunday. |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 12:22 pm: | |
Hey Kids , check this out : San Francisco, December 22, 2005- On a typical day, a AAA tow truck can come to the rescue when you need help. On New Year's Eve, one might just save your life. This year, AAA of Northern California is launching a new program called "Tipsy Tow." The concept is simple: If you have too much to drink, just call AAA and you and your car will be towed home for free. The program is open to everyone. You do not need to be a AAA member to take advantage of this service to the community. AAA will offer the service to drinking drivers from 6 p.m. on New Year's Eve until 6 a.m. on New Year's Day in Northern California, Nevada and Utah. Drivers, potential passengers, party hosts, bartenders and restaurant managers can call (800) 222-4357 (AAA-HELP) for a free tow home of up to seven miles. Just tell the AAA operator, "I need a Tipsy Tow," and a truck will be on its way. The service will provide a one-way ride for the driver and vehicle to the driver's home. You cannot make a reservation. It's only good for seven miles , but pretty spiffy PR if you ask me . P |
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 12:28 pm: | |
Will they help you out with a "••••-faced, falling down drunk, puking your brains out tow"as opposed to a "Tipsy Tow"? Seriously, that's a great service. I can only imagine how many lives that will save. I'd guess a pretty good number. |
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 12:29 pm: | |
PT Finatic-sounds like you copied that straight from the PSA. Good work and helpful to all. |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 01:02 pm: | |
As far as puking S%#tFaced , I'd say that would be the tow drivers call . By the way , you could probably slip him 5 or 10 . I'm sure it would be accepted allthough a bit dicey as to AAA policy . The whole PSA goes on with stats as to # of arrests , accidents , deaths . Also they state that it can end up costing you $12,000 .FIRST OFFENSE . I know for a fact that in CA , the first thing you get from the CHP after getting pinched ( not me ) is a bill for the officers time to transport you ,fill out reports and process the case . I think it was $63.00 an hour for each officer . The guy I'm speaking about needed to pay $766.00 ! No community service or jail time allowed . CASH ,CHECK ,WHATEVER . And then you deal with the court . It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper for him to take a cab to a motel and get the car in the morning . This doesn't take into account the wrecked car and related additional insurance costs . It's a fricking mess that is best avoided . Cheers ,P |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 03:48 pm: | |
Yo Raidermg, when ya get settled there in Reno, you might want to drop by a music shop called "Bizarre Guitar" and strike up a conversation with a guy that works there named Chuck Ruff. Chuck is a drummer that has worked with Pat, Johnny and Edgar Winter, Rick Derringer, Sam Hagar,...the names go on and on! He now has a band of his own, the Chuck Ruff Group, that plays the local music scene, and he knows all the local musicians and juke joints. I`ve chatted, via internet, numerous times with Chuck and I assure ya he`s a cool guy. By the way, Pat has played Reno a few times in the past coupla years. I`m sure if the PTB can get enough bookings in that vicinity,..they will come! I`m keeping my eyes crossed that the band can make it to the Phoenix vicinity soon. It sure has been a long "dry spell" since the PTB have been in that "neck-of-the-woods". It would also be keen if the PTB can book a few more Floriduh gigs soon! Hey,... wha' can I say? Dat`s really cool what AAA is doing with the free toe job! I`ve always enjoyed a free toe job. Bummer about the pet situation`s,.. we`ve all been there. I sure hope ya`ll have a PTB New Year! S`later, JH |
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 05:05 pm: | |
Can someone put it straight for me? is there a chance PT will be playing in Vancouver bc? or is it vancouver Washington? sometime in Febuary,..that would be too cool if he was comin' up to BC,..but routing seems to suggest otherwise,.. Oh,.and happy new year to you all!!! lancelot! |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, December 30, 2005 - 06:04 pm: | |
PT is playing in Vancouver BC...go to Ticketmaster & check for yourself........ |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 12:21 am: | |
I'm trying to book Pat to play the patio by my pool. I mean, if thats what I got a do then by God, thats what I gotta do!! All Hail the mighty PTB2006! |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 08:39 am: | |
thank you silver haze! guess where I'm going on Febuary 6th,..I've played there a few times,'s a strange vennue for him,.it's kind of a dance bar durring the week,..nice place mind u,..I'd rather see him at the commodore,..anyway, complaints! lancelot. |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 09:25 am: | |
HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody! Happy Birthday, Blur, in case I don't get back to the site tomorrow! Hey Ed, some of my recent posts disappeared. Wha'd I do? Must've hit my quota. Anyway, hope to see ya real soon at a gig down thisaway. Will start planning around the Northwest gigs too. gREG, since the pool takes up so much room, I'm guessing that your guests would be issued a pair of hipwaders when they show up. Wetsuits and a snorkel for the vertically-challenged . . . Hey Specks, Tank's passing came quick so I hope you were able to say goodbye. Sally the Girl Dog is going on 12, so I'm getting ready in my heart and mind for that fateful day when she goes to doggie heaven. To coin a phrase for ya, "Tank's for the memories!" Hope you got lotsa pics to remember him by. And YES, let's have NO DUI's in PT camp this year! Be safe folks. |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 10:09 am: | |
Hey Blur, There's no bread, let 'em eat cake! Birthday cake, that is! Wow...New Years Eve and a birthday back to back? That has real potential for quite a party! Make it a good one! Happy New Years everyone! Rock the PTB music extra LOUD tonght! |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 12:52 pm: | |
Happy New Year all you Hammerheads! California here I come! Feb 3rd. Good show in St. Petersburg FL Dec 17th. I just can't seem to get enough P.T. Jim K. Mad Bch FL |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 02:08 pm: | |
my rendition of Randal at midnight: frappy jew dear......dappy flew beer.....hassy crew gear.....aahhhh..funk it. HAPPY NEW YEAR PEEPS!! May yer 2006 be a blessed one! g |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 02:16 pm: | |
Yo Jim K., hope ya have fun on Feb. 3. Don`t forget to Kalifornicate while yer there! If, while yer there, the ground starts shakin', and yer mind starts quakin',`s just the PTB, or maybe AC/DC,...nah, or it`s a freakin' earth quake,...fer real! one can`t get enough PTB! Maybe there should be an investigation into such phenomenon! Nah..., It`s like my old friend, Bobby Plant, once sang many, many, moons ago, "I don`t want no tuiti-fruity no lollipop, c'mon baby just rock, rock, rock!!!" S`later, JH P.S. Okay boys and girls, the first one to name the album, and song title, from the Plant quotation, will win...a...a bunch of bonus points!!! Steve Z is excluded from the above contest...because no doubt he knows the answer! |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 02:31 pm: | |
first, Happy New Year everyone....hope it's prosperous, healthy and filled with PT concerts!!! second, my condolances on the loss of "Tank". Pet loses are someone pointed out they don't get much time with us. We lost a Guinea Pig this year...those are really hard as they only live 3-5 years, and I think this was our 5th one! Bazooka the other day at Media Play. I'm enjoying this end to end! Great to watch hockey to, btw. I can see where some don't care for the vocal on "Last Child". Not bad if you try not to compare to the one, the only, the Steven Tyler! I do miss the harmonies on the chorus of the original though. "Superstitious" is a treat; though I'd have liked to hear PT on the vocals. I love the B,B & A version, and always wanted to hear PT's take on it. I also like the cover of "Politician". Happy New Year
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 02:32 pm: | |
...and here's a little something for Blur
who, though I've never met him, has never looked better! |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 02:35 pm: | |
Also a very happy birthday to Blur & My other brother Daryl!!! Peace in 06! |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 04:24 pm: | |
I forgot to give out a HAPPTBLURBIRTHDAY!!!! Its good to have an elderly hammerhead. 85 is a great age. g |
| Posted on Saturday, December 31, 2005 - 05:44 pm: | |
I know I know!!! "Boogie with Stu" from Physical Graffiti. Stolen from Ritchie Valens, by the way. THE Rocker |