Author |
Message |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 12:14 am: | |
Greg,randall,Hooked on PT and Jbeseau, thank you for your welcome. Hooked on PT, I live in Rome, and, as you know, PT has composed a magnificent instrumental track titled VIA VENETO. In Rome young people like rap and hip hop, but there are real rockers too. The first PT's album I heard was CRASH AND BURN, just real kick-ass, just like HEAT IN THE STREET. ED, I would really like if PT would play Beatles' track like H>ELTR KELTER and TAXMAN. Many greetings to the other side if the ocean. |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 12:28 am: | |
Actually, PT does cover "Taxman" on the Blues Tracks 2 release, right before he tears into "Purple Haze"....and for what it's worth, this release also has his version of "Whipping Post", which most of you have heard him do live. Randal, definitely search out some King's X... "Faith, Hope & Love" as well as the first two ("Out Of The Silent Planet" & "Gretchen Goes To Nebraska") are very good starting points. Ty Tabor's solo stuff is very good as well as Doug Pinnick's side project called Pound Hound...You'll spend a small fortune catching up on this band, so leave a little room in the wallet for the TNA release... Gotta have yer priorities straight! And a LOUD SHOUT OUT to Eric & Rick! I haven't heard a peep from those guys, and I've inquired as to how they are doing after the crazy hurricane situation a while back. I haven't heard anything from anybody about them! Anybody heard from them? Hope all is well with those two! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 02:54 am: | |
You're right Rockpig, I've got only Blues tracks number one,and PT really played it on that work. Bye. |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 08:01 am: | |
Another PAT show to look forward to!!1-29 05,Crystal Bay..Tahoe...Blu is this your show?...In the player VooDoo Crossing/Tribute to JIMI/Italy W/PAT playing I don;t live today...VOODOO HILL w/Dario Mollo & Glenn Hughes....David Gilmour..78'...Have a good weekend,See Ya,Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 09:05 am: | |
For the record, Pat did cover Rocky Racoon on the solo live disc. it would be cool to hear him cover "Live & Let Die". I'll bet he'd do a better job then GnR. |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 01:44 pm: | |
No sorry Travelers. I heard the Crystal Bay Show is going to have an injunction put on it. Something about a 1-year return clause. Lets see, I bought a Pat show at the Festival in July 03 and I bought a Pat show for Crystal Bay February 28, 04 and had his draw all pumped up to where I was happy..then some crackerjacker tries pushing this January show, in my very small hometown and in front of my March Madness Concert Series with Monsters of Guitar Rock. We had PT on our list first for a 60,000 watt, new, super showroom in Reno, capacity 1,000. Ted Nugent, Montrose, Les Dudek, Steve Vai, Jeff Beck all so far invited. March 1 through March 31 is our timeframe for these shows. Wee running television and multiple radio spots. With a playdate 35 miles away in January PT can't happen anymore for us. I heard PT wants to play the scuz hole Biltmore, across from the street of the Crystal Bay where I did the show earlier this year. Kick a little dirt on that...and let a local weasle book the show. Thank you a helluva lot. Blu |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 03:31 pm: | |
oh yeah, Specks and Strat, I spaced on Pat having done those two Beatles tunes! His version of Rocky Racoon helped inspire "Ballad of Anna Walsh" one of our hack originals. I was just listening to the tape of when that song was born, and I heck you not --I started out singing the lyrics of RR to a new lick Tom was playing, then made up a song about a brunette I met at a wine-and-cheese thing earlier that evening. It has become our best original, second only to Shadow of the Mount (written at Mr. Rainier). And yes this message involves PT! hahaha go SEAHAWKS (gulp - I hope) hey JMROXX, I'm coming to NYC on the 29th, with time late on the 30th. You still around? Rich and Carl, how far away are you guys? |
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 06:49 pm: | |
Randall! Did you ever make it to Texax?! If you did and I missed you - Dammit!! If you haven't, please gimme a shout if you have any free time!! Later...
| Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2004 - 08:57 pm: | |
wow.... can you get an injunction on a PT show? Sounds kinda heavy, considering it's only music. I mean, after all how much $ is there in it for a promoter to put an injunction against a gig? I say let that boy boogie woogie how, when, and where he chooses...., but that's just my opinion. What is a one year return clause? Sounds kinda like Santa Clause... he comes once a year. Hmmm... kinda sounds like my ex for that matter. LOL! Well... let's just hope there are no more bomb threats called in to the stage. I am suprised they never caught that person. Maybe these things take more time than we would like. Sure hope it happens very soon. Enough trouble in the world without some nut job threatening to harm our favorite guitar slinger. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 12:26 am: | |
the next step will be the suicide-bomber roadie......or the suicide-bomber sound man....or, or the suicide-bomber promoter......oops. Now I'v gone too far.....i thank u. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 04:52 am: | |
Hey ya down there to the other side of the ocean, I guess you're sleeping like a log right now. Hooked on PT.. in which US town do you live? If only I could travel to Usa!! First of all I'd see LA, and then Seattle, and so on. Sure I would get many PTB gigs. Jbeseau, maybe Johnny Winter is as fast as Pt, but not that sharp.What d'ya think 'bout Satriani? Cheers ya all! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 07:40 am: | |
Ty Tabor is the Beatlenik of Kings X. Doug Pinnick is heavily influenced by Sly Stone. I've seen a whack of shows in my time and no other act is from planet Kings X. Pinnick creates an OCEAN of GROOVE, then stirs in a heavy dose of SOUL.Ty & Jerry add the Beatles. Man, I'm getting goose bumps thinking about the shows I have seen when they open with Groove Machine. In fact, "Tape Head' is my personal fav, as it is the first on the smaller label. The band seems free and less restricted, and My God what groove, what soul, what harmonies. That music is soooo good, but you know, unfortunately to write music like this, you have to see and experience a lot of bad ••••. It's like, their is light at the end of the tunnel, very spiritual, which is not surprising when you consider that they were once promoted as a Christian Rock Band. Ponder this: Little Bit of Soul Put a little soul in your pocket Put a little soul in the street Put a little soul in your rhythm Put a little soul in me Put a little soul in your lover Put a little soul in those sheets Put a little soul in something Put a little soul in me Just a little bit, just a little bit A little bit of soul Put a little soul in your music Put a liitle soul in your groove Put a little soul in your vision Put a little soul in you Put a little soul in your living Put a little soul in your time Put a little soul in your religion Put a little soul in mine Just a little bit, just a litle bit A little bit of soul Put a little soul in the thing That you love to do Let it all go if you want to It'll come back to you Just a little bit, just a little bit A little bit of soul |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 08:25 am: | |
Now THATS Sunday worship music!! Thanks toaster. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 08:26 am: | |
oh yeah.....go Falcons. Seabirds will win! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 10:25 am: | |
I wuzz lurking about last night in a local saloon when I ran into a local band manager that I`ve known for a few years. He told me that PT, Night Ranger, and a local group, will be playing at a big biker annual biker rally in nearby Fort Lauderdale the 2nd weekend before Christmas! WOOHOO!!! I`m hoping to make it up to Daytona this coming weekend. Rick and Eric have a few gigs lined up there this coming weekend, and Rick Derringer does too. Hey Kid65, I`m sad to say that Johnny Winter ain`t what he used to be. I`ve seen him several times over the last 7~8 years, and he`s just a shell of himself because of his poor health. I saw his brother, Edgar, a few months ago and he`s doing just fine and in fact did some vocals with PT and Carmine on the new CD. I saw Joe Satriani last weekend and Joe is a genius with the 6 string!!! Oh man, I was up in Connecticut this past week and I was having some kinda weird flashback! I swear, it was like all the tree leaves up there were ever so slowly turning yellow, red, and orange!!! Oh, the colors, the colors!!! S'later, JH |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 01:50 pm: | |
"Dogman" is also a King's X masterpiece. I compare it to "Black Pearl" in that the record label did practically nothing to promote it because of a strained relationship at the time. FWIW, King's X made VH1's list of the 100 most influential hard rock acts as voted on by fellow musicians. I've gotta believe that PT garnered quite a few votes on that as well. |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 02:28 pm: | |
Love'm all Blur, Dogman had the big producer & was the last push from Atlantic with Pretend making it to the radio. It's a crying shame the state of radio and big record companies. The artist's are damned either way. If Pat didn't have intial support from Polygram - none of us here would be posting on this site. You just wonder why they drop the ball. Kings X same thing, I remember hearing It's Love from Faith Hope & Love on the radio & taking a chance on the rest of the disc. I've been a fan ever since. It's all about profits and trends I guess - the companies are looking for return on investment, don't sell enough biscuits and thats the end. Imagine Pat in the board room at Polydork central - "look Pat you need tight red leather pants like that guy in Loverboy - you also need a hair cut it's the 80's you know. We need you to dumb down the music and add synth keyboards - stop singing about cocaine and start singing about getting laid." |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 03:01 pm: | |
Well put. It's all about timing. King's X was at their peak about 2-3 years before "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and was light years ahead of any those "grunge" bands, at least in my opinion. PT and King's X are at the top of my list for bands that should have been a household name but never got there for one reason or another. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 04:27 pm: | |
Maybe Pat will do a Loverboy cover tune........and I'll supply the acid. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 06:56 pm: | |
I was thinkin'.....I'v been here in PHX,AZ almost 14 yrs and Kings X has played the same dump-hole-in-the-wall place every time! Can't remeber if they were ever hooked up w/ a tour. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 08:14 pm: | |
Toast Poster! We talked about Kings X so long ago! You turned me on to Doug's side project "Trouble" which I dug/dig!!! That was some post brother!! I love the circle of influence thing! Who listened to what and how it shows up in their music and how they OWN it and make it theirs!! Kings X is totally Kings X! They may have influences, but dammit! Who sounds like Kings X!!? I was talking to a friend earlier tonight and I said, "Your record collection is so much better than mine, but mine is so much better because of you." Thanks to everyone here who has EVER mentioned another band, because rest assured I have gone and sampled at least 90% of them! And probably liked at least 75% of that!!! I love finding out what other people like, especially people that already LOVE something that I love!!! Hint, hint! Heavy PTB reference here!!! BTW, I talked to a lady in Belgium today, okay, chatted and she likes PTB!!! She admitted to only knowing Boom Boom, but she liked it!!! Okay, yes, we were naked at the time!! What the hell!? What is that damn instrumental band that RockPig got me listening to about 4 years back!!? I need to dig them out again!! I'm not drunk! Wish I was! But I love all you guys and gals! Beautiful post Toast Poster/srxie/srxieless!!! I don't know how or why, but it hit me!!! Later...
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 08:34 pm: | |
Hey kids65! Ever hear of a Texas legend Johnny Nitzinger!!? He played for Alice Cooper for a bit if I remember correctly! Man can that boy play! Read interviews from him and his story is something else! He was fronted $1 Million dollars for his first album and when it got time to make it he was damn near broke! I think he said he had to borrow to finish!! One of his in my mind best albums, "Live Better Electrically" is one of my all-time faves!! He is bluesy, kicking-your-ass-rocking, and soulful as the best! And, he is late 50's, early 60's and still kicking some Texas @$$!!! Once, at one of his shows I called out a request for a song!! He said, "That's second set material!" I told him I couldn't stay out that late as my then wife would kill me!! He said, "She can only kill you once!" I stayed! The only guy I have EVER seen that refuses to turn it down, so they throw blankets over his stacks!!! I promise!!!! Big old moving blankets, shaking from the sound behind them!!!! Later...
| Posted on Sunday, October 17, 2004 - 11:42 pm: | |
Hey Bette!!!!!!!! We're still here. I keep watching for a show we can get to, it seems like nothing jives with our schedule anymore. We were in Utah two weeks ago , and this week I flew to Sac. just for a couple days for a wedding. It seems like I never stop. Daryl is still going to school, so between the two of our date books we have a hard time fitting much else in. 1-29-05......Tahoe ? HMMMMM? just happens that's my week in Sac, maybe we need to think about it! Hey Scott and JO haven't heard from you in a long time, you too Ed! Hope everyone is good Kathi |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 06:20 am: | |
JB! No one sounds like Kings X, & it is the influences that shapes the artist, but the music comes from inside them. It's the same reason we love PT so much. Their is a lot of singers, that play a mean guitar and write their own songs, but who sounds lke PT? I've never heard another Black Pearl. I believe you must be referring to Supershine with Doug Pinnick and Bruce Franklin from Trouble. I remember those old chats, in fact I rember trying to find your picture on a SRV Double Trouble album cover all evening. I spent countless hours with a magnifying glass & then I find out a few chats later it was a Molly Hatchet cover you were on! It's hard to beleive but I,ve been on this site for 8-9 years all ready & I'm still waiting for the follow up to School of Hard Knock's, Hot Shot, Black Pearl, you know the KILLER hard rock PT materpiece - I'm hoping T'n'A is it. I preordered mine from Amazon along with Deep Purple's Burn 30th anniversary edition, should be here end of October. |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 06:50 am: | |
Hey, Kathi & Darly good to hear from you!!Sounds like everything is going good for you guys,Miss seeing you at the Pat shows,Hopefully you guys can make one of the shows up here!!Or we'll have to come down to socal.Our daughter lives down that way now,so you know we;ve been traveling to socal.Hope to see ya soon,Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 09:15 am: | |
Hey Jim, no I haven't been through Dallas yet. One of the hurricanes nixed my Orlando trip, and no plans yet to reschedule. I have to go to NYC next week, but am going through Seattle. By the way Kids65, I'm in San Diego but formerly from Seattle. There are folks from all over the US on this site. gREG, thanks for the well wishes but the Seabirds got plucked! DAMN I hate that. Another "no here, YOU guys go ahead and win!" (sigh) That's football . . . . TNA a week from tomorrow. tic tic tic tic |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 10:29 am: | |
Kings X....who??? Injunction.....what??? Hi Kathi!! Good to know you're out there! Is Daryl's brain getting bigger from all that schooling? |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 10:42 am: | |
Hey Randal, are the guy with the bass in his hands photographed on occasion of PTB's tour in Algona? So you play bass with PT or have you simply the same name? California is delightful!! PTB STALKER..I'm very sorry to hear that Johnny Winter is now such a sick man.I hope that's not a question of heroin..and so of AIDS.Do you remember Steve Ray VAUGHAN? Oh ••••!! Come on Johnny!! Jbezeau.. I have never heard Nitzinger, but I once saw one of his CDs in a shop, it was an anthology. Ya know, here in italy you can easily find works of musicians like Madonna or Eminence, but that one is not frequent.Anyway I guess it's stuff like Ry Cooder and Stevie Ray Vaughan, ain'it? |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 11:02 am: | |
ya Randal plays with PT, that's the ticket. |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 11:35 am: | |
Bette... Thanks for the information. That's nice. Do you live in West Coast too? Hi Randall, play louder and louder!! PTB is a rock'n'roll academy. Carry on!! |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 11:48 am: | |
No, I'm sorry Randal is not in the band. though he probably would like to be. sorry. I live near Seattle. Always wanted to go to Italy the most of anywhere in Europe |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 02:22 pm: | |
Like you gumball, the money has never been a motive. I do it for the sheer delight of hearing PT. In my position I can book anyone. You start to think as your standing in line at the delicatessan, waiting, waiting, suddenly you start to think I don't want this, I don't need this..I'm out a here - "Whole Lotta Nothin" - Blindside Blues Band. Leave it to you to spin a negative on top of a huge bummer. Favorite slinger is right -- favorite person - I wish. But the other hand filled up first. |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 03:42 pm: | |
Go Johnny go go go....Chuck Berry turned 78 today. Hard to imagine how rock & roll would have turned out without his influence! |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 05:43 pm: | |
I am supposed to be frickin' resting up. It's 2:30+ in the morning and i'm so pumped up for the show tomor...tonight. Hoppin' an' boppin', thumpin' an' pumpin', rockin'an'rollin'and it still ain't tonight. By the way my favorite tune right now is "Can't escape the fire". That fits with my adrenalin all goin' nutz. Somebody hold me down. Love the sitar imitation with the volume knob. My neighbors are probably gonna call the guys with the white suit soon. Kids65 did you see Pat in Iatly 2003? Nice to have you around. Love the "brass section" on "I can't let you go", has a little Beatles touch in my opinion. Weird little song anyhow. Well back to turnin' up the music again and.. Catch you when i get back. Review as promised. Rod fG |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 06:46 pm: | |
look for the beautiful german bar-maid in the front row......... Bummer Randal, still thinkin bout the seabirds this weekend? And I always thought you WERE in PTB! The EhmTV&PTB TOUR 2005. g |
| Posted on Monday, October 18, 2004 - 09:19 pm: | |
I want my EhmTV!!!! So Damn Funny!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 12:56 am: | |
Right Bette, Randal likes seabirds but doesn't play with PT. It doesn't matter. If I'm not wrong, Seattle is the city where Jimy Hendrix was born. Does his body lye there? Rockin' Rod... Maybe PT performed in Milan in 2003, but I live in Rome. Ten years ago Eric Burdon had a concert here and at the end of his show he sang out ARRIVEDDEERCI ROOOMA!! Goodnight to everyone down there in USA. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 02:03 am: | |
Rockin' Rod..Do you live in Germany? I've been there a lotta times, 'cos I have some cousins that live in Saarbuecken. And you? |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 02:25 am: | |
I always keep my eyes open for bar-maids. Especialy the somewhat suspicious ones. Just rented a smart roadster. Not to much space for bar-maids in that dinky two seater. Never had driven one before. Kids65, sorry to many bar-maids. It was actually 2001. I think rome was the show that got canceled due to a fued with a near by venue. I live near Frankfurt in Germany. Had to go near Saarbrücken on business just about every week a couple of years ago. I am now ready to rumbel. HiHo, HiHo to the stripshow we all go...oh no who put bar-maids in my head. Hope to see a big turnout tonight. Rockin' Roadster off to Rock his butt off. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 02:59 am: | |
Rockin' Rod, actually german bar maids are very healthy, I like them very much indeed. You are german, but I guess you speak good english. I also think you know Michael Shenker, damn he is very classic-rock-technical, one of the best guitar men in Europe. Do ya support EINTRACHT FRANKFURT FC? Schuess! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 08:10 am: | |
Rockin' Rod.. I correct myself, almost good english with some spelling mistakes. No matter, it happens to me too.English is not our mother tongue. Schuess. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 08:12 am: | |
Hey Kid, Hendrix is buried about 10 miles from where I live at the most. I like the Seasquawks too except last weekend was brutal. But now we have Jerry Rice-WOWWWWWW! See what happens.......Gettin'Bette |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 08:15 am: | |
Oh and Rod, Look out for German barmaids with goatees. Still got one gREG (or ever did)? |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:36 am: | |
Hey Bette, Maybe Jerry Rice can teach Koren Robinson how to hold on to the damn football! Getting pummelled by New England wasn't REALLY a surprise to you was it? As much as I like the 'Hawks, I could see that beating coming... |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:38 am: | |
Bette, so please lay some freshly cut flowers for me on Jimi's grave with the epitaph I STILL HEAR YOUR TRAIN COMIN'. KIDS. The seasquawks recall me just painful, deep and dazzling Jimi's riffs. My country is beautiful but now the climate is getting worse. It's too humid, because of the ozone Hole. It loooks like we were in Africa sometimes, especially on summer. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 09:40 am: | |
Ya I know. New England has won 20 games in a row. And Robinson what is it with that guy? Too much something off field. May be suspended too. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 12:09 pm: | |
No KidsOut the House, I'm not in the Pat Travers Band -- YET! gimme time -- LOTS of time. I only hope to jam a tune or two with PT some day. That would be the schuess! And gREG, Ehm TV was retired when V (Van) was booted and S (Steve) joined the band. Now we're STEHM! That's it - The "TNA It Takes Alot of Balls with STEHM" Tour! Sounds like Badass REK to me . . . And yeah, Strat, I did suspect that we'd get plucked but couldn't help hoping for better. I'm sure Jerry's Kids will figure out to catch the ball when JR shows up -- tomorrow! already picked him up in Fantasy football . . . and of course I have mixed feelings as he's a former LA Fader and a SF 69er! Which brings me to gREG -- it doesn't look good for coming over this weekend, man. Got an interview in LA next Tuesday and off to NYC Thursday, with plenty to do before I go. Aw shucks. Or is it schuess? anyway, DAMN but I'll be watching it on NFL Game Day. Last thing, today WATER is falling out of the sky in San Diego! What does it mean? That hasn't happened here in many moons, seems like last year. OOPS - I'm off topic. Bye now |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 01:42 pm: | |
from Amazon: Whenever rock icons like guitarist/vocalist Pat Travers and drummer Carmine Appice work together, enlisting the support of the ingenious all-round bassist, T.M. Stevens, into the bargain, the result is bound to be a technically accomplished masterpiece oozing sheer energy and power. The current album by Travers & Appice, It Takes A Lot Of Balls, certainly lives up to its promising title: real men playing rock music for people with guts. Powerful blues rock with gritty guitar riffs, driving drum sounds and intricate bass grooves mark the album’s 13 tracks – be it the compelling opener ‘Better From A Distance’, the ripping ‘I Don’t Care’, the typical Southern rock of ‘Can’t Escape The Fire’, or the tender sounds of ‘Hey You’. Pat Travers proves to be not only an expert when it comes to dynamic power chords and fast solos, he also sprinkles in fantastic slide parts and demonstrates with ‘Stand Up’ that he knows his funk rock. "The recordings were cut in one go, the! album was written almost exclusively at the studio," Carmine Appice enthuses. "We’d planned one or two tracks, but the material seemed to almost write itself. I expect that our audience will love the CD. I’ve been a fan of Pat’s for a long time. This collaboration was definitely worth waiting for all those years." It Takes A Lot Of Balls highlights the trademarks of these three exceptional musicians, and the result is a timeless, ambitiously recorded, powerful blues rock album that highlights not only the technical competence of each individual musician but also their exquisite songwriting. As Carmine Appice describes It Takes A Lot Of Balls: "These are some of the best songs that I’ve ever written and recorded." |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 03:05 pm: | |
Full beard now Bette.....and didn't u tell me that sometimes u actually take a sleeping bag and spend the night w/ Jimi? Being so close and all. Randal, will have to make a game there, always wanted to see a game in Diego. I'm probably still going, so I'll spill some guys beer for ya (since I can't drink one for ya!). And Rod I'm sure this Bar-maid (275/6'1) will fit comfortably in yer Roadster. Heard she loves fast cars! All this positive buzz on TNA is AWESOME! I just hope it turns out to be something more than just a great CD. Maybe some promotional touring, t-shirts....stuff like regular rock stars do to push thier music. And God forbid, radio airplay......OH MY GOD....did I say that? I heard Kerry/Edwards wanna get TNA to play thier inaguration ball......i thank u. g |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 04:00 pm: | |
A full beard in 90-100 degree AZ. Are you crazy. Oh ya, you are a wild and crazy guy!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 05:26 pm: | |
FULL BEARD BUT BUCK NECKED except for a cheap feather boa and a tutu It's a dry heat |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 05:56 pm: | |
I was not trying to put a bad spin on anything. Just don't think this should be spewed across the globe for all to see. Annnnywaaay..... The new TnA CD is just great. Go get hat one everybody. I got mine from Ebay, but I will get one extra at the store to make sure they get the click for it. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 06:13 pm: | |
He said spewed....huh huh huh.... |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 06:46 pm: | |
Randal: Sorry for the late response, but I've been...busy. NYC is about a 4-hour drive from me, and I'm committed to be in town this weekend, dammit, I'd love to buy you a Heinie or something... it's just not in the cards. I'm about an hour outside DC now, for future reference. Counting town to the US release of TNA...from what I saw live, I think I'm gonna like it. Next week, 2 back-to-back shows of my latest favorite guitar-slinger, Joe Bonamassa. His new CD is great...I'd recommend it highly. Title track is a cover of the Blind Faith song "Had To Cry Today", which rocks on the CD and even more so live. A little something for everyone...some great slide work, a ballad, a bunch of hard-rockin' tunes with a blues soul. Definitely worth seeing live if you get the chance, too. And, unfortunately, unlike Pat, he plays about 200 shows a year, so it's a bit easier to see him. Just took a road trip and spun "Go For What You Know" on the that CD fantastic, or what? Hard to believe I've been listening to that for...25 years? Ack, I'm getting old. Now, can someone help me find my car keys? Carl |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 08:04 pm: | |
Hey Purple Carl, GFWYK is one of the absolute best "Live" releases ever put out by ANYONE. I'll continue to play that sucker for another 25 years! On another note, one of the Guitar Magazines recently put out the top 100 WORST solos, and it pleases me to say that there was NO mention of our man PT anywhere near that article! The magazines always leave PT out of the various guitar lists, so they damn well better leave him outta this one! LOL! Go Red Sox! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 - 11:34 pm: | |
Hey Randal, don't worry, i'll give ya all the time that ya need.I will talk to Pat and I'll put in a good word for ya about it. Do you want to know what schuess means? It means hi, so long. Carry on! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:27 am: | |
By the way Jimi Hendrix was a false hippy. Actually he was hard rock's father. MACHINE GUN is a hard rock masterpiece, just like Led Zep's COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN, but Jimy played that tune beforehand. |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:03 am: | |
OK, here it is. First Review TNA in Europe. First of all i am to say hello to everyone in PT Land. They are having fun. I would actually have to tilt the message board with words like rocked, funkyfied, the greatest, the bestest, ... I won't. They all arrived in a huge tour bus. A real tour bus! Blackend windows and all! They have loads of merchandise! Besides the usual stuff like cd's, t-shirts; something for bar-maids, strings with the TNA logo on the sparce space. They come in pink and black. The venue was one of the smallest places i have seen. They managed to do a great job. They had two bar-maids. None with hair in their face. Just what to expect from german bar-maids. The Lizards kicked off the show with a very small but fantastic crowd. Very solid performance. Good hard bluesrock. Another reason to spend some money for merchandise. Haven't been able to listen to the cd yet. But i am shure it smokes loke the band did. Then TNA hit the stage. First thing to notice, the crowd moved from save distance to almost on stage. T.M. Stevens is an absolute eye catcher and showman. Great musician and very nice wonderful down to earth person. He had his wild african/rasta style and outfit. Constantly interchanging with the audience and other band members. If i hadn't seen him sitting around very relaxed, i would say this guy can't keep still. Carmine also gave a tremendous show. Monster drum solo. Of course he was limited to sitting behind the drums, but stilled proved his stage presence. Also very involved with the audience. I haven't seen that many smiles on Pat's face for a long time. Obviously enjoying the show. Not having to carry the full vocal load as in his own band, it gave him enough room to roam the stage and do some nice moves with T.M. Both T.M. and PAT made full usage of their effect boards. All in all my head is ringing, my guts are trying to find their normal position, my feet are still dancing and i missed my highway exit on my way home (still processing the show). I don't have to tell you extrordinary musicians these guys are. They played for about 90 minutes. Here the set list. Have it in copy, so i wouldn't forget. All songs TNA except ( ) Taken Better from a distance I don't care Crash and burn (PTB) Living alone (BBA) Bass solo (10 min!) Gotta have ya Keep on rockin' Turn me on (T.M.) Can't escape the fire Guitar solo I lala love you (PTB) Evil (Cactus) Drum solo Sexy (Rod Stewart) Boom Boom (PTB) encore Stand up Living alone Thanks for one the best nights in my life and having had the plearsure meeting all these fabulous artists. GO OUT AND SEE BOTH BANDS AND OR MEMBERS ANY PLACE YOU CAN!! I am off to get my pics developed (i still use film). Ed will get them to you asap. Rod from Germany |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 03:53 am: | |
Hey Rodney, you're the man Great review!!!! a real tourbus,wow and strings.. more WOW clipart{1syellow1} Tomorrow is the day CA |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 05:55 am: | |
TNA! Thu 11/11/04 Anaheim, CA House Of Blues
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 05:58 am: | |
Rod rote: Quote:I am off to get my pics developed (i still use film). Ed will get them to you asap.
I reiterate.... Rod you ROCK!!!!! Great review! Snorks have a great time!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 06:23 am: | |
From Rod's setlist post Quote:Evil (Cactus)
Pat playing Cactus.... never in my wildest dreams! The Cactus albums (w/ Jim McCarty and Rusty Day) are without a doubt my absolute favorite albums of all time!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that could be better is if they played Parchman Farm ala Cactus style - now that's Blues Rock! I couldn't tell you how many Cactus LP's I wore out durning the 70' & 80's WOW! TNA playing Cactus.... I can't believe it.
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 06:28 am: | |
Sorry pics from Germany will take til saturday. There is only one photo express store in town. Their machine is being repaired. They said they are ready late friday. Won't make Hannover tonight. Snorkels you are in for a treat!! Pull your strings up tight. Too bad you'll miss T.M. Stevens. Got to talk to Tony last night and he is a real cool guy as well. Kids65 i am half american and half german. This is not essential for being a Hammerhead, but it's a damm good start. Well of course i know Michael, but personaly. I am not that much into soccer, but i do root for Eintracht Frankfurt on occasion. I am more into american football, but not the Seahawks. I lived in Houston Texas a long time. I got stuck with the Oilers now Titans or should i say Midgets the way they are playing now. Greg after further review the call stands; you where not there as a bar-maid. So tell the truth, what was your disguise? I guess you didn't make it cause a liter of gas costs $2.00 over here. A liter of beer was the same price last night. Let me tell you, it was not the problem to get in that car, i had trouble gettin' out again. After a couple of hours of my butt nearly scraping the road i almost needed help to get out that thing. I hope no one saw me. Rod fG |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 03:15 pm: | |
(Sorry, off topic) Here's a little non-partisan political humor for you all: Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:07 pm: | |
Hey Johnnie Stalker, Be sure to tell Eric & Rick hello for us! I've inquired several times as to how they are doing ever since that hurricane trifecta, and haven't heard nary a response... I got sumpin' fer A-Rod...and it AIN'T money! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 12:38 pm: | |
I feel sorry for A-Rod. Hey..., maybe if we all send him some money, he`ll feel better. I`ll be seeing Rick & Eric this weekend in Daytona. I`ll be sure to tell them not to be such a stranger on the board. I know Eric has been without a kumpewtr for awhile now. I think I`ll bring my laptop up with me. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 11:42 am: | |
Sorry New Yorkers on this site. I don't like me right now. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 09:03 am: | |
They focused on A-Rod right after the last out. He looked like he wanted to kill someone. His Yankee move was NOT the sure thing he thought it would be. Yay Red Sox. footnote: (oops, this is not Pat related) |
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 08:56 am: | |
Great to watch that happen wasn't it Bette? Now if St. Louis can beat Houston today I'll be a happy man....other than catching the TNA gig that I haven't seen yet... Hey Steve Z...Who needs sleep? It's way overrated! Get yerself to the TNA gig! You know you'll regret it if you pass on it. And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 07:52 am: | |
Yay!!!!!!!! RED SOX!!!!!!!!!! |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 06:08 am: | |
Yeah Yeah, Today is the day!!!!
Ready to Rock!! |
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 01:29 am: | |
Hey Randall, do ya know ALICE IN CHAINS? Aren't they from Seattle? Are they still playing together or did they lose their -musical- way? I appreciate their album DIRT very much. In that work they were able to shape ripping riffs joint to a solid hard rock base. |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:12 pm: | |
I wear my Randal costume and pretend to be the PTB bassist all night......w/ a Hieni in each pocket! Sweet review, and my minds- a- racin w/ plans for the 11/11 show! Hope it's T-N-A. Rod RULES!!! Can't wait to see the pics. Sounds like theres gonna be a tour this year.......w/ pink-n-black t-shirts! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 06:58 pm: | |
Still sounds like a helluva show. Actually Rod, gREG DID make it to the show. I heard that Interpol was wise to his presence in Europe. In order to avoid blowing his German barmaid cover, he dressed up in African garb and hit the stage AS TM STEVENS! They can do wonders with makeup these days. If you looked closely enough, you could see the roadie who was standing behind him under the poncho-like overshirt, playing the actual bass riffs while gREG's hands were conspicuously out of the picture -- as in, up his tutu! It'll be harder for him to do Tony Franklin, as I believe he still has not grown a beard. Don't put it past gREG to shave just for the gig! Just curious g -- what in the hell do you wear on Halloween???????????? |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 02:00 pm: | |
Just checked H.O.B.,Anaheim site and they have the 11-11-04 show billed as..VH1 Classic Rock Reunion Live Music Tour..featuring,Mountain,Vanilla Fudge,Canned Heat & Pat mention of T-N-A,...Ed do you have any more info...?? |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 12:30 pm: | |
Some T-N-A in L.A.,Just might have to make the trip down from SAC....Kathi & Darly are you guy's going to be able to make this show? |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 09:57 am: | |
Oh man, Nov 11 in Anaheim??!!! Gotta leave bright & early the next am for 2 Zepagain gigs in Sacramento! Hmm, sleep, who needs it, right? Damn, I gotta make that show somehow... Thanks for the great review & setlist, Rod! Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 09:26 am: | |
Rod von Duetscheland, Thanks for the TNA concert review. Sounds like the guys are having a great tour. I agree with Jimmy "Big Pipe" Beseau...I hope there is a chance for more shows here in the U.S. (other than the recently announced Anaheim lucky bastards!). For what it's worth, A&E's Biography Channel is featuring a show tonight (Wednesday) on the life of Jimi Hendrix. Show time, I believe is 9 to 10 pm EST. And finally, here's a direct quote I spotted on another website from Kiss bass player Gene Simmons...I had to share this little tidbit of his thought process with you... Here goes... "I also have very clear (apparently biologically sound) notions about the difference between man and woman. The male of the species, we are told, manufactures billions of sperm daily. The female of the species only makes one or two eggs per month/per cycle. The only problem females and males have with each other can be summed up with the following: The female of the species has convinced herself that all those billions of sperm are only for her. Can't we have a few hundred million to play around with? Now I ask you. Is that too much to ask for?" And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:53 am: | |
I forgot it Rod, thank ya for yer review, PT never betrays, just like WHO AC/DC STONES IGGY POP etc. They are artists very different among each other but everyone of'em is born to be on stage. |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:31 am: | |
Hi Rod, thanks for the review. I'm off to the last night of the tour in Paris. I'm looking forward to seeing Tony Franklin again. First time I saw him was with The Firm, with Paul Rodgers and Jimmy Page. Last time the guitarist was Dave Gilmour and the singer was Kate Bush! So PT's in good company. |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:25 am: | |
Hi Rod, Michael's got an exytra-fine guitar technique. When i was a KID -15 tears old- I bought his live work titled LIVE AT BUDOKAN, so damn cool. There are tracks Like ATTACK OF THE MAD AXEMAN, CRY FOR THE NATIONS and INTO THE ARENA into it, just kick-your-ass masterpieces, but I don't find the cd version here in Italy. Among US sports I prefer baseball, taht is more rational and regular. Brute force ain't nothing without technique. With regard to european football I support SS LAZIO. Do you know that MANNSCHAFT? Cheers/Schuess |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 07:25 am: | |
What a great review! Thanks Rod!! I hope we get a chance or chances stateside to see TNA! Can't wait for the cd!! Later...
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 06:48 am: | |
Ed, Pat does the lead vocals on Evil. Shredder version! Believe me. Parchman Farm would be a monster as well. It is hard to put in words what i witnessed last night, you just gotta go sse it for yourself. Rod fG |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2004 - 06:36 am: | |
Hey Rod, Thanks for the review, I got my tickets for the 21-10 show That's only one night to sleep !! Catman |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 01:45 pm: | |
Ed, you have definetly deserved a nice day. Enjoy and relax. Ich danke dir! Rod fG |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 01:02 pm: | |
Phuckin' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! derz a buzz-a-happnin'!!!!!!!!!!!! When was the last time ya saw Pat smilin THAT hard at a show! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 12:16 pm: | |
Enough work for today.... I'm going to relax and watch some Golf then head off to Todai's for an early dinner and a few ice cold Ashahi's. Afterwhich I'll be catching the Pink Zeppelin Tour this evening! Have a great day eveyone!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 12:01 pm: | |
Pat playing thru a Line 6? Die Bilde sind sehr toll!!! Danke sehr noch mal!! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 11:49 am: | |
Hey Travelers... Not sure if the L.A. shows will be TNA or not. If not.... then my guess would be Carmine on drums and a bass player. OK here we gooooooo! TNA PICS! Thanks again Rod!! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 10:50 am: | |
Are the H.O.B. shows T-N-A or Pat,if it's a Pat show ,who's his band going to be ????Starting to make plans, just in case it's T-N-A!!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 10:29 am: | |
Welcome aboard Ty! You logged on just in time... Pat's playing next month at the HOB Sunset! HOB Downtown Disney too!!! |
Ty Stixx
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 09:50 am: | |
Anyone have a clue why Pat never plays L.A.?? Like House of Blues on Sunset? |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 08:52 am: | |
Rod the Rocker wrote: Quote:Great the board is working again. Just wait til you see gREG as special guest in the white hat and wearing the official TNA string over his undies. Just to prove he did make it.
LOL!!!! Those pics will be up in just a bit..... Or should I keep the suspense going? Hmmmm.... |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 08:39 am: | |
Great the board is working again. Just wait til you see gREG as special guest in the white hat and wearing the official TNA string over his undies. Just to prove he did make it. Snorkels glad you had a great time. I have to take care of my youngest and can't go to Verviers today. I was still lucky to witness one hell of a show. What else can you ask for. Rod fG |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 08:23 am: | |
Here's some more new pics! RENO 8.13.2004 Thanks Sue!!!!! |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 07:38 am: | |
When we arrived at the venue, Pat made us feel very welcome and introduced us to everybody. So that was a good start. They are all very nice indeed. When the show started, the place wasn't completely packed, but the crowd responded good at The Lizzards, and I have to say, it's a great band! Surprising singer, very good. So it was a great warming up for TnA! As the cd isn't out too long, many songs were very new to most of the people, but as Rodney already said, the band was in a happy state with many laughs on stage, and the audience liked that. And PT rocked! Looks tougher then ever, seems ten years younger again. Tony Franklin did an amazing solo on his frettless bass and Carmine did his solo, he almost hit the drumkit of stage, haha. It was the same setlist as in Dortmund, except the TM song was replaced for Snortin'. So it was a great show, nice to see PT has become a real rocker again, even a sexy one, when he shakes his hips during the Rod Stewart song Sexy, haha. Heavy song now, better! And funny.. Nice merchandise too, of course we got ourselves some shirts, finally real Travers merchandise! Also met Catman and company, nice to meet you! Well, now we will focus on sunday, another TnA gig, in a café! See that big tourbus coming with all the gear and bandmembers, no audience can get in, it's allready full then, haha! We'll see, should be fun too. pics will follow soon, I hope, the computer is not working properly all the time....Glad I got this review on. greetingzz from The Dutch Hammerheads! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 07:32 am: | |
Glad to hear Eric/Rick are doin good.....should we start a 'puter fund for them? I noticed noone on the badassrek chat last week. |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 07:30 am: | |
Nice Ed!!!! Although I was hoping Pat would be tricked out in a pink/black pimp suit......ah well. I get pissed off at the relentless crowd surfing too. I usually end it by crowd surfing myself....and then urinating. This puts a damper on the whole thing. Then in the mosh pits, I knock everybody out and scream, "Dis eez MY pit azz-oles!!!" That stops too and we all go back to enjoying a wonderful show! Although at Damage Plan, I think I just upset the kids. Hey, hard lessons. g |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 07:16 am: | |
Sorry but the board burped again. Should be OK now. In other news.... Rod sent me TNA pics! Thank you thank you thank you! I'll be uploading them within the next couple of hours. In the meantime check thos out: - Thanks Hilco! PT ROCKS! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 06:42 am: | |
Hey Kids65, Unfortunately there are stupid people all over the world, including the U.S... and I really wish they would stop breeding at such an alarming rate. Later reports confirm that she was an innocent bystander who was struck by a pepper spray bullet through the eye. Not that it makes the tragedy any less. As much as I really enjoy sports, you'll never catch me in the middle of a riot after a major victory turning over cars, setting fires, breaking out business store windows, or having a shootout with a fan of the rival team. Why people think this is reason or excuse enough to behave this way proves their stupidity. Get a life people! You'll also never catch me crowd surfing or in the mosh pit at a concert. I'm there to check out the band, not act like a cardholding member of the World Wrestling Federation (sorry gREG! LOL!)... How did those stupid habits get started anyway? Do those people even LIKE music???? Yo King Edward...Glad to see that you got the computer bugs worked out (again!). Thanky, thanky!! I am Rockpig, and I approve this message... And as always...PTB is King! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 06:35 am: | |
I saw Eric & Rick yesterday and they are both very much still alive and well. Eric is still without a kumpewtr. The guys are playing here in Daytona during Biketober fest and they are playing right in the center of all the action. There are about a jillion tricked out bikes rumbling non-stop. Large hootered babes abound too! While the guys were taking a break, I started to wonder around. I walked across the street and then heard a nasty sounding slide guitar. I went to check it out and it was Eric Sardinas going at it. I hung out there and bought a cd from him after he ended his set. Well, it`s time for me to head on out for day two. Oh yeah, Eric & Rick both say "Hi!" and they also let me know that they`ll be doin the mid December gig with PT in nearby Ft.Lauderdale. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 05:57 am: | |
test |
| Posted on Friday, October 22, 2004 - 04:45 am: | |
Hey guys, a girl was shot by a rubber bullet and died during some clashes against police forces after Red Socks' game. I thought these things happened only in Europe. Sorry for the girl. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 05:03 pm: | |
Yo Steve, that was classic! Leave it to Brian Maybe to find that one. Loved the Gore bit at the end regarding electorial votes. Too funny! Ain't it a bitch to have your band so in demand when you wanna catch a PT show??? LOL! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, October 21, 2004 - 03:55 pm: | |
Damn, Nov 13 at the House of Blues in Hollywood, same show as Anaheim the 11th! I will be in Sacramento! :-/ |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 02:47 pm: | |
Damn -- I thought I had saved the last post before the website had a hitch in its connectagezoink, but I guess not. uh . . . I was gonna say that gREG WAS actually in Europe, Snorkels! He was dressed in African garb with a wig on -- he looked just like TM Stevens! It's amazing what they can do with makeup these days. If you look closely at the photos, you can see the roadie standing behind him (under the same gown) and playing bass. gREG's arms are conspicuously missing from the photos, and one can only guess where they might be. Up his tutu, maybe? Confuscious say, "Man who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with smelly finger." ahem so what you're saying, Rod, is that at Anaheim (if it is a TNA gig) we'll have gREG standing up front wearing only a TNA eye patch over the groin area??? DAMN, and I was gonna go . . . I don't think I would want him standing behind me, but I don't think I would want to see the view standing behind him either. And no, Nair would definately not help! ya hairy bastard ya MAN those pictures are trippy! TM's Shaka Zulu thing is way out there, if you ask me and I know you didn't. It will be great to see Tony Franklin again -- haven't seen him since he Firm in 85 and 86 -- The Forum and Irvine Amphitheater. Steve, Ed, were you guys there? He's one of my favorite bass players, and was instrumental (ah-HYUK) in my move to a fretless bass a few years ago. Call me a hack if you must, but I play the damned thing pretty effing well thank you. I broke into "Closer," "Make or Break," Radioactive" and "Live in Peace" at band practice last week. Just happened to remember most of the lyrics. I do a fair cover of Paul Rodgers . . . I said FAIR. BTW, my next gig is November 13. Nobody close enough to come, I don't think, but if you are lemme know. And yet I digress. The SEG on Pat's face tells it all! He's having the time of his life! Carmine with the wig on (or is that gREG) is a crackup! I actually wrote about gREG wearing the eye patch before I saw the pics -- who knew?? funny. I got to meet Carmine at the Coach House, so am really looking forward to meeting Tony. Life just gets cooler, don't it! Sorry gREG, but Seahawks eat Cardinals for lunch. My home number is 619 298 0804 -- feel free to call and give me heck if you guys manage to score! I'll bring yer number home so I can talk smack too. Guess I've used up my quota of alphanumeric characters -- time to get a little work done, go to an afternoon party and have a ripping (hack) band practice tonight! see ya folks Oh yeah, one last thing. Kids, sorry to report that Layne Staley, former singer for Alice in Chains, overdosed on heroin a few of years ago. Fortunately for lovers of their music, Jerry Cantrell still tours pretty regularly. Go buy his "Boggy Depot", and Layne's Mad Season solo band -- don't have the name of the cd here at the office, but it's the only one they did. It's kinda like buying new AIC, so will help heal ya when you hear the news. Do not accidentally buy Matchbox 20's "Mad Season" -- that definately ain't it. This reminds me, I heard a band called Future Leaders of the World the other day. If anyone is jonesing for Nirvana since Kurt Cobain's tragic run-in with a shotgun, you will love it. It sounds like the album they might have recorded if he had not loaded the gun that day . . . sorry to end on a downer but listen to it and you'll feel better. okaybye |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 03:22 pm: | |
ED,THANKS for the 411...Looks like we;re going to try and make the 11/13 show..Should be fun and see ya there!!!.....Have a good dinner!! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 04:35 pm: | |
I think Mad Season's cd is called "Down" and don't forget Cantrell's "Degradation Trip!" You will not be disappointed! AIC was/is great. I have "Jar of Flies" in the cd player in the truck now, with "Dirt" on the seat. Did anyone do a tribute to Layne like the "Temple Of The Dog" tribute to/for "Mother Love Bone" singer? Later...
| Posted on Saturday, October 23, 2004 - 04:50 pm: | |
Hey "Big Pipe", Sounds like you need to clean up yer truck! You've got a jar of flies in yer CD player and dirt on yer seats! You slob! Go wash up that truck right now! That ain't no way for a cowboy to treat his mechanical horse....I thought you Texans were smarter than that? Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk......"Degradation Trip" does indeed rock. (Especially the rare version, huh Jimbo?) Shhhhhh..... Randal, I was thinkin' the same thing about that big ol' smile (or as you put it, SEG) on Pat's face. I've seen him grin a lot, but never to a point where he looks like he's bustin' a gut over something. Good to see that. Apparently things are going very well on the tour! I am Rockpig, and I approve this message! |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 01:57 am: | |
Rockpig, your argument is quite right. I know that even in U.S. several squarehead guys wanna show people how tough they are, but I didn't know that football or baseball stadiums were frequented by hooligans. By the way these guys are strong an' brave when they're joining to their gangs -for example knifin'to dead poor people from their behind- but they're often like chickens when you catch'em alone. Hey Randall, Sorry for Stanley. AIC were a nine days' wonder. I did love their music but not likewise about NIRVANA, that played punk and not a technichal hard rock. Anyway I think that drugs' use must be controlled, like Rolling Stones did for long time, otherwise it definitely leads to dead. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 02:00 am: | |' of course hallo to everybody.Hope you're gettin' betta an' betta. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 04:00 am: | |
Can't get enough hammerheads I will try to come to tonights gig,first find out if tickets are available. Thursday's show was great !!! |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 04:15 am: | |
Looks like i will have to rephrase my statement from my review.
Quote:They are having fun.
What i meant to say is THEY ARE HAVING FUN!!!! I haven't seen Pat smile and laugh on stage (actually off stage as well) that much either. I believe it is due to him not having to carry the total load on vocals. It gives him more free space to enjoy what is happening around him. Also he has a big professional road crew and a driver who know their business. I remember a driver they had who didn't even know where the next show was. So Pat had to tell the guy where to go and read the map for him. The crew is taking good care of merchandise and sales as well. Therefore i think Pat is totaly relaxed and just simply enjoying.
Rod |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 04:51 am: | |
Jbeseau, is mother's love bone singer another guy gone for drugs? Gosh, that heroin kills mire then H bomb! Cheers |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 04:59 am: | |
Jbeseau, is mother's love bone singer another guy gone for drugs? Gosh, that heroin kills more than H bomb! Cheers |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 06:23 am: | |
They didn't arrive yet, but 2 hours to go for the soundcheck!!!! Cu |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 08:30 am: | |
Pat actually sprouts wings mid-set and gently glides over the audiance, sharing his guitar mastery to the masses, thus creating a uphoric essence in all that attend. Happy Pat. Alls he needs is that pimp suit, I'm telling ya. His pimp hand is strong! Have fun Andries-n-Wilma!!!! Can't wait for the review! g PS Where's Miss Cindy been lately? I she on the road w/ Dee Snider? |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 02:34 pm: | |
Hey Kids...Yes, I know it was drugs and I am pretty sure it was heroin that did in Andrew Wood, singer for Mother Love Bone, the band that Pearl Jam grew out of. Gossard and Ament were both in MLB as well. Very, very influential band for the likes of the Pearl Jams, Soundgardens, and probably AIC. MLB is a little spacier than the harder AIC and Soundgarden, but funky and fun and musically diverse and interesting. I am NOT an opponent of drugs. I AM a proponent of common sense and moderation. I want all my friends and musical genii (plural of genius!) to leave this world when they are called, not when they overdose. With that, RIP Layne, Andrew, Jimi, Bon (I know...), and any and everybody else we have lost. On that, how in the hell did Ozzy survive!? Or Keith Richards!!? Dayum! They must be bulletproof!! Sorry for sounding preachy...I'm not. Later...
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 04:48 pm: | |
Randal said: "Sorry gREG, but Seahawks eat Cardinals for lunch . . . " What he MEANT was, " . . . but only if Seattle hasn't eaten first! It looks like we munched on a pile of salmon and couldn't get off the ground. Oh, the tired lament of a die-hard Seahawks fan. Super Bowl bound at 3-0, then lost in mediocrity three tragic and senseless games later. (sigh) Guess I'm eatin' crow, gREG! DAMN, but it's better than what Pat's eating. LOL Jim-n-Strat, I haven't heard that JC release. Guess I'd better pick it up Tuesday when I go get TNA! I'll need some killer rock to get me through the downslide of my team. |
Ty Stixx
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 04:57 pm: | |
Hey guys!!...I checked HOB's website and don't see PT anywhere on the bill for next month? W wh w w ww Whaaaaaaaaassssssss....sup??!!! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 05:04 pm: | |
Randall, Saw The Firm twice in the SF Bay Area, in Oakland and Concord. I hadn't yet moved down to La La Land. I also saw Tony play with Paul Rogers at the Troubadour here in LA, with Reeves Gabrels (ex-Bowie) on guitar, and Tony Thompson on drums. That was one rockin' gig! They did some Free & Bad Co, plus Hendrix & blues covers. Tony is definitely a great bass player! I hope he's playing with Pat in Anaheim, and I hope I make it there! Cheers, Steve |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 05:06 pm: | |
Ty Stixx: and |
Ty Stixx
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 05:07 pm: | |
Nevermind....I found it!...DUH |
Ty Stixx
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 05:15 pm: | |
Last time I saw Pat was in Modesto about 10yrs ago...thanks god I moved outta there! Ansly Dunsbar was on drums....great show! |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 05:27 pm: | |
Is there a tour coming to Toronto Canada? |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 06:15 pm: | |
Randal, just had enough time to leap off the giant wings of our beloved Cardinal to post, before we as a city fly thru the air with TRUIMPH under our wings. God, can I dish the bullchit! Had to listen on the radio to the game. When ya got a 74,000 seat staduim and sell only 30,000 tix, the NFL tends to blackout the games....but WHATTA game.....i thank u. Looks like this TNA show is too close to my sis's wedding, and w/ lisa seeing that the tix are $27.00.........we'z be'z gonnaz havato mizz deez one. DAMN!!!! My sis is SSSOOOO selfish. Ya'd think she'd change her plans for me......ah well. Can't wait till TUESDAY....TNA DAY! g |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 07:28 pm: | |
from the pictures it looks like pat is playing on a couple of those peavey wolfgangs, is that true? those are pretty nice guitars, i have a friend who has one, just wondering |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 07:31 pm: | |
is there a site to get some of that merchandise from the tna thing? |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 07:42 pm: | |
that Mad Season CD is entitled "Above." "Down" is one of the lyrics in the chorus of "River of Deceipt," which my band covers. "Wake Up," "I'm Above," and . . . what the hell, the whole CD is great. gittit and Pigmalion, I dare not ask about the "rare one" due to recent fumbling problems. alas |
| Posted on Sunday, October 24, 2004 - 11:24 pm: | |
Jbeseau, sure I think you're not. I'm not a drugs opponent too, on the contrary I woud legalize light ones, but that couldn't lead people to SWAY -addiction-. Personally I'm not a drugs' user. Hear this ••••••' crazy idea to freak out and get higher: 1)When you wake up in the morning have a vitamin C pill at breakfast; 2)at luch have spaghetti and veal meat; 3)whaen you've had a good digestion go joggin' with PTB's music on your headphones -especially listen to HAMMERHEAD many times-; that way you're gonna run like rockets and will be full of adrenalin all over your body. Ain't that so damn funny?? Good night to America. |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 01:24 am: | |
okay, so I'm in the office late, building a model of the roof deck that I'm hoping will win a design award like the last one did. Playlist: Mad Season - Above Mudhoney - My Brother the Cow Dishwalla - So You Think You Know What Life's About Jethro Tull - Roots to Branches Pat Travers Band - Crash and Burn Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magic (I was gonna recite a punchline from "Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In," but I wouldn't want it to be misconstrued. So I'll say . . . . ) g'night, RICHARD. |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 01:58 am: | |
All right Randal or -if you want- Richard, please do not fall asleep on your office desk. I will suggest to you a tune that's good for workin' late at night, that is COCAINE played by J.J. CALE, or FOR YOUR LIFE by Led Zep. Hanx! I will try to get this MAD SEASON cd, by this time I'm curious to know what there's inside. |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 07:21 am: | |
Yo Zoso! Hot show Sat didn't get a chance to stay for Pink but the Zep set was AWESOME! What a setlist! Folks... I'll step out on a limb here with a very bold statement and say that Zepagain does Zeppelin better than any band on the planet - except maybe one. You guys are incredible! CYA this Wed! |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 09:05 am: | |
That COULD be gREG in the TNA pic in the thong. Oop, sorry gREG. |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 09:49 am: | |
Saw Van Halen on Friday night in Seattle. Saw them before many years ago with both DLR and Sammy, I thought the Sammy version was much better.....just sounded better. On Friday night they left nothing undone. A pure rocknroll night, with a few Sammy tumnes in there too. These guys have lost NOTHING, and it was about time they got back with the Red Rocker. Seachickens returning to old form, perhaps another 8-8 season on the way? Peace............ |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 09:50 am: | |
Been reading tons about Led Zepagain on this site. They get rave reviews. Do they ever get up to the Seattle area? |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 10:09 am: | |
Review and photos from Travers & Appice in Hellendoorn. Only it is in dutch. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 10:53 am: | |
Shucks Ed, thanks! Coolhvacman, we will hopefully make it up to Seattle at some point. We're trying to branch out as much as we can next year! T-N-A To-Mor-Row! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 11:02 am: | |
Hey Coolhvacman, Be glad you saw such a good VH performance. The tour has been seriously plagued, and that's why I chose not to go to the Seattle show. Past reports of spotty shows, bad Edward performances, and recently Edward firing all of Sammy's crew members led me to the decision to avoid this show. I saw VH on every tour from VH 2 through OU812 as well as the VH3 tour in '98 with Cherone and as remarkable as all of those were, I didn't want to tarnish my memory with the chance of a bad performance on what might possibly be their last tour...ever. Edward's been in a bad way for some time now, and he seems to have gone off the deep end lately. As one of my all-time favorite guitarists, this really bums me out. See the report below for a late update from just this morning. By the way...My favorite VH tour was "1984" and I also believe Gary Cherone never got a fair break. That tour was overlooked, but they dug out some old early VH songs that Sammy would never sing, and to hear someone who could actually sing (Cherone) those old songs (Mean Streets & Hot For Teacher were unbelieveable!) instead of yelping them (Roth) sure took them up a notch to another level! That '98 tour with Cherone was remarkable. On the flip side, that VH3 album really stunk! Explains why that tour was a dud from every other standpoint. Still, I'm glad I caught it. ANOTHER END OF THE ROAD FOR VAN HALEN?: The world of Van Halen is a fickle thing and the band have never been far from a headline. The guys are currently working their way through their last weeks of 2004 tour dates - shows that some never thought would happen. But they did, after the feud between vocalist Sammy Hagar and the Van Halen brothers was laid to rest earlier in the year. The guys finally hit the road again on the back of a new compilation that featured 3 new tracks. There have been numerous reports of problems within the band and just as many reports of Eddie Van Halen drunk on stage. Rumors flared again last week after Hagar appeared on US radio station KSHE, stating in an interview that he thought the Van Halen re-union was fun, but it bought closure to that chapter. He went on to voice his unhappiness with the high ticket prices from the tour and how he wished some members of the band were into fan interaction as much as he was. It was implied that once the current dates were completed, Hagar would return to touring with The Warboritas and the future of VH would again be up in the air. What really is going on? What's next for Van Halen? The reality is that at this point - no one knows. But I for one am not hopeful of anything continuing once this leg of the 2004 tour concludes. Everything I am hearing from my sources - past, proven sources that have all contributed to past Van Halen reports - is negative. Everything I hear points to a band that is managing to function despite inner turmoil. And it seems all that turmoil is centered around Eddie Van Halen. It is no secret that Eddie is drinking heavily and has been since the start of the tour - that drinking and his subsequent behavior has put a major strain on relationships within the VH organization. As one source put it - Eddie is "unstable". As a result, there are no band commitments planned past next month. Sammy Hagar is planning to tour with his solo band The Warboritas and could be playing solo as early as December, with further plans being made for summer 2005. Apparently Hagar did not want the re-union to play out as it has, but would rather return to being a solo artist than tour with Van Halen under current circumstances. I am told there are no 2005 tour plans and no album plans. All will become a little clearer once the tour concludes next month. To sum up, everything I have heard points towards confirming what Sammy Hagar said on KSHE-FM last week. Once this tour is done, another chapter of the Van Halen history will close with it. I'm Rockpig, and I approve this message! |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 11:05 am: | |
Steve added: Quote:T-N-A To-Mor-Row!
Which begs the question... So who ya gonna listen to first? T-N-A or the New Zep? I'll be in front of the line for both tomorrow.... |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 12:53 pm: | |
Rockp, i saw 1984 tour w/ Roth and was blown away w/ the energy (just like Diver Down/Mean Streets tours). Saw Hager plenty of times before he hooked up w/ VH and never really LOVED Van Hagar. So, I never saw them live, except on the DVD. Have seen Hagar after the split and he was amazing! It must be like seeing that GREAT movie 10/15 years ago and then seeing it again today and thinking what the hell was so great about this movie??? I'm listening to TNA first, then my Ashlee Simpson.......she'll be in porn in 3 yrs. No, Bette, that was NOT me in those pics....he was dressed way too nice. g PS, I agree w/ Ed! Zepagain THE best in the country! Ya walk away thinkin' ya just saw Zep....and that ain't no lie! |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 12:57 pm: | |
UFO 11/17/04 House of Blues-Anehiem.....yes! |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 01:40 pm: | |
Hey gREG, Do you think Ashlee Simpson will be lip syncing in porn like she does with her music? Nyuk, nyuk.... Man, that episode of her on Saturday Night Live this weekend sure brought back the Milli Vanilli flashbacks! And then she had the balls (It Takes A Lot Of Balls! There's my PT tie in!) to say it was her band's fault because they started the wrong song? Does she think most of the public is as stupid as she is??? Seeing some rave reviews on the current UFO tour. Sure hope they make it up to Seattle! Sure hope Zepagain gets up here too, Steve! Speaking of Seattle, if Queensryche are coming anywhere near your town soon, go check 'em out! They do an almost 1 hour set of their hits, then take a 20-25 minute intermission, then come out with Operation:Mindcrime in full, with stage props, actors, updated video, etc. then a preview of their new upcoming sequel to Operation:Mindcrime. Initial reviews have been very good, and the two sold out shows in Seattle was very impressive! I am Rockpig, and I approve of this message. And as always, PTB is King! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 02:37 pm: | |
Rockpig, You should seriously considering writing a column. Call it THe Rockpig Report, you could cover the seedier, titilating aspects that we all want to know. Sign me up as your first subscriber. In fact Rockpig I was thinking of you earlier in the day. I was traveling along in the company Taurus listening to Nickelback's The Long Road. I'm not sure if you are familiar with this CD or not, but anyway's as the final track - 11 eases in - I'm struck with a thought - a revealtion if you will. These guys (Nickelback) are doing a fine job or carrying on the ROCKPIG tradition, that dragged the likes of me in you into its hedonistic clutches. It's a great day in rock'n'roll knowing their is still young heterosexual man, that play loud guitars and who's first priority is to drag the attractive woman that attend their shows on to the tour bus. Amen brother. |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 03:17 pm: | |
whoa, strat!! |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 03:20 pm: | |
lip syncing on tv wow what is this world coming too,. the past few years have been pretty hard on E.V.H ,and alot of todays "guitarists" cant even carry his guitar case,.as a friend ED is one hell of a guy ,with problems just like the rest of us,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PT is king |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 03:58 pm: | |
Plan for tomorrow: Best Buy for TNA & Page/Plant Unledded DVD ($11.99 on sale). Hopefully, they will actually HAVE TNA in stock! Then, annoy the co-workers with a little TNA in the afternoon, and settle down in the evening for the Page/Plant viewing! UFO also at HoB Hollywood on 11/15, I'll be there! Gotta try & meet Mr Bonham Jr! I saw VH every tour with Roth back in the day. They were unstoppable and untouchable! Sure, Dave was Dave, and not exactly the greatest of vocalists, but it didn't matter. There was such a vibe with those 4 guys onstage. Never quite the same with Sammy, although technically, they became a much more polished live band. Didn't see the Cherone tour, or the current one, unfortunately. I do really hope Ed keeps it together. I mean, the guy REVOLUTIONIZED rock guitar! I hear he's been phenominal at some of the shows this year. The Rockpig Report, bring it on! |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 04:39 pm: | |
Ass Simpson will be her porn name. Her video will be on the new Paris line vids. She and Paris will star in it together. Whatta load of crap for her to blame her band! I was embarrassed to even hear that! Sat night live better release a press release saying "NO MORE TRACKS OF ANY KIND!!!!! ALL MUSIC WILL BE LIVE, and ONLY live! I can just imagine all these STRUGGLING musicians watching that skank thinking, "How, Why, ....what?" Maybe these kids that buy this crap can now wipe the bubblegum outta their eyes. Oh crap, I gotta go pry this Ass Simpson CD outta my daughters hands and explain that daddy was controled by Satan himself when he purchased that trash. Wish me luck. g Oh yeah....TNA DAY almost here. I hear Eddie Van Halen can't drop the whiskey he's learning to play better slide guitar. |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 04:48 pm: | |
Hello there! Next review.....we're still floating... It was great again. It was in a small club (PTB played there a few months ago), hot and crowdy. But very nice! We were early again, easy in a open café, and the soundcheck was already kicking! There were some difficulties with the sound, cause the home sound system is not in the middle, but on the side. The club was crowded when the Lizards began, man, they are a great band, very own style, and heavy! The people liked it very much and hopefully they will return as a headliner. Then, after the drumkits were switched, TnA came up and blew us away, as we all know PT uses a little volume....haha. There were still some troubles with the home sound system so now and then, but they didn't make trouble about that, PT came up with some very good solo's you otherwise will never hear. So we were glad about that! Carmine had some trouble with his own kit and mic, but the roadies did a good job and solved everything, the band had even more laughs about this all. Also Tony, what a change in a few day's! Last thursday, he joined the band just two day's and was serious busy with learning all the notes from a book in front of him on stage. But this time, he didn't need that anymore and was going crazy! Dancing and shaking all over, completely nuts, very funny! Then during Carmine's solo, he came into the crowd to check if everybody was singing along with him, haha. On his way back, he threw his drumsticks on the stagefloor, nothing happened. Then the roadie did the same, and the stick bounced back. That was the trick wich Carmine failed at....ooops, haha. Carmine laughed and had serious fun. Anyway, everybody had a good time, and the music was great. It rocks heavy and steady, all you, buy that TnA CD!! After the show they took their time for pics and signing, very relaxed. Something else, we spoke to Jan Akkerman last friday about Carmine, who is an old friend of him, but they haven't seen each other for a long time. (in 1973 they recorded the LP Tabernakel together, and Tim Bogert too). We told Jan where Carmine was playing this sunday. He wanted to come! So we arranged with the owner of the café that Jan was coming, but it had to be a surprise for Carmine. Well, Jan came and Carmine was very pleased to see his old time buddy again! We felt very happy about this, if you can imagine. They have spoken a long time together, so thats good! But every party has to end, and we said goodbye. Always sad, but we are happy. We have seen TnA two times and The Lizards too. They are all great musicians and very nice persons as well, also the crew who surrounds them. So thanx to them all for the fantastic time!! Pics will follow later on, filmuser too.... Greetingzz from The Happy Dutch Hammerheads. |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 05:10 pm: | |
Finally!!!West coast UFO Tour dates!!!! SF CA and Sacramento!!!!And Bonham is playing drums!!!! I just hope Pete Way will be there!!!!! |
| Posted on Monday, October 25, 2004 - 05:30 pm: | |
Great review Snorks! I'd venture to say that the tour was a smashing success! I really liked to Jan Akkerman Carmine reunion story. Next time Pat plays here in Seattle, I'm gonna try to hook him up with Michael Shrieve. Michael played on the "Crash & Burn" release, and currently has a little bar here in Seattle called Tost that features interesting little fusion bands from time to time. My best friend's fiance is friends with Michael's wife (or ex-wife) so making that contact should be pretty easy. Hey Zepfanus, don't hold your breath to see Pete Way. It's well documented that he had visa issues and will not be able to do the U.S. tour. His replacement is Barry Sparks, who's done some time with Dokken and the Jeff Kollman Band. Jeff was guitarist for Mogg's side project Sign Of 4. I am Rockpig, and I approve this message. |
Too Cool
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 02:46 am: | |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 07:10 am: | |
Hey, the setlist was the same as last thursday!!!!BTW, Pat told us about his double cutaway:HE'S BROKEN AGAIN  Hopefully Pat can repair it again So, he's playing on this tour another LP, and it sounds great. Right now in the cd-player: the new Lizards and then TnA, windows open, volume maximum!!!! So "The Dutch Hammerheads"
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 08:18 am: | |
Hey Snorkels, if you're living in Amsterdam send my greetings to Johann Crujff. He' s real great for ever!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 09:58 am: | |
Thanx snorkels! Well, did anybody see the piss-poor LIVE Ass Simpson last night? Just proved that the Sat Night Live version WAS fake. She was awful......And TNA was awesome! How cool would it be to get Pat on one of these shows! C'mon Rockp.....pull some strings! g |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 10:23 am: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 10:40 am: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 10:49 am: | |
gREG, I didn't see it last nite but I heard about the dip Simpson actually did it "live" That SNL thing was so embarassing to watch. It showed her lack of character, for sure. And to blame the band. I can't wait until the 15 minutes of fame end and she's begging for attention like a lot of the rappers and all other no talents out there. gREG, now look what you started. Now I'm ranting! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 11:41 am: | |
gREG, Dude, I can barely pull my own string (don't read too much into that comment!) and I really wouldn't want to tarnish PT's reputation and water down his talent by putting him on a show with a bunch of hack low talent lip syncing wannabes...I like Mudd's analogy...these people can't even carry PT's guitar case! Toast...You REALLY wouldn't want me for president! I am neither hardcore Democrat nor Republican...I think the extremes at both ends are very dangerous to our society, and that seems to be the way both of the major parties are leaning. Is nobody moderate anymore? Why does each side insist on it being their way or the highway? The policies I would implement IMMEDIATELY would absolutely freak people right out of their skins! But I do promise a PT tune would be placed right under our National Anthem! And all lip syncing "artists" would be shot or deported! On a serious note...Has anyone heard from Takashi, our PT friend from Japan? All those earthquakes they've had recently causes me concern with one of our PT Family members... Off to pick up my copy of TNA today! I am Rockpig, and I approve of this message! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 01:20 pm: | |
No luck on TNA in Charlotte, NC. Media Play showed one copy in the store and we couldn't find it. Best Buy said they wouldn't be stocking it. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 01:20 pm: | |
Well, trip to Best Buy was only half fruitful. Got the Page/Plant DVD, but NO TNA IN STOCK!!! Grrr.... The Fight Goes On! Steve Z |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 01:37 pm: | |
Rockpig, Do what ever you want down there. I'm in Canada!! Hopefully my T n A showed up at Amazon today. |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 01:45 pm: | |
Geeze Louise, Amazon estimated ship date is Nov 2-Nov 8 |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 01:58 pm: | |
Still ROCKIN' to the new T-N-A......So tasty!!!Can't quit listening to it!!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 02:23 pm: | |
Hey all you Hammerheads, I've done some on-line searching and besides , Tower Records & Barnes & Noble both list TNA in the data base as available for shipping. Tower has it for $15.99 with low in-stock, and Barnes & Noble has it for $16.98 with shipping within 2-3 days. Here's another option...Go to your independent neighborhood record store and tell them that you'd like to support THEM instead of the big conglomerates and I can almost promise you they will do all that they can to get the CD for you ASAP! Tell them the CD is on Steamhammer/SPV Records. That might help speed things up. This will help you to get the TNA CD & the little guy running the Mom & Pop record store trying to survive against the big corporations. This was exactly what I did, and I had no problems getting the CD. Best of luck with your hunt, and thanks for going the extra mile trying to purchase it somewhere "legit" so that Pat & Carmine get the proper sales credit. I'm sure they greatly appreciate it! PT fans are THE BEST! Hey Toast....I forgot to tell you that part of my "presidential plan" was for us to take over Canada, and send all of you Canucks packing to France! I bet THAT got your attention! LOL! Just kidding, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to mess with yer head a bit.... I am Rockpig, and I approve this message! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 02:31 pm: | |
You can also reach Steamhammer Records at and discuss the situation with them! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 02:42 pm: | |
Best Buy/ Circuit City dont have TNA on any new release pages. The guy at Best Buy had no idea. Where are peeps buying it at? I know for awhile the Kansas DVD was only available at Borders for about 2 months. Help.......Rockp.....approve this message! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 02:51 pm: | |
Did you guys catch A. Simpson on the Today Show with Katie Couric this morning? If you missed it, you can see it on video at . Simpson now blames it on acid reflux that hit at 6:00, just before showtime, so she was force into using "backing tracks" by her Daddy/Manager and that (GASP!) she had NEVER before done anything like "voice over tracking" (see lip syncing!)....Um hum......right. THE GIRL IS A TOTAL IDIOT. I am Rockpig, and I DEFINITELY approve of this message! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 02:53 pm: | |
Rockpig, I might as well be in France as my Regionial Manager is French from Quebec - other wise known as The French Cowboy. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:00 pm: | |
It's okay Toast, I'd never send you to France...yer a Bolin fan! And a PT fan! You can't be bad! |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:02 pm: | |
Hi all, heard that the first issue TNA has sold well and second round is in production. So keep asking for it. I'm shure there will be enough in supply soon again. Sorry, but it seems Europe got hold of too many copies, so stock was low for the U.S. I already bought 4 copies myself. Rod from Germany |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:17 pm: | |
T-N-A ROCKS! My speakers won't ever be the same!
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:23 pm: | |
where'd ya'll get it?!!!!! I wont sleep till I get it.....well, not really. But I gotta get it! I got the fever, and not just for cowbell. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:28 pm: | |
....ya gotta have more cowbell! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:34 pm: | |
gREG, Got the last copy at Tower Records Torrance, CA. It was almost as if they saved it for me..... Sittin' right there in the front of the Travers bin - smirkin' and smilin' at me as I trepiditiously walked in half expecting that I was going to have to visit a few stores. But I breezed by the Zeppelin bin and SNATCHED UP my No Quarter Unledded then proceed to the Travers section and BAM! there is was! Now I'm happier than a pig in slop! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 03:46 pm: | |
gREG....Keep lookin' & don't give up! It takes patience, and dare I say it.... "IT TAKES A LOT OF BALLS"! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.... |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 04:32 pm: | |
Oh...and gREG? If you want to tell Miss Simpson what you really think of her, then go to Ebay, type in "Ashlee Simpson Cell Phone" and you can buy her phone number for $1.50...I kid you not! I am Rockpig, and I approve of this message! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 04:54 pm: | |
Greg,got our T-N-A .. at Dimple Records here in Sac. right when they opened at 10:00 , got the ONE and only copy...good luck and hang in there...still burning up the speakers with T-N-A !!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 05:08 pm: | |
Hey Travelers... only the third time thru for me.... Carmine is simply AMAZING. TM is brass, bold and pretty darned wild. Uriah is rock solid and funky! And Pat is, well... Pat. Nobody even comes close. I love his "laid it down" live style. His vocals are top notch and that Guitar is smokin'! This CD has it all. The long wait is finally over. |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 06:02 pm: | |
"Never Saw It Comin'" Freakin' ROCKS! No doubt based on true life experiences... |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 07:23 pm: | |
(sound of computer turning off) plod plod plod plod - (sound of knob turning -- SLAM! sound of feet shuffling across asphalt parking lot, then keys rattling and door opening. THUMP goes the car door. Ignition, and VVVVVVVVVRRRRRRRO)MMMMMMMMMM I'm heading for Tower Records! Will post after I scrape my brain off the walls from the TNA explosion! R |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 09:03 pm: | |
. . . .vrrrooooOOOOMMMM -- SCREECCCCHHHHHHH! grab the keys, crash through the back door of the office at full tilt boogie, ripping plastic off the CD and -- YYYYEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! TNA is in the hizzouse! (never thought I'd use that one). TOWER, gREG! They had five copies out here, in a Travers & Appice Section! Which is right next to PTB as it happens. Diggin' "Better From a Distance," which I've seen PTB do . . . oh BOY! new PT!! woo HOOOO Piglet, hope you don't have to wait for the Pony Express to bring 'em to Yakivegas. Speakin of which, I got a hit from a firm in Las Vegas who might want to sweep me off my feet. Would I go? HEELyess!! now it's "Takin'" -- I LIKE this one alot. Oh, and, isn't that Gettin' Bette on the cover??? NICE, my dear |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 09:05 pm: | |
so Rich Ginbottom, does this mean we'll see "The Horse You Fell Off Of" in ott-five? Seems like Pat would want to space them out a bit, no? takin takin takin takin takin takin takin takin takin |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 10:19 pm: | |
WOW! I just got my Ashlee Simpson kicked! brain juice all over the walls. 13 whole new songs featuring bad ass Pat Travers and company -- and WHAT company! Can't wait to see this lineup with my own eyes. WHEW! man that's rockin' I also picked up Tom Waits' new CD, Real Gone. Noticed on the liner notes that Les Claypool plays on 3 songs, and Tom's son Casey plays drums on most and turntables on one. That's way cool! AND I bought Robert Plant's Principle of Moments, since we're toying around with "Big Log," and noticed that he put out "Dreamland" in '02 so I bought that too. Rounded out the purchase with the new Godsmack - spaced on the LZ DVD. Now I have to figure out which one to play after getting blasted by TNA!!! Better go down easy with TW . . . g'night, "Richard" |
| Posted on Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - 11:26 pm: | |
ahhhhhh I did the new RP first -- good idea Tom Waits will scramble my already blown-out brains enough to put 'em back where they were, just in time for another listen to TNA before closin' time. Yeah I'm workin' late! so what?? heading for NYC Thursday morning, so I gotta git stuff done. Only time to catch a late show (I put in for tix to The Late Show) after our event Friday. Might try to catch a rock show about 11, but Ima gettin' on a plane back at 8am -- in Newark! Maybe not. . . just don't tell me TW or David Johansen are in town |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 06:16 am: | |
Holy smokes! What a day yesterday.... First T-N-A then UnLedded! Both are fantastic!!! The No Quarter DVD is probably one of the best DVDs I've ever seen! I think I like it even more then How The West Was Won. Jimmy's got more guitars than Carter's got pills! And you gotta love the Hurdy Gurdy!!! I have never seen a Hurdy Gurdy being played before. Looks freakin' complicated! Best songs (IMO): Since I've Been Loving You Gallows Pole When The Levee Breaks In the visual dept - No Quarter - unbelievable simply unbelievable I have to say that I never realized how much I liked LZ until I started going to Zepagain shows... I know, I know... I'm a rock and roll heretic and prehaps a little bit guilty of rock and roll snobbery. But I've been saved! Good lord almighty I've been saved!!! You guys really should see this DVD..... Plant/Page and Lennon/McCartney we're living in some wonderful times... just don't turn on the news! LOL! P.S. Hey Steve... any chance Ms. M and myself can request Since I've Been Loving You tonight in Pico Rivera??? |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 09:31 am: | |
Well, I struck out twice yesterday on TNT! Tower in Marina Del Rey had gotten one copy in, and it had already sold. The guy stocking the new stuff totally remembered seeing it, said you couldn't forget a name like, "It Takes a Lot of Balls!" But it was nowhere to be found. Too busy today & tonight, so it will have to wait till Thurs now. But yes, the No Quarter DVD rocks! It's been totally remixed from the original version, and sounds fantastic! Ed, did ya check out that new version of Black Dog in the extras? Very cool! We'll try to get your request in for ya, see you tonight! Steve |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 12:18 pm: | |
Steve - That version of Black Dog ROCKS!!! The rythym section on that video is phenominal! ***** So anybody else listening to T-N-A today?? |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 01:07 pm: | |
T-N-A just melted the speakers in the 4X,That T-N-A is really doing some damage on the speakers around here!!!!lolol...TURN IT UP!!!!! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 01:18 pm: | |
Ed, I'll have to get you a copy of a Page/Plant bootleg, from Irvine Meadows in 1995. It's a killer soundboard show, and all Zep stuff! I thought their drummer, Michael Lee, was amazing with them. I saw him last year playing with Thin Lizzy. Cheers, Steve |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 01:37 pm: | |
Listening to TNA AGAIN! I woke up hearing it walked down the steps into my office this morning and stepped into a half inch of water. "Oh HECK" isn't exactly what I said! Flying out in the morning with TONS to do, but now I have to sandbag and hope the rainwater stays out when the REALTOR SHOWS MY BUILDING tomorrow . . . GEEEZ I must keep my chin up though, and you know It Takes Alot of Balls! seeya when I get back |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 03:00 pm: | |
Happy to say T-N-A hit CANADA, well Calgary anyway!!!!!!!!!!! Got my copy today at A & B Sound, sorry couldn't wait to get it from an independent record store.....I still can't believe I have it! Out doing banking for the company, did a little detour to check out a couple music stores, and they had it! I also picked up STILL HUNGRY ...I am the only one in the office today, so have my tunes cranked! can't wait to get home and listen on the home stereo, and a 5 CD disc changer...enough room for T-N-A, Twisted Sister's STILL Hungry, PTB 2004, and dManufature!! Play it Loud, Mutha !! |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 03:46 pm: | | Hey PT lovers!!!! Here some TnA and Lizards pics. last sunday in Holland. The website is in Dutch but click on the logo and then left: foto's. Wilma& Andries.
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 03:51 pm: | |
Cindy the PT Queen has arrived! Wow, haven't heard from you around here for a long time, Cindy! Great to hear from you, and hope everything is going good for you after your move. Do you miss us in the Vancouver/Seattle area? Do you miss the warmer winter climate? I bet you do! I knew you'd have no trouble sniffing out the new TNA release! Ha! Doesn't matter if you got it at a big conglomerate or a private independant record shop, so long as it was a legit sale and PT gets his share! Sure sounds like everybody is really diggin' the rockin' direction the CD took instead of the blues stuff that's been done for so long....Hope PT and Mike Varney make a note of it! Let's get Eric & Rick in the studio with ol' PT and get that OTHER ROCK CD out there...... And as always...PTB is King! I am Rockpig, and I approve of this message! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 06:16 pm: | |
Quote:So anybody else listening to T-N-A today??
Yup!!! It rocks big time!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 06:20 pm: | |
Quote:Happy to say T-N-A hit CANADA, well Calgary anyway!!!!!!!!!!!
TNA hit Vancouver Canada yesterday too!! My copy's almost worn out already! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 09:37 pm: | |
ROADTRIP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, October 27, 2004 - 10:12 pm: | |
Hi Rockpig I really miss Vancouver/Seattle big time, didn't think I would miss it this much, but the west coast sure has a lot to miss ....haven't had a chance to go and visit yet, but hoping to soon. Calgary just doesn't feel like home yet. Being able to have the option go to Seattle for concerts, miss that! You never know what the future will bring or where I will consider moving next, some possibilities......Warmer climate, what's that again? freakin' white stuff already landed a week or so ago....Still in shock I was able to get T-N-A, thought I would be having to order through the mail.....sure happy I am in the only person in the office the next couple of days so I can crank up my new cd's all day! T-N-A released now......good time for a chat session sunday? |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 12:28 am: | |
Hey Randall, Rockpig,jbeseau and the other guys. Think over that:tracks like COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN by lED ZEP, MIDNIGHT RAMBLER by Stones, HEAT IN THE STREET by PT -I've mentioned a few among a lotta masterpieces- are definitely music evergreen. When you hear those tracks there's nothing to stop you from supposing that they should have been recorded just this morning. So don't trouble yorself talkin' about some characters, that's just a waste of time, 'cos they're gonna fall into oblivion. See ya |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 04:46 am: | |
Hey Steve!! We want Zepagain in Holland Maybe with the next PTB Euro-tour? AWESOME IDEA?? Last sunday soundcheck, TnA playing an Great version from Thin Lizzy, "The boyzz are back in Town" And Kids65, I was born in Rotterdam. We don't like players from the wrong club, but you're right, Cruijff was great Ciao "The Dutch Hammerheads"
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 07:29 am: | |
Thanks Zoso! Solo.wmv 11MB download. Windows Media Player required. Click to open or right click and save. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 08:01 am: | |
hey Travelers, 11-11.... Daryl has class on Thursdays, but Disney is only 30 minutes away on a good day, who knows, we might be able to dis the chp and make it there in 20. What time does Pat go on? Nov 13th, that might work. If you guys go, we might just have to also. It's been way too long. I'm up in Sac this week working, been toooo busy. We will talk about it when I get home. Hopefully we will see ya'll soon. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 08:03 am: | |
Hey Bette!!!!!!!!!!!!! You comin to L.A. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 09:06 am: | |
First, congrats to the Boston Red Sox for their amazing win, and breaking the "curse"! Jimmy "Big Pipe" Beseau....You need to break out that international language translator again, so I can make sense of Kids65's last post. Just can't seem to understand what he be talkin' about. Can you? And by the way JB, did you get that jar of flies and all of that dirt outta yer truck? I guess the TNA will live in my car's CD player through the reason to buy anymore CD's for a while! Gotta love it! And as always...PTB is King! I am Rockpig, and I approve of this message! |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 10:17 am: | |
Rockpig, first of all I apologize for my bad English. Well I did just want to say:it is not worth to talk about people like Ashley Simpson, because her music is temporary, transient. On the contrary people like PT LED ZEP etc.. Do ya understand me now? Hope so. BYE -Red Sox are finally champions of US!!- |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 10:54 am: | |
Okay Kids65, now I understand. I agree with you...those "artists", (and I use the term very loosely!) are nothing but a joke...and that's why we make jokes about them around here! That is about all they are good for. Steve Z...Nice solo, pal! Good job! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 01:46 pm: | |
Thanks Rockpig, and thanks Ed for the clip! The search for TNA continues... Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 02:49 pm: | |
alas, the search continues for me too. And when i Steve gonna learn to play guitar?? On that clip, he's so slow. C'mon Steve.....practice brother. BLAZIN' Mr Steve!! g |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 03:01 pm: | |
KATHI & Darly,good to here from you guys!!!We are going to try and make the 11/13 show,Saturday show just works out better for us.We have hotel res. already for the 11/13 show across the street from the HOB,plans are being made!!!Glad things are going good for you guys and hopefully see ya soon!!!!!Like you said it's been way too long!!!Take Care..Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 03:13 pm: | |
Quote:...Go to your independent neighborhood record store and tell them that you'd like to support THEM instead of the big conglomerates. This will help the little guy running the Mom & Pop record store trying to survive against the big corporations.
Excellent Idea! This is precisely what we did. We bought ours from Scrape Records, a store specializing hard rock & metal. They boast as proud to be the only metal and hard rock specialty store in the Pacific Northwest. They also have an online store, check em' out. They even had it in stock the day it was released & were playing it in the store player too. Cool! While we were there we also picked up UFO's 2004 'You Are Here' & UDO's 2004 Thunderball release as well as a concert DVD of UDO's Nailed to Metal. Also bought tickets to a cd release party & comeback tour for Kick Axe(anyone remember them?, its their first studio release since the late 80's). One stop rockn'roll shopping & an Ashley Simpson free zone too! Gotta love the mom & pop shops! |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 05:31 pm: | |
Udo rules. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 06:25 pm: | |
Udo has his balls to the |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 06:50 pm: | |
Thunderball is a barn burner! |
| Posted on Thursday, October 28, 2004 - 09:16 pm: | |
Nice Badger! Its cool to see Udo hasn't aged at all in 20 some years! I tried to find my old Udo cassettes awhile ago. Gotta get these Cd's!! Gotta get to work....FAST AS A SHARK!!!! |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 01:22 am: | |
I'm off to Paris on the train in the morning for my TNA fix. PT in Paris..what could be finer. Last night of the tour too..should be a party. It still freaks me out a bit that I can get from London to Paris by train... |
| Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 07:04 am: | |
HI PAT! I saw you, Carmine and T.M. kick ass in Sweden at Rockland. Great show,and it was cool to hang out with you guys, at least for a few minutes LOL;-), after the show and get some CD,s signed! Thank´s for playing your hearts out! Yeah, and the new CD is great too!!!! Take Care Björn "Boggerbear of Sweden" Ekblom |
| Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 11:26 am: | |
hey Badger, a hearty AMEN about Scrape Records. I actually got my TNA through them via eBay. Won the bid back in early Oct, got it last Monday. They apparently sold it without having it in stock because when I emailed them after two weeks about when I should expect it they said something about not realizing what the release date was. anyhow....seem like good folks |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, October 29, 2004 - 01:43 pm: | |
Oh yeah!! Finally got TNA, and it's playing as I type! So far... ROCKIN! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 01:16 am: | |
Snorkels, PT's music=adrenalin=(dutch)total soccer. Are ya agree with me about it? Greetings to all hammerheads all over the world! We were just born ROCKERS!! Nobody and nothing can change this!!! |
Too Cool
| Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 01:51 am: | |
| Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 11:42 am: | |
Are those ghosts on the home page, or do I just have DEMONS LIVING INSIDE MY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 12:55 pm: | |
Boo! |
| Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 12:56 pm: | |
Definiatly demons inside yer head, Rockp!!!! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, October 30, 2004 - 02:12 pm: | |
I`m still waiting for the "It Takes a Lot of Bells" cd to be delivered. Hey, if ya wanna, you could drop by the Bad Ass REK website and see a few new pics of Rick and Freight, and friends, that I took while in Daytona last weekend. Just go to the site, click on online album, then click on last uploads. Sure hope that Eric gets a new kumpewtr soon! I`ll be out stalking some of the local bands tonight. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 04:38 am: | |
Awesome job on the web site!!!!!I think PT would be proud. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 04:59 am: | |
Oh boy! Here in Italy priests are still hungry with young boys who celebrate Halloween. Are we in the 21st century or what? May those guys have some fun without some fanatical people who's bothering them? Hammerheads forever. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 07:35 am: | |
Hi, Je suis française et passionnée par le blues, le blues rock, le heavy blues... J'ai créé mon site web et Pat Travers fait partie de mes liens favoris J'étais hier soir au New Morning à Paris et j'ai fait pas mal de photos je vais les ajouter sur mon site bientôt si elles vous intéressent contactez-moi J'ai beaucoup apprécié la soirée et Pat Travers est un super guitariste. J'espère le revoir en France bientôt ou en Belgique au Spirit of 66. Elizabeth |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 07:55 am: | |
Oh boy! Here in Italy priests are still hangry with young boys who celebrate Halloween. Are we in the 21st century or what? May those guys have some fun without some fanatical people who's bothering them? Hammerheads forever. |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 08:05 am: | |
I concur w/ Elizabeth......although I tend to like chocolate frosting instead of lemon. g |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 09:26 am: | |
BOO! Hmmmm me likes gettin' a ltitle T-N-A with my morning coffee.... |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 09:26 am: | |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 12:07 pm: | |
Wij snappen het helemaal, Elizabeth, DUH :o)) Wat Greg zegt, wij houden ook van chocolade ijs in plaats van vanille. j/k haha. Ik ken geen Frans maar Frans kent mij wel. "The Dutch hammerheads".
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 01:13 pm: | |
hummmm..... j'aime le café noir avec un nuage de lait !! Il n'y a pas que les citrons qui sont givrés !!! |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 02:53 pm: | |
Elizabeth, Je voudrais voir vos photographies de Pat. Merci! Randy |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 02:56 pm: | |
Wat gebeurde aan de Engelse taalposten op dit BBS? |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 03:01 pm: | |
Kathi & Darly,Change of plans for us,We won;t be able to make the L.A. show 11/13.Our daughter is coming up that weekend.But, we are going to the TAHOE show on 11/27.....HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! |
| Posted on Sunday, October 31, 2004 - 03:42 pm: | |
blez aje hertu seiues der gREG cadwe o'poo. Or Happy Halloween. |