Author |
Message |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 02:06 am: | |
Paris was great! It was a good turnout in a really great club. I have to say I thought The Lizards were awful, really dull and they played for an hour! Horrible, the only bit of relief was they did a cover of Free's Fire and Water. TNA were in a different league. Great. You'd have thought they'd been playing together for years. I'd forgotten what an awesome bass player Tony Franklin is. Pat got a heroes welcome. He said that he hadn't played in Paris since 1980..well he's not forgotten! Everyone around me was singing along loudly to I La La Love You and he was mobbed at the end. Come back soon guys and hey..maybe a British gig next time? |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 09:11 am: | |
It's amazing, I understood most of what Elizabeth wrote from my French in Junior and High school. I should have kept with it, oh well. I would like to take that London, Paris trip one day since the train makes it so easy to cross countries. Gill, you are lucky! Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 09:13 am: | |
Kathy!!!!!! That LA show isn't posted. But I wouldn't be able to afford it anyway. Tahoe would be fun too! Maybe another show in the near future |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 11:15 am: | |
Hey everyone, still alive workin' and rockin' here in Portland, OR. Caught the Van Halen show here on 10/19. My brother (who used to be a huge EVH fan) and his new wife with my nephew went to the soundcheck ($450 a ticket) to witness his "God". The new wife indicated to Eddie to throw her a pick, and he said, "what you want this?" as he grabbed himself. Needless to say the stars in brother's eyes sputtered out. I'm still not sure what impression my 14 year old nephew walked away with, certainly not a positive one. Anyway, we saw a little of the show, Sammy grabbing at Eddie trying to get his attention, a grammer school inspired guitar solo, etc. On the other hand, my brother did say that Sammy and Michael were really nice and respected their fans. Sadly, I wasn't about to pay $50 for a ladies t-shirt. We left early and went to a little place called the Roseland to see one of our longtime favorites Kings X. Wish we would've gotten there sooner, but did see most of the show. Talked with the band afterwards (as we've done before), they are all very nice, and they really rocked the house. Got some good cell phone photos, as good as cell phone photos are not, they're still pretty good. Then went to the Keith Emerson, Tesla, Scorpions show on 10/23. Mainly went to see Tesla though. Keith Emerson was good, if you like watching a mad scientest on the keyboards. Then Tesla came out, they were great, didn't play long enough for me. And the Scorpions, well they were the scorpions, you either like them or you don't. The next show I plan on seeing is on 11/27, taking my mom to see Mannheim Steamroller, she'll still be in town for after Thanksgiving, it should be fun. Dying to see PT and the guys, hope they make it up here soon! Thanks to whoever it was (looked for to give props, but couldn't locate) that mentioned Kick Axe the other day, gonna have to dig deep into the vinyl archives later on today to enjoy that one. Bought the TNA cd from scrape records some time ago, everyone in this house loves it. Haven't been able to decide on a favorite song yet. Anyway, hope everyone is doing great, thanks for listening....don't forget to vote! |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 12:15 pm: | |
WOW! That's one of the worst stories I've heard about a rock star blowing off a fan for no reason. I'm not happy with what I've been hearing about Eddie. I hope he gets things straightened out before he kills himself. |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 12:59 pm: | |
$450.00 should be a guarantee of a guitar pick, not humiliation...Does Eddie not realize that it's only his DIE HARD fan base who would pay that kind of money, and it's those very same fans that he is being rude to? I really hate to see these stories regarding Eddie, and they seem to be coming at an alarming rate. I guess this helps to confirm what I said last week about why I chose to not see VH here in Seattle.....Bummer Get it together, Eddie! I am Rockpig, and I approve this message! |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 02:40 pm: | |
at this rate we wont be shocked to see Eddie on a TV show w/ a horrible mug shot for a DUI. Or be paralyzed from a stroke. Sammy's web-site ( has no real mention of problems.....but just wait for the tour to be over.... Sammy lets the truth fly! Any road-trippin planned yet for these CA shows? Sure Lisa would let me hop aboard a scheduled trip.......please Lord. g |
| Posted on Monday, November 01, 2004 - 08:43 pm: | |
Hallo Zabeth Je suis Americain. Je respondre de la message en la website de Pat Travers. Je suis interesante en les elles Francaises, con photos beaucoux . . . merci pour mi Francais un peut bon, un peut mal. Je a etudie le Francais pour deux ans et demi a l'ecole en 1977-1979. Monsieur gREG ne comprend pas les delicacies des politiques internationales -- el prefer un bier de root dans un Arizona Cardinale. nes pas taste! eh heh heh heh ADVANCE, hawks del mer! gREG vote fer Ashlee Simpson pour la grande idiota de la universe. non ZUT Je ne vais a la concerte del TNA en Aneheim, por quoi me bande jamme a cet soir en San Diego. ZUT ALORS! me regrete cet schedule conflict. la vide es une bitch (how'd I do, Bette?) damn, now my head hurts. I guess you could say that I'm -- French FRIED! Time for some TNA, a few Heinekens and a medium brush fire. The wife just got back into town after four dayz, so you know what THAT means -- It Takes Alot of Balls!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh heh goddamned Hammerheads. I supposed that makes Elizabeth an Ummehrhead, no? |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 07:24 am: | |
Okay all you Hammerheads! You're all a very smart bunch (well, there is a colorful character or two that defy that statement, but I digress) so you know the importance of getting out the vote! Voting is the ONE action where you have control over the slick politicians and where you actually ARE don't waste your chance! I don't care which side you vote because that's a personal decision...all I ask is that you get out there and do it! I am Rockpig and I approve this message. Oh, and the PTB is the best damn band in the world! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 08:42 am: | |
On my way to vote right Pat on the ballet? g was that some kinda "lost city of Atlantis" language, Randal? I think I made out that fish is good fresh and water your plants at night...... |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 10:13 am: | |
Bush for president and TNA live in BAGHDAD!! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 11:43 am: | |
For anyone planning to go to the House of Blues shows in Anaheim or Hollywood, there's a special 2 for 1 offer today only (maybe next Tues as well). Go to You will probably have to sign up, but it's free. There's also a 2 for 1 offer for the UFO show in Hollywood, too. And, I voted this am! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 12:58 pm: | |
What a great day! I found TNA and voted within an hour of each other. Very impressed with TNA. It really shows off Pat's versatility. I must admit I like Pat's vocals the best but there are some great songs throughout this album. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 02:04 pm: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 03:09 pm: | |
I did understand you too, Randal. I don't know if that is good or bad but now we can talk "in front of " gREG's back and he will think it's about fish or chocolate or lemon frosting. ha! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 03:53 pm: | |
hahaha "oui oui" (pronounced "wee wee") means something different to gREG, fer sure Fish with lemon frosting maybe, but better save the chocolate for the strawberries! (I made a special point of not saying "mescaline" -- passe', non?) now THAT brings back memories, but I can't remember any of them . . . |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 07:24 pm: | |
Don't know if you guys noticed that Ed set up a Travers & Appice post page. Here's an excerpt --it's a GREAT interview with BIG news !! I won't spoil it for you -- go read it. Here's the excerpt: Here´s a brand new interview I did with Pat and Carmine in Stockholm. Enjoy! Rock on/Niclas ( |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 07:26 pm: | |
Don't know if you guys noticed that Ed set up a TNA message board. The interview linked below is GREAT, with BIG news! I won't spoil it for ya -- go read it. Here's the excerpt: "Here´s a brand new interview I did with Pat and Carmine in Stockholm. Enjoy! Rock on/Niclas ( " |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 02, 2004 - 07:27 pm: | |
I hate it when that happens I hate it when that happens |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 05:58 am: | |
Cool interview |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 10:13 am: | |
I just saw an ad for PT, Night Ranger, plus 2 local bands, for December 5 in nearby Ft.Lauderdale at a biker rally. Ahhh...Florida, other than a few pesky hurricanes, gotta love it. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 11:09 am: | |
I'm most jealous of you Floridians and Californians because you guys get to see PT as much as I get to see my family! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 12:11 pm: | |
man...why wouldn't PT want to come to Buffalo in the winter??? I don't get it! It's so nice and peaceful...specially around Christmas when everythings all decorated and snow covered.... BTW....way to go GW! Kudos to Sen Kerry for a well played campaign |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 02:08 pm: | |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 02:41 pm: | |
WE`LL NEED MORE THAN 4 BEERS TO SURVIVE THE NEXT 4 YEARS! IN 4 YEARS, WE`LL ALL BE 9 JILLION BUCKS IN DEBT! The "It takes a lot of Bells" CD just arrived and it does indeed SSSSMOKE!!! It finally arrived from CD this afternoon without the plastic seal around the case,...fer real. I kinda noticed that the mailman has been looking kinda rocky/groovey/funky, and wearing a stuff eating grin, the past couple of days. Hmmm....., so that`s why it took so long for me to get it, Now I`m wearing a stuff eating grin. S`later, JH |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 05:00 pm: | |
I've always wondered about the "•••• eating grin" analogy. Who ever eats ••••? And who ever grins after eating ••••? Maybe this is something that George Carlin could look into. After a few listens to TNA my favs are "Remind Me", "I Don't Care", "Never Saw It Comin", and "Taken". |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 06:58 pm: | |
we're doomed.......lets guess gas prices for next summer, as we watch Iran give more tours of their Nuke plants, while our soldiers fight a war against suicide bombers. Holy Chit, man. Anyway, still no TNA......this weekend is a search-till-ya-find weekend. UGH! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 07:08 pm: | |
gREG; Want me to pick one up and toss it over the hill? R |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 03, 2004 - 07:15 pm: | |
Thank u Randal!! Are ya goin to the Anehiem gig??? g |
| Posted on Thursday, November 04, 2004 - 09:33 am: | |
I'm still not worried about gas prices until it becomes more expensive than bottled water. When they start selling it in 16 oz. bottles for a buck then we're all screwed. ;) |
| Posted on Thursday, November 04, 2004 - 03:26 pm: | |
gREG -- Can't make that gig, as we are playing the same night! DAMN -- booked it right after the last gig a few weeks ago. I hope to make one of the other CA shows . . . will check the calendar. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 04, 2004 - 03:37 pm: | |
HOLD IT! The HOB show is the 11th? Thought it was the 13th, and OURS is on the 13th. Must've confused that with another show . . . will try to pull it off, as I'd sure hate to miss it! |
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 03:51 am: | |
Gas prices? Even in Korea - where the average income isn't a fraction of what it is in America - they pay close to $5 a gallon... and there are traffic jams everywhere! Go figure. Randy |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 09:19 am: | |
Rand, Anaheim is the 11th and Hollyweird is the 13th. Still rockin' to the TNA! Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 09:24 am: | |
Randy, Hard to compare Korea with the U.S. regarding gas prices. Counting North & South Korea, the U.S. is over 40 times larger than Korea, and our population is almost 4 times that of Korea. Your traffic jams are caused by the ratio of people to the area of land available (even less when you take out the rural areas without roads), and I'd guess there are a whole lot less gas guzzling SUV's, large farm/construction sized trucks & civilian Humvees roaming those small busy Korean cities. Here in the States, we have too many people with those oversized vehicles (gas guzzlers) with too much of a distance to drive. It's our own damn fault. We've been very fortunate to have the low prices we've had for as long as we have in relation to the rest of the world. Europe figured long ago that the rail system was the way to go. Anybody from the U.S. who's been to Europe can see the difference. Europe's rail system is so efficient it makes owning a car obsolete and a nusiance for the most part. Gas is steep over there, and finding a parking spot is really tough as well, but you can take a rail that will always be on time, safe for the most part, free of bums, thugs and the smell of urine, all at a relatively cheap cost. And you don't have to look for a parking spot, because the rails pretty much cover any part of town. Here in the U.S. most people are glued to their cars, consider buses are for the downtrodden for the most part, and if your city does have a rail system, it's usually the opposite of those features I just mention for the European rail system. Smelly, dangerous after rush hour, graffitti laden, etc. So no wonder people here avoid the mass transit systems for the most part. Until we can get the gas & oil lobbyists out of government, we'll never make any progress for a more efficient mass transit system here in the states or consider alternative fuel ideas, and people will continue to bitch about gas prices as they drive their large vehicles that get 8 to 1o miles a gallon. Sheesh....I sound like Ralph Nadar! I apologize! I just think it's an interesting discussion. Maybe we could just channel all the energy of a PTB show and use that! As PT once said..."You know my energy has always been my drug for me..." And as always...PTB is KING! |
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 09:24 am: | |
Steve Z, The TNA does indeed rock! It's on perpetual rotation in my car. |
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 02:25 pm: | |
Can't find a Rail system to the PTB show. Phx just passed a new Rail system, but it definiatly wasn't very supported. I guess thats why Nascar is SO FREAKIN' popular, our complete love affair w/ the car. Its just ashame our economy would almost crumble w/out oil. And to think they'v allready invented a car that runs on bacon grease. All those ideas have been bought and shelved by the oil companies long ago! But my fuel is Pat Travers!! Barnes and luck w/ TNA. Guess I'm gonna have to order it! g |
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 02:27 pm: | |
whats "perpetual" mean Steve?? Something to do w/ extra gravy on yer turkey.....or saying, "Isn't the beach beautiful.......and the sand in my ass crack burns." |
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 04:28 pm: | |
first off, hello to everybody! i,ve been following this message board for at least a year. and it seems like i,ve gotten to know alot of you. i have been a p.t. fan since 76 or so.and from a drummers standpoint, he,s the man!! i have never worked with a guitar player that has the feel, funk, timing that p.t. posseses. not to put down any guitarist i,ve played with! i just wanted to chime in on the tna search. here in st. pete fl. i looked everywhere. found the 1 and only copy that was sent to f.y.i. 2 weeks ago.. also, thank all of you that put the time and effort that,s keeping this site fresh. and to ptbroxx for all his work on e-bay. making and having available all the p.t dvd,s.. at least i know the money is going in the right direction!! |
| Posted on Friday, November 05, 2004 - 08:22 pm: | |
Drummerone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 |
| Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 07:02 am: | |
Rockpig, PT is quite right. The energy that we all have got into our veins is the real drug, and actually the guy who knows that since the very first years of his life can become a real artist. Pat did do this, just like Angus Young. Hammerheads forever. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 12:49 pm: | |
gREG, I'll head to Tower in a bit to get the CD for you if you want. You want? call me -- I'm at the office today |
| Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 02:13 pm: | |
ah . . . . nothing like a little TNA on a Saturday afternoon! me likey |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, November 06, 2004 - 03:37 pm: | |
Yo Drummeruno, I`ve been up to St.Pete to catch Mr. T & Co. several times over the past couple of years. Got some good friends, whom are also Hammerheads, that live up that way. So what band are you working with up there? Which PTB shows have ya been to? Ever make it over to Orlando to catch the shows there. Are ya gonna try to make it down to Ft. Lauderdale on Dec. 5 for that show? Who`s on first? What`s on 2nd? gREG is on 4th. S`later, JH |
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 05:07 am: | |
I live in Seoul - population 12 million. It has a great public transportation system - you can ride the subway anywhere for well under $1. But millions of people prefer to drive... I don't know why. I guess they just like the freedom of riding in their own vehicles. The subways here are very clean, always on time... and they aren't nearly as crowded as those in Tokyo (lived there for three years). SUVs and large sedans are very popular here. It's all about status and outward appearance. People rarely keep cars for more than a few years... gotta drive the latest model or the neighbors might start talking about you. Same thing with cellphones... if it's more than a couple of years old - they wouldn't be caught dead carrying it. It's great for someone like me - for $50 I bought a year old phone that retailed for $450. I don't give a shi+ what it looks like as long as it works well. And by American standards, this one looks really nice. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Randy |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 09:37 am: | |
HEY!!! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 09:38 am: | |
ROCK!!!! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 09:38 am: | |
LETS GO!!!!!! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 09:39 am: | |
ROCK N ROLL!!!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 09:53 am: | |
Hey Randy, Wow, that's just crazy! How do those people afford those luxuries if they only have an annual income of a fraction of what the U.S. population makes? Funny how only America gets the selfish, materialistic tag. Obviously it's alive & thriving there, as well as other societies around the globe...More proof that ol' PT was right again...."People are people where ever you go..." I'd love to hear what PT had to say about his travels through Russia & Luthiania on the recent TNA tour. Deep Purple recently did a big tour there (it was their first ever) and Steve Morse posted regular tour diaries of their travels on his website, and that was very interesting reading. His general consensus was that while Russia was obviously experiencing a fair bit of modernization, they still were somewhat living in the past in comparison to the Western world. Hey made me think of an interesting scenario when you mention the NASCAR fascination. How do you think people (racing fans) would respond once it got to a point that NASCAR was forced to discontinue operations due to gas and fuel shortages? That's a huge industry these days and think of all that would be affected. NASCAR would have to change the rules. Instead of who could go the fastest for 500 or so miles and finish first, it would be a contest to see who could cover the 500 miles on the least amount of fuel consumption. Imagine cars going as slow as possible for 500 miles? Races could last for weeks! How exciting!! LOL! Think of all the beer & hotdogs the concession stands would sell!?! And as always...PTB is KING! |
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 09:53 am: | |
Keep on rockin', keep on rollin. Keep on rockin', keep on rollin'. Keep on rockin', with a lot of balls. Keep on rockin', keep on rollin'. |
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 10:00 am: | |
On a different subject, the distribution of the new TNA is obviously sucking! Too many PT fans (and Carmine fans) aren't able to find the CD through proper channels where the sales counts. Seems like Ebay is the only place some people can find it, and those sales don't help PT's situation. (But I understand if someone gets impatient at this point and buys one there!) No wonder the music industry is in a shambles. All the big record labels with mass distribution and promo dollars are putting out schlock, while the smaller independent labels that are trying to continue supporting the long established serious artists don't have the distribution & promotion dollars. It's a sad world for the real lovers of good music... |
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 01:47 pm: | |
hey, ptb stalker, read alot of your posts. i had a feeling you were in fla. i was working with a band called heatseeker till mid august. a mostly classic rock cover band. we did rather well as far as the club circuit goes. I actually moved here from ft. lauderdale 9 years ago to join this band. but most of my travers connections were in south fla. back then, he was there all the time!! do you remember summers on the beach?? man don,t get me started.... the most memorable though was "gusman hall" in downtown miami. this was when he was recording the shows for the "go for what ya know" album. 2 sold out shows on the same night. but every travers show was a big deal to me! but, back to answer your questions. i saw him at boomerz here in st. pete well over a year ago. he had rex rodgers band backing him. and also opening up for him.. i ,ve never got to see him with eric and rick except on dvd. i wanted to go to the port ritchy gig the last go round. I think you were there from what i remember from the posts. and, a embarassing no to seeing him in orlando.. we were always working far as dec. 5 goes. i wanna go in the biggest way. thats where i grew up and all.. I WILL LET YA KNOW!!! thanks for asking, and sorry for not getting back to you sooner. |
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 01:50 pm: | |
I know I throw away my cell phone for a new one weekly, and I buy a new SUV monthly, and I wipe my ass w/ $100 bills........well, I don't buy an SUV Interesting Nascar theory, but peeps need da speed! Like the airlines, they will just jack up the ticket prices. And speaking of CD distribution, I thought it was announced IN the CD industry that the prices were coming DOWN! Because the public knew it was cents-dollars to make these things! Yet EVERY CD in Borders was $16.99 to $18.99. Best Buy/Circuit City has NEW CD's sometimes for $9.99 but in a month it's to 12-14.99. No wonder burning CD's is taking over. "F" the package.....give me the music!! Randal, I might call ya if I don't find TNA soon, not alot a places left. Tower records here closed down in the mall and the other one is like "hip-hop" central......know what I'm saying....word. Props to ya mutha's.....gotta get back to the rained delayed Nascar race here.......and gas 'dropped' to $2.12 today.....•••••. g |
| Posted on Sunday, November 07, 2004 - 01:54 pm: | |
wow, ya cant MIS pronounce •••• now, even like •••••, or fnuck, or fukc. sorry Ed, bored w/ this rain delay. CARDZ win!!!!!!! swweeeeettttt.......they still suck. |
Pat Kitty
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 09:17 am: | |
Anybody know whose playing with Pat in Southern CA this week, and Fairfield and Tahoe during the Thanksgiving holiday? |
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 01:29 pm: | |
Came out of Home Depot this morning around 11:00 ,and found that some punk ass hit my black 4x toyota,wrecked part of my driver door and fender..and they took off!! HIT and RUN PUNKS!!!I am so mad!!I think it's time for the Glenfiddich scotch and some T-N-A!!!!!SO how is everyone else day going?..Scott |
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 02:08 pm: | |
Bummer deal Scott! If it makes you feel any better, I have a long overdue package that hit the mailbox today headed your way. By the way, see if Home Depot has security cameras on their roof that scan their parking lot. Maybe they'll have footage of the "crime scene". Most big stores like that have them. It's worth asking management about it. Good luck! And as always... PTB is KING! |
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 04:06 pm: | |
Rockpig,Thanks,I did the CHP and home depot video thing no luck.Oh well,that's what the insurance is for..I guess!! Looking forward to PAT in Tahoe!!......Scott |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 04:47 pm: | |
The 2-for-1 tickets for the Anaheim show is being offered again tomorrow. Here's the link: Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 05:13 pm: | |
Call Ponch and Jon. I bet they would catch the sorry bum! Seriously, I hope they get caught and hope you don't catch too much insurance hassle along the way. I bet you "Never Saw It Comin'" and that your truck now looks "Better From A Distance". The bum that hit you probably said "I Don't Care" and sped off after someone in the parking lot yelled "Hey You!" when they saw it happen. |
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 05:25 pm: | |
It Takes A Lot Of Balls.....To drive off like that... |
| Posted on Monday, November 08, 2004 - 07:31 pm: | |
Whoa! Did anybody else see Grant Whitstran get sacked on Monday Night Football by MINI KISS? Too funny! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 02:15 am: | |
Actually ~ the scenario I describe is in Seoul. I live in a 1500 sq ft apartment and my rent is $3,000/month (includes utilities up to $400/month - if I go over that - I pay). The funny thing is... I can get a nice little meal at a mom & pop restaurant for $3-4. And auto repairs... it's all about the parts - that's where the costs are. The labor and know-how to fix things is really cheap. It's strange... in America, knowing how to fix a transmission is considered to be pretty valuable knowledge. But not here... Randy |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 06:48 am: | |
Hey Drummer1, Yeah, I do rememember Summers there on Ft. Laud. beach. That place used to get nutz! I also remember the Agora Ball Room, the Sunrise Musical theatre, and the Sportatorium! They are all gone now. I was also at the Gusman for some of that recording. The Gusman is still around.I did miss the PT show at Boomerz, but was indeed at the last New Port Richey show. PT still does show up in the Ft. Laud./Palm Beach area several times a year. Eric and Rick are both really great musicians as well as good guys.I sure hope they are at the Dec. 5 show. Go to for more info on that show. I understand about you being in a band and having to miss some of your favorites cuzz of gigs. S`later, JH |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 01:17 pm: | |
mr, ptb stalker, i know all the places you,ve mentioned. the first time i saw pat was at the sportatorium. it must have been the "puttin it straight" tour. it was one of those 103 wshe radio shows. which cost (you guessed it) $1.03 and didn,t the agora change names to playground south?? do you remember a club called the treehouse? it was pretty close to the agora or playground it was right by the railroad tracks. anyway, we stumbled into that club after a gig, cause they were open till 4:00 much to my surprise i see mars on stage with this band called gypsy queen i was wondering if somebody drugged me, cause i could not believe what i was seeing. i have not thought of that in years!! i,m sure you could answer alot of questions i,ve had over the years reguarding pat,s carear. i don,t want to take up too much time though. i will check out the site you posted.. oh, did he play that last year out in weston or davie somewhere? cause i got a phone call from a friend down there who,s message was just he was at a outdoor p.t. show and just held the phone up so i could hear a song. stalker look forward to talking to ya! j.b. |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 01:58 pm: | |
Yeah Drummer1, I fell out of the Tree House a time or 2, but it too is long gone. The Dec. 5 show is at Markham Park in Weston, which is in south west Lauderdale. The PTB played at that biker show 2 years ago and it is a late afternoon gig. The Agora changed hands several times over the years and is now a beer/strip joint. Mars has shown up at a couple of the recent PTB Lauderdale gigs. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 03:02 pm: | |
stalker, i know exactly where makham park is! but where there hell did weston come from??? put another way, markam park was there long before i-595 and weston. i got long time friends that live across from markam in that huge trailer park. there is no reason for me missing this one! yea those treehouse days, or that era is long gone. i was trying not to dwell on that era. i was gettin flashbacks! man, i can,t believe that you know what i,m talking about!! hey, did you go to the p.t. show in downtown lauderdale right after the ritchey gig?? i did not recongnize that club. i think it was a club owned by musicians exchange. i know they had a club upstairs of their music store on sunrise blvd. but once again i,m going back a few years. going back to the agora. i was thinking of bands i saw there. one i'll never forget! greg kihn. he goes to introduce the band and says " •••$ it! you don,t know who they are anyway!!! there,s an off beat ride!! if i don,t run into any curve balls i will be in lauderdale for the 5th. and will look forward to metting up with ya.. in the meantime any south fla. stuff you got time to share i'll be lookin!! i would love to tell ya about quadradial studios during the heat in the street days........later j.b. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2004 - 05:25 pm: | |
hey Pig, yeah I saw that and CRACKED UP! Mini KISS My A$$!! hahahahaha They just be Seattle-based, as the segment seemed to be filmed there, no? C'mon, Tony Lo, book PTB with Mini KISS in Seattle! Gotta go to LA and back for an interview tomorrow, so Anaheim the next night don't look good. Sounds like Pat's doing a very short -- let's say mini - set, and while I'd like to see the other bands it ain't gonna be TNA so . . . better save my goin' out points for Cardboard Vampyres Sunday night. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 04:58 pm: | |
Anaheim's looking very slim for me too. Have an early start the next morning, 8 hour drive up to Chico, then playing that night. Gonna really try to make UFO on Mon! Cheers, Steve Z |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 06:08 pm: | |
Drummer1, Weston is a small town that sprung up around Markham Park. Pretty nice area there. Yeah, I was at the Ft. Laud. gig put on musicans exchange. The Sunrise Blvd. location shut down years ago because crime in that area had really gotten out of hand. They moved further south into the Hollywood area. Last year they moved from the Hollywood location when that club went hip hop. The Downtowner, where the PTB played, is right on the south bank of the Lauderdale river and right next to the Broward county jail. I know it well. I was just over the Bad Ass REK (Eric & Rick) website and they have the December gig listed for the 11th, so I just sent the webmaster an e-mail with the correct Dec.5 info. S`later, JH |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 10, 2004 - 06:10 pm: | |
well, been listening to tna and there are some killer guitar work in there, it is different, but i give it a two thumbs up. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 06:22 am: | |
| Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 08:55 am: | |
ok,.. so there is a plethra of DVD concerts, more specific,.pat travers concerts.which one is the best? I have the diamond club video,..but in the time that's past,.there must be a benchmark DVD out there,..which one? As far as remenising Pat Travers shows, this one,.Red Hot at the Chaudiere,..hehehe,..way before he moved to the States,.. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 09:27 am: | |
Roadcree, Get the Live at Rockpalast, Germany 1976 DVD, you won't be disappointed! Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 12:17 pm: | |
Off to the California dunes for some quad action.....alas, no TNA. But I fret not....have plenty-o-Travers thanx to my Ginbel collection!! My personal fav DVD is West Coast Rockin'. Pat really seems "ON" in that one. Casual, fun, technical.....2 big thumbs up! The plot is thin, and the supporting cast could be better, but a highly enjoyable DVD! I look forward to the next Ginbel project featuring Mel Gibson as Pat, Antonio Banderas as Rick, and William DeFoe as Eric, an out of control drummer, mixed up in a world of good VS. evil, just trying to play some bad-ass rock-N-roll. Out this Christmas. Look for the trailer at your local theater. This is gREG signing off till next time! Keep yer feet on the ground and yer dick in yer pants....the balcony is closed. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 02:09 pm: | |
hi stalker. thanks for the info. Oh yea, the broward county jail, andrews ave. There (were) are some nice spots around the new river. The sunrise blvd. location for the exchange was never a "per se" good part of town. I,m happy that they are still around. As a matter of fact i used to buy drum stuff from them when i was in high school. and I,m 45 now! Before i forget. The club that the exchange had in hollywood? Was it the club on the corner of hlwd. blvd. and dixie hwy? Where 2 live crew got busted years ago???? I know that It was always some kind of club. Well, till i moved up here anyway.. Thanks for sending the correct date to bad ass wreck. I was wondering how you knew about the sun. 5th date till you posted the because it,s not even listed on p.t,s site yet.. your on the ball brother!! till next time! j.b. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 11, 2004 - 07:28 pm: | |
greg! too funny,..Pat Travers,..Pat Boone,.and Pat swaze,..starring in,."too many Pats!" with special guest Pat Thrall,... I have the rockapalast show,..bootlegged from years ago,..I'm looking for something done after the diamond club gig,..with great audio and visual,..any suggestions? is there a T&A DVD on the horizon? Once I played a show in Manitoba,..the minnedosa rock festival.Pat was playin' the next day,..after I did my show,..and slept,..I casually looked at the hotel guest list. Pat was in the next room to mine the day I left. I shoulda knocked. Would have been cool,..two ottawa dudes,..yakin' about the old Chaudiere,. ltr! |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 01:55 am: | |
Ok sooooo.... TNA ROCKS! Best damned live rock and roll I've seen in many, many, many moons! Pat was awesome, Carmine was unbelievable and Tony was phenominal! We only got a smidgeon this evening but "Better From A Distance", "Taken" and "I Don't Care" was more than enough to convince me that T-N-A has some MONSTER material! Pics up soon. I can't wait until Saturday..... |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 02:16 am: | |
AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!! DAMN those poster writers. I spose they're in a union so can't be touched, but DAMN their hides. Or is it, "Hydes?" flim flam artists. They made it sound like Pat was doing three PT songs and hitting the Perrier. Those rotten bastards -- not that it would have been an easy show for me to make, but looking back on how my evening played out (spending two hours watching the amazing Steve at Apex Music fixing my bass cabinet and adjusting my head hahaha in a manner of speaking. (no tutu jokes, please!), it might have worked -- however difficult. However,the gig approaches. As if in spite of having missed local TNA, tonight I wrote the full lyrics to an original I've been noodling with. It's called "Best •••• for Last." The hook is that -- you guessed it -- we saved the best •••• for last. A bar scene, a fast car, an old friend who smokes alot of pot, and the gig we're playing right now. YOU figure it out . . . anyway, I'm still shattered to hear Ed's report but I have to believe THEY'LL BE BACK. That reminds me of a joke I made up the other day, using most of another recent joke: Senator John Kerry walks into a bar. The bartender goes, "Hey pal, why the long face?" HuH? New PT DVD's? I'm living in the dark ages, I guess. Rich, whaddaya gotta do to get the shiznit? I am most interested. Santa knows where you live! I have ePay, so can do it. I just don't know what it is! Rockpig for Resident! gREG for Vice Resident |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 02:17 am: | |
$#!+ |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 02:28 am: | |
okay, okay on a lighter note, and following up on teh Bro County references, at least I'm not singing: M-I-C (see you in court!) D-U-I (why? because you were drinking) B-U-S-T-D !!! To steal a phrase, I thank you and I improve of this message. and oh yes, PTBNA ROXX |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 02:29 am: | |
(think Mousketeer song) hey, to Kids now I'M speaking Russian . . . |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 06:27 am: | |
Hey, Sept 26 Myrtle Beach .SC House of blue was an DVD recording show.Can't wait to see this. Yesterday we had a wonderful evening with the Joe Bonamassa band, for the first time in Holland. Oh we're lucky people :o)) "The Dutch Hammerheads". |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 07:14 am: | |
Hey Rand... Don't fret. It was a short set. But WHAT a short set! Might not have been worth the drive from SD. But sure was worth the drive from Lomita! It'll be even a shorter drive tomorrow. Pat (aka The Karate Kid) is in the recording studio today. Oooops did I say recording studio? Yup I guess I did. More L8r. Ed |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 09:06 am: | |
What d'ya mean Randall? Priviet tovarisch molodez dasvidanija!!! you're a real sputnik guy!! |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 09:18 am: | |
Hey people, whatever happened to Jbeseau? |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 10:16 am: | |
Yep Ed. You've done it! Now you must tell us what you know or we will have to kill you. Or something like that. TNA in the studio or just PT? |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 01:56 pm: | |
ROCKPIG,Got the mail today ,THANKS!!Listening to the c.d.'s now . Sent a lil' some thing your way.ED,you lucky dog ,you get all the kill shows!!Have fun at the show Sat....Rockpig,Thanks again!!! |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 02:05 pm: | |
Hey Scott, hope it takes your mind off of the "hit & run" from the other day! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 04:38 pm: | |
Hey drum1, there still are a lot of lounges/clubs/bars/beer joints/dives/holes in down town Ft. Laud. Miami is mostly a latin and hip hop scene, so`s I always cruze on up to Ft. Laud. Musicians Exchange, when it was in Hollywood, was run out a small beer joint called One Night Stan`s. The owners first name was Stan, and it was located about half way between I-95 and Dixie highway. Tomorrow night there`s going to be a big street music fest on Hollywood Blvd. near Dixie highway with lots and lots of the local bands playing on several stages. I`ll be stalking that event, fer shur! Next weekend, starting Friday evening, there will be a BIG blues fest all weekend long in downtown Lauderdale, with the Musicians Exchange aranging the whole thing. My stalking skills will be working over time at that event. This all marks the begining of the music season here in south Floriduh. Over the next few months there will be a lotta of traveling bands down this way. All the outdoor venues up north have closed down for the winter, and as one seasoned traveling bass player once told me, "Better to come down here and stay warm, but not make any money, than to freeze and not make any money". Oh yeah, I found out Velvet Revolver will be playing nearby the night before the upcoming PTB gig, OY VEY!! Hey Ed, party on Saturday night, and take lots and lots of pics. So`s where da heck is Jbeseau? |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 05:24 pm: | |
Here I am!!! Lurking about!!! Been occupied lately! Can't say busy as that might imply it is something worthwhile!!! Hah!! Like that will ever happen! Started a new position within my new job! Like it, wish it paid more...anyone else have this problem?!! Anyway, it can/shall/will lead to better things within same said company! Looking Up!!! Tommorrow night, local band The Feds in Fort Worth! For Stratmandu, it is smack in the center of TCU, Berry @ University!! Place called the Aardvark! Formerly The HOP, before that sumpin' else entirely!!! TCU!! Honey Central!!! Yahoooooo!!! And The Feds ROCK!!! Think Cheap Trick and maybe Green Day, old and new, getting together and having a bad-@$$ bastard son!! That is The Feds!!! Especially their wacko lead singer!! He broke a couple ribs falling into a monitor at the last show I saw! Ouch!! Finished the albeit shortened set though!!! He's a maniac! Anyone want one of their songs in .mp3 and you have broadband and a sizeable email box, email me and I will email you their rocking tune, "My Texas!" It is a kick @$$ little ditty about, yep! You guessed it!! Texass!!! Beseau Tuesday, fingers crossed, my buddy "should" get suite tickets to Metallica and Godsmack at the new (couple years old maybe?) American Airlines Center!!! Rockpigamopotamus, the AAC is about a half mile from Reunion Arena in Dallas. I am a Met fan from all the way back in the day!!! Came on board with Kill "Em All!!! Saw them at the OOOOLLLLDDDDDD Bronco Bowl in '81 or '82 with original badass bass player Cliff Burton, RIP. Man! What a show that was! 2000 of my closest friends and Metallica lit that place up!!!! Hope this one comes through! I am a huge Godsmack fan as well!! Have all three of their public offerings!! Yeah, all three!! They are still young! And, in homage to the Alice In Chains, their name comes from AIC's Dirt album, the tune titled, you guessed it, Godsmack!!! They are a good crunchy band!! Love 'em!! That's all for now!!! I'm very a-political but I am drinking a beer in honor of Yes Sir Are-You-Fat's demise. How does a frigging terrorist, before the word was a word rate such good press!? He's a thief, murderer, liar and only God and Allah know what else. And yes, I did vote! I'm a-political in thought, not action. And I normally vote with my dollars, however few they may be. I read the board every day! It never fails to make me at the very least smile! I've said it before and I'll say it again...I love this board and all the kooks that make it up!! Ed, you're my personal hero of the ethereal world of the internet! Don't go changing! Anyone like Fuel!? Not the $2 a gallon stuff, the band!! Listening to their second offering now. They are a very talented band! Extremely musical. IMHO. Later...
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 08:14 pm: | |
Hey Jimmy B, Man, I STILL can't believe that the Bronco Bowl is no more. That was a great place to see bands back in the day. Everybody who was anybody played that place out of respect, if for nothing else! Lots of memories in that place! I've seen the new AA arena next to Reunion, but never saw a show there prior to moving to the NW. I also really miss Deep Ellum as well....Used to see Tripping Daisy there just about every other weekend. Anybody else remember them? Pantera used to play around there back in the club days before they went Mega-Metal on the rest of the world... Texas...Whatta place... Arafat...DEAD......Peterson...GUILTY.....gREG...WEIRD! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.... And as always...PTB is KING! |
| Posted on Friday, November 12, 2004 - 10:33 pm: | |
Pat -- IN STUDIO! woo HOO! What have we done to deserve such coolness??? Oh yeah -- WAITED PATIENTLY, that's what. All of us but the baughm scare guy, speaking of KOOKS. and HACKS, for that matter . . . 'nuff said I guess I can tell you all what was in the Swedish interview with TNA, since it don't look like anyone checked it out AND because of what one Mr. ED posted. Carmine spilled the beans -- there IS another TNA record coming! He said most of it is already written. I think the working title is "And The Horse You Got Off Of." Thanks for the consolation, ED. As always, you are the Prince of Coolness. I tend to agree about it not being worth the drive, which is a bad idea after ANY gig in my book, and I'm glad you were able to go as our Ambassador. Pigman, I spent all day writing up a proposal for the Cowlitz Tribe. Lettuce hope I gets it, and we will GRANT ourselves a frosty beverage everytime I'm in the general vicinity. I would like to see the PT Shrine at yer crib! After that the regular meeting place will be Whistlin' Jack's, as the Tribe is in Toledo (WA for you Ohioians). I'm also considering taking a position in Vegas. Looks like I'm gonna shut down my firm after 18 years, primarily due to the apparent demise of teh Port Angeles deal, but it ain't so bad when you can pull a FAT salary and not have to feed the machine. Plus I've gotten nw THREE new songs from the episode and a few more capital letters behind my name . . . I've been studying up on how Cindy pulled off multiple days off and came back to work with major hangovers, so I think I've got it figured out! LOL and j/k! It WAS much easier as boss of my own shop, but as our friend Neil Young said, "Comes a Time." and we all KNOW what PT and Carmine said. Something about Rocky Mountain Oysters . . . Have a safe Friday, and despite any dumb-assed urges to the contrary, don't go the way of Scott Peterson. You're not that disgustingly selfish, moronically thoughtless, boneheadedly STUPID or that effing SICK. Hope he gets a bunk right between the Bloods and the Crips while he's HOPING the court takes him out, with a big old "HOMEYS SUCK" tattoo on his ass. Too bad he can't be sentenced to a life of pain and torture. Where's AreYa Fat when you "need" him? Sorry, bad topic, but imagine F. Scott Peterson walking into the Palestinian Training Camp with a "SPY" sticker on his head. now THERE'd be some justice. absolutely sickening. I'd like to beat the hell out of him my ownself. Okay, time for a Heinie and a small brush fire to -- LIGHTen up. ahhhhhhhh...... on a lighter note, welcome back Jimbo and goodnight gREG. Now where's Gettin Bette? Hi Scott and Jo - sounds like yer diggin' the Stratmail! He IS Mr. Cool. later, taters |
| Posted on Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 09:12 am: | |
HOB pics - The first part is wit Da Fudge. No talk of new albums. Just some "firming up". That's all. It's great feeling knowing your going to get a little T-N-A in just a couple of hours....  |
| Posted on Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 09:54 am: | |
Very nice pictures Edward....Sure makes me wish I coulda been there. Can almost hear the show through the pictures...Thanks for posting them! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 11:22 am: | |
PTB stalker, THANK YOU for gettin back to me with all the info. With all this activity this weekend I was surprised to hear from ya! And I hope that your at you best stalkerness on the blvd. this weekend!! And the bluesfest in lauderdale, yea buddy!!! That,s a yearly gig. and a big one! Also, Where is velvet revolver playing? hope your weekend is, was, great! J.B Oh, check out ed,s pics! THANK YOU ED!!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 12:41 pm: | |
Rockpig,got the Queen video today,THANKS!!!,Sent one package to you,have two more ,we'll send out on Monday.Thanks again....Ed,as always KILL photo's!!!Have FUN tonight............. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 13, 2004 - 04:13 pm: | |
Just some "firming up". Is that some sort of cryptic Tony Franklin reference to "The Firm"? Ed's turning into a tease. ;) |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Sunday, November 14, 2004 - 03:33 pm: | |
Drum1, Saturday night was a lotta fun with the usual cast of characters, and a few new ones. Each band played about a 45 minute set on 4 differant stages. A veritable smorgasborg. Some bands were great, some were so-so, others ..... The Velvet Revolver gig was actually scheduled for the week after the Dec.5 PTB gig in Lauderdale, and now I understand it might not happen at all. VR is still scheduled for for Orlando in early January. S`later, JH |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Sunday, November 14, 2004 - 03:36 pm: | |
Ooops, VR is scheduled for Dec. 8, at the Orlando Hard Rock. |
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 01:05 pm: | |
Hey Stratpig! YES I went to see Cardboard Vampyres last night at the Belly Up. That show was a kick! Fun from start to finish, with a very cool selection of music. John Corabi announced when they began that "we're just here to have some fun" and they held true to their word. As you might guess, it was like "The Cult Meets Alice in Chains!" Go see 'em if they're in your area, and Ed & Steve Z they are -- they're playing the Galaxy, I think maybe tonight! Here's the setlist: -Beatin' Round the Bush - AC/DC -? ("Threw it all away" was one of the lyrics in this anthem - I was dismayed not to be able to identify this one) possibly Bob Dylan??? -Mississippi Queen - Mountain -California Map - Cheap Trick -Night Prowler - AC/DC -Rain - The Cult -Angry Chair - AIC -Jailbreak - Thin Lizzy (Jerry on lead vocal, John on rhythm quitar) -I Wanna Be Your Dog - The Stooges -Helter Skelter (Sabbath Style) -Problems - Sex Pistols -Rise - The Cult -Them Bones - AIC -It Ain't Like That - AIC -Love Removal Machine - The Cult ENCORE -I Overdosed on You - AC/DC I must admit I've never really thought about The Cult as a band I like, even though I DO like alot of the stuff I've heard, but having seen John and Billy Duffy together I'm sold! Gotta go get some of their music now. |
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 01:56 pm: | |
Randal, I tol' ya they wuz good....Glad you made it to the show! Ol' Pig will never steer you wrong! |
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 02:34 pm: | |
STALKER, Glad you made it through the weekend. I went to the city of hollywood website hoping for a list of bands but nothing. I like the 75.00 vip pass, for all you can eat and drink at one of the clubs. Oh, have you been to the new hard rock yet! Is that on 441. or, around the seminole resveration? cause, I know they have been trying to get gambling happening down there. And the latest vote on that issue is in a recount. Or something. They built a hard rock up here in tampa. and they put it on seminole territory, cause you can gamble there..But they don,t have many shows there.(I could be wrong. I just don,t hear any ad,s) Sorry for all the questions!! As I,m thinking of that area of 441 and cigeratte sale trailers, I can,t help but ask did you ever go to the rock casino? and a band named pearl??? And so looking forward to THE FIFTH! Have a good week stalk!! j.b. |
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 02:42 pm: | |
Randal, pick up the new CULT Live DVD. Its classic Cult that sums up the career of this band. Ya forget how long they'v been around and how many great songs they have that have gotten airplay rotation. I'd have to go look at the package but I think it's recorded Live at the Hollywood bowl or somewhere in Anehiem. Well, back from the Dunes and NOT in a wheelchair.....barely. I bit it BAD on Sat. Destroyed the quad, but I live! Although I'm a bit compressed and black-n-blue!! So I had alot of down time and was really pissed about not having TNA to listen to....but Radioactive and Hotshot, w/ a lil' Etched in Stone pulled me threw! Love hearing PT's name on the ads that VH1 are running. PT should be a promoting MONSTER on this and ride the wave!!!! Tour damnit!! g |
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 04:01 pm: | |
Hope you are okay, gREG!! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 05:11 pm: | |
Man, very bummed at missing the CA shows last week! Thanks for the pics, Ed. We had a nice couple of shows up in NorCal though, so I can't complain. Rand, can't go to the Galaxy tonight. Going to UFO tonight, and hope to hook up to chat with Jason Bonham. We've got a Zepagain shirt with his name on it to give him! Ok, it doesn't really have his name on it... Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 11:26 pm: | |
gREG, I thought you quit drinking so your legs wouldn't turn into stumps! That means yer not supposed to break your feet off at the ankles four-wheelin' . . . Evel Cornett makes his debut in the Arizona Dunes! Glad you made it out okay. It sounds like you STILL don't have any TNA. I know a guy that knows a guy who can egt Viagra, so let me know if that'll help. Whah ? HUH? OH, you mean THE BAND! Like I said last week, lemme know if you want me to go git it. I had meant to anyway, even though I didn't hear from ya, but with tons of work and the gig and all I didn't. Actually, I was at a Best Buy Friday night and those rotten bastards didn't have it either! All they had was PT's 20th Century Masters . . . at least they're pushing SOMETHING. But I digress -- DO let me know pronto if you want me to do that, and I'll make a hole in my schedule to run to Tower. Yer gonna dig it -- in the sAND! |
| Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 - 11:30 pm: | |
PigMoney, I bought a Cardboard Vampyres shirt last night. Wish I woulda been thinking -- I woulda gotten you one. I got the regular black with band photos and CV name on the front, but they had some cool ones with JC/BD in red like the AC/DC logo. Wonder who inspired THOSE fellas early on??? |