Author |
Message |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 02:35 pm: | |
gREG, The new UFO is called "You Are Here". Apparently that's exactly where the CD wasn't! LOL! |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 12:24 pm: | |
Looked for that new UFO today and couldn't find it. Whats it called? Circuit City/ Best Buy are so freakin busy on weekends and ya ask the kid at the music section about UFO......and he gets a very uncomfortable look, like " need the science fiction section sir, in the DVD's" hahahahaha!! Punks! g |
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 09:51 pm: | |
Probably not going to happen any time soon, but... now that Michael Schenker has got the bad relationship behind him and he's playing with renewed passion - it would be very interesting to see him back in UFO. It looks like he is comfortable with his own band and UFO is comfortable with Vinnie Moore. I would imagine we'll see them back together again in our lifetimes though. Some things are just meant to be. Randy |
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 02:24 pm: | |
Hendrix dead at 27, incredible when you think about it. Talk about timeless music. The Beatles had barely reached 30 whern they packed it in. How could people so young grasp & articulate that human element so well. Think back on your own life and how much you have learned and experienced well past your 30's. Wasn't to be for Hendrix and the Beatles though. When I think back to the music I loved 20 -30 years ago & what I enjoy now - not a lot has really changed. Music from the heart, that the artist beleives as art - not just product. It will alway's be that for me. That's why I love new UFO & DP - they have aged and changed, but the music is still relevant. Completely different then say Aerosmith - Who deliver over produced flash over substance crap. Strat, you are right on the money concerning Gillan and Coverdale. But it's not just the vocal work that seperates the two. Look back over Gillan's career, and you see Jesus Christ Superstar, Gillan, Sabbath, Gillan Glover, and many different styles of music with DP over the years. Coverdale on the other hand, entertaining as he is - is some what one dimensionable. |
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 02:04 pm: | |
Blackmore was a complete ass when I saw Travers open for Rainbow. He left the stage almost every song and I was seated closer to the side of the stage and u could see him screaming at the guitar tech. He kicked over a smaller amp and would stop playing altogether and give the "its my guitars fault" look. WAY unproffessional and 'Diva' like. TRAVERS kicked such ass I could have cared less!! Although I was taken aback by the short hair and tiger stripped shirt in a aqua blue color and blu tight pants. The Radioactive material was magic! I wish he still played some of it. Randal, ya got WAY too technical for me on your set-up......sounds expensive! Hells freezing over cuz its actually suppose to rain here for the next couple a days.......I'z believez its whenz Iz seez it. g |
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 12:12 pm: | |
PA system - two 12" dia. cat "don't scratch it" collars with wadded up pieces of foil and twist-ties from Jake's GI joe packages, powered by a Barney flashlight and taped to an erector set riser. Mic - one of those children's plastic ones with a metal filament that vibrates. Bass -- Broom stick, a Kellogg's Corn Flakes box and my neighbors former cat's innards fer strings. Believe it or not, it plays awesomely! You ought to hear it wail . . . (I know I'm gonna get in trouble for this one, Bette) In the cd player - Grover Washington Jr. - Millenium Collection Mad Season - Above Thin Lizzy - Johnny the Fox PTB - Black Pearl Live (Wax Museum, Washington DC) (thanks was that JB?) |
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 08:40 am: | |
Hey SRXLESS, That "undescribable element" that Blackmore added was what is most commonly referred to as "A pain in the ass". LOL! Unfortunately, Deep Purple is not the only legendary band to suffer that "undescribable element". Michael Schenker provided it for UFO for plenty of years as well. I've read a lot of interviews lately with Mogg & Way, and that band is finally so relaxed and organized (other than their issues with obtaining U.S. work visas in time for U.S. tours) it appears now that they could possibly carry on indefinitely. As much as I really love the UFO-Schenker chemistry, at a certain point it gets so unbearable that the music really starts to suffer and it shows. Bummer when things like that happen... Speaking of bummers, Jimi Hendrix died at 27 this day in 1970. Amazing how much he accomplished in such a short, short time...And he's still relevant to this day. And finally, regarding amps....I run mine in stereo through a Yamaha SPX 90, Boss CE 1 Chorus, Crybaby Wah, Big Balls & Lots of Volume. Heavy emphasis on the last two.....through two 4-12 cabinets made with tinkertoys.... And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 06:11 am: | |
Rock Pig, Purple does indeed get better with age! This summer was my third time catching the band in action. It truly is a shame that people do not get exposed to their current releases or even realize this grand old band is still viable. Bananas is a fantastic album, that shows the band continues to grow. I agree with your perception on the bands fun factor. This "fun factor" is evident on stage & their on current releases. The last Blackmore disc - The Battle Rages On - was very somber and serious. As was the that tour - seek out the DVD Come Hell or High Water- and witness The pain. Blackmore, throws a complete F**k into the show when he doesn't take the stage for the opening number - Highway Star. You can tell the band is at a complete loss and seething under their breath - do we continue boys & hope he shows or do we shut her down? Blackmore finally takes the stage and delivers the goodies, but what tension. But their is definetly something about that man. He adds an undescribable element - perhaps it's the classical thing - the music seems to reach back into time or something - I don't know perhaps it's just a flash back on my part - It's the same feeling I get when ever I listen to Black Pearl & Who Will Take The fall - can't explain it. |
| Posted on Saturday, September 18, 2004 - 02:55 am: | |
sos pads and rubber bands,why not sanitary pads and hair bands,works for me,.I am from canada, land of the free but not cheap |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 10:15 pm: | |
my Randal amp runs thru a system of SOS pads and rubber bands.....superior sound. g |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 06:52 pm: | |
how many ways are there to ground an amp? how would it make it sound different? amps are just tube amps. look inside a Marshall and you'll find the venerable EL34's. What does make a HUGE difference is the transformers. Decades of studies by Carver and Hafler have all yeilded the same results in regards to that. Second is the tubes and then the capacitance. So... my name is "mudd" where are ya from? |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 05:52 pm: | |
hey t/y for the laffs guys ,no im not from germany of that other place,what this is basicaly about is the way grounding methods react to amp componants,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,cool stuff to me at least,,,,,, |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 05:07 pm: | |
Regarding Rick James...nothing like cocaine, methamphetamine, vicodin, valium, xanax and all the others he ingested to speed up a killer heart attack after you've ALREADY suffered a stroke! Greedy bastard should have stayed away from it, or at least shared with his friends and not been such a Bogart... |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 02:53 pm: | |
Super Freak, she's super freaky, yow! |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 01:49 pm: | |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 01:43 pm: | |
Hey Guys,Thanks for the B-Day wish....Listening to some PAT and having a cold one....Well i better go iron my birthday suit,don't want to be wrinkled for the party,yikes,lolol......Scott |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 09:45 am: | |
Yeah, that's what I figured too Strat, but I couldn't resist. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SCOTT -- you old bastard!    Okay, so this morning CN confirmed my suspicions about Rick James' death. He had nine drugs in his system when he died, including cocaine, methamphetamine, valium, and vicodin. "BUT," doctors say, "it was the heart attack that killed him." LOLOLOLOL Man if that's all it takes I'm in trouble! Just kidding, but I was pretty sure in my own mind that ol' RJ was non-sober when he dropped. Catman, what you're seeing is the line up for Travers & Appice, an official project featuring Pat Travers and Carmine Appice. Both have been quoted in various ways as saying this is some of the best music they've done, and that's saying alot. Enjoy your asskicking! (Russian re-translation: "Make joy of your ability to purchase oversized boots with vodka which, while helping you weather the harsh winters of the Ukraine, will also come in constant contact with your posterior as you run through the slush.") |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 07:34 am: | |
Happy Birthday Scott! told me that you were only gonna be 21??? What gives?? LOL! Have a good one! Yo Randal...It sounds like Mudd is from Europe or the UK. I'm thinking draw testing is in reference to load impedence and earthing refers to grounding. Not sure, but that's how I took it... Might have to run it through that silly language translator! Can you confirm or clarify Mudd? |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 06:48 am: | |
Scott,. Happy 44th Birthday. See you later when you get home. Jo & Andi |
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 04:25 am: | |
OK CU in the East. But first RUSH on the first of october. Thrilled to see them after so many years,and I have heard that they play for more than 3 hours! |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 03:46 am: | |
OOps, sorry, CU in the Lantaarn |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 03:42 am: | |
Hey Catman, Bobby Rondinelli(drummer) has left Blue Oyster Cult to become a full time Lizard and they supporting the TNA tour. Mike Dimeo of Riot is now the official voice of The Lizards!!!! Pat, Carmine and Tony is the line-up for the second part of the European tour. CU in the Noot. "The Dutch Hammerheads".
| Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004 - 12:42 am: | |
Hi 'v been away for some time but just bought tickets for PAT TRAVERS feat.Tony Franklin Bobby Ronidinelli and Carmin Appice. Location Holland date 21 October 2004 !!! Anybody seen this line up ?? Greetz CATMAN |
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 09:40 pm: | |
PS -- Hey mudd, I draw alot but I've never buried one of my guitars. Have you been hanging out in Hawaii lately? LOL |
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 09:39 pm: | |
gREG speaks from experience! Thanks Strat, and I'll be sure not to draw the map on the back of my hand! (lights out = cain't see a damned thing) Falling off the stage . . . that reminds me of the time I was filling in for the flaky bass player in Tom's ex-band, at this same venue. A blond was coming to each of us individually, during a break, starting with "are you the drummer? I LIKE drummers" and then "are you the singer? I LIKE singers" etc., etc. Next thing you know, as we started up the next set, here she comes directly from the dance floor onto the stage in one big step, then kind of vaguely and ineffectively reaching out for the mic stand as she just slowly arched backward and did a head-and-assplant on the dance floor! hahahahahahahaha It's awfully hard to keep singing and playing when you're crying with laughter!!!! Now THAT's entertainment! Hopefully she'll show up next week |
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 09:00 pm: | |
im interested in doing current draw test{expirements} with different methods of earthing jcm's, fenders,ext is anyone interested in my studies,,,,,,,,,PTB rocks like hell segovia told me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, |
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 07:00 pm: | |
then theres the walking off the stage into the audiance, or no moniter sound, bass outta tune, speaker blows, string breaks, police raid, heckler, power outage......have a great show Randal! g |
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 05:54 pm: | |
And don't forget your map from the backstage to the stage...getting lost on the way after the house lights come down is a bummer! It kills the opening number momentum. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 05:01 pm: | |
Good one Ran!! The Ramones Have had a rough millenium. Kick some major ass Randal! g |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 05:00 pm: | |
Hey Randall, you forgot: Make sure the stonehenge model is BIGGER than the dwarves! Cheers! Steve |
| Posted on Thursday, September 16, 2004 - 04:49 pm: | |
RIP Johnny Ramone. First Ernie Ball, then Johnny -- next thing you know, they'll be telling us that ELVIS is dead . . . Everybody stay inside for a few days. These things come in threes. Strat -- one of my favorite Pearls of Wisdom is "NEVER -- no wait -- ALWAYS . . . " always good for a laugh. The best we can figure is: 1. Make sure the ladies keep their shirts on until the fourth set, to avoid distracting everyone else from the show (case in point: Algona '04). 2. Offer "free cover with this ad," even though there IS no cover. 3. Never -- no wait -- always let them see you sweat. It's rock 'n roll, what do you expect? 4. Don't drop the windowpane until after the show. 5. If gREG's coming, make sure the rider includes a keg of Dad's root beer and a box of twinkies. If he's drinking, make that a keg of Heineken, a pickup truck with no pad for sleeping accomodations, and a wheelchair for the airport walk-along with the band. I guess that's about it. eme if you want a flyer |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 01:29 pm: | |
......and we love each other........g/j |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 12:36 pm: | |
I'm Jimbette. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:52 am: | |
OH no -- I'm not stepping into THAT trap! hahaha JMROXX is Jimmy Something from NYC, I believe. Funny is right, Pigmalion. Not a word, but H-BLOCKX gets mentioned! Seems alot like bitin' the hand that feeds ya . . . In the cd player -- NOTHING AT ALL Just kidding. Tom Waits - Bone Machine. Good design and coffee music. R |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:41 am: | |
Who's on third? |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 11:11 am: | |
I'm Jim. g |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 09:05 am: | |
Here's a weird one for you.... Spotted this just now. All talk of TM Stevens, but absolutely no mention of TNA! We already know the 3 US dates are in fact TNA...... T.M. STEVENS - DVD In The Works, German Date To Be Filmed For TV [Hot Flashes - 04.09.21 04:10:50] Bassist T.M. Stevens is doing a few warm-up shows in the U.S. before taking off to tour Europe. The dates are as follows: September 23 - Funky Monkey, Oceanside, NY 24 - Jaxx Night Club, Alexandria/Washington D.C., VA 26 - House Of Blues, Myrtle Beach, SC Footage for a future DVD will be shot during the House Of Blues show on the 26th. In addition, Stevens' November 6th show at the Leverkusener Jazztage (translated: Leverkusen Jazz Days) in Leverkusen, Germany will be filmed for the famed German TV program, Rockpalast Special, to be aired at a later date. In other news, Stevens has been tapped to open for German rockers H-BLOCKX on November 2nd in Hamburg, Germany and November 4th in Berlin, Germany. These appearances will take place in the middle of his ongoing (and ever growing) European tour which runs from September 30th to November 14th. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 07:39 am: | |
I dunno Jim, but Jerry was a race car driver! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...... |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 07:32 am: | |
Good! Now I'm clear!! I think JMRoxx is a Jim or Jimmy as well! Now who is this guy whose name is Mudd!!? Later...
Toast Poster
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 04:58 am: | |
SRXLESS is Toast Poster, but not JMROXX, however I am Jim. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 04:51 am: | |
So, is Toast Poster SRXless!? And who is JMRoxx!? For whatever reason, I have you both/all lumped as one! Hey SRXless! It's Jim, right?! You, not me I mean!!! Later...
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 04:49 am: | |
Holy $41T!! GoalTender Rocks!!! Their blend of old school rock roots with an almost progressive meets grunge sound...DAYUM!!!! Absolutely killer!! Love 'Em!! Later... And As Always...  |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 06:41 pm: | |
BH -- I meant - GOALtender. They're a hot local band -- got them mixed up? yeahright man, oh man |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 06:36 pm: | |
Oct. 24th for the Seattle game Randal. g TRAVERS RULES! |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 05:51 pm: | |
Hot damn! Another Tommy Bolin fan! Gotta love it! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 05:17 pm: | |
Mr SRXLESS, It has been over 2 & 1/2 years since you crashed your SRX and considered yourself SRXLESS. From now on you shall be known as toast poster, in tribute to that other great DP guitar slinger, Tommy Bolin. Unfortunately Mr SRXLESS now Toast Poster - we can't help you with the terrible spelling and poor grammer - just consider yourself lucky that you can spell check your reporsts for work. |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 01:21 pm: | |
BLU,Happy Birthday back at ya!!!We went to socal for my b-day.Our daughter threw me areal nice b-day party,lots of shots,ritas,cold ones & bbq...Had a great time!!Hope your B-DAY was a good one!!See ya soon,Scott & Jo...(Thanks again everybody for all the b-day wishes) |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 11:36 am: | |
Hey Steve Z, Looks like Barry Sparks will be filling Pete's shoes & striped outfits for the US tour. He's recently worked with Dokken & Jeff Kollman, who was guitarist in Mogg's side project Sign Of 4. Apparently Kollman got the gig for Barry. Pretty good quote about Ritchie from Ian! That had me rolling on the floor. Gotta remember that one and use it someday! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 11:29 am: | |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 10:53 am: | |
Frank Marino rules!! Saw him open for Ted Nugent YEARS ago in SA,TX!! g |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 10:49 am: | |
Randall and Greg back from Hawaii. What a great trip. Turtle Bay Hilton next Spring. Cap - 10,000. Rent $15,000 (ouch), I'll need alot more than Randall's band backing up PT and me playing the drums to a noted Trower tune and with one hand. The other hand is reserved for the brewski as you know. Your computer analysis of my day in the Turtle Bay lounge doing everything you stated in Jimi Hendrix language is most likely correct. Now pop me in that fancy alien computer of yours and see if I would have knocked out Rocky Marciano if I would have faced him in a title bout? Also a gig at the Lahaina Civic Center - Capacity 1,800. With these capacities, I hope PT won't mind be the toughest act to follow if we were to sign at least two major other acts. Don Henley wants a million, so I would need the 10,000 seater to pay everyone and make a buck. That's why I stayed at the Turtle Bay Hilton in Oahu or Kahuki, HI (though that was a new strain of bud?). Anyway . . . take care all PT family members and don;t forget to pray for everyone out there who really needs it. Your super bro - Blu Hey greg, those rum drinks in HI are really are massive. |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 10:29 am: | |
Hey Scott happy birthday to you and me too! September 17. What a great number. Let me know when you want to go skiing. We've got 2 inches and falling right now. Your bro - Blu Hey Rich in the east - what is the best DVD you have for sale right now? |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 10:15 am: | |
Happy mornin' everyone. All this talk of UFO, Schenker & Blackmore, man, good to know when you're in the right place! Too many people who have no clue about some of the greats! Gillan told a great story of Blackmore in an interview once. Something about Ritchie missing a show in the early days, and Randy California from Spirit filled in. Someone asked Gillan, was it true Ritchie missed the show because of a hemmoroid problem, and he said, "No, I just saw Ritchie, and he's a perfect a**hole!" And as for UFO, the latest is that Pete Way still didn't get his Visa straightened out, so they will be touring the US with someone else on bass. Check here, under Latest News: Caught Dream Theater & Yes last night, great show! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, September 20, 2004 - 07:03 am: | |
Hey there, Check out the site from Frank Marino. He just released his new album "REAL LIVE" it's great and he will sign the copy's ordered by internet. I received my copy within 4 days and the 2cd pack is awesome !! |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 10:51 pm: | |
hey mudd you are right on the $$$ i bein sluggin my arse for years ,itchy always treated me like a king, and pat ,need i say for those who dont know him,well the man is just like his tunes,THE BEST now rory gallager WOW my bud |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 10:39 pm: | |
MR.Blackmore is a damm good friend ,just like that udder guy uh whats his name pat travis,. listen the mill those boys aprenticed in you would not even want to walk in the front door ,let alone the back one,.People talkin but they just dont know , |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 07:31 pm: | |
Check out Vinnie Moore's solo releases, "Meltdown" (1991) and "Out Of Nowhere" (1996). Really good instrumental hard rock with a bluesy feel. Very good production and writing. I highly recommend those two! BTW, I just saw VH last night. After all the crap they have pulled with each other and been through as a band in the last 6 years I have to say I was really impressed with the show. The band sounded great and they really seemed to enjoy playing (it was hard not to notice it). Even as skeptical as I was about the whole tour and reunion all those doubts were layed to rest. Eddie still has it - he absolutely tore it up! Alex's drums sounded great and he was definitely into it also. Another thing I noticed was how much better Sammy sang the vintage DLR/Van Halen tunes this time. He seemed much more at ease doing them and it certainly showed. |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 07:15 pm: | |
thanx for all the info on the new I gotta get it! Thought Vinnie Moore was a helpless drunk that fell off the planet......what do I know.......nuttin'. Randal, My house your house. I have a friend who worked security for ASU and got me into all the games for free (Seats 74,000 and the usual attendance is about 30, its easy to find a seat!), but you can scalp a cheap ticket no problem. Let me know and I;ll make plans. Shame they (Cardz) didn't win for Tillman, BUT they didn't get blown off the field either!! g |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 06:07 pm: | |
Get the latest UFO CD titled "You Are Here"! or |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 05:42 pm: | |
Anyone going to see the UFO show in Cleveland at the Odeon on Oct 9th? In case anyone didn't know the current UFO lineup: Phil Mogg - vocals Pete Way - bass Paul Raymond - keyboards, rhythm guitar Vinnie Moore - lead guitar Jason Bonham - drums By the way, the new CD "You Are Here" is really good. Much better than Schenker's last couple solo CDs and UFO's "Sharks". |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 04:48 pm: | |
Wow, T, that sounds highly unusual . . . must've been some behind-the-scenes stuff going on that Pat wasn't happy about? Hey gREG, I'm thinking about coming over for the Seahawks-Cardinals game -- week 5, I think. Will see |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 04:14 pm: | |
The PT show at Keosaqua, IA was an interesting affair. PT appeared at an at this end of summer bike rally for ABATE of Iowa, 9/18/04. First thing entering the county fairgrounds 'venue' was a shipping point for cattle. Moo-ing and bellowing constantly. An odd entrance to a peculiar gig. I went hoping for a horse, but all I got were cows. The American colors were presented before PT came on and the national anthem was sung by all. Never seen that before. At any show, let alone a PT show. PT came on stage to the chant of USA, USA, USA... PT played guitar really well. I can't recall seeing or hearing him play better. Every guitar lick and tune was pretty much spot on. He had little to say to the crowd. I think he spoke three times. The Peanuts theme song was way cool. No horse was available in Keosaqua. I briefly encountered PT two minutes after the end of the show. I inquired about CDs and PT answered that there were no jewel cases for the CDs and didn't break stride heading for the bus. Bummer! With no meet and greet, I listened again to cattle moo-ing and bellowing in the holding pens as I exited the grounds. T |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 04:23 pm: | |
Howdy everyone! (hacks) Still trying to kick this chest cold before TNA on Friday...gonna go anyway though LOL. Just got back from a friend's house, watched some of the new Los Lonely Boys DVD "Texican Style" from Austin...good stuff...these guys can play. I had first heard "Heaven" and was sort of turned off, but there's some other stuff on their CD that just flat-out rawks! I dunno if the guitarist was trying to "cop" SRV's licks or it just happened by accident, but he sure makes that Strat sounds great. After Pat on Friday, going to see my new "favorite" guitarist, Joe Bonamassa, rip it up some in Winchester, VA. Definitely recommend catching these guys if you get a chance...great musicians and as friendly as Rick & Eric, if you can believe it. Well, I'll try to put in a review of the Jaxx show sometime next week, after I recover. Ciao! Carl |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 04:15 pm: | |
The cat's in the bag, the neighbors holler! This party's higher than the Eiffel Tower! I had read somewhere that Kim was doing the DJ gig. Does he have any control over what's on the playlist, or is he there for the "social commentary"? |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 03:11 pm: | |
I'm talking to myself, I'm talking to myself: Kim Mitchell is an afternoon DJ here in Toronto now on Q107. That's for you Max fans out there. |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 02:35 pm: | |
After that one, I definitely recommend sticking with Blu. Yikes! ;) |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 02:02 pm: | |
not |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 02:00 pm: | |
So Jim, we have a Blu (me), a Blue and a Blur in the family huh? Maybe I'll change my name? Ed how would I do that? I could call myself Muffdiver or something? What do you think? Today's super PT Tune is: CAN'T STOP THE HEARTACHES. Wowie, wow, wow!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:34 pm: | |
Ah Steve...I knew YOU would make that lyric connection! That link you posted is pretty funny, and I don't even have kids! gREG? Yep...I think so too. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 12:31 pm: | |
Speaking of Queen, this will lighten everyone's day! Made me think of gREG for some reason... ;-) Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 07:00 am: | |
Hey Jimmy B, Told my girlfriend I had to forget her. Had to buy me a new carbuerator. So she made tracks saying this is the end now. Cars don't talk back, there just 4 wheel friends now.... Wonder what's the story on the Duffy/Stevens situation? Anybody heard from Eric or Rick since the hurricanes hit? How did they (and the rest of the FLA PT family) fare? Okay I hope? And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 05:59 am: | |
Jesus built my hotrod!! The one that Jerry drove! I'm getting Bette!! Ooops! I meant, I'm Getting Bette! Later...Jim/g/Bette/Pig/Cindy/Randal/SRX/JM/Blu(e/r)/Gins/TCF/TT/PTBStalker/T/Everybody Else!
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 09:03 pm: | |
You know, I wondered about Uriah Duffy. When the TNA was first discussed, Uriah was the bass player. Then all this talk about TM! And now it seems like it PT and CA are TM's back up band! What a hoot. Hope Uriah gets the props he deserves ! |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 06:55 pm: | |
Sounds doable, gREG. Will have to watch the calendar for a week or two to see how it looks. I had to laugh thinking about how funny it will be to have us BOTH drinking soda at a football game! I might fall off the wagon -- I do that every few days, but then I didn't set out to be any more sober than that so I'm okay. As for Jet -- I instantly recognized "Are You Gonna Be My Girl" and "Cold Hard Bitch" so the infatuation is on! I've been hearing both of those songs without knowing the band, and wanted to bring both into our hack songlist. Even more so now, I think, but that'll have to wait 'til after the gig. Practicing every night this week -- OOPS, I'd better get to it! Next up it's Queensryche. "Empire" is my theme song, ya know . . . |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 06:30 pm: | |
I loved Jet too, but now can live w/ out them. seemed to get old fast......but that COULD be because my daughter plays it DAILY!! Love Los Lonely boys. Its in the player w/ Cars-Candy-o/Briasn Setzers last one w/ out the orchestra (cant remember the name)/Paul Rodgers-Muddy Water Blues/CheapTick-Heavan Tonight. Randal Oct 24th is th eSeattle game, let me know. g |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 06:03 pm: | |
Randal-I love Jet. After 2 or 3 listens I was hooked. Lots of variety and influences. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 05:05 pm: | |
okay, I just got Los Lonely Boys, Jet and Queensryche's best from the BMG website. Hadn't done the 12 or $1 scam in awhile, so I did. Los Lonely Boys was first up, and was worth another listen! Grace will love the Spanish influence too. Next up - Jet. I have only heard OF them, so have no idea what to expect. Wish me luck -- I'm goin' in. Randal L. Mummster |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 05:04 pm: | |
More about T'N'A, from Uriah Duffy's site: For all you old rockers out there, Carmine Appice, Pat Travers and myself recorded an album! Almost everywhere on the web affiliates their friend TM Stevens as the bassist, but it was I who worked on the bass lines for 12 tracks in three days in a small San Fernando Valley studio! I guess just knowing I did it will be good enough. So, TM did one song vocals and is the bass player on the European Tour. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 21, 2004 - 02:00 pm: | |
ya |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 05:04 pm: | |
hey jbeseau,i is MJ and im just a silly old blues player from toronto |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 05:09 pm: | |
Glad at least one of the PT faithful will be there, Carl. Grab a clothes pin from off the line and plug up yer snout -- you'll be just fine. Yeah Steve, that was DEFINATELY gREG singing for Baby Queen. I especially like the wailing part! He still wears that outfit, although not often as it usually results in an indecency charge. Seems that gREG grew (and grew and grew) but the outfit didn't. Go figure |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 05:30 pm: | |
Strat Blaster, Akimbo Alogo does not seem to have any kind of set list control, he however does offer all kinds of commentary on said songs & bands played. I myself do not listen to Q on a regular basis as it is a classic rock station. I prefer the heavier sounds of 97.7 (St Catharines On) which has a new and old rock offering. 97.7 is also the only station were you could still hear our man Pat. Isn't it interesting that Rush can release an album of covers & have it played, while (ahh you guys know). |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 06:02 pm: | |
belive it,,i heard crash and burn on cbc,must be can con eh |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 06:44 pm: | |
o my God....Steve, now thats funny! I actually DID crasp my pants.......cockadootypoopy still rules my life in my 40's......yet I'm so happy. Randal, no worries, I'll even bring ya the beer!! Not drinking will be no big deal since I plan on dropping some acid, eatin' a few choice shrooms, and 2 aspirin. I'll be right there w/ ya! We get the occasional "Boob Boom" here on 93.3 Rock. g |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 06:54 pm: | |
anyone heard any of the stuff Pat did with ronnie hawkins |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 09:57 pm: | |
We'll hand out 3-D glasses, And all the aspirin we can spare!! You better check your exits clear! CHECK!!!! Oh Yeah!! Later...
| Posted on Wednesday, September 22, 2004 - 10:04 pm: | |
I'm in love with my car!!! Except mine's a truck!!! Cockadooty Poopy!!! Hah!! I love this board! Later.... Regardless of what we do...  |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 05:18 am: | |
There's a gig at Wembley tomorrow night to celebrate 50 years of Fender guitars. On the bill..are..(deep breath). The Crickets, Joe Walsh, Jeff Beck, Dave Gilmour, Brian May, Paul Rodgers, Mike Rutherford, Hank Marvin, Gary Moore and Phil Manzanera. Phew Looking forward to reports from TNA. Hoping to get to see them in Paris. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 07:40 am: | |
Hey Gill! Brian May never played a Fender! He always played his Red Special. He ain't allowed to play that gig! Wait....I seem to recall him playing a Telecaster on Saturday Night Live when Queen was on there performing "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". Okay....tell the backstage security to let him pass. He's approved. LOL! Looks like a strong lineup. Are you going to the show? Jimmy B....One of the bands I was in years ago used to open with "Check". Such a fun song to play. We used to just casually walk on stage and pretend we were making sure all the gear was connected and tuned, then our singer would walk up to the mic, he'd say "Test, test...1, 2...check, check" and we'd rip into it. Always caught the crowd off guard. Back then it seemed that all the bands were doing these big grand introductions. Except us! Lots of fun. Of course back then, there were a LOT of people who didn't know who Max Webster were (still don't unfortunately) and were always asking us if it was an original tune. LOL! We always answered "Yes, it's an original but we didn't write it!" which always resulted in a confused look from the one asking the question. Man, I miss those goofy days... gREG said cockadootypoopy again! That just confirms it WAS him standing on the street corner in that seedy section of Jacksonville wearing the pink fuzzy thong and neon blue boa feather last month! Thanks for the confirmation, gREG! And as always...PTB is King! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 10:04 am: | |
Rockpig, very good, you know your Brian May trivia! He did play the Tele on Crazy Little Thing, not just on that SNL show, but when they played it on tour too. That looks to be one amazing show! Wish I were a little closer to Wembley... gREG, did get your email regarding Camp Verde, thanks! Looking forward to it this Sat! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 10:29 am: | |
What about Moby Dick, Dirty Dog or just Concert Dude? What about Wiser Man? Blur, have we met? I heard you are a fine young man. . .On that tune Who'll Take the Fall, isn't the final fill just awesome and as it fades, I wish it would have kept going. Sizzles my brain. - Blu |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 10:55 am: | |
Yeah Steve, Queen was a MAJOR influence on me during their formative years (everything from News Of The World on back, and more specifically, the Debut through Sheer Heart Attack). Unfortunately, seeing Queen in concert will have to remain forever on my life's "did not accomplish" list, as they never played anywhere remotely close top where I lived as a kid growing up. Once I was finally old enough to drive myself somewhere long distance to see them, they had grown out of the phase that I most appreciated. Then, by the time they made another release I was very impressed by (Innuendo) as you know, poor Freedie was too ill to tour and passed away shortly after. I don't know which death was harder on me...Freddie Mercury or Tommy Bolin....Sure miss 'em both very much to this day. Hendrix too........ |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:00 am: | |
I saw Queen in highschool at the coliseum in Seattle. I remember because I got busted for underage drinking in line. What a drag. Anyway, it was a good concert. Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:00 am: | |
rodger taylor(queens stick man)has a very large collection of fenders ,i beleive he has the 12th strat ever made,and i have seen brian using a strat at a show in ottawa,if i remember it was a tour for sheer heart attack,if you folks dont remember me , im the guy who did some work on jerry riggs 64 strat in toronto(and they are 64s the tobbacco and the burgandy ones )black pearl is an awsome recording from start to finish,id say one of pats true masterpeices,,,,,,,,, |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:04 am: | |
...and I have Sheer Heart Attack, Day at the Races Night at the Opera and News of the World, maybe others, too. I was obsessed then. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 11:07 am: | |
queens 1st album sold me,liar,keep yourself alive |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 01:15 pm: | |
I'm hoping to make it to Wembley tomorrow. Queen were my band when I was growing up. I saw them 10 times over the years. Starting in '77, first concert I ever saw, and ending up at Live Aid. It broke my heart when Freddie died. Living in London I see quite a lot of Brian. He turns up and plays with loads of people. That musical they have going is truly awful though. |
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 01:33 pm: | |
Hey Gill, Just wondering...Living in London, does the District Line seem to be going as far as you'd like to go today? life in London REALLY that bittersweet? I wouldn't think so these days since the punk movement has lessened a bit, so there should probably be less clowns in razor blades & safety pins.... Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.... However, in these days of the Iraq situation, we're still looking for peace & harmony. Amazing 30 years on and we still haven't found it yet. Have a great time at Wembley, and make sure Brian DOES INDEED play a Fender of some sort! Ha! And as always...PTB is King! |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Thursday, September 23, 2004 - 03:44 pm: | |
Alka-seltzer, Tang and a 50 - it's all over - gotta hangover. Great Max intro for Hangover - 50 is a Canadian ale, Labbatt 50 |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 07:10 am: | |
keys help - We're looking for a keyboard (or synthesizer - is there a difference?). Since I've got the Carvin Bass and amp, it's only fair she get comparable equipment so we're in the $1000-1200 range (keyboard and amp). The situation is primarily for the church P&W team. But, as some of you may recall, we also play with rock band that we want to add some keys to. We'd like to be able to get a keyboard sound like in "Magic Carpet Ride" for example. Also strings and such. But actual keyboard and piano sound is most important. She would prefer a full 88 keys and like as easy to use as possible; just pick some sounds and play. As for key feel, probably more towards a medium "piano" touch...not to light. I would like more technical features like sequencing and such. So something easy for her to just play with some options to for advance use my Kodak digital camera. It has the Auto, Night, Sports settings, for ease, or I can manually control light and speed etc. I rarely do though, come to think of it. But it's there if I want it... but I digress... So, um...thank you! :D |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 07:25 am: | |
I have the Mattel, "Sing n' Play" piano. It has built in pre-recorded tracks, such as, "The Bear Went Over The Mountain", "Happy Birthday", and "I'm A Little Teapot." It has a microphone and stand - BUILT IN!! There is a collapsible sheet music stand and storage in the seat! For my money, this little baby has everything I need! Hope this helps! Later...
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 07:33 am: | |
Later, ask me about mixers! Wow! My Hamilton & Beach is unbeatable!! Later...
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 09:31 am: | |
Queen's early albums, yeah, don't get me started! We even named our tribute band 'Sheer Heart Attack!' Amazing stuff. I did get to see them in 77 & 78, News of the World & Jazz tours. Got to meet Brian May once, and he was extremely cool. I went out to Vegas to audition for that musical, but didn't get the gig. Just as well, I really don't want to live in Vegas! They have a new live DVD coming out Oct 25, Milton Keynes 1982. It's a killer show; a lot of it has been out on bootleg for years, but this will be the full thing. Ok, I know, this is the PT board, sorry! Cheers! Steve Z PS - Blu, stick with Blu, buddy, we all know ya too well already! When are we coming back to Tahoe? |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 10:13 am: | |
Steve we find out by close of business today about October 29 + 30 - Rocktoberfest featuring a weekend of Led Zep Again. Jim Kelley's Tahoe Nugget, Outdoor Amphitheater. Talking about putting up tents, heaters etc. One night show and one day show. Keep the guitar picking fingers crossed. FYI Mr. Steven Zukowski Page at this venue I have produced Gregg Allman, John Lee Hooker, Jimmy Cliff, Foghat 25th Year Anniversary Tour, America, The Byrds, Toto, The Rippingtons, Charlie Musselwhite etc. Pat has not played here yet. |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 10:47 am: | |
JB you're too funny! Do tell me about the mixer! Been after getting one for a while. Be old mixer like Grandma had! |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 12:31 pm: | |
Anybody seen or heard anything about the 1st TNA show last night in Oceanside, NY at the Funky Monkey? Hey Purple're going to the show tonight in Alexandria, VA at Jaxx, right? How about you Ginbels? We DO expect a full review tomorrow....It doesn't matter how much of a hangover you have! No excuses! LOL! As the Mad Max Machine & Toast Poaster both said....Alka-Seltzer, Tang & a 50 cures what ails you....Get that review in! Yo you already have a piano player, but just looking for the right keyboard? If that's not the case, have you considered maybe a 2nd guitar player on a Roland GR guitar synth? They're pretty convincing! I have the GR-30 (there is a newer version, but you can get a 30 for fairly cheap these days, due to the upgraded version) and it has some amazing voicings on it...even a choir, which might be good at your church! Just remember you get best results when running it through a KEYBOARD amp, not a guitar amp (different frequency ranges), and you'll need to adjust your guitar playing too. You can't do the Yngwie shred thing using piano or brass voicings and have it sound authentic. However, with some time with practice you can get pretty darn accurate interpretations. For example, I'm no sax player, but I can do a sax solo through the GR, which is very cool to be able to do that if you need it. I'm rambling on here, but it might be a different way of looking at your situation. If I can help, drop a post! Good luck! Has anyone heard how Eric & Rick and the other FLA PTB family are doing? And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 12:53 pm: | |
I knew a legitimate, intelligent, and helpful response was forthcoming, hence my lunacy! Post it and they will come. Later...
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 01:04 pm: | |
Carl, we need that review brudda!!!! Steve, the show in Camp V is at 3pm?? Lisa and I were thinkin bout road trippin it. as always cockadootypoopy to all and Travers rules. |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 01:05 pm: | |
Jim iza lunatic....TX style. g |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 01:15 pm: | |
Thanks Blu, we're primed & ready! gREG, yes, 3pm is what they tell us. I don't know if there's any admission, but you & Lisa will be on the list if there is. Hope you guys can make it! TnA, yeah, let's hear about it! Jim B, I'm looking to you for tech advise from now on! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 02:12 pm: | |
Jimminy Cricket...tinkerbell style. What!?! |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 02:18 pm: | |
Bette.....who u iz....... Thanks Steve!! Weather is PERFECT!!! Bye you piece-o-chit summer! so nice to see the 90's! word |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 04:46 pm: | |
Rockpig, thanks for the suggestion. My wife is the piano player. We recently went to a P&W seminar and realized how sorely we need a keyboard. But, I like to fiddle with things on the guitar and bass so that was interesting. I can come pretty close to the Jan Hammer sound in "Darkness" on Beck with the Jan Hammer Group. Reminds me of the whales in Star Trek. I have BP200 for the bass (5 string). It does some pretty amazing sounds, I especially enjoy the fretless effect. |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 05:49 pm: | |
Go to ..... Click the TOURS link....on that page there is a download link for one of the tracks off of the TNA album. Thank you very much.... |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 05:51 pm: | |
That link is half way down the page. The track is called "Takin' More Than Givin'".... |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 07:12 pm: | |
Prima Donnas, Marijuana, Iguanas, Saunas & Momma.... Get ready for the new TNA....10-26-04. |
| Posted on Friday, September 24, 2004 - 10:50 pm: | |
Hey Carl: Need to hear the review of TNA show and also a review of Joe's show. As you know, PT and Joe, Kenny and Eric ROCK hard! RockinRon |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 08:50 am: | |
PTB Chat this sunday, 7pm Eastern Time At Bad Ass REK website chat room |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 12:49 pm: | |
WOW!! Just got back from T-n-A. What a great show with kick ass new tunes! A couple standards(La,La and Crash) were still in there. Plus a rock version of "Do ya think I'm sexy", "Cactus"(from Vanilla Fudge) and a song from T.M. Stevens. These guys really put on a great show! Carmine is a super tight drummer and T.M. is a friggin' animal! This was only thier 2nd gig together, but you would never known it by how well they played together. Even though the crowd had never heard the songs before they were REALLY into them. Just straight ahead kick your butt rock and roll!! The sound at Jaxx could have been better, but in spite of that it sounded great. DVD filming tonight in Myrtle Beach. THAT will be a party! Wish we were there. T-n-A has a good deal and great backing for this tour and CD/DVD. So it looks like FINALLY Pat might having something new AND big coming his way and hopefully a lot of recognition along with it. Carmine and T.M. are both great guys and it was nice to hang out and chat with them, plus all the other great people in the other band we had the pleasure of spending time with. Europe is going to be a blast for these guys. I think we will hearing/ seeing a LOT of great stuff in the future. By the way the new T-n-A CD is being released in Europe October 4th (I think), well ahead of the US release. It is on SPV records. So go get it... you will very glad you did!! |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 02:19 pm: | |
Thanks for the review Ginbels! I knew it would be a kicker. Just spotted the TNA CD for sale on Ebay. First one I've seen listed. For those in a hurry to get it, it's available as "Buy It Now" for less than $16.00 last time I looked. Just do a search for Pat Travers... I hope this project does indeed put PT's name back on the map, so to speak. (For those of us in the know, PTB IS the friggin' map!). It might land more lucrative gigs for PT, Eric & Rick so that they can ALWAYS go out as a band together, instead of PT using pick up bands at some of the shows. And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 02:28 pm: | |
Just an afterthought, but I think all of us loyal PTB fans should go out and buy this CD from either a legitimate CD/record store, or a legitimate on-line store, so that the sale actually counts toward the official units sold. Otherwise, official CD's bought off of Ebay (usually advance promo's or freebies to the seller) or in the used & cutout bins do not generate actual sales for the band. We all owe it to Pat (and Carmine) to help in any way we can....So ignore my last post about that CD listed on Ebay! LOL! Just my 2 cents worth.... |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 04:50 pm: | |
lol... besides I just bought that CD on Ebay. I will speak to Pat and Carmine and see if it is legit. If not.... Boom, boom out go the lights! |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 06:25 pm: | |
"Queen II" is on my top ten all-time favorites list. That's an amazing album. I think I remember Brian May saying it's also his favorite Queen album. I saw them from the front row in January 1977 - with Thin Lizzy as the warm up act. What a night! It was a Saturday and there was a wrestling tournament that day. So during the week, I purposely lost my spot on the varsity team so that I wouldn't miss the concert. The coach found out I went to the concert and put two and two together. He was pretty pissed off at me. Randy |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 07:58 pm: | |
Nice review Rich, hope ya took some pics! g |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 08:00 pm: | |
Randy, that's funny! I quit my job at McDonald's in '78 to go see J.Geils Band with the new Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers at Yakima Valley Community College. They later begged me to come back, so I did -- a year later. About 2000 people were in the 1000(?)capacity hall -- PACK CITY! Then I quit my 2-week stint at Pizza Pete because my buddy was having a party. Imagine the gall -- they wanted me to work Friday AND Saturday night! The guy told me I was burning my bridges, and now I design them. Go figure. But I also make a great pizza! LOL Well, I already wrote this once but when I went to listen to the TNA release I lost it. DAMN -- so here I goes (again): Rockjig, thanks for the disclaimer as I was gonna buy the eBay version as soon as I read yer first post. Guess I'll just wait patiently with the rest of us lowly Americans -- unless Snorkels can buy a case of cd's over there and ship them to us! (deep breath with a familiar fragrance lingering) JimBeseau, I shudder to think what a little kid might store under the seat! Hooked, I bought a Casio keyboard for my eldest son last year, and I have been very pleasantly surprised with its capabilities and sound. We got it at Costco for under $400, so maybe you can make up the diff with the little lady by picking up a very nice keyboard amp as Stratpig suggested, along with a stool with under-seat storage (cockadooty poopy is my guess) and a Monster Cable cord. Okay, so last night was the gig. WOW! What a thrill to see "STEHM - Rock - 9pm" up in lights on the marquee! It was a small crowd and intimate venue, which was good because the PA Gremlins were had at work making sure the vocals kept cutting out during the first two sets. My son Jayson picked up my retired 6-channel head from the studio and we got through the rest of the show. The crowd response was GREAT! Lots of "man, that sounded fantastic!" and "you guys kick ass!" ALWAYS nice to hear. It was a crackup to be paid $45 each for four hours of hard singin and playin! Not a hack to be found onstage, by the way. No "are you the singer" chick, but the Henry Rollins fan club as hysterical. We were invited back on the spot, nailing down Saturday November 13. That makes it official -- we're gigging! gREG -- happy fall. Now git back up, you old bastard! Yeah, Sheer Heart Attack is truly a masterpiece. I too am very much enamored of Queen's early stuff, as even though I was turned off by the flaming Freddie of later years, the early stuff more than offset that relatively minor distaste. Their musicianship was astounding, with Bryan May setting himself completely apart from any other guitar player EVER. Just as Our Man Pat has done, but I digress. or DO I . . . I just downloaded "Takin" from "It Takes Alot of Balls." OH my effing GOODNESS! Fresh PT that sets a new standard for the man himself! Clean, new, exciting and baddass, among many other adjectives. Pat creates a totally new sound with Carmine and Duffy, which for PT is really sayin' something. No rerun riffs from our hero -- as you KNOW you can always expect, but in a complete departure sort of way. "I'd rather be smokin' marijuana, but it's against the rules and I'd never break the law!" hahahahaha I now have a permanent smile affixed to my face! YYYEESSSS!!! PT definately ROXX! No Piglet, I haven't heard nary peep out of Rick or Eric either. My buddy in Orlando was tying things down outside the house this morning, and it looks like they're gonna take a pretty good hit just around midnight. Prayers for all of our peeps down there! I think that's all I had to say. MAN, catching up is a female dog . . . |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 08:00 pm: | |
My gREG, yer up late! |
| Posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 - 09:04 pm: | |
Way to go Randal!!! Kickin Diego ass!! Yeah, my pain pills haven't kicked in yet (oral surgery) and I'm just waitin to Me likey da' pain fingers are made of rubber, and I can't feel my ass........g'nite...g |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 10:07 am: | |
Huhh, Huhh - He said oral |
| Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 03:18 pm: | |
PTB Chat today, 7pm Eastern Time At Bad Ass REK website chat room |
| Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 04:57 pm: | |
LOLOLOL you said "my fingers" and "feel my ass" in the same sentence! I wondered what you Zonies did in yer spare time |
| Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 05:07 pm: | |
I tried to chat with ya, Cindy, and even though I was able to log in, I couldn't get the chat box to open. SEAHAWKS RULE!!! 3 and 0, baby |
| Posted on Sunday, September 26, 2004 - 06:56 pm: | |
The Seahawks rule indeed Randal! I was at the game today. The weather was perfect. Seattle looked really good, and San Fran looked like a little league team. 34-0....'Nuff said! To top it all off, they actually played a few riffs of Kim Mitchell's "Lager & Ale" over the PA in the 3rd quarter! I thought that was great! Glad your gig went well. Remember what I told you a few weeks ago....If it's sounding stinky on stage, it doesn't mean it sounds that way out front. Seems like you guys went over well! Congrats! traitor! LOL! Snaggin' that CD off of Ebay like that...Shame on ya'! Ha! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 01:52 am: | |
OK. New user, but longtime Pat fan. Some detailed questions for you. First…Why on earth is there not ANY video of the Thrall/Aldridge version of the band? I KNOW that there are about 100 people on Ebay alone that are dying to see anything from that era. Someone needs to tell the 2 pats that there is some bank they are missing out on. The other question involves his Red Melody Maker. I saw it actually on ebay about a year ago. Did he really sell it? Does anyone know what year it was and what mods he had done to it. Thanks much for the answers in advance. |
Too Cool
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 05:29 am: | |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 07:22 am: | |
the last time i talked with pt he had 4 m/ms all late 50's |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 09:53 am: | |
i dont know of any mods on the melodys except for some p/u work,the les paul junior that gibson made for him in 84,has a floyd on it,when i played it it seemed pretty much stock except for the floyd |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 10:09 am: | |
Just checked out the new TNA tune, what an ass kicker! Rich, thanks for the review, glad to hear the gig went great! Looking forward to that album! Randall, sounds like it was a good gig, with the typical problems! Cool that you got re-booked. I'll be down your way again Dec 18 at Brick By Brick. gREG, guess you didn't make it to Cliff Castle? Hope you're doin better! Cheers all, Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 02:24 pm: | |
So what in the world is that sunburst gibson with the non-stock finish and the cream pickups he is now playing...and was that a $100 OLP I saw in the pictures of the freemont gig? |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 02:55 pm: | |
looks like the same lpj that gibson custom made for pat ,but yes the p/us have been changed since i last seen pat |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 03:06 pm: | |
it would be soooooooooo nice to see PTB in toronto again,but i wouldnt blame him for not playin here ,.toronto and pretty much the rest of canaduh, sucks bad for music |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 04:11 pm: | |
Mudd, It's seems to me that would be the best reason TO play Canaduh.... |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 05:51 pm: | | From the TNA cd:5 tracks,1 minute MP3 samples. |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 06:44 pm: | |
yes rockpig you might be right ,i remember once back in the 90's ptb got stuck at the border for a week ,due to parking tickets the drummer had in florida |
| Posted on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 07:19 pm: | |
Man, that's a fresh sound on those samples. I hate I couldn't make it to Myrtle Beach this weekend. Death in the family earlier in the week had me playing catch up. Can't wait to get my hands on this cd! |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 05:39 am: | |
TC...I asked the British dates as yet, but I notice there's a five day gap inbetween the last Dutch dates and France. So you never know. Meanwhile I'm going to Paris. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 06:50 am: | |
Quote:By mudd on Monday, September 27, 2004 - 03:06 pm: it would be soooooooooo nice to see PTB in toronto again,but i wouldnt blame him for not playin here ,.toronto and pretty much the rest of canaduh, sucks bad for music
I'm kind of surprised to hear you say this - it seems like Toronto gets all the gigs. When's the last time you heard of a big name band doing a North American tour and they didn't stop in Toronto? Randy |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 07:46 am: | |
Hey Gill, no gaps!!!! Only Traveldays. They flying to Copenhagen today. Friday: Rush for us :o) Greetingzz Wilma&Andries. TNA Tourdates. Thursday 30. september 2004 Travers & Appice - Randers, Denmark Tante Olga Friday 1. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Copenhagen, Denmark Pumpehuset Saturday 2. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Esbjerg, Denmark Tobaksfabrikken Monday 4. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Stockholm, Sweden Fasching Tuesday 5. october 2004 The Lizards - Västerås, Sweden Prisma Wednesday 6. october 2004 Appice & Rondinelli (clinic) - Borlänge, Sweden Hagaskolan, Borlänge Thursday 7. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Borlänge, Sweden Bolanche Friday 8. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Sala, Sweden Rockland Sunday 10. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Sct. Petersburg, Russia Manech Tuesday 12. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Vilnius, Lithuania Galaxy Wednesday 13. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Klaipeda, Lithuania House of the Fisherman Saturday 16. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Czech Republic Jazz and Blues Festival Usti nad Labem Advertised : 26-08-2004 10:03:41 Tuesday 19. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Dortmund, Germany Café Mach - Datteln Wednesday 20. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Hannover, Germany Blues Garage Thursday 21. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Hellendoorn, Holland De Lantaarn Schapenmarkt 13 Hellendoorn 0548-654375 Friday 22. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Haralbeke, Belgium Culture Center Saturday 23. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Verviers, Belgium Spirit of 66 Sunday 24. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Hoogland, Holland Cafe de Noot Tuesday 26. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Amneville, France Wednesday 27. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Basel, Switzerland Friday 29. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Arles, France Cargo Saturday 30. october 2004 Travers & Appice - Paris, France New Morning |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 10:04 am: | |
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the first time ever that PT has given up lead vocals on a studio album? |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 10:36 am: | |
Hey Blur, Other than a verse or two by Jerry Riggs on "School Of Hard Knocks" that would be true, I believe. |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 11:14 am: | |
Not counting instrumentals where he gave up vocals to the git-fiddle!! Have never thought of anyone else singing a Travers song...funny. Later...
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 03:16 pm: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 05:06 pm: | |
No.......THANK YOU! |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 28, 2004 - 05:38 pm: | |
yes you are right randy ,bigger name acts do come to toronto,but thet aint no ptb are they |