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Message |
| Posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 08:45 am: | |
Thanx Randal, will do. I'll send my writer in the mail/fax/phone. Big Eddie, way to go by staying positive! Sounds like ya made the most of it! I once traveled 7 hrs to see Pantera (in 91', they weren't huge then) and the place was sold out but I bought tix in advance so no worries. Its 10:30 and they arent letting anyone in the club. 11pm they make an announcment that the PA blew so there will be no show. Whatta crock-o-dung!! Needless to say the evening turned into an 'alcohol haze' and the police were involved.......nothing positive in that! Soooooooo, what will the rest of the band be for T&A??? any guess for the tour, if theres one. g |
| Posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 09:21 am: | |
Another great Pat show that we actually went to in Fremont yesterday. BIG FUN!!,That brings our Pat Travers Shows total to ...JO 61,SCOTT thats alot of P.T.shows for a couple of true die hard PAT fans!!! T-Lo THANKS for the Laminates!!!RICH as always good to see ya buddy,we want our photos,lololo......Brad Gillis of Night Ranger got up and jammed w/Pat,awesome.. Even got to meet B.Gillis back stage.just a nice guy... We also saw Jeff Watson Jam w/Pat a couple times in the past..They both seem to real like playing w/ always,Take Care...Scott & JO(travers travelers).... |
Freight Train
| Posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 04:32 pm: | |
For anyone interested I am in the chat room on B.A.R. site right now.....ERIC |
| Posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 05:16 pm: | |
Hey Eric come back to the chat we are there right now |
| Posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 05:28 pm: | |
Hey guys and girls, trying to get onto the chat on Bad Ass REK website, but having difficulty posting. Anyone else having trouble? Is it just reeeeally slow? Eric, Rick, Cindy, Greg, Randal, getting on tonight? |
| Posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 08:20 pm: | |
Hey all! TCF - re: Yes and DT...I just got "cheap" tickets to the show here in VA (about $42/per after Ticketbasterd's "convenience" charges), but didn't spend the big bucks, as I've seen both bands in excess of 10 times each and met most of the guys from DT a few times, I'm honestly a bit offended that in order to get a "meet & greet with a digital picture of you and the band and ONE item autographed" you now have to pay $250 a ticket...but people are doing it Still looking forward to the show, and bumming a bit that for the first time in quite a while I won't be seeing Rush on Tuesday...finances are just too tight to accomodate, going to see a great blues talent, Tinsley Ellis, for a $5 cover at a small club about an hour and a half away instead. Missing the PT experience, I am jealous of those damn Floriduhians and the West Coasters too. Eric, tell Pat that the Mid-Atlantic states need a proper a**-kickin'! Hope all my buds in PT-land are doing well, Randal, gREG, Cindy, Rich n'Nancy, Stalker, RockBacon, and countless others I've met along the way :-) Have a great week y'all. Carl, the Purplest of Hazes |
| Posted on Sunday, August 01, 2004 - 10:55 pm: | |
rats........turned 3......4 today.....I mean 37......and I missed the chat!! DAMN! Don't listen to Randal, he will try and say I'm older......nope. Everybody gettin psyched for the Reno shows???? HELL YES!!! Wish we could make them too. As Carl says, have a good week.....and listen to Radioactive at least 3 times!! Ginbels 'Etched In Stone' got me thru the weekend!! CRANKED!!! g |
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 12:31 am: | |
Just saw Travers/Appice in the 2004 release but it's for after December. Now how thats suppose to work? Doesn't make much sense. Also says its a European release only. hhmmmm g |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 09:53 am: | |
gREG, was it your big day yesterday?? You don't look a day over 36... We celebrated it by going to see Heart last night. Those sisters can still Kick it Out! Carl, I hear ya on the DT thing, but they're making a lot of folks happy who would otherwise not get to meet them. And the high price keeps things from getting too out of hand, I'm sure. I've never met any of them, and can't justify paying that price myself, but that's cool, I don't mind. The $125 deal works out to about the same as if I bought a top price ticket at Ticketbastard & a t-shirt at the show. And I would never get in the first 12 rows that way! (I still can't believe how out of hand concert ticket prices have gotten!) You're lucky to be able to get a $42 ticket; that doesn't exist in LA! :-/ Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 10:03 am: | |
Hey Steve, Was Gilbey Clark still handling lead guitar chores for Heart? Saw them last summer, and I agree with your assessment. It was a great show. Happy Barfday gREG! And as always...PTB is King! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 03:34 pm: | |
No, Gilby isn't with them this time around. I saw them last year with him, too. The guy they have this time isn't as raw, Guns & Roses sounding, but he did a decent job. Who cares, though, when there's Nancy to look at! ;-) Their last 2 encores were Black Dog & Misty Mountain Hop, with Jerry Cantrel guesting on guitar! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 03:38 pm: | |
Just picked up the "Jet" cd. It's a good listen. Not quite my cup of tea in some ways due to a lack of a blistering lead guitarist. Still good stuff. I hear The Baby's influence, as well as Black Crowes and Stone Temple Pilots. |
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 05:40 pm: | |
Thanx, today id Nellies b-day.....all of 10! YES Steve, 36 is correct. Lisa is killing me to see Heart! I saw them on the country ststion playing w/ Wynona Judd......hated it. Think I'll save my money for Alice Cooper in October! Although some PTB would be GREAT!!!! g |
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 05:40 pm: | |
me no type gooder. |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 07:55 pm: | |
PH62, I always make it a point to catch Tinsley Ellis whenever he`s around my nieghborhood. His "Fire it Up" CD is still a fave. I got his new CD, "The Hard Way" from him about 6 weeks ago. It took a time our two to get used to it, but the CD has been in my player more and more frequently. I saw Edgar Winter this past Friday night and EW and his band are doing just fine! Saturday night I ran into someone that was at the Les Dudek show a few weeks back and he told me that it was fantabulous. Sorry I missed that one. Also, Dick Dale is supposed to be down my way the last weekend of the month as part of a 3 day beach fest. I understand that the PTB/BAR guys have a gig in O-town that same weekend. Hmmm....,decisions, decisions, about the end of the month. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 11:34 am: | |
Looks like ol' PT ain't the only Travers that's wowing 'em in O-town, FLA. Just saw this at about a Loverboy concert at the Hard Rock Hotel on May 27th. Here's an excerpt from that review... "At the mid-point of the show the band was joined on stage by Monica Travers, to sing the duet, "Almost Paradise". Mike explained that they rarely play it live since he doesn't always have someone to sing it with him. Monica did an impressive job with the vocals on that song, and she popped out to sing back-up on some of the bands other songs that night, which really filled out the sound." Makes ya proud, don't it? And as always...PTB is King (and Monica is Queen!) |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 12:53 pm: | |
Hi latest info from SPV on TNA. SPV proudly signs two of the biggest legends in blues and rock on ONE album! Whenever rock icons like guitarist/vocalist Pat Travers and drummer Carmine Appice work together, enlisting the support of the ingenious all-round bassist, T.M. Stevens, into the bargain, the result is bound to be a technically accomplished masterpiece oozing sheer energy and power. The current album by Travers & Appice, It Takes A Lot Of Balls (Release Date: Oct. 04, 2004), certainly lives up to its promising title: real men playing rock music for people with guts. Pat Travers has been one of America’s most renowned blues rock guitarists for over thirty years. His 1977 album, Makin’ Magic, is considered a milestone of the genre, his early shows (frequently performed barefoot and marked by wild gesticulations) were indications of a great career in the making. Towards the end of the Seventies, Travers had his most successful era in commercial terms, releasing the top sellers Pat Travers Band Live! Go For What You Know and Radio Active, featuring the singles ‘Boom, Boom’ and ‘Is It Love’, before moving to Orlando, Florida, where he concentrated increasingly on the American market. Metal Hammer praised his tracks: “Music that lives off a perceptible live character, and songs that Travers seems to produce off the top of his hat.” Drummer Carmine Appice has garnered countless awards and prizes during the course of his long career, having formed the legendary Vanilla Fudge in the Sixties, followed by the all-star troupe, Cactus, a few years later. He went on to play with guitar legend Jeff Beck and bassist Tim Bogert in the trio, Beck, Bogert & Appice, worked for jazz rock bassist Stanley Clarke and played with Rolling Stone Ron Wood. Appice also toured with Rod Steward and co-wrote world hits like ‘Do You Think I’m Sexy’ or ‘Young Turks’. In the mid-Eighties, he founded the heavy metal band, King Cobra, and later joined Ozzy Osbourne and Ted Nugent, Pink Floyd also being among the bands on Appice’s résumé. He published the textbook, ‘Realistic Rock’, which has sold over 300,000 copies, and his workshops and drum clinics have been breaking attendance records all over the world. Anxious for October to come. Rod from Germany |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 01:12 pm: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 05:53 pm: | |
But will they release it here in the states? Melodirock.....or something like that, says its only released in europe. Anyway, BRING ON OCTOBER!!!! Thanx for the cool info Rod! g |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 05:57 pm: | |
Hey gREG, whether it's released here in the States or not, thanks to the Internet, purchasing CD's overseas is very easy. I buy just about all of my CD's out of Japan. Getting a copy of TNA should be no problem! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 03, 2004 - 06:28 pm: | |
yeah, Pig, we'll just chip in to send Rich over there to get a bunch! LOL Big Ed, sorry you didn't get word. I split to LA to get over the funk, and didn't bring yer number so couldn't have called ya if I had remembered . . . I call that day Black Saturday -- guess you had a Black Sunday too. OR -- did you take a camera to Birkenfeld??????gimmegimmegimme gREG, all I can say is: Listen to "Goin' Blind" about a hundred times and you'll remember how old you are (no, you're NOT 16)! you old bastard!! the best way to guess his age is to know mine! hahahahahaha Happy Firstday, Big g!That Pantera experience sounds like the kind a guy wants to forget, much like . . . uh . . . I forgot. Strat, you doin' the Bear? I'm leaning thataway, just gotta figure out whether I think I can fly out the next a.m. for critical meetings in PA. sounding more like Big Ed again! Eric and Rich, sorry but I didn't fire up the computer at all Sunday. Spent morning til night at the beach -- bonfire, mushmallows, boogie boarding and catching crabs -- THEN I started looking in the rocks for little shellfish! but I digress |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 01:45 am: | |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 07:59 am: | |
Randal, I think Birkenfield was cancelled too. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 10:24 am: | |
SSWWEEEETT!!!!!! Can't wait! T&A-It Takes Alota Balls! Ya gotta love it. But will they do any kinda tour? Thats the big question. Randal, after spending a few days at the beach, I don't know how ya do it, the stress of the waves, the constantsource of irratation:sand. It was just awful...........NOT!! I'm just gonna pitch a tent and LIVE on the beach!!! We will hook up next time we are Diego way! Couldn't get off the Balboa peer. awesome. And as Rockp says: PTBISKING! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 10:24 am: | |
Quote:By Brian Maybe on Monday, August 02, 2004 - 03:34 pm: No, Gilby isn't with them this time around. I saw them last year with him, too. The guy they have this time isn't as raw, Guns & Roses sounding, but he did a decent job. Who cares, though, when there's Nancy to look at!
The new guitarist is Craig Bartock. He's fairly unknown - but apparently him and Nancy really hit it off as they co-produced the new album "Jupiters Darling" which is a really rocking album that somehow manages to capture the old magic of early Heart - and yet it has a modern edge to it all at the same time. I'll be seeing them this Saturday in Vegas and again the next night in Phoenix. I won one of the ten meet and greet passes with the ladies for the Phoenix show, so that should be fun. Cheers, Randy |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 01:10 pm: | |
WOW -- I get the feeling that TNA is going to blow us away! Although I normally DO find it quite impressive . . . sounds like a tour may be afoot. So will the cover art have a picture of a pool table? Just wondering, cause it takes alot of balls to play that game. And how about TNA opening for PTB? now THAT would be a kickass tour! Gettin Bette, you think they cancelled the whole Run at Birkenfeld, or did PTB just cancel? anyway, maybe see you at Algona. Got critical meetings to save the hotel deal the next a.m. in PA, so dunno if I should go. I'll start checking it out. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 01:58 pm: | |
Randal, not is this going to be a deja vu in Algona? |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 03:38 pm: | |
Randy, Yeah, Jupiter's Darling is really good! How cool that you'll get to go to the meet & greet! I met Nancy once, and she was extremely nice. gREG, you're making a mistake not taking the wife to the Heart show! TNA, definitely has whet my appetite! Looking forward to that, and hopefully a live show, too! Cheers, Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 04:40 pm: | |
NEWS FLASH: More info trickling in on the TNA project... I found this on the Brave Words & Bare Knuckles website... "TRAVERS & APPICE - Balls Out In October [Rock Hard - 04.08.02 08:06:16] SPV will release the TRAVERS & APPICE title It Takes A Lot Of Balls on October 4th. The set features blues rock legends, guitarist/vocalist PAT TRAVERS and drummer CARMINE APPICE (VANILLA FUDGE, KING COBRA, OZZY OSBOURNE), along with bassist T.M. Stevens. The new album will be released through SPV worldwide, in Europe on October 4th and in the US on October 14th. It Takes A Lot Of Balls features 12 new tracks. Stevens supplies vocals on one of the tracks, ‘Gotta Have Ya’. Carmine Appice comments on the release, “This is the best album I’ve done in years.” Travers and Appice are planning a European tour for October. Material will be recorded for a future DVD release. More details as they become available." DVD???!!??? COOL! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 05:49 pm: | |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 06:36 pm: | |
In this world of political correctness ~ our man Pat is putting out an album titled "IT TAKES A LOT OF BALLS." It takes a lot of balls, indeed. PTB rawks!!! Randy |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 08:20 pm: | |
Randy, ya doin alotta road trippin'? Or ya flyin'? Might just have to take Lisa.....think theres a few tix left. Randy, if ya havent been to the Celebrity here in PHX, you'll love it! Its in the round and no seat is less than 65 ft awa y from the stage. Hey, just might have talked myself into it. Thanx steve! g PTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBPTBrules |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 09:01 pm: | |
Here's a link to TM Stevens site all's I can say is...WOW! This Cd is gonna kick it! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 04, 2004 - 10:09 pm: | |
Just wondering if all the excitement over the upcoming TNA release might be due to the anticipation that this could possibly be a return to Polydor era styled ROCK as opposed to the Blues Bureau style we've had for the last 10+ YEARS? I haven't seen this much excitement generated pre-release since the "unreleased" And The Horse You Rode In On, which we all were figuring was a return to ROCK music, and not the blues based stuff... And just where is that confounded horse anyway....... |
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 06:22 am: | |
On my way to work this morning 5:30a there was a least a 60 second plug for Pat playing this Saturday night in Concord. It was on 107.7 The Bone! It's about time I hear some advertising for him on the radio!!
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 06:29 am: | |
RP...would that be the "horse with no name"? LOL turns out I'm friggin' illiterate! Check this out Didn't do so well as I thought I would. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 06:35 am: | |
The song remains the same, but the name has changed. Just waiting for confirmation now. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 08:32 am: | |
Jo,HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! The BIG 49...You're the best!!!love ya,Scott & Andi |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 09:50 am: | |
Quote:The song remains the same, but the name has changed. Just waiting for confirmation now.
TNA and The Horse??!! Bring 'em on! Yes, a return to ROCK is definitely a good thing! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 09:54 am: | |
Happy B-DAY JO!!!!!!
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 11:03 am: | |
Happy Birthday, Jo! I guess yer about as old as gREG . . . TNA and Horse Pucky? WOW!!! What did we do to deserve TWO PT offerings at the same time? And a DVD to boot . . . Rich, yer awesome. Cain't wait for some NEW rock by Mr. PHT!! Checked TM's website, and it says his band is touring Europe in October. So . . . is Shocka Zooloo opening for TNA? Sounds kind of odd, if so . . . oh well, whatever Pat wants to do is okay by me! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 11:30 am: | |
New name for the "Horse" release? Possibly...."It's Takes A Lot Of Horsehoes"??? Hmmmm............ Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk..... gREG....I doubt the TNA show will hit the States. The release is on SPV Records and they are out of Germany. I'm sure they're backing the tour in Europe, but I doubt they'll have anything to do with a Stateside tour, but never say never, right? Me personally, I'd like to see that show. And as always...PTB is King! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 04:08 pm: | |
I just got word from Eric that a 3rd band has been added to the Aug. 28 show in Orlando. The band is called dManufacture and Eric will be on drums for them as well! The guitarist, whom I`ve heard play before, is named David Rankin. David has worked with PT, Eddie Money, as well as with Rick and Eric. Everybody, C'MON DOWN!!! S'later, JH |
Freight Train
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 04:29 pm: | |
Just wanted to let everyone know that the "show of the year" will be on August 28th, right here in Orlando! Thanks to John Howe and Don Barnard pulling all of this together the night is going to blow up! Not only P.T. and Bad Ass REK are on the bill. dManufacture(formerly DOWNSTEM of EPIC records) will be there as well. Anyone having trouble getting flights PLEASE e-mail me as soon as possible and I will see if I can arrange a heavily discounted fare through our agency. ERICFRATES@AOL.COM is my e-mail. A lot of work is going into this so I hope to see as many of you there as possible. Rumor is that someone's turnin' 50 as well, and their name rhymes with John Howe. I will post again as more developes! ERIC |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, August 05, 2004 - 04:47 pm: | |
Eric sometimes posts to much information!!! |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 04:48 am: | |
Eric did you get our email(s)? |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 06:39 am: | |
And our picture disc(s)? Or is it in hands of the FBI...... :o) 'The Lizards' is the opening band for the TNA+TM Stevens European tour. On this site: pics from the last tour with Vanilla Fudge and there was one show in England with Robert Plant on stage. HOLY MOSES !! CU |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 07:01 am: | |
Hey Stalker fine job in booking dat gig! Wish I could make it! Been a while since I've been down FLA way... Rock on dude!
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 07:53 am: | |
Cupala Killa Shotz! FREMONT Thanks Ken! |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 08:36 am: | |
And yet more Fremont pics Fremont Part Deux w/special guest Brad Gillis! This looks like it was one KICKASS show! Thanks Jim Dunn for the XLNT pics!
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 09:41 am: | |
Another week,another Pat show.Pat @ Boardwalk tonight!!!! Thanks for the B-Day wishes.Take Care & stay Truthful!!!...Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 09:47 am: | |
Quote:Another week,another Pat show
Dems da doldrums dude. I feel sorry for ya.  |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 10:23 am: | |
Hey "K" got your email and sent one back, sorry I missed you but something came up with my daughter that I had to take care of. Sherry and Julie, can't make the Sac show tonight (something with my son this time) and I am going to hopefully make it to Saturday night with Michelle (Julie, Michelle from Niles)! Kristina and I had a good time in Fremont, was pretty cool to see Brad Gillis, hadn't seen him in a while! He just played at the Pleasanton Fair, I think a month ago, missed that one. Have a great weekend everyone and be safe! Looking forward to Reno next weekend!! |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 10:34 am: | |
Nice Fremont pix! Hey, Whats the story on that geetar Pat was playin' at that show. Pats new axe? Is it a loaner? Is it one of Mikes? Where's his Gibson double cut-away? Could not make out who the manufacturer is. Ken? Anybody? |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 10:40 am: | |
Hey Darren, that looks like an "EVH Wolfgang" by Peavey or Ernie Ball/Music Man. Probably a loaner from Wishbox. |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 11:18 am: | |
From what i was told at the Fremont show,Is that the airlines broke Pat's Gibson when they made him check it in.... BUMMER!!!!T-lo probably has more info on actual damage..see ya tonight Tony...Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 11:26 am: | |
Saw the Fairfax show last week. Pat said the airlines keep breakin' his guitars so he was tryin' his $200 made in China axe. He dared the airlines to break this one! Looks like the Fri 13 show in Reno will be a FREE show out on the Plaza at Harrahs and the Sat 14 will be a pay show inside at The Virg. This according to |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 11:38 am: | |
Pats new geetar is....'maroon'....and ya gotta be kidding, the airlines made hime luggage it? UNREAL!! Great pics! Have a great weekend peeps! Its ACTUALLY sprinkling here in PHX, and its only gonna be 105'!!!! Here comes fall.......well, i can dream early. g |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 12:35 pm: | |
I REALLY hope it wasn't his trusty Gibson double cutaway that was busted! What airlines?!? I'll boycott 'em if this is true! Don't mess with a man's trusty axe! |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 01:36 pm: | |
man, that sucks! I know how careful Pat is with his guitars, having had the cool opportunity to help carry his rack at Tahoe and at the Coach House. He had Eric hand-carry Smokey to Camp Heineken. Geez, what morons at the airport! I agree Piggy, lettuce know what airline it was and we'll never fly 'em again. Eric, sounds like yer gonna be awfully busy on the 28th! I'm supposed to be in SC about then and have a buddy in Orlando, but I'm not supposed to go see him until the Seahawks-Bucs game Sept 19 so will have to see if it all comes together for your show or not. If so I'll email ya to get in touch with your travel agent. Thanks for the offer. |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 01:38 pm: | |
GINBELS!!!! tic tic tic tic
gimmegimmegimmegimmegimme |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 03:53 pm: | |
Damn, I hope the Custom Gibson double cutaway didn't get messed up! I've got some fly out gigs coming up myself, and I'm always nervous doing that! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 04:14 pm: | |
Hey Randal, hope ya make it to O-Town on the 28th! Heck, I hope many, many people make it! Three great rockin' bands in one night, kan`t beat dat!!! Orlando has plenty of motels and I know I`ll be in buyin' mood! I gotta thank Eric, Don B., the Green Parrot joint, and the bands, for making this all happen! Those guys did all the leg work, and put it together on short notice! All I have to do is show up and wash dishes at the Parrot, full time, for the next 6 months. Eric sez that I`ll be able to hear the bands just fine from the dish sink. Hey Randal, if you do make it, be sure to bring that new $$$ digital camera that ya bought for the recent cancelled northwest gig. I hope ya have lottsa, lottsa memory and batteries for it, `cause I`m gonna need it. S'later,JH |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 04:54 pm: | |
Oh yeah, I gotta thank Ed, big time, for helping out with this too!!! If he hadn`t mis-understood an e-mail that I sent him a few weeks ago...., zip..., nadda..., nothing would`ve happened!!! Thanks a jillion , Ed dude! |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 04:56 pm: | |
Pat has said in the past that he'll figure out some way to get the other Gibson double cutaway that was manufactured at the same time for Joe Walsh away from Joe. Now might be the time to start planning. I doubt Joe even plays his. It's probably still in mint condition. Who better than Pat should deserve it? Give it up Joe! If you do, I'll vote for YOU as our next president! |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 05:02 pm: | |
SUPER FREAKY... LOS ANGELES -- Funk legend Rick James, best known for the 1981 hit "Super Freak" before his career disintegrated amid drug use and violence that sent him to prison, died Friday. He was 56. James died in his sleep at his residence near Universal City, said publicist Sujata Murthy. James lived alone and was found dead by his personal assistant, who notified police, she said. Police and Murthy believe James died of natural causes.The exact cause was not immediately released. "He passed away peacefully in his sleep," O'Connor said. MORE INFO AT WWW.MSN.COM |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 06:41 pm: | |
I have my suspicions, but hopefully he was both peaceful and asleep! RIP, Rick you funky soul bruthuh R |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 06:41 pm: | |
RIP Pat's guitar too |
| Posted on Friday, August 06, 2004 - 06:52 pm: | |
One more thing -- let's not forget Mr. James' most revered song -- "(Do You Love Me) Mary Jane" a moment of silence tomorrow at 4:20 for that one |
| Posted on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 07:28 am: | |
Another great Pat show that we actually went to last night @Boardwalk. Bring our grand total of PAT shows ..Jo-62, Scott 71 ,thats alot P.T. of shows for some true fans!!Mike,Sal,Mark,Ben & Tony,it was good to see you guys.RICH,THANKS for the photo's,you;re the best!We have 2 more shows in Reno,can't wait..See Ya,Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 09:53 am: | |
Tony, Kristina called last night she wants to talk to you, tomorrow she comes back from Pine Mountain, also did you see who else is going to be in Reno next weekend? Carrot Top and Louie Anderson. I'll try calling your cell when I get off of work today, talk at you later! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 10:38 am: | |
Hey Traverschick: One other band is playin in Reno next weekend-Joe Bonamassa Band is playin at the Hilton on Friday night. I am goin to see if I can catch both shows. Should be a party in Nevada next weekend. I was bummed that Pat and the boys cancelled Oregon show, but should be able to catch them next weekend. PTB rocks hard! RockinRon |
| Posted on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 11:25 am: | |
Little FYI ... According the Reno Entertainment Guide, Pat will be playing both nights Friday, August 13th & Saturday August 14th at the Harrahs Outdoor Plaza for free. Concert starts at 8:00.We've already seen 2 concerts there,they have it set up real nice,they close down the street and have food & booze booths set up!!So it should be a couple of real fun shows!!...Joe Bonamassa @Hilton starts @ 9:00...See Ya in Reno...,Scott & Jo |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, August 07, 2004 - 01:04 pm: | |
All of you heading to Reno, don`t forget that PT will be at the Maytan Music Center there in Reno on the afternoon of the 14th giving a guitar clinic. Maybe PT can get a super strong guitar case made out of carbon fiber, or kryptonite, while there. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 11:01 am: | |
Update..There seems to be some confusion at Harrah's..In our local paper,the ticket section it has Pat playing Sat. indoors at Harrah's club Virg.Also for free..Jo called Harrah's they had no info,but they did say to call back after 2:00.No matter where he play's ,you still got to like 2 shows in Reno....Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 03:24 pm: | |
Just got of the phone with Harrah's box office,and they said Sat. Pat show is @ Club Virg,@ 7:30..FREE and half priced cocktails!!!now that's a HAPPY HOUR!!...see ya in Reno,Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Sunday, August 08, 2004 - 06:29 pm: | |
What a kick-ass chat tonight. Thanx Eric for spending so much time answering questions and hangin' out! ya'll are missin g a great time. Thanx Cindy and Fletch for makin' it happen! g |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 06:42 am: | |
it was a great chat last night, good to talk to everyone last per Eric's request, Chat this thursday 10:30pm Eastern time |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 08:28 am: | |
Tony, thanks for calling me this morning. Kristina says she will see you this weekend. I will call you and Wendy when we get in to town! Ready for Reno!!!!! PT, gambling and partying, woohoo! Van Halen tomorrow night!! whoohoo, looking forward to that show as well.
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 11:40 am: | |
What's the feedback on a TNT (Turner Broadcasting) colllaborated tour with TRAVERS - NUGENT - TROWER? I have something cooking and moved from a back burner up front. Does anyone know of a "T'" or an "N" that could replace Nugent or Trower? PT is in with me. Feedback please? - Blu |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 11:52 am: | |
How about "Night Ranger" for the "N"? I am sure Brad Gillis would be up for it! And what about Tesla for the other "T"??? |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 12:30 pm: | |
Great suggestions there TraversChick... |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 01:30 pm: | |
Hey Steve Z.... I think you'll love this little tidbit I found on the Web! It is on Lenny Wolf's website under the updated news section... If you folks don't know who Lenny is, he's the singer for Kingdom Come, and before that, Stone Fury. ( ) "Lenny was happy to breathe the unique, sweet smelling LA air (must be the smog) on a longer base again. It keeps bringing back great memories. Through a very old friend called Zap Danner, a buddy from Hamburg who moved to LA and spend the first years with Lenny cruising the town, Lenny met Greg d Angelo, former drummer of WHITE LION. A charming guy with a great sense of humor and, by the way, should Zeppelin ever think about going on tour again, he would be a good choice. After Greg had turned his house into Lenny's rehearsal room, and having jammed a few days, Greg suggested not to have apple pie again, but going to the House Of Blues (very cool club) in Hollywood, where a band was playing called ZEP AGAIN (a very cool LED ZEPPELIN cover band). Guess who was sitting one table away from Lenny. The almighty JIMMY PAGE himself and friends. He surely enjoyed the concert. The most rewarding thing to experience, must be watching a band, who is playing the songs one has written many years ago." Yer band is gettin' famous, dude... Congrats! |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 02:28 pm: | |
How bout that Steve! Too cool! Didn't make Heart, how was it and the meet-n-greet? T-Toadies (great band) N-Nancy Sinatra(she rocks) Thats right Cindy, Eric chat Thurs! g |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 03:24 pm: | |
You could stay on the Canadian theme with Triumph. |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 03:48 pm: | |
I don't think Triumph are actually together and touring, are they? I saw them in '79 (Rock & Roll Machine Tour?) with Judas Priest (Hellbent For Leather) & Legs Diamond (Firepower) in Houston at a 3,500 seat theater and it was an amazing show... |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 03:55 pm: | |
I don't think they're together. Just threw it out there. |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 04:28 pm: | |
guitar player, Rik Emmet still puts out CD's. The last one I heard was very blues influenced. g |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 04:30 pm: | |
How bout N- Napaulm Death........I think Pat would just unplug that opening act! |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 05:09 pm: | |
Why not just have it TRAVERS N TRAVERS? That's what we all REALLY want! LOT'S of Travers! Like a 2 or 3 hour set! Drag out ALL the old tunes that haven't been played in years! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.... Dat's what I'm talkin' 'bout.... |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 06:42 pm: | |
excellent Rockp!! |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 06:52 pm: | |
Hey Strat, I thought I was the only one who knows about Legs Diamond! I have an LP of theirs - I think it's A Diamond is a Hot Rock, or something like that. One of my favorites! Well folks, I will be interviewing with a homebuilding in Ontario CA this Friday. I've been self-employed as an architect since 1987, and while I wasn't looking for a job this one popped up and got my attention. It's a very nice salary, and I would be in charge of making sure the architects we hire are doing what we want them to do. My title? Director of Product Development. I did a pros and cons list and the job won! I can still do my own stuff but it would be nice to get a regular paycheck after NOT having had one in years. NO employee BS, no middle managers to hassle with as I would report directly to the CEO, and good quality of life as I wouldn't have to worry (or work so hard) to make sure money's coming in. It sounds like a cake job. Wish me luck -- I could use it! might not have to sell the office building . . . |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 09:22 pm: | |
Good Luck Randal!!! (fingers, eyes, and toes crossed for you!) And I have two Legs Diamond! Hard Rock and another one, maybe debut/self titled! I thought they were very good for a seemingly unknown band! Anybody remember Keel!? Fronted by Ron Keel, and I think he was nearly 7 feet tall!!! And I am as antsy as the girl in American Pie over the new PT/Appice CD and rumours(?!) of "And The Horse..." CD!!! Holy Crap, Batman!!! Go Ginbels!!!!!! Have I told you I love you two lately!??? Later... Later... |
| Posted on Monday, August 09, 2004 - 09:41 pm: | |
rumours(?!) you guys should check out the weekly chats  |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 09:35 am: | |
Hey Randal & Jimmy B... Was Legs Diamond really that obscure? I thought they were one of those bands that everyone loved, but just never got "that break".... Jimmy B., speaking of Legs Diamond, here's a show for you and your Tejas buddies.....Saturday Sept. 4, San Antonio, TX at the Sunken Gardens Theater.....Starz, Legs Diamond, Michael Schenker, Uli John Roth & Ronnie Montrose. I expect you there, and a full report after the show! (This show looks like a perfect venue for the mighty PTB to really shine on...Why weren't they booked???) And as always....PTB is King! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 10:03 am: | |
Hey Rockpig, thanks for that, that's pretty cool! Always nice to see us get mentioned in different places! And Legs Diamond is playing again?? I know Roger Romeo, I'll have to ask him what's up! That Texas show sounds really cool! Zepagain is booked to go play some overseas military bases, Germany & Kosovo. We leave on Aug 19 for one week! We're really excited to be able to do this, and hopefully, this will lead to some others (like Korea, maybe, Randy??). Saw The Who last night, by winning some tickets last Thurs! Great show! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 11:28 am: | |
I know Night Ranger and love those guys. APA books em' now and they are good friends. But, But, noone seems to think Night Ranger will draw 300 people and for the $10K marker I need 1,000. Pat draws more than Night Ranger most of the time doesnt he? What about Uncle Ted - Nugent. I am looking to draw 3,000 people. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 11:29 am: | |
PS - David Coverdale and Whitesnake are going out and offered me a date. What do you think guys? Anylsey Dunbar on drums is what I need to know? Wow!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 04:58 pm: | |
Sounds great, Blu! I saw Whitesnake a few years back when David was dating Tawny Kitaen. Her mom is married to a friend of ours, so we were hanging out backstage with David, Tawny (before she beat his ass) and Tommy Auldridge. Almost got to meet Jimmy Page when he was doing the Coverdale Page tour, but David and Tawny broke up and the tour was cancelled. Excellent album too! Too damned bad Anyway, they'll give you an awesome show! have fun |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 07:17 pm: | |
Nice Randal, this means more PTB shows in San Diego.........I figure about 1 a month now! Don't sell that office building if ya don't have to, it's beautiful!!!! You could turn it into a house! Anyway, congrats! I saw Whitsnake way back when, they were in the prime of MTV stardom and it was a great show! Heard the last time they were here w/ Dio opening they were great too. I heard Legs Diamond on the radio CONSTANTLY growin' up in San Antonio! PTB should be on that Sunken Gardens bill!! Saw Guns-n-Roses open for the Cult their/Sweet open for Cheap Trick........lots-o-shows there! PTBRULES! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 05:40 am: | |
I moved to Texas, Dallas/Fort Worth, when I was 17 and never heard Legs on the radio! I found them in a cut-out bin at an old five and dime called Gibson's when it was going under. I bought one Legs Diamond, went home, played it and I dug it so much I went back right then and found another album (heh, heh! he said album!) by them and got it as well! Same day, mere hours apart! I turned a couple of friends on to them soon after! Just like I did with Pat! Networking baby! And the two albums were/are A Diamond Is A Hard Rock and Firepower. Later...
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 07:33 am: | |
Hey Booker e-mail me when you read this.... I lost your e-mail addy. Thanks! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 02:49 pm: | |
Randall, trying to get realistic numbers and work a percentage deal on Whitesnake. If the budget is there PT opening with his trio would be bad ass. Any backers on that? It would need to be early November to early December. This sounds like 2,000 tickets. I won't even get a third band. Randall you are amazing dude. - Blu |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 02:54 pm: | |
It was just confirmed this afternoon that Dick Dale, king of surf guitar, will be playing in my neighborhood the afternoon after the BIG, and I do mean BIG, PTB/BAR/dManufacture show in Orlando on the 28th! The Monday following that weekend I have jury duty. When I go to report at the courthouse I hope I don`t get busted `cause I know I`ll be looking just like that movie actor, Nick Nolte, in that DUI mug shot. S`later, JH |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 03:58 pm: | |
UH OH!!!!! Hurricanes heading for Florida. Will they be able to head north this weekend? Hold on tight! Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - 04:15 pm: | |
Hey Bette.... That ain't no hurricane...It's just the mighty PTB wall of sound! Does twice the damage, but easy on the ears! Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 04:18 am: | |
Quote:By Brian Maybe on Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - 10:03 am: Zepagain is booked to go play some overseas military bases, Germany & Kosovo. We leave on Aug 19 for one week! We're really excited to be able to do this, and hopefully, this will lead to some others (like Korea, maybe, Randy??). Cheers! Steve Z
Steve, I don't know about Germany - the people stationed there have a life and can go out and do whatever they want when they are off duty. However, in Kosovo - you are locked down at the base 24/7 for months and months. I did six months in Bosnia and I know that when a band comes to the base - EVERYONE goes to the show. It's a huge event. Even when the band sucks, people still enjoy it because you are so starved for entertainment. I'm sure you guys are going to have a great time there and you'll be blown away by the crowd response. And guess what? You can't drink there, but even when they're sober they go wild. Have a great time! Randy PS: They lady in charge of scheduling entertainment in Korea is a useless turd. I've done all the leg work for her several times - and not a damn things becomes of it. However, now that you're in the system - so to speak - it might be a lot easier for her to get you scheduled for a tour in Korea (and probably Japan). |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 06:53 am: | |
Scott, Ginger is flying in from Texas tomorrow for a week and she wants me to ask you if you are still in touch with John "Red" Tomasello?? If so, do you have a # for him? Thanks. WooHoo Reno this weekend! Leaving early from work tomorrow to head up there, Tony, we will call you once we get closer to town! Who all is going this weekend?
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 06:59 am: | |
Chat tonight, 10:30 PM Eastern time, Bad Ass REK chat room |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 08:08 am: | |
TCF,How was the Van Halen show ?????? |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 08:13 am: | |
Van Halen was pretty good, mixed feelings though. I thought they could have played a little longer and maybe some better songs, but it was pretty cool, they each did their own solo and Eddie kinda blew me away, after surving his lung cancer, what does he do during his solo, lights up a cigarette??? Sammy was incredible along with Michael Anthony! And the drum solo, of course was awesome, good ol' Alex. Love those dutch boys!!! I did enjoy myself!! Now looking forward to PT this weekend and then on the 2nd seeing Deep Purple, Joe Satriani and Thin Lizzy! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 10:55 am: | |
TcF,Got an email from J.T. and he's going to have pass to on ginger,been seeing someone for awhile.. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 12:00 pm: | |
Quote:By TraversChickFan on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 08:13 am: Eddie kinda blew me away, after surving his lung cancer, what does he do during his solo, lights up a cigarette??
Actually, it was tongue cancer. And for what little it may be worth - Eddie says cigarette smoking had nothing to do with him getting the tongue cancer. Randy |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 01:49 pm: | |
Scott,thanks for checking and I will let Ginger know. Good to hear that you and Red are still in touch! Tell him I said hello ok? Randy, I stand corrected, thanks. Still it was a little disappointing to see him like that, he actually looked wasted, he tripped a few times too. None the less, Van Halen kicked Ass!! Hope to see some of you in Reno this weekend, will be at both shows, no matter where they are outside or in the bar! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 03:18 pm: | |
Yeah Bette, I thought about the hurricane screwing up the Algona gig too. My buddy lives in Orlando and they're already under a tornado watch. They're supposed to get nailed tomorrow evening . . . It's official, folks -- I'm walking away from the hotel deal. City of PA made it too damned hard by not believing enough in their own little burgh to help make it happen financially. So now I move into the future . . . better daze ahead. Thanks for all of your positive thoughts -- hopefully the job will be offered tomorrow. For the record, HEEELyes I'll be in Algona! Blu, you too. Keep up the good work and YES Whitesnake and PTB would be a kickass show! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 04:47 pm: | |
Hey Bette and Randal, I talked to PT`s booking agent this afternoon and he mentioned that the guys will be flying out tomorrow morning. Things are still very calm in Miami, so I figure that the guys should get out well ahead of the hurricane. It should be a blast in Reno this weekend! S'later, JH |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 05:05 pm: | |
Thanks for the info, Randy, we're really looking forward to these shows! Regina, Blu, & anyone else heading to Reno, have a blast, and say Hi to the guys from all of us here! Wish I could be there... Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 07:44 pm: | |
Oh, COOL! Thanks, Johnnie Somebody call the Heineken guy for the Royal Bear -- me AND Rick will be there! R |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 08:19 pm: | |
I just caught the weather report for here down in Floriduh. The storm system that caused the tornado warnings in Orlando today is now gone. It was the remnants of hurricane Bonnie. Hurricane Charley, which is now over Cuba, is the potential trouble maker. It now has sustained winds at 110 mph, with stronger gusts. It is expected to pass by Key West at about day break. It`s then expected to make land fall in the Tampa area late Friday evening. I`ve got some good friends near Tampa, and I`ve got my fingers crossed for them. Tampa is about 100~120 miles southwest of Orlando I don`t expect the guys having any problems getting out of Orlando tomorrow morning to make the Reno shows!!! S'later, JH Isn`t there a chat now at the BAR site? |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 08:27 pm: | |
Bad Ass be broken now. Cindy, did you break!?!? |
| Posted on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 08:46 pm: | |
Hi John, it is working fine here, there are 3 of us now chatting, maybe reboot your computer? Not sure why you can't chat |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 01:02 am: | |
Quote:By TraversChickFan on Thursday, August 12, 2004 - 01:49 pm: Still it was a little disappointing to see him like that, he actually looked wasted, he tripped a few times too. None the less, Van Halen kicked Ass!!
I have gone to three of the shows this year. The first two in were in Michigan (Grand Rapids and Detroit). At both shows, Eddie sounded perfectly lucid and clear when he talked to the crowd. However, when I saw him in Vegas this past Friday, I couldn't understand about half of what he said because it was slurred and just didn't make any sense. I've seen several boot videos from this tour - same thing: sometimes he's sober - sometimes he's shitfaced. For what it's worth - he still jams like a mofo - even when he's drunk. Something that I haven't seen mentioned about all this... what kind of an impression does this leave on his son Wolfgang when he sees his Dad shitfaced night after night? Dad gets shitfaced - and still thousands and thousands cheer him on. Somehow this has got to be giving the kid the wrong message. Randy |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 05:02 am: | |
Randal, sorry to hear about the hotel deal falling through. I actually had Ann convinced to make the trip out for the grand opening! Best of luck with interview today, BTW! |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 05:10 am: | |
RED ALERT! RED RED RED ALERT! Ed...someones Rick's page! I went to go there off your links page and get a white page with this message "Un-Root Crew own u " dirty bastards!
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 05:36 am: | |
Hooked - preliminarily it appears that the Calendar script that I was using over at got hacked. Looks like the script-kiddies have more time on their hands than they know what to do with. Major bummer - it'll take me a week or so to fix it. Hmmm.... then again maybe not. I might just have a trick or two up my sleeve. Sorry Rickster..... |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 06:24 am: | |
Randal, first off, sorry about your business deal, think positive there will hopefully be other lucrative deals for you soon! Too bad you won't be in Reno this weekend, my Aunt says it is hot there but with Thunderstorms, really cool lighting shows according to my daughter who has been there all week. Randy, I agree about Wolfgang, its' got to be hard to be children of rock musicians. My husband has been a musician his whole life and I know we had the party scene going, and our kids were around during recordings, practices, etc.. but I know keeping our home life simple and normal they turned out pretty good! Not to mention my husband is not a world reknown musician which I am sure makes all the difference!! Steve, will do, hopefully soon I will be able to make a Zepagain show! P.S. Arleene recently heard from David, made her happy! Putting a few hours in at work and leaving around 11:00a to go see the boys!! Everyone have a great weekend, I know I will...... Pat, Rick, Eric and Reno, can't go wrong!! |
| Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 07:53 pm: | |
Scott and Jo, whatever! I don't know what your trips are? I don't ever have any contact with you guys, so I am at a total loss as to the attitude with me. I don't try to go to as many shows as the two of you only the local ones that I am able to, with kids and family sometimes things come up and I can't make it. Sorry you feel that way when I stay as far away from the two of you as possible. Oh and Scott Michele did want to say hi to you. And I am sure Randal didn't mean anything what he posted it was probably a simple mistake, relax. Eric & Rick, Michele and I had a good time afterwards with you two, you guys sounded awesome, sorry about what happened Friday night - Bobm Threat??? Eric, Michele and I like your new drink (Malibu Rum and Diet Coke)! Rick we hope you had better luck at craps then when we left you and poor Pat was having such bad luck at BlackJack he left to get a bite to eat before he lost too much! Hey Blu, what happened to you this weekend, didn't see you either nights??? Despite the Bomb Threat Friday night it was a fun weekend in Reno! Take Care Everyone! |
| Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 01:17 pm: | |
Major bummer, this work thing is a killer. Not gonna make the show tonight. Will have to catch you all next time around. Have one for me tonight as I have to keep the world safe so that we can have PT playin for years to come!  |
| Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 11:50 am: | |
The second show was great!!! They played indoors at the clubVirg,nice place.They played 3 great sets!!!The boys were AWESOME!!They played a song from the new c.d.TNA,the song totally rocked Eric handled vocals on it!...We also went to the show during the day at the music store where we got to see the boys practice.They were working on the Charlie Brown song ,Totally cool,they also played it at the show that night.The day gig was a cool little 3-4song set about 20-30 people there real up close and personal..WE had a great time...Scott & JO |
| Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 10:48 am: | |
Hey TraversTravelers, How about a revue of the Reno shows? Did they go ahead with the second show? Darren |
| Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 10:06 am: | |
Randall,What the hell are you talking about,don;t ever include my ex-wife Regina with me again!!She has not been to as many shows as JO and I have,In fact she B.S. alot about the shows she goes to...She is no friend of ours,if you only knew you would understand our postion on her. PT-STALKER we take that as a total compliment,thank you!!! SCOTT & JO |
| Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 09:15 am: | |
Finally!!! Pat Travers Band Tonight in Seattle! WOOHOOO!!! Here is some info that Eric's girlfriend posted on the BAR site: Hello all! I saw John Howe's comments on the PT site. I can not post on that site due to a problem with my password. Our house is still standing although our electric is out, we have tree branches everywhere and our fence is down in spots. Otherwise we came through with flying colors. I contacted Annette (Rick's girlfriend ) and she is fine. The area that they live in was hit much harder, so I was concerned. I heard that the Reno show had over 5K people , but they were made to stop after the third song and escorted off the stage by police due to a bomb threat, so that is very unfortunate for the fans that traveled far to the show. I happened to be in San Diego o Wednesday and flew home for the storm in fear that I would not be able to contact my family and friends if they had to evacuate, so fortunately everyone I know had minor damage, but may be stinky until the power is back. Talk to you soon, and I am really lookin forward to th Green Parrot show on the 28th!! Angela |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Sunday, August 15, 2004 - 08:51 am: | |
Just heard from my friend in Reno and he said they had to clear the joint out Friday night because some freak called in a bomb threat. How`d things go last night? |
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 04:00 pm: | |
Jimmie |
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 03:59 pm: | |
SWEET....just got my tix for Jimmiw Vaughan!! Intimate setting too, last time he opened for Eric Clapton in the arena. Craziness in Reno! WOW!! String-o-bad luck w/ these shows! Hopefully tonight will make up for it! g |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 02:36 pm: | |
Hey Powpig, man, that is scary! I suspect some kinda terrorist based thing. I`ll e-mail a friend of mine, Chuck Ruff, who lives in Reno and see what the heck happened! Chuck is a drummer that did work with PT for awhile back in the late 70`s~early 80`s, and told me he was planning on going to the show. The body count from the hurricane now stands at 16. There is another tropical storm lurking about in the carribean. YIKES! I`m heading out tonight to a benifit jam to support a long time local musician that has serious health problems, and is going broke. Man, so much bummer news lately! I really, really got my eyes crossed for the hoe down in O-town on the 28th!!! Come on down!!! S'later, JH |
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 12:41 pm: | |
Last night in Reno, PT & the boys mighta wished they were still in Florida. After great versions of Hooked On Music & Life In London to open the show, they didn't make it through Case Of The Blues before being interrupted by a Harrah's spokesman who pushed PT aside and grabbed his mic. We were told to evacuate the Plaza in an orderly manner, this was not a joke. Reno Police and Harrah's security kept expanding the bubble until the Plaza and even the sidewalks and streets were empty. Bomb threat? A sniper? I'm just speculating and know no official details. It was one strange evening for the concert goers and undoubtedly for Pat too. Anyone know anything more? Show still on for tonight? Who got the lowdown? |
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 11:03 am: | |
My friend Mike is in Kissimmee, just north of Orlando I think. He spent the hurricane on the front proch! Got lucky that it blew east-west instead of north south, so his house is fine. He drove around this morning and found that others weren't so lucky. Smashed cars, mostly . . . I dared him to walk around in the eye, like I did in Hurricane Gilbert in '88 in Cancun (once-in-a-lifetime thrill!), but it just barely missed him. BH, in case I don't make it to the orifice before I fly out, my cell no. is 619 571 3786 Scott and Regina, you guys are awesome! Bet it won't be long til one of you hits 100 PT shows! Oh yeah, RIP Julia Childs. Her family asked everyone to have a drink on her at 8 pm tonight. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 08:49 am: | |
Our prayers are there also. g |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 07:33 am: | |
Orlando seems pretty much intact. The theme parks are actually reopening today. I did just try to call Angela, Eric`s girlfriend, but the phone just rang and rang at their home. I then left Eric a message on his cell phone letting him know that Orlando was pretty much okay. The southwest coast of Florida is wrecked, BIG TIME!!! The storm came ashore between Ft.Meyers and Sarasota. A lot of people in that area were really unprepared because the storm was predicted to make landfall in the Tampa area. There are alot of retired elderly living in huge mobile home parks in the devistated area. The mobile homes are now flattened. The town of Punta Gorda is completely destroyed. Thousands and thousands of people are now homeless in that area. Wreckage is blocking a lot of roads and there won`t be electricity in that area for a long, long time. I pray for those people. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 14, 2004 - 01:59 am: | |
OK, who got the lowdown? |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 07:34 pm: | |
I'm sure it must be difficult for Pat, Eric & Rick having to be on the West coast doing gigs knowing full well what is going on in Orlando at this time, and worrying about their families, friends and loved ones. I hope that everything is okay for you guys and that you've received no bad news from back home. I'll see you guys on Sunday night in Algona, WA (assuming the gig has not been cancelled again due to the situation back home?). Randal, drop me your cell phone number to my email address. I am doing the film shoot in Vancouver Saturday night, but have made arrangements to be at the gig in Algona on Sunday. I'll buzz your cell phone when I get into Seattle. See you & everybody else then! And as always....PTB is King! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 03:48 pm: | |
gREG, when watching the sun shine, DO NOT look directly at the sun!!! Scott & Jo, you two are indeed the stalkiest of stalkers!!! I am not worthy of calling my self PTB Stalker in your presence!!! (but I will) I should leap off of the highest mountain here in Miami for such a pride full self appointed title!!! (Miami....mountains? Yeah..., right!) So, guitar pics cause tongue cancer!? Can we all say self destructive artist? S'later, JH |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 10:31 am: | |
I plan on watching the sun shine.......and shine....and shine. Thank God I have the Ginbel CD's to pull me thru this weekend. But, oh, It's suppose to be hot fot another 2/3 months here. WWHHaaaaa WhA Wha!! Crying doesn't seem to help, how odd. Rich, sorry I missed yer call! g |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 07:13 am: | |
ANOTHER WEEK ANOTHER 2 PAT SHOWS....COCKTAILS,GAMBLING & P.T.B.,now that's a POWER TRIO!!!!Gettin ready to roll out. Hitting Tahoe first a little fun at the lake,last time we went to Tahoe was for the pre-grand opening party for Sammy's new CABO WABO TAHOE,that was a fun night Nugent played w/WABORITA's as his band and Sammy came out jammed that was a great show....It's not as nice as the Cabo joint,still pretty nice..Tahoe/Reno bound...these 2 shows brings our PAT TRAVERS SHOW total's Jo 62,SCOTT 73,that's alot of shows for some true die hard fans...SEE YA,SCOTT & JO |
| Posted on Friday, August 13, 2004 - 07:11 am: | |
Damn sorry Randal...However, reading your posts, I am certain you have other opportunities in your near future. You have a lot going for you. And sorry, Eddie's comment about his putting guitar picks in his mouth causing his tongue cancer and not the cigarettes is DENIAL!!! Kind of like like getting absolutely stinking drunk, passing out, choking to death on your own vomit and saying it wasn't the alcohol...I'm not a doctor, but come on! However...