Author |
Message |
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 06:41 am: | |
Regina,Hell ,you gone as far as to follow us to our hotel after Pat shows in San jose and leave notes for me at the front desk,these people might not know you but we do!!!So don't try and play innocent!!Thats just one example of your B.S. we have to put up with.. Scott & JO |
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 06:45 am: | |
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 07:00 am: | |
Guys, I don't know you any more than the man on the moon. Can I suggest you guys continue this by email or phone? |
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 08:51 am: | |
Algona, WA news flash.... The PT BAND laid, slayed, fileted & sauteed 'em last night! I think they made around 300 new friends last night. The crowd (most of them anyway) wasn't prepared for what was to follow, and I think NO ONE was disappointed! A band firing on ALL cylinders last night! (Coulda used more cowbell.....) Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk... Great to see The Boys, Randal, Bette, Darren & Sandi. Sorry we missed you Nitro. Next time you gotta be there! I'm whupped...going to bed! And as always...PT BAND is King! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 10:01 am: | |
Bomb threat during a PT show??!! What a drag for all involved! Glad to hear they made up for it at the next couple of shows. Thanks for all the reports! Glad to hear that all the guy's homes & families are ok, too. I think I'll stick with the CA earthquakes for no hurricanes! Cheers! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 10:13 am: | |
Thing is...what they mistook for a Bomb Threat was the explosion that is the
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 10:20 am: | |
....and Stevie Z...I'm stickin with good ol' earthshakes or flyin' houses - or weird-ass bugs for that matter. ...just a wee bit a snow now and again, and all that does is gimme an excuse to stay home from work! |
| Posted on Monday, August 16, 2004 - 06:01 pm: | |
Sorry everyone. However, none of that is true. I think there is a lot of insecurities and jealousy going on. I have emailed Ed and have told him that I will no longer be on here so Jo can relax for a while. It was a pleasure to meet some of you and maybe I will see some of you at any No. Cali shows. It has been fun and thanks! |
Tony Y Takano
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 04:48 am: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 06:42 am: | |
Regina,what ever,we KNOW THE TRUTH!!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 08:28 am: | |
Traverschickfan, Aren't you going to Texas? BTW, Great show in Algona. Great seeing everyone tho' it was a crazy long weekend for PTB with the bomb threat which they said was a real disappoint-ment for the band and of course the fans. But........They Rocked the Royal Bear!!! Bette |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 08:57 am: | |
New User and other requests went unanswered for the past two weeks while I was out of town. Sorry for the delay. I tried to keep up but just couldn't I will be updating things around here as time allows, most probably within the next day or so. Regards, Ed
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 09:16 am: | |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 10:08 am: | |
Hey folks. I'm kinda new to this whole computer thing, so please bear with me. I've been a PT fan for many years now. I reside in Portland, Oregon. I just wanted to say, what a disappointment the Birkenfeld cancellation was. Did anyone happen to check out the website? Did PT actually perform with ARS? I gotta say, I really don't like that Lee Austin dude from SEABATE. Anyhow, gotta run...C-ya. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 01:08 pm: | |
Nitro, too bad you weren't at the Royal Bear It's a fun place. Oh, and the Band was good too ha!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 04:19 pm: | |
What a kick ass show in Algona!!! I think it was one of my favourite PTB shows ever. Pat sure looks like he's getting younger not older. He's fit, trim, lean & mean! I've said this before but he raises the intensity level up a notch with every show. He seemed to be feeding off Rick & Erics playing which was phenomenal. Eric is the monster of all monsters when it comes to drumming. It is such a treat to watch this guy demolish his kit...I was grinning from ear to ear! This band is the real deal! The highlight of the set for me was to hear them incorporate the hard rock version of the Charlie Brown theme song into the set. LMAO! Very Joe Satriani' totally cooked! Its rare to see Pat do some improvising, I wish he'd do more of it! We were held up in the hour long wait at US customs & just barely made it in time. Walked through the doors of the Royal Bear just as Hooked on Music was starting. Thats what ya call cutting it close. Whew! It was great to see the PTB faithful again! Cool meeting Kevin & Lynette, the owners of the Royal Bear. Awesome Club! I think they want Pat & the Boyz to play there on a regular basis now. We will not argue that! Bette gave Pat a wonderful massage after the show. Hey Bette, maybe Pat will hire you as his personal masseuse.
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 06:48 pm: | |
First off, Scott I meant no harm -- thought I saw each of you SEPARATELY talking about your PT gigs, so I bunched you together like a dilrod. SORRY, man! My bad. I know you're with Jo now. Attagirl, Jo for all the PT shows you've been to. Algona was my 20th PT show, and it was a BLAST! Not like Reno ALMOST was (heh heh) . . . man, oh man! The band was on FIRE! Eric had me either smilin' or laughing with his badass style, and the eye contact with Rick was a hoot too. "Contestant Number One?" Every time I looked at Eric he'd play a little flourish as if to say "HEY F#$@*r I see you!" I can't wait to see the pictures of us all, and of course the shots of the "dancing lady!" hahahaha I'm losing my balance just thinking about it. The Charlie Brown theme song rocked, and it was great to hear Crash and Burn with Rick and Eric again -- well, and all the other songs too! Pat's hotter than ever -- go if you can!!!! By the way, Pat does a GREAT Christopher Walken impression! hahahaha What was it -- THE Bruce Silverstein, I think? funny!! Eric, missed you after the show. You guys should have enough Heinies and munchies to get through another hurricane! Rick, thqanks foir hanging out with me and Bill, and I shall always remember the honor of playing your Spector and getting a slappin' lesson (on the bass you perverts). WEll, come to think of it I guess you DID give me, Bill, Eric and Pat a slapping lesson in the RV! hahahahah you Give "gettin ahold of yourself" a whole new meaning! hahaha it was great to see you guys Monae, PTB blew off that Birkenfeld show after problems with the promoter. No money, no deal kinda thing, Pat says. I was all set to go but cancelled when I heard, but I made sure not to miss Algona #2. What a show! Stratabilitus, I made it to SeaTac just fine. The bottles of water were my best idea! Also made it to Port Angeles, where we celebrated Pearl Harbor Day early with me dropping the baughm (avoiding Big Brother, you know) that I would abandon the hotel project. Said goodbye to my friends there and made the front page this morning. Took an earlier flight home, and before I left Seattle my buddy called and asked me to go to Van Halen Insane Diego TONIGHT. Gotta do it! (Grace wrote me a note saying I could go, gREG!) The trip was relaxing, in spite of the major stress hanging over my hotel announcement. I went up to Sunrise Resort at Mount Rainier to get my head together and figure out what I would say in PA the next day. I looked at the huge volcano before me and thought about what it was saying to me. Then I wrote a new song called "Shadow of the Mount." It's about the mountain needing to destroy itself in order to grow. That makes two songs about PA -- looks like an epic CD is coming! so it WAS 4:20 when I wrote it -- that ain't such a bad thing! I'll share our originals with you all when we get 'em on a cd - just taping for now. Before I headed up, I bought Velvet Revolver, Tom Waits "Alice" and The Vines' new cd. The Vines are extremely cool! I highly recommend them to you guys. Tasty licks, cool lyrical play and haunting melodies. Now I'm gonna buy their old stuff. VR sounded better than the snippets I had heard on Real Downloads, so I was glad I bought it too. Tom Waits is always Tom Waits -- an acquired taste, which I got in college. And finally, it was fantastic to see Stratrock, Getting Bette, Darren and Sandi and my high school buddy Tim Ricks! Yer right Darren, the owners were very cool. Hope we get the black and white, Strat! My picks were all on a disposable because like a dumbass I forgot my digital. Will scan and email to Ed when processed, and due to the Dancing Lady I'll make a POINT (tee hee) of getting them soon. that's all for now |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 06:53 pm: | |
Thanks Bette, would have loved to have been there, but these 13 hour shifts are just too much these days. Unfortunately there are just too many people counting on me to be able to slip away like I would have when I was younger. Must be gettin down right responsible these days I guess. Wished I could have been there, and had the show gone when originally planned, I would have. Shame they didn't ask me when a good time to reschedule was, but I am glad the venue worked out. I was a little worried there. Next time fer sure!!! Might even have to get together before somewhere too, we can have our own PT night somewhere! Would love to see pics if anyone got some. PT RULES!!!! (even if I couldn't make it) |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - 10:48 pm: | |
Okay...I've had my nap and now it's time to report... My God...what a RIPPIN' PT Band show in Algona, WA. Where do I even begin... Kevin & Lynette, the owners of the Royal Bear MUST be commended for being the absolute pinnacle of what a bar owner should represent. They are the very best. I got there early after a long drive down from Vancouver, B.C. only to find that Randal was not there yet. I asked for a pay phone and one of the friendly waitresses said they had no pay phone, but that I could use her personal cell phone to make a long distance phone call....Now I ask cool & friendly is that??? Great staff. I immediately fell in love with the place. These folks were COOL.......Thank you to the entire staff at the Royal Bear!! A very cool bar indeed... Met Gettin' Bette and she was very cool and a laugh a minute...Those of you that already know her know what I mean. Eric & Rick, I can't say enough nice things about those two...First of all, they absolutely SLAY the crowd with their talent, but I think all of you that have experienced that already know what I'm saying here... I wanna discuss how cool they are as PEOPLE... Right off the bat, from the first introduction, Rick made me feel that we had been lifelong friends. It's as simple as that. Nothing more or less. Just a natural feeling. He quickly introduced me to Eric, who was handling his soundcheck and Eric's first response was "Strat! Wassup man!" like we had known each other forever. Eric later stated that it had been 5 years since we had first known of each other, but this was our first formal introduction. (Had it really been 5 years??? Yep!) These guys are first and foremost, very cool individuals....never mind how phenomenal they are as musicians. That's almost secondary at his point...We all know how hard they can ROCK. My priviledge to know them... Pat...The dude just keeps gettin' betta.....It was simply a fantastic show. The crowd was WAY pumped and ready. The band could do no wrong tonight. Bar a couple of stage related monitor issues from an inexperienced sound crew, this band was •••• hot tonight. It was great to see after the mess I saw at the Ballad Firehouse a couple of years ago. (Remember that show Darren & Sandi?) Thanks for this redemption show! Because tonight (Sunday) you guys owned the planet! Eric was a thundering monster (the crowd loved him), Rick was a melodic genius and a solid foundation...and Pat was...on fire. Very relaxed like I've never, ever seen before. A very cool change of pace. His voice sounded more in command than I've ever seen since the early 80's and it was a very cool thing to see. I had a strange experience the night before in Vancouver that presented a very unique situation with Pat (without bearing details) and it was funny to catch his response. Those of you that were there for dinner know what I'm talking about. I also surprised Pat with some cool memorabilia from the early days that I think he found amusing and we all found entertaining. After the show Randal & I stopped by to visit with Rick at the hotel and when we arrived, Rick was in deep discussion with the bass player from the opening band (I think) and was very open to any discussion that he had. Also, Rick was very open and cordial to answering questions that Randal was throwing him regarding his "slap funk bass technique", which I felt, described just how cool & unassuming Rick really is as a person. This guy is the epitome of "rock star cool" and has the credentials to back it up if he wanted to "be cool" and yet, he's as "normal" and "laid back" as anyone could possibly comprehend. An absolute class act if I ever saw one...and I've seen many in my day... are indeed the man. I salute you and am priviledged to call you "friend". Dude, you rule. Eric...nothing to say, my friend. You slay 'em on stage, and you exemplify "cool" by any standard. You're my new "Home Slice"! Love ya Bro! I've seen many incarnations of the PTB over the last 25 years, and you two are an excellent representation & confirmation of what I call the "consumate rock band" within the expectations of the Pat Travers Band ideal. That ain't blowin' smoke...that's the damn truth. Be proud my brothers. You are the REAL DEAL. Glad to know you both. Pat....his guitar playing has always been above par...that's a given expectation...His vocals have been less than stellar for the last 10 years or so....Not one to bitch, but as primarily a guitar player myself, I've always dug his show, but in Algona on Sunday night? I saw a better man on the vocal mic. On key, in charge, confident and very emotive. Made me very proud of our man...He's defintely getting better with age, and the "lifestyle changes" have been well worth it. Pat was more laid back, confident, relaxed and spot on like I've not seen since '84. And that's the truth. The dude simply smoked the crowd on Sunday night. And I for one absolutely dug it. Long live the mighty PTB...The REAL PTB..... |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 12:50 am: | |
HERE HERE Still blown away Hey Strat -- I went to VH tonight. OH MY EFFING GOODNESS!!! Eddie was ON!! Sammy even commented on his lucidity! haha WOW. We definately saw one of the best shows of the Van Halen tour. Eddie was ripping improv, at first making me wonder if he could even hear himself cut soon realizing he was ALL OVER that poor fretboard. Michael did an amazing distortionist bass solo with his Jack Daniels bass (a sponsor - who knew), and when he was grinding the fretboard against his amps I couldn't help cringing, knowing that my smart-assed guitarist would say something about that resembling ME . . . The show was powerful, the band was tight, Sammy said they spent all day at the beach and we had a great time! Good to see Eddie -- Lookin' Up there were some very cool moments -- Right Now is a medial barrage of either positive or inquisitive messages designed to make people THINK and at least one of which struck me personally - "Today Someone Will Give More Than They Will Receive." sounds like Port Angeles goonight, y'all |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 05:25 am: | |
Never met two cooler guys than Rick & Eric! Better people than they are musicians, and that is a mouthful!! Later...
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 07:46 am: | |
What a show!!!! The boys rocked Algona!!!!! They were on fire. Pat is like fine wine, just keeps getting better. The Royal Bear is a great place, lots of fun. Kevin and Lynette the owners are awesome, wishing you great success. Not much more I can say than what's already been posted. It was great to see everybody, here's hoping we can do it again soon. And yes RockP we remember Ballard all too well. Eric and Rick, you guys are top notch and the coolest!!! Thanks for everything |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 09:11 am: | |
Randal, I enjoy the "Shadow of the Mount" (Rainier)story. Very eloquent. Great to hear about Eddie VH, too. BTW, Who is the Dancing Lady??? |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 09:50 am: | |
Hey Bette, I don't think you could see the Dancing Lady from where you were sitting. She was in the middle of the crowd between us standing by the front-of-house soundboard and Rick (who, like us, didn't miss a thing!). I also caught the other boys in the band noticing the talented Dancing Lady at various times throughout the set. Yep...she was that good, but I wonder how she felt the next morning? Hmmm.... Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk....There's one in every crowd, but at least this time she was easy on the eyes. Gotta love that... Randal, glad to hear the good report on the VH show. I had read bad reviews even as recent as the show a couple of days earlier up in the Bay area! Maybe Pat needs to pull EVH aside and talk the benefits of "lifestyle changes". But as we all know, you gotta want to do it for yourself. No one can tell you to do it. Hope EVH gets it straight before it's too late. And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 10:04 am: | |
I can speak nothing but good things about "lifestyle changes." What a change to wake up in the morning, and actually feel like staying awake. My brother-in-law is a huge VH fan, it would probably be the end of him if something happened to EVH. Sure wish we could've made it to the Algona show, but work seems to dictate our lives. We are glad to read the good reports and fun times had by all there. Perhaps next time. It would be fun to meet some of you folks, although, I probably have through the years and years (would have to count ticket stubs to have any clue how many shows) of PTB performances. Well, off to work again, looking forward to more good reviews. C-ya |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 10:22 am: | |
Hey Hammerheads, Check out my latest e-mail with Majestic Rock regarding the PT re-issues (there's hope yet in getting this mess straightened out): Geoff, What's the good word regarding the new Pat Travers DAT's? Larry Hi Larry. I'm back in the UK at the moment and we're having lunch with the Universal people on Friday, so watch this space. Cheers Geoff |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 10:36 am: | |
I personally didn't enjoy the Alogna show at all. The sound wasn't loud enough, Eric and rick didn't even acknoladge me and Pat seemed almost invisible to me. Every time I talked to the banana, it cried.........oh wait a sec, I didn't make that show. little confused again. Hope ya'll took some pics, sounds like a BLAST!! Trying to find my magic fairey dust to get myself to the Orlando show. No flight info......but I'll be there mentally, sort of. way to get the permission note almost seems like your on tour more than Pat!! Ya'll sure it wasn't BETTE as the dancing lady????? g |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 10:47 am: | |
gREG, I was afraid they were talking about me. It wouldn't be surprising. phew!! not this time. too funny.......wish you were there!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 10:58 am: | |
gREG, yer just too damn picky! LOL! And are you completely sure it was a banana that you were talking to? Hmmmm....... |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 11:06 am: | |
ya gREG, are ya sure??? strat, good point. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 01:20 pm: | |
Rick, Did ya get the power back, yet? oh, and also thanks! You guys were great. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 02:11 pm: | |
Reminds me of a gig a few years for my brother's band. They were a hard rocking act plagued by a Deadhead dancing the entire time. Finally in between songs in a moment of silence I said loudly, "Could you please play some NON-dancing music?!" The band and everyone in the bar cracked up laughing, and the dancing girl quietly crawled back to her table and sat down the remainder of the show. |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 03:33 pm: | |
Blur -- We didn't say a WORD!! The pics will tell all . . . and yeah Bette, we were watching you dance too! This gal was hammered, and her husband/boyfriend let her dance with another guy. He was bending her every which way and loose, with stuff popping out here and there! Someone woulda died if that was my wife! YIKES!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 03:43 pm: | |
I wondered were Lisa was that night.....damn her! The banana was crying because the stop sign was melting.......I mean, c'mon guys, we all know that........mother? and why does my screen saver keep talking directly to is Ed gonna post these pics??!! can't wait to see them!! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 03:59 pm: | |
I found this on the main page of the Birkenfield website. This is regarding the cancelled PTB gig in Oregon a couple of weeks ago that also led to the cancellation of the first Algona gig the following night. Still, it doesn't answer much, but I found it interesting.... July 23-25, 2004 Birkenfeld, OR WHAT HAPPENED? For all you people that are internet savvy I will explain again as I tried on the stage this weekend. The events leading up to the no show of Molly Hatchet started when I signed these bands on February 20th of this year. Contracts were signed and money was transferred at that time.The problem began in June with the notice on the Molly Hatchet site that they were playing in Germany the 24th. Steve Green the bands management told me not to worry that Bobby Ingram liked to showboat on his website and there was a lot of money that had not been showed, to be had for the DVD and video before it could happen. In a couple of weeks we would know the answer. I decided at that point because of the advertising to ride it out and see what developed. Three weeks went by and no word so we contacted Steve Green again. At that point he reassurred me that 99% they would be at the run. Two and 1/2 weeks before the run we contacted Steve again and he said everything is a go. I was happy. Two days later, Friday, I needed itinerary for the band and at that point Steve told me they were not going to play for the money we agreed upon in February. I was pissed but was told they would possibly play for another $4000 but probably would rather have $6500. I offered them the $4000 still thinking I could make it happen even if I had to go to the full $6500 more. He would let me know on Monday. Wednesday came and still no word, I called again. At that point he blankly said they just did not want to come out here, it was all Bobby Ingram. •••• it, I hired another band trying to fill the void. That took me a week to do, getting JVZ. Thursday I went to the run site and got prepared, most of everything you saw on the stage including the stage size 40x30 and all the lights were requirements of Molly. Friday at noon My guy in Kansas City called and told me that Steve Green cancelled Pat Travers also. It was due to a serious illness from "Atlanta Rythym Section" band leader. Pat had to take his place. I called Steve Green and told him I am getting tired of being bent over the hitching post I wanted some answers. I even tried to buy out the "ARS" contract with money so Pat could come here, but Steve flat told me "it was not about money" and would help me get someone equivalent or better to replace him. Three hours on the phone and a lot of graying, you know the story. Nothing I can do. Apparently it is not enough for some of you that are just unhappy with life in general and to you I say don't bother to come again. I will probably do this again next year and hopefully we will not have these problems. In my heart all I want to do is make a "party" you will have fun at and want to come back. Never in a million years am I out to •••• you or deceive you as I put nothing in my pocket for all the work I do, so how could there be either. I apologize again, I'll try to do a little better on the band backgrounds in the future. Until then I hope I see you in 2005. Maddog *gig promoter* Fortunately for Algona, that gig was rescheduled. I think the first cancellation was a result of the issues going on with the Birkenfield situation.....crazy.... |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 04:41 pm: | |
Just want to wish everyone here a good week; I'm off to do my tour of duty tomorrow am! 3 Led Zepagain shows for our troops in Germany and Bosnia, then Detroit on the 28th, at the Wayne Wheelfest. I want to see those dancing lady pics when I get back!! Cheers all! Steve Z |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 04:42 pm: | |
Rockpig, I agree with Bette, your sentiments about Rick & Eric were very eloquently stated. They're good ole Southern Boys! Two of the most down to earth guys you'll ever meet. Its been about 10 months since I last seen them & when Eric first saw me he knocked over a drink. We were so excited to see each other again. lol Ahhh yes the "dancing girl" LMAO!!! We use that term very loosely. It actually all started as heavy duty lap dancing with her beau. By the time she hit the dance floor I thought she was literally gonna hit it. Wasted! It was hysterical when she bent over with her arms dangling like she was touching her toes & was grinding her rear into some dude. LMAO! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 05:08 pm: | |
Thanks for the kudos Darren, but I believe Miss Bette was talking eloquence about Randal & Mt. Rainier. But I do agree with ya...Eric & Rick are two great fellas. Knock 'em out in Germany, Bosnia & Deeetroit, Stevo! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 06:28 pm: | |
Steve, stay away from the tanks and heavy fire power. I'm sure Zepagain will be providing plenty o' that!!! I'v decided it IS Bette as the dancing girl.....come clean Bette!! haha! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 06:40 pm: | |
I stand corrected. Take out the "I agree with Bette" part & everything else I meant. Having said that, I'm sure Randal's journey to Sunrise Resort at Ranier was a very therapeutic visit for sure. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 08:19 am: | |
Unfunny gREG!! Thank goodness I can't take credit for the "dancing lady". Yes, Randal is the eloquent one. Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 11:49 am: | |
Rockpig; Concerning the page. That's what I was talking about. It certainly doesn't answer much. I will tell you though, I've been trying to get my money back from these jokers ever since. Mr. Austin (SEABATE) informed me that it clearly stated, when I made the ticket purchase "no refunds." I don't remember reading that, but I do remember it "clearly stating" that Pat Travers would be performing there, which is the only reason that I would even consider going to a motorcycle rally out in the middle of nowhere. Now it's not even the money, it's the whole point of it all. How can the Southeast Chapter of ABATE advertise and make money off of something if they didn't follow through? This really burns-me-up! I hate being at the mercy of a group like this, and being ripped-off in such a way. Do you think that if I advertised that The Who would be performing at Council Crest, send ticket money to Monae, NO REFUNDS, that I could make a killing? Sorry for venting folks, it just really sucks when there's nothing that you can do. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 12:21 pm: | |
I'm with you Monae....I think the "No Refund" is supposed to apply more to the "I don't feel like going gimme back my money". Did they have any bands there at all? He's probably also hiding behind a "scheduled acts subject to change" claus somewhere. Tricky bastards....that's what they are...f%%%ing tricky! Hope things work out for you though |
Freight Train
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 02:47 pm: | |
Monae...I am sorry for all of that. It's not much but any show that you can attend please let me know and I will make sure that you are taken care of before during and after the show. Dinner and a good ass kickin' show to boot. Please e-mail me at for anything! ERIC |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 04:32 pm: | |
As always, nice move Eric! Good talking to ya, Rich! Thanks for the call. Yeah, as I said we had an absolute blast, and the band was better than ever (which is a statement in itself). Wish you and Nancy could get out West more often. Maybe you can ride your HORSE out next time, huh? heh heh heh Hey Monae, if it makes you feel any better, I had been working with City of Port Angeles for 3 years and spent over $500K trying to develop the conference center THEY wanted in THEIR town. At the end of the deal, when it became apparent that THEY had to put money into it to make it work, they placed conditions on me that I can't meet. I showed up the morning after the PTB show to tell them to kiss my ass, which of course means that I walked away from the money and time. So all things considered, you got out cheap! Sorry that it happened to you though -- I know it hurts to get ripped off like that. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 06:03 pm: | |
What'd I tell you!? Better people than musicians... Eric, you are a class act. Jim |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 07:33 pm: | |
Huh? Guess I got bounced, huh Ed? oh well -- no big deal |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 07:39 pm: | |
NOPE -- that was me! I exited before I sent my last post. So, the highlight of my weekend was being a PART of the Pat Travers Band Family. We're a cool bunch of people who genuinely care about and look out for each other. What makes it happen? Mr. Patrick Henry Travers, of course, and a couple of guys who comprise the coolest band in PT history simply due to their outstanding musicianship AND their stellar attitudes toward their fans. Being hugged and told "I love ya man" by these guys is a gift seldom matched in this life. And watching the show with friends that only COULD have been made on this site (hats off to Ed and Cindy, for hers too) just made it that much sweeter. THANK YOU, Pat, Rick and Eric!!!!! You made a tough weekend quite pleasant. |
| Posted on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 07:57 pm: | |
eric said i could sleep in his tub. g |
Rockin Rod
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 05:06 am: | |
Hi, Rod from Germany here. Just wanted to let you know, some voodoo knocked out every attached piece of electrical equipment that was connected to my phone line. So several days now with no phone or e-mail. Sorry i can't answer to any mails currently. Hope to be back soon. Good to have freinds that let one use their pc. Rod |
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 02:41 pm: | |
Wow, Eric. That's really cool of you. I do realize that none of this is your fault, but I'll certainly take you up on that, shoot, I'll even pay for my own dinner. Anyway, you-all are great. I've had a terrible week, so maybe things are "lookin' up." Hooked_On_PT, glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks this way. As far as any bands there at all, my friend who was there on Saturday said that the local replacement "talent" wasn't all that great...I believe her. Randal, I feel terrible for you, three years is quite a commitment to walk away from. I certainly hope that you can use that as some kind of tax write-off. |
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 03:05 pm: | |
HOORAY BEER!!!Let the weekend begin,hope you all have a good one!!Playing now P.T.B. Etched in stone,next Los Lonely Boys,& Rory Gallagher-Top Priorty...See Ya,Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 03:16 pm: | |
Can't tell ya what I'm playing, but it's great! Gonna put on The Vines in a minute. Ditto the good weekend stuff. Thanks Monae, I'm getting over it. I heard it hit the paper in Seattle and that MSNBC picked up the story too. Hey -- I'm famous again! hahaha Some folks are still trying to save the deal, but since I let go I'm not sweating it anymore. It really is a relief, and I try not to look back as the money's been gone for awhile anyway . . . I'm just-a movin' on! Thank God for Heineken and small brush fires |
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 03:19 pm: | |
Here's one from the road. My friend Tim was at the Algona show, and had a chance to talk with Pat for a bit afterward. He said "Hey Pat, I think you're very bit as good as you were thirty years ago!" Pat just kind of drawled, "I'd like to think I'm a little BETTER . . ." FAUX PAS hahahhahahahaha sorry Tim, but enquiring minds wanna know! gREG, git out of the tub -- the beer is all gone! (root beer, that is) |
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 05:29 pm: | |
In my deck at the moment...Jim Mankey solo instrumental release (Concrete Blonde guitarist), Larry Carlton & Steve Lukather "Live - No Substitutions" (killer versions of "Room 335" & Jeff Beck's "The Pump"), and Pat's "Puttin' It Straight" because of last weekend's inspiration....STILL smokin' after 25+ years..... Have a great weekend ya'll! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 10:36 pm: | |
holy chit, was just watchin the Sundance channel on Satallite and this movie comes on called "Tribute" and our other guitar hero, Steve Z from Zepagain fame is all over the place in the movie. When he was doin the Queen tribute band 'Sheer Heart attack.' Had a few interviews w/ him and watched as they rehersed w/ a singer to replace the one who lives in germany now. Too cool!!! Very interesting movie about tribite bands. Right now I have the Ginbels "West Coast Rockin'" DVD cranked up. Quickly becoming my favorite. Have Los Lonely boys/ and the new Boz Skaggs LIVE up next! Have a great weekend peeps.....and Randal, I'll have a few root beers my friend!! g |
| Posted on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 11:03 pm: | |
Hey everyone. In my deck right this minute is Robin Trower, Living Out of Time. Highly recommended. Better get to bed though, I have to go to my Grandmother's funeral tomorrow, we were pretty close, so I need to rest up for this one, but not before I listen to a little of Heat in the Street first. C-ya |
| Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 07:10 am: | |
Hey Greg,we saw that TRIBUTE show also.Pretty COOL Steve!!!...Greg we see you like the Los Lonely Boys,too.They are playing the last day of Ca.state fair,hope to get out and see them.MONAE,Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.........Take Care,Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 07:42 am: | |
Currently playing for the last two weeks is Edgewater - South of Sideways! Good stuff! Song called "Tres Quatros" is killer! Saw them in Deep Ellum, Dallas several weeks back! Just fantastic! Short set, about five songs and didn't play their hit! Crowd was in awe! Kind of a cross between Creed on steroids and maybe Puddle of Mudd or an angrier Nickelback! Singer has pipes and the band is chopping! Later... Jim
| Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 09:48 am: | |
Ahhh....Deep old stomping grounds. Man I miss that place & 6th Street in Austin. Is that a fair trade for Seattle? Hmmm... Thanks for the reminders of back home Jimmy B. Got the Soulbender release yet? Are you gonna make that big show at the Sunken Gardens in San Antonio I told you about? I still think the mighty PTB should have been booked for that one... |
| Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 01:19 pm: | |
scott-n-jo, yes, LOVE the Los Lonely Boys!! They were just announced to play our State fair in October. BUT, We are allready committed to seeing the Average white Band/Micheal McDonald/Hall-n-Oates one night and Alice Cooper another....AND they just announced Velvet Revolver will play another night. Thats funny cuz Stone Pilots always played the fair too. SO, I gotta get the good seats so I might just be broke all of November.....can anybody spare some Turkey! Can ya believe all the stores are looking like "FALL" allready. I guess thats OK on the East coast but PHX??? Its 105'-115' still for 2 more months!! Whatta joke! Need some HOTSHOT CD!!!! g |
| Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 05:14 pm: | |
PTB Chat this sunday; 4pm Pacific 5pm Mountain 6pm Central 7pm Eastern At Bad ASS REK website chat room if you have a pop up blocker, you might have to turn it off, Dave is trying a new chat room for the site. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 05:39 pm: | |
man, Edgewater sounds very intriguing. Monae, sorry for your loss. Maybe a listen to Dedication is in order? gREG, it is unlawful for a sober guy to have that much fun! I'm calling the cops. Take some shrooms and I'll feel better about you going to all those shows -- but no more than 5g per night! LMAO Cindy, will try to "see" you at the chat. I'm catching up on little stuff to prepare for the next wave of BIG stuff, because I'm smart enough, I'm strong enough, and dog gonnit -- people LIKE me! except for the City fathers in PA, I guess (gulp). BTW, that deal ain't dead yet . . there's folks still tryin' to breathe life into it. It just ain't me no more . . . One more gnarly thing -- a childhood friend from Seattle saw the news on PA and sent me a symapthy email. THEN he mentioned that he and his wife were in a "bad self-defense situation that ended in two deaths." YIKES! John's been into martial arts forever, so I;m guessing he had to take a couple of heck-fer-brains •••••••• out of this existence. Unfortunately, that also means he's living a nightmare of epic propertions. Makes me feel like the htoel deal was a walk in the park. Remember to keep things in perspective, Hammerheads. It probably could be worse! Happy Saturday |
| Posted on Saturday, August 21, 2004 - 05:40 pm: | |
eye cain't spehl tuhday |
| Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 08:49 am: | |
Cindy, we tried to get on the chat last weekend and couldn't figure out how to do it. I think the site changed since the last time we were on. Any ideas why we may be having trouble? We'd like to chat with everyone. It's been a long time. Hope all of you are having a good weekend. We're busy as ever....getting the kids ready to go back to school next week. Hope to talk to alot of you tonight! ~Nancy~ |
| Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 09:47 am: | |
Hi Nancy! yeah, for the chat, you need to turn off your pop up blocker to get in.. the previous chat room they had, wasn't very good, so Dave is trying out this new one...hope you guys make the chat tonight. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 11:54 am: | |
I'm not sure how to turn it off, Cindy. Do ya know? I might still be in the office at 4. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 11:57 am: | |
Oh -- I guess you click the icon that on the PT website shows 83 blocked pop-ups ???? Hopefully there are 82 less on the BAR site! geez, these folks have WAY too much time on their hands |
| Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 01:04 pm: | |
Randal, I am not too sure, I use Zone labs, and under the privacy tab for ad blocking pop ups, I turn that off...should be in your firewall settings somewhere |
| Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 05:48 pm: | |
I give up.....way too much trouble to figure this chat thing out. I used to be able to get right on.....and I'v got a brand new computer. I even registered, was sent a comfirmation email weeks ago, and still can't get on. Whatta pisser!! g |
| Posted on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 06:01 pm: | |
the goofy thing is, it says I'm allready there, but it wont let me on because someone w/ the same IPP # is allready on. Bring back the old days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I didn't have to be a computer whiz to take a dump! g |
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 06:57 am: | |
Monae Sorry to hear about the passing of your Grandma. Mine passed away on the 10th. She would have been 86 last Friday. Here's a virtual hug and hope that you and yours are comforted by fond memories Peace bill |
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 07:43 am: | |
Hey everyone. Thank you Travers Travlers for thinking of me and my family, we appreciate it. Randal, good call on the music selection. Anyway, in my deck right now, nothing...watching the depressing news before work. A few weeks ago record heat, and now this week, record rainfall. Gotta love Portland. C-ya |
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 07:53 am: | |
Oh, thanks Bill. My Grandma just turned 86 June 10th, renewed her drivers license, and started going downhill two days after that. Inoperable (sp?) Cardio Arterial Deteroration (again, sp?). In any event, she died on my Grandfather's birthday, he would've been 88. I am sorry to hear about your Grandmother as well. I really hate losing someone I've known and loved my whole life..who was always on my side and thought that I could do no wrong...etc., etc. Man, I gotta get it together and get ready for work. C-ya'll later. |
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 04:53 pm: | |
Ouch... hard to post after that, but we got tickets in hand too see a rock roll band in sunny FL!!!! PARTY!!!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 07:14 pm: | |
Sorry to hear of your loss Monae and Bill |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 01:07 am: | |
See... I told ya. Listening to ZZTOP... Bedroom Thang off thier first. Smokin'! ....I need someone who can scratch my back....,...I need someone to be with me at night and you're gonna make me feel alright..., I need someonna who can'UHHhh!!! wrrrtwooooo(geetar) Or something like that. Or... It's like 'Dis annnahh.... Like Dat annnna... |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 06:38 am: | |
Sounds like a few people will be at the Orlando gig saturday!! Think it will be a huge party....Ginbels, possible 2am frisbee again, a glow in the dark one would be the best lol lol...
one more sleep and I am off to Orlando I am all set with my supply of anti-hangover pills
John, Rich & Nancy,Mitch & Kim, Dave, Eric, Rick and Pat.....see you all soon anyone else going? BAR & PTB all in one night, what more could you ask for? |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 07:04 am: | |
Have a great time in Florida As if there is any chance you won't LOL Wish we could be there have a safe flight!!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 11:19 am: | |
rats, never got my super cheap flight info from frieght-train....but ya'll will have fun.....ALOT of fun!! Keep an eye out for Cindy, she may be the next "dancing girl' g |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 03:40 pm: | |
What goes on the road, STAYS on the road - Road trip rule !! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 05:01 pm: | |
amen |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 06:02 pm: | |
Sandy, wish you guys could make it too...will take lots of pic's too! gREG, you want us to start telling your stories? lmao,j/k |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 06:19 pm: | |
Cindy! Yes, WE DO!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 06:32 pm: | |
Well, this one time...... |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 08:25 pm: | |
I called Eric this afternoon and asked him if everything was all set for this Saturday. There was a moment of silence on the phone, and then he asks,"Was that..., this Saturday?". That Eric, such a joker! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 08:50 pm: | |
Sorry Jim, can't tell ya, maybe one day if we meet up at a gig, lol lol kidding gREG......maybe John, when you getting into Orlando? I hear BAR will be playing some originals Looking forward to seeing everyone to survive 4 hours of work tomorrow, then off to the airport, my weekend begins tomorrow noon  |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, August 25, 2004 - 08:56 pm: | |
I know that there are a few Floriduh PTB fans that peep in on this board from time to time, but never post. Well, the show is gonna be happening in north east Orlando. The place is called the Green Parrot and it`s located at 280 Semoran Blvd. Cassel Berry, FL. 32707. The phone number there is 407-332-1599. Just input that address at, and it`ll give you exact directions. Hope to see ya there! |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 02:40 am: | |
TNA( Pat, Carmine & T.M. Stevens ) have a couple of warm-up shows in NY, sept. before heading over to Europe!! Cindy!!!!! HAVE A GREAT TIME with the PTB/BAR
 Greetingzz from "The Dutch Hammerheads"
| Posted on Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 11:38 am: | |
Just spotted this at the Brave Words & Bare Knuckles website... T.M. STEVENS - Gettin' Some T&A On The Road [08.26.04] As previously reported, bassist T.M. Stevens recently recorded bass and vocals with guitarist/singer Pat Travers and drummer Carmine Appice for a project called T&A. Stevens wrote lyrics for and sang lead vocals on the track ‘Gotta Have Ya’, and he will now join T&A on the road in Europe prior to doing his own tour in October and November. The dates are as follows: September 30 - Tante Olga, Randers (Denmark)* DK October 1 - Pumphuset, Copenhagen (Denmark)* 2 - Tobaksfabrikken, Esbjerg (Denmark)* 5 - Katalin, Upsala (Sweden)* 6 - Nalen, Stockholm (Sweden)* 7 - S-2, Borlänge (Sweden)* 8 - Rockland, Sala (Sweden)* 9 - Apelsin, Moscow (Russia)* 10 - tbc, St. Petersburg (Russia)* 12 - Galaxy, Vilnius (Lithuania)* 22 - Radhaus, Kleve (Germany) 24 - Fiasko, Kassel (Germany) 27 - Mühle Hunziken, Rubigen (Switzerland) 28 - Kulturfabrik, Roth (Germany) 29 - tbc, Winterbach-Stuttgart (Germany) 30 - Tante Ju, Dresden (Germany) 31 - Festhalle, Kolbingen (Germany) November 2 - Docks, Hamburg (Germany) 3 - tbc, Hannover (Germany) 4 - SO36, Berlin (Germany) 5 - Gewerkschaftshaus, Erfurt (Germany) 6 - Leverkusener, Leverkusen (Germany)** 9 - Reigen, Vienna (Austria) 10 - tbc, Salzburg (Austria) 11 - Bluesiana Rockcafe, Velden (Austria) 13 - tbc, München (Germany) *with T&A **with LIVING COLOR The T&A album is entitled It takes A Lot Of Balls and will be released on October 4th through SPV. ---------------------------------------------------- Wow...PT's going to Russia. That should be quite the experience! Pat told Randal & I in Algona that when T.M. leaves to go do his own shows that he will be replaced by Tony Franklin on bass. You might remember Tony as the bassist for The Firm (with Jimmy Page & Paul Rodgers) or Blue Murder (with John Sykes). Damn, I'd love to catch this show. Just as much as I'd like to catch the show with Bad Ass Rek & PTB at the Green Parrot in Orlando this weekend. Those of us that couldn't make the show will expect a full report when the smoke clears... And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 05:55 pm: | |
I will be playing tamborine (electric) on this tour, as well. I Was just called by T&A managmant. I will be proud of this work, as will the rest of the guys. You can check out more info on my web site: Theres more info on future projects w/ Billy Idol and Van Halen, which I will be playing Cowbell (electric). g |
| Posted on Thursday, August 26, 2004 - 10:39 pm: | |
Jim where are you? In Dallas????? Too bad I know this would happen, stranded in feakin'dallas, too bad I didn't know about this.... flight was delaiy by 1 hour, missed my connecting flight to Orlando tonight, I am totally bumed about that, things just not going my way, damn bar at the airport closed after I arrived...... trying to figure out this internet on the, not a good idea after a ffew drinks...what a let down, but at least the airlines put me up in a nice hotel.... this is too confusing this internet on TV, I can't figure it out, I need sleep....can't wait to see everyone soon..... |
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 04:50 am: | | Snorkels...when and where in NY???? Do you know??? Would be great way to celebrate my b-day! thanks! bill |
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 05:14 am: | |
Damn! Damn! Damn! I could have met you! I am 10 minutes from D/FW Airport! When is your flight out of Dallas? Call me - 817-395-3348!! |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 05:50 am: | |
Hey Bill, We don't know which one, but maybe you can find out, go to the Appice-site ( tours )
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 08:09 am: | |
Hope everyone has a good time at the Orlando show..can't wait to read about it! I'm going to the Prince show next Wednesday, I know, he's an aquired taste, but I happen to like him. I listened to him alot in high school (many, many years ago in a land far, far away). It's like he can sit down to breakfast and write an entire album, and then play all of the instruments for it himself. Anyway, everyone have fun! Better go let my dog out. C-ya |
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 08:15 am: | |
Thanks, Snorkels! Well, one of the dates is at "the Tralf" in Buffalo on the 29th. Thing is, that recently closed. Can't find anything out now online, maybe someone else is reopening it. Sure hope so! That's about 2 blocks from where I work! If it's going to happen, anybody coming to Buffalo for the gig? I'll let you guys know if I find out anything around here. bill |
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 09:48 am: | |
Spotted this at News of T&A is all over the place. Ed, I know you're a big BOC fan, so this will interest you as well. BOC DRUMMER CALLS IT QUITS!: NYC - 8/25/04 - Blue Oyster Cult drummer Bobby Rondinelli has officially quit the group in order to pursue his work with hard rock ensemble The Lizards. Rondinelli, who has also played with the likes of Black Sabbath, Rainbow and Riot, has toured and recorded with The Lizards for several years now and is looking forward to exclusively dedicating his drumming talents to the band. Most recently Mike DiMeo of Riot has taken over the lead vocal spot for The Lizards. The group is currently preparing for a major tour with T&A - a new supergroup featuring Pat Travers and Carmine Appice. Plans to perform in Scandinavia, Russia, Germany and Denmark in October 2004 are in the works (tour dates to be posted soon). For more info: And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 01:19 pm: | |
Hooked seems like the Tralf is opening up under new management. |
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 04:25 pm: | |
Hello, Im Tim Ricks, a freind of Randal's from way back. I just got my log-on from Ed (Thanks Ed!) and wanted to introduce myself ...which I think I just did ;)....anyway, I was at the PT show in Algona back on the 15th and loved every tasty lick that was emintaing from Pat's guitar and vocals. I was honored to see the Power Trio and damn it was great to hear those tunes again! Even got my pickguard from my old Strat signed by the trio. Thanks Guys! Rick and Eric Rocked! and really complimented and pushed Pat to new heights. It was a great show by 3 outstanding musicians, I was duely impressed!... cant wait for the next one. I am hooked on music...hooked on PT Rock and Roll. Hi Randal! |
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 04:40 pm: | |
Oh yeah, and Im also the one that asked after the Algona show..... "Hey Pat, I think you're very bit as good as you were thirty years ago!" To which Pat replied "I'd like to think I'm a little BETTER . . ." Thats the 1st time I ever met Pat, I was nervous. I cant believe I said that...faux pas indeed. As I drove home all I could think of was 'great, Tim. You had all week to think of something to say and thats it?" It could have been worse though, at least I wasnt the dancing lady ;) |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 04:52 pm: | |
AW'IGHT, AW'IGHT, AW'IGHT!!! Tomorrow night is da night!!! Eveybody pull the chin strap tight on yer bestest wig hat, put on yer finest high heeled sneakers, and be ready to dance the "Hypmotized Chicken", `cause dManufacture, Bad Ass REK, and the PTB, is gonna wreck O-Town!!! Be there, or be rectangular, or..., octogon,....which ever you prefer! Oh yeah, Freight mentioned to me the other day that there`s gonna be a party over his house after the show. Now all this brings up the age old question, first asked by the ancient Greek philospher, Socrates, or maybe his cousin, Herman, that I`ve often pondered myself. That question is of course, "Without rockin', would life itself be possible?" I think not! Oh yeah, I`ll be catching King of surf guitar, Dick Dale, on Sunday evening back in my neighborhood, and on the beach! My favorite local band, the Hep Cat Boo Daddies, are opening for DD! WOOHOO! Didja know that Hendrix was a fan of DD? Fer real! In the Hendrix tune "Third Stone from the Sun", Hendrix says "We`ll never hear surf music again.". DD had cancer back then and was not expected to survive. The guy that started Fender guitars made special amps and guitars for DD after hearing him play. S'later, JH |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 05:39 pm: | | Photos TNA. And hopefully this is true, there's one Travers/Appice show coming to Holland!!!! okt.24, de Noot-Hoogland. 20 minutes drive from our home. WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO Greetingzz "The Dutch Hammerheads".
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, August 27, 2004 - 05:59 pm: | |
Hey Tim, dun`t sweat it about the comment to PT. I`ve forgotten it myself, and I ain`t even PT! Hey Dutchies, wish you were O-Town! Rok forward! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 03:02 am: | |
Are there any plans of making a DVD of a live concert? I think that would be nice. |
| Posted on Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 04:56 am: | |
Etched In Stone! Get 'em Ginbels!! PTBNYEDVD!!!!! Ya' gotta love 'em! Later...
| Posted on Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 10:10 am: | |
Cool Photos, SWnorkels! Thanks! gettin' excited . . . Hey Tim! That was a blast seeing Pat with you again -- the last time being '78? Or was it '79 . . . with BOC anyway. I got aq kick out of your comment to Pat, and thought others here would too! Ol' Bill Cosby called that "Hoof in Mouth" I think! hahahahhaha That reminds me of the time I met David Coverdale after a Whitesnake gig. When I said that I'd been following him "since the early days," He almost had Tommy Auldridge and others escort me to the door for "mentioning Deep Purple!" Nah, they were cool about it and we all laughed it off. Then there was the time my buddy and I met KISS at the Edgewater in Seattle, and I said "Hello, Mr. Simmons!" Peter Criss said "Oh, is Gene's father here?" I laughed, but I must've turned from red to blue from embarassment -- I was 15! hahahahaha Yeah Tim , welcome to the PTB family. It's a great bunch of people from all over the world, don't ya know. Wish I could've done Orlando! Party at Eric's? awwww MAN Johnnie Howitzer, gREG will be coming on the Greyhound at noon. He's underneath in the big cardboard box with a couple of sandals and a breathing tube sticking out of it. Probably full of used root beer cans by now . . . don't mind the wet spots! (weak bladder, or long trip? you decide) hahahahahahahahaha |
| Posted on Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 10:33 am: | |
Wow, talk about a 60's/70's feel on those T&A photos!! I felt like drinking some kool-aid and chewing some Hubba-bubba gum(made w/ spider eggs). Just got my Los Lonely boys tickets.....9th row!! The floor tix dissappeared when Cooper went on sale. Must be the home-town boy/Halloween thang! Hope ya'll are having an awful time........cuz I'm not there!!!! hahaha!! Cindy, hope ya made it OK! I say, "THANK GOD the bar was closed!!" Ya wouldn't have made it to the hotel!! Kick everyone in the balls |
| Posted on Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 03:06 pm: | | |
| Posted on Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 03:14 pm: | |
This T&A contract rider is interesting - As is this T&A promotional poster - And this high res promo pic - Check it out! |
| Posted on Saturday, August 28, 2004 - 07:42 pm: | |
yeah, I hope PT had the rider checked by his lawyer and that's not the official one. His names is spelled TRAVERSE throughout it! Thanks, Sandy, for the link to the new Tralf. bill |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2004 - 04:33 am: | |
None Orlando for us this time but maybe........?? Great pic. on the front page, love the hand!! When we see Pat again, we hope his hair will be as long again as on the picture. More news about the Gibson? CU "The Dutch Hammerheads". |
| Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2004 - 09:08 am: | |
Hey Greg,Did you catch the LOS LONELY BOYS on Austin City Limits last night,Smokin Cool!!!Can't wait to see them on Sept.6th at the state fair!!See ya |
| Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2004 - 11:59 am: | |
T&A North America dates from Carmen Appice website - September 24, 2004-Traver-Appice - Jaxx Rock Club - Alexandria ,VA - Warm up show for DVD with TM Stevens September 25, 2004-Trvers -Appice DVD shoot - House of Blues - Myrtle Beach,NC |
| Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2004 - 12:56 pm: | |
Saw Uli Jon Roth and Michael Schenker last night in Sacramento at The Roadhouse (saw an advert for Led Zeppagain also!). It pains me dearly to say this... but Uli's show was just OK - nothing really great to say about it. It had a few highlights - but mostly just average. Michael Schenker, on the other hand, was on f'ing fire from the opening note. Great supporting band. Michael was happy and smiling throughout the show - high fiving fans... He's a different man now that he's dumped the baggage of his previous marriage. Cheers, Randy |
| Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2004 - 06:36 pm: | |
Oh my. Two T&A shows that actually might be doable. Hmmmmm. |
| Posted on Sunday, August 29, 2004 - 11:11 pm: | |
PTB, Bad Ass REK and dManufacture....what a time in Orlando!!! almost midnight, I can't type much, have to get some sleep, didn't get much over this weekend...too much going on ....nice seeing everyone, the time went by too fast! Jim??? no way, you are only 10 minutes away from Dallas airport? I wasn't sure where you were, I just remebered TX some where, and thought what are the odds you would be near the airport, AND see my post....I was hoping I would miss my Dallas connecting flight back to Calgary, but no such luck.... Bad Ass REK......excellent!! They did some original tunes, very cool to hear.....PTB, what can I say? You all know how great they are, they ROCKED..... Excellent time, will post more later....I have to get some sleep.....Special pre-release Edition 2004 of PTB was released at the and studio.......not sure if they sold them all or not, don't think they did... Thanks for everything Eric ....Monica, you make one hell of a body guard ! Have a safe flight Ginbels.... don't forget PTB chat sundays.....sorry, couldn't make today's as I was still travelling home, will be there next sunday though |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 12:50 am: | |
aww crap! The Tralf date I saw on Carmen's website was last September! crap! crap! crap! and dammitall to boot! |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 12:57 am: | |
The HOB, Mrytle Beach website has the date of T&A as the date changed to 26th, not the 25th as on Carmen's site. The good news, according to the HOB site is that the concert is free and they will be recording the DVD. If they would have kept it the 25th I may have been able to make it. |
Gill Comer
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 03:25 am: | |
No UK dates for TnA so far... Looking at Copenhagen at the moment. Wouldn't Moscow be cool!? Can't make that date though...shame. |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 07:00 am: | |
For anybody interested: I am 10, maybe 15 minutes from the D/FW International Airport!! If you are coming through and have some time, I would love the opportunity to have a beer with you and meet! Cindy, we were this close!! (finger and thumb held realllllly close together) Later...
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 11:47 am: | |
JB-I could have used you the time I got snowed in at the airport in Dallas and wound up sleeping on top of the luggage carousel. No access to the terminal, no luggage, short-sleeve shirt, no heat in the airport, and no hotel rooms=a shitty evening! |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 01:08 pm: | |
I had to dig deep into my video archives to find some video on T.M.Stevens,and i came up with a kill and clean video of him playing bass w/HUGHES-THRALL band at a 1988 L.A NAMM show...Let me tell you this one funky cat!!!Can;t wait to hear the new T-N-A ...Also we;re going to the Ca.state fair tonight to see the DOOBIE BROS.....see ya |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 01:48 pm: | |
Hey Scott, I'd better check my Hughes Thrall cd -- did TM play in studio? I'm guessing probably not. Man, that would be great to see T&A back east! Jim, if I do this Orlando trip I'll be coming thru Dallas. I checked flights the other day, and I think the shortest layover was an hour and a half, about time for a pony keg in my neighborhood! hahahaha will definately let ya know as plans firm up. Strat, I'm supposed to be in Atrocities this weekend for my 25th high school reunion, but Grace wants to take Jake to the Grand Canyon so I'm nixing the WA trip. I still have the airline ticket though, so will find a good reason to go up soon -- like a pitcher at Grant's maybe, side trip to Yakivegas? Randal |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 02:20 pm: | |
Randal,T.M. Stevens did not play on the C.D., He just jammed with H/T for the Namm Jam...He's One funky bass player!!! ...Can;t wait for the new C.d....Scott |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 02:43 pm: | |
Hey Scott... I remember years ago (early 90's) when Mars had just received a copy of that very show. He really loved that Hughes Thrall CD back then. I seem to remember Hughes was really at a low point at that time and was REALLY overweight. But the boy could STILL sing like nobody's business! Really cool that you have a copy of that. Any way we could work some kind of trade for a clean copy of that? I gots lots o goodies... |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 02:53 pm: | |
Forgot to mention, if it's the same video, Glenn was wearing white pants & a white jacket? Same video? |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 03:21 pm: | |
Wow! Lot's of cool posts! Cool to know that Stevens is already part of the PTB family, in that loose, disjointed funky kinda way!!! Now I'm even more stoked! And Blur, Randal, and any and everyone else - 3 bedrooms, only one being used semi-permanently, heat and a/c (this week!), running water and indoor plumbing! Open 24/7, no reservations needed, call in advance for availability! (I'll tell you now it's available!) Shady backyard with screened porch, sleeper sofa and decent tv. Juke Box is old, but has lots of Travers in it! Minutes from everywhere on the planet, via D/FW International Airport! No kidding. Give me a shout! And if I bring the right friend, we can bump that up to a full size keg in no time!! Later...
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 04:17 pm: | |
TM Stevens is fairly popular in Japan and he's played there a lot over the years. He can actually speak a little bit of Japanese. I did a video compilation on DVD of Richie Kotzen's '96 Japan tour. He appeared on several tv shows during the tour and I included all of the appearances on a DVD. TM Stevens played bass for him on that tour, so he appears in the video several times. Randy |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 04:50 pm: | |
Cindy wrote - "Special pre-release Edition 2004 of PTB was released at the and studio.......not sure if they sold them all or not, don't think they did..." Pre-release Edition 2004 PTB? Live and studio? Tell me more! What's on it? Did you buy one? Are they going to be selling more of these? How many discs? Where can I get one? Anyone else got one of these? Give us the scoop! |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 06:10 pm: | |
>Saw Uli Jon Roth and Michael Schenker last night in Sacramento at The Roadhouse That should've been an awesome show. Weren't they both founding or early members of Scorpions? (Who, by the way, are on tour; although I lost interest in them when they started doing pop music in the 80's.) PT's gig schedule here hasn't been updated in awhile. I'm jonesing for a PTB show (NOT Wishbox.) |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 08:46 pm: | |
Ed, Eric, Rich -- didja get my email? It's a big file . . . |
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 09:15 pm: | |
HI T Live: PTB - Pat, Eric & Rick.... Ice Queen, the pain,whipping post, born under a bad sign, Stevie, Off Beat Ride & Dedication Studio: Elijah, Wiser Man, In The End 1 CD, 10 songs....not too many of them, don't know where you could get them now, probably be all gone the next show, my guess |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, August 30, 2004 - 09:47 pm: | |
Hey Mr. T, the pre-release "PTB 2004" CD SSSSMOKES!!!!. The first 5 tunes are all LIVE! It start`s out with "Ice Queen" then it`s "The Pain", followed by "Whipping Post", next up is "Bad Sign", next is a funky instrumental, with a sax player. All are of SUPERB sound quality!!! The guys studio tunes are "Elijah", with female chorus backing "Wiser Man". "Dedication" is also on it and the closing is a tune that PT tune that I`ve heard before, kinda of a ballad in which PT sings about how he`ll fight for his womans honor. I played this CD over and over, non-stop, for the entire 4 hour drive back to Miami yesterday. I played it again today. This CD will be in my player for a long, long, long, time!!! The CD is so new that there aren`t any liner notes. It is indeed the PTB! Ya gotta get it at the shows! Anyhow, Saturday was fantabulous! I rolled into O-Town at about 4:30ish and found the motel, which was right across the street from the Parrot. A friend of mine, Sandy, came along too. We checked into our rooms. I threw my bag into my room and told Sandy that I was going over to the club. She said that she was going to "Fung Schway" (?????) her room and meditate, or something like that, for awhile before heading over. I walked over to the club and the place had a bunch of musicians including Eric and Rick, setting up. I hung around for about a half hour or so and then decided to head back to the motel to go horizontal for awhile `cause my arthritic neck was telling me to. About 6:30 or so I called Sandy`s room and she wasn`t there. I called her cell phone and she answered. She was already over at the Parrot. So I headed back to the Parrot. I was expecting more of the Hammerheads to be there. All the bands were gone too. I thought I had gotten the word out to the Hammerheads that about 7 would be a good time to meet up there at the Parrot cause they would be closing the joint for an hour while the staff sets up. I had called the Parrot manager a few days before and he said that it would be cool if the Hammerheads hung around while it was closed. I told the manager that I wanted to feed the dozen or so Hh`s at that time too. He said that would be a great time to do it. Well, at about 7:00 my cell rings. It was Kim, of Mitch and Kim fame. She said that everybody was hanging out over at Eric`s, and where was I? Oy Vey, another one of my masterfull plans shot down. Sandy and I chowed down and we were out of the place by about 7:15 and went back to the motel. I now owe a bunch of Hh`s a meal!! This of course means we have to gather again soon, so I can pay up. At about 8:30, I tried to find Sandy but couldn`t. I figured that she was probably back at the Parrot. I put on my "PTB 2004 Texas Tour" shirt, which Sandy bought for me, and walked on back. I could see the parking lot was already starting to get busy. I went inside and Rich quickly approached me. We then went over to where everybody was hanging out and did the greeting thing. The bands were doing thier final adjustments. I didn`t see Sandy, as well as another friend of mine that was also coming up from south Floriduh. I quickly headed back to the motel and knocked on Sandys door. She said she was still getting ready. I then called my friend to see where he was. He told me that his car had gotten stolen the evening before, and when the cops found it the next morning, it was wrecked! BUMMER! When I got back inside the Parrot, Bad Ass Rek was on their opening number. Rick, Butch, and Freight played for about an hour or so and as Cindy mentioned they did include a lot of thier own tunes!! When BAR had wrapped up their set, dManufacture took the stage. Sandy showed up just as REK left the stage. dManufacture proved again that there is indeed a lot of musical talent in the Orlando area. Dey rocked da joint for about 2 hours non-stop!!! As dManufacture was wrapping up, PT & Monica, came strolling in. A little while later, the PTB took the stage, Yes PT had his repaired Gibson in hand. As the guys started in with thier set list, the crowd quickly packed the front of the stage. All during the set, there were "dancing girls" and all kinds of great rock and roll comotion going on in the front. I think the PTB plays devil music. Rick had a big huge grin on his face almost the whole time. Pat was in fine form that night. He said he was showing of for his "sweety", and even gave Monica a few smooches during the show. Eric needless to say, had been pumped for this night for the past few weeks and was letting it all hang out. Man, it was a FANTASTIC night!!! It was a great crowd! After the show a few of us went back over to Eric`s and hungout until way early O`clock in the morning. I can`t wait till next time. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 06:01 am: | |
Wow! Off Beat Ride and Dedication? Not to mention the originals that I've been craving for about five years since PT played them for me after a show. I would be willing to pay a handsome price for this. Anybody know how I could score this cd? My email is |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 06:02 am: | |
BTW-I'm pretty sure that's Monica on backing vocals for "Elijah". |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 06:41 am: | |
Doobie bros. were smokin' last night!!! What a fun show.Some great guitar playing last night!!!See Ya.. Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 09:00 am: | |
uh oh, Now Frances is on it's way to Florida! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 09:47 am: | |
Is this a Ginbel release??? g |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 09:58 am: | |
Cool review, and Howe! Blur, Ditto me on the CD! I forgot to tell you guys that Pat had the Gibson totally overhauled. It's a brand new guitar! He got it all done for $150 -- one of his ace repair guys back home. Strat and I got to see it from about 3 feet away as Pat was warming up for Algona in the RV. Also forgot to mention the very warm welcome I received from all three of the boys, and Strat got it from Pat. He had never met Rich and Eric, but he was immediately adopted as the long lost brother! These guys are the HECK, in my book. Okay, os I've had three weird PT dreams in as many days. In the first one, before the show (that never materialized) some of us were hanging out and Darren couldn't remember where he parked his rental. He handed me the key, and I walked a few blocks through my neighborhood to find it before deciding "effit, let DARREN find it!" I went back to whoever's hotel room (there's a school where it was supposed to be) and Rick started giving me a hard time because I told everyone we'd be playing softball and barbequing before the show! hahahaha Second one -- this time we were tearing down a show in the woods somewhere, with me helping in the load-out. Right at the end, I asked Pat for a picture and realized that once again (see Algona) I didn't have my digital camera! Just as the band was about to split in their black van, Grace pulled up in my Explorer (almost ran over my foot and came about two inches from Pat) and handed my my digital. I was so excited I handed it back to my youngest son Jake and they drove away! Pat gave me a hug and somehow a disposable camera appeared. Odd! In number three, I don't remember a thing because I had a very weird dream where Grace and I and others were hiking through an ice-cold stream I guess at dusk, then we stumbled into a cave-like area where other folks were warming up with blankets getting ready for the next leg of the hike. I think we were heading for a dark lodge up this shallow crevace. I found a shortcut by land through an opening in the cave, so Grace and I hopped the fence and then we're running naked down a long path (she first, which was fun to watch even asleep)! So I woke up and started looking for the cave, in a manner of speaking! I laid there for about an hour with Rick Wakeman's "Journey hrough the Center of the Earth" rolling around in my head. Why did allt his happen? Because since I quit drinking my self asleep every night, my mind has way too much time on its hands! Speaking of which, better git back to work. goodnight, gREG |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 10:59 am: | |
I had a weird dream the other night. I was watching a Van Halen show with David Lee Roth (for some reason) on vocals. They start doing a cover of the Rolling Stones' "Give Me Shelter". David Lee hands me a microphone and I duet with him on the chorus at the end of the song. Sounds like Randal and I must have eaten the same thing before those dreams! BTW-did you ever make it to Charlotte? |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 11:27 am: | | must have started drinking again, my friend! That wasn't Pat's busted Gibson he played at Algona! Wasn't even a Gibson, but heck...didn't matter one bit since the band still played a phenomenal set... Weird dreams you're having there pal...LOL! Sounds like the Orlando gig was something to witness from the reports filtering in. Sure wish it wasn't a complete cross country flight for me to get there. PTBStalker/Howe....I think I have an idea of what happened to your friend's stolen/trashed car....I'm thinkin' gREG had something to do with it. I'm guessing that after he bailed out of the landing gear compartment of the 727 when it landed at the airport he felt it was just too damn far for an oxygen deprived deviant to walk the rest of the way to the gig. Your friend's car was the first one gREG stumbled upon, so he wired it, fired it, and he was gone! Once he hit the road to the gig, he became confused....thinking the gear shift was a keg hose and the turn signal lever was a hash pipe. Realizing there was nothing in the stash box (the console compartment for us normal folks) and he was feeling no effects from the hashpipe/turn siganal and the keg hose/gear shifter was dry, this angered poor gREG so he pulled to the side of the rode and proceeded to bash the car into submission with the tire jack. Dumb move on gREG's part, 'cause now he's without a car again! Since there was no mention of gREG at the show, I'm assuming he never made it to the gig. Late last night on CNN, there was a small blurb between the total coverage of the Republican National Convention about some crazed idiot savant in a bad, seedy section of the Jacksonville, FL area that was standing on a street corner wearing only a pink fuzzy G-string and a flourescent blue boa feather alternating between dancing like a coked out chicken hollering "Cocapootee! Cockapootee!" and rambling incoherently about the virtues of 16th century Lithuianian psychotherapy & Judge Wapner performing sadistic, depraved mating rituals on Judge Judy.......gREG perhaps? Me thinks so! And as always...PTB is King! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 05:13 pm: | |
Wow!! And I was gonna tell you all about my three day acid trip where me, the big Judd sister, and Margaret Thatcher...nevermind. I want my PTB!!!! Later...
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 07:22 pm: | |
the g-string was purple and feather'd with a "Get Bush outta bush" sticker on the front. Randal said I was over-dressed. g |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2004 - 08:24 pm: | |
So was Randal wearing the pink fuzzy G-string? Are you guys like a duet now? Oh man, that hurricane in the south Atlantic is starting to give me the heebee geebees! |