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Message |
tom leary
| Posted on Saturday, May 01, 2004 - 11:40 pm: | |
Hey Guys, I just bought the new essential Pat Travers 2 cd set with songs from every album on Polydor. Im really happy with it. It has a nice book with unreal color pictures in it. Any way its about time Pat was put in a collection like this. Pat Travers needs to come to Hawaii. |
| Posted on Sunday, May 02, 2004 - 09:41 pm: | |
Heyyyy everybody! Been a busy bee seein' some awsome live music and playin' some too...getting my chops honed for the gREG, Randall, Carl & Angelina Jolie "Don't Try This At Home" show in Reno, I hope Blu will hook us up with some 5-star accomodations! I hadn't been on here for a while, just spent about a half-hour catching up on posts...gREG, you crack me up, every time. My sentiments exactly, regarding Ozzy and Blu's thoughts about anyone's skin flute. Randal, if you can find the time in your hectic schedule, would you please drop me a quick note at CARLJ@AOL.COM? Just a heads up 'bout a free local show you might want to catch. General question to the board: I recently re-started guitar lessons and have been trying to get my teacher to teach me some PT. He mentioned that he had a copy of an instructional video by the man himself. Anyone ever hear of it or have a copy? I would LOVE to see it/own it! Let me know if anyone knows of it and how I could get ahold of a copy without sending my right arm (how else would I hold my pick?) Keep on rockin! Carl (aka The Purplest of Hazes) |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 02:09 am: | |
I don't think that exists Carl. On the bright side... we are trying to put together a star-studded skin flute instuctional video starring Jessica Simpson and Britney Spears. No response yet from either camp, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 09:00 am: | |
The ever popular instrument known as the "skin flute" is only played by females. If you know a dude who says he knows how to play it to the tee, turn and run or barf immediately. You folks are making me laugh and that's what I need after our 17-1/2 year old pomeranian Yogi Boo Boo Bear passed away last Tuesday Night. It's been horrific without her. I am just able to speak again. Alot of Jaegermesiter and beers have been consumed since then. Nonone to listen to PT with now, that doesn't tell me to turn it down. I had her longer than my wife of 10 years. Ouch, hurting, hurting, bad thing, not good, sad, sick and totally out of it. Love you guys - later Blu |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 09:09 am: | |
Ed, Great pic on the of the best. Enough of the "skin flute" subject, pleeeeaaase. |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 10:19 am: | |
Carl, sent you a note moments ago What's the skinny? (muffled chortle) The other day I counted all the PT shows that I've seen. I'm at 19. Wondering when and where show Number 20 will be??? I'll have to make it a point to see the PTB for this one! eRICK, get ready to party (again) -- it's been too long |
Freight Train
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 10:50 am: | |
Very sorry to hear about your loss Blu. I remember when Pat lost Bonnie....not a happy day at all. ERIC |
Andre from Holland
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 12:30 pm: | |
Hi there, long time no see. It's only 30 days till the PTB is coming to visit our town in Holland, Weert. It's a nice rocking venue. Enjoy your european tour specialy the big rockfestival in Sweden. Pat, Rick en Eric, have a save trip and see you i holland. Andre en Lena from Holland |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 02:40 pm: | |
Wuz up Andre!! Enjoy the show! Speaking of dog losses.....our dog Bear (1/2 chow, 1/2 lab) is 15. We spent the weekend in Sedona and talked alot about how much longer Bear had. We got back last night and he wouldn't(couldnt) get up, not even for a piece of steak! I spent the night thinking where I would take him to be put down, that I needed to end his suffering, just totally depressed. Then I get home from work and he's playing w/ the Pug in the back yard, waggin' his tail. Damn, its a tough call when they get this old. Sorry to hear that Blu. I was sick just thinkin' bout it. g |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 07:25 pm: | |
just talked w/ Cindy. She says "Yo". g |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 08:04 pm: | |
Yeah, Blu, that's a real bummer to lose a member of the family like that. Sally the Girl Dog is 10, which is still pretty young but it serves as a reminder that some day we'll lose her. gREG, Sally's a lab/chow mix too! Seems like you told me Bear looks more like a chow while Sally looks like a streamlined badass lab. PT was playing with her at Camp Heinie -- remember? I think it's really cool that my DOG got to hang out with Pat! He seemed to dig her -- she's a cool dog. My folks lost ol' Spike about a month ago. He was at least 14 -- it wiped my folks out and I was really bummed too. Take deep breaths in between shots of Jaeger and you'll slowly begin to heal, bro. Hang in there -- my sympathies to Chris |
| Posted on Monday, May 03, 2004 - 08:04 pm: | |
YO, yo! where'd she end up? |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 07:53 am: | |
Blu, Sorry to hear about Yogi. I've been married for over 20 years and we've never had any success with dogs after having a couple, each for only a short time. However, a couple of years ago we got a Toy Poodle that had already been owned by three different relatives. No one seemed to have time for her. She's been the best thing to happen to our family in a long time though. We just love her to death. In another month or two, go out and get yourselves another dog. You'll never replace Yogi, but dogs are such great creatures, he/she will soon have you feeling like a whole family again. Randy |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 10:22 am: | |
Blu Sorry to hear of the loss of your old friend. I know it can be a painful time. I'm sure you have plenty have fond memories though....reflect and relax in those... Bill |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 10:26 am: | |
Cindy still in Calgary, she's doin great. Randal, wuz up w/ the big San Diego party/festival/block type party their. The one w/ Kenny Loggins playing the first night. Any other bands? I'm needing to see the ocean BADLY!! g |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 12:45 pm: | |
Wow, are you folks GREAT. Thank you for the sympathy and love. Eric, you are amazing and thank you for being the first. I really do like you man. I remember Pat and Bonnie. I remember Gimble McGee. Pat held our pomeranian Yogi Bear in 1993 at the Blues Awards in San Jose, said she was so soft and dug her fur. Pat is truly a dog lover and as it seems all of you are too!! Something else in commen with PT. I really, really appreciate the love from you all. I thought I just heard her snorting and snoofing to get my attention, I turned and she wasn't there - it must of been her ghost? Is that possible? Uh oh, tearing up again, sheez. Randall, you saw Yogi at the Lake Tahoe Festival last year running around the filed during set up. She looks/looked like a little red, fox, bear only 9.1 pounds. Pure bred and full of hops and vinegar. Yogi truly loved beer. We built her a memorial on our land, with boulders on top like a tomb and surrounded it in Snapgradons, Poppies and Daisies. She will be missed forever. I hope she is waiting for me up there. She loved all of PT's tunes and did not complain about it being so loud. Now I'm afraid "I Can't Stop The Heartaches" and that's the gossiple truth. Your thoughtful words and advice everybody, did make me feel a bit better. Another dog in a few months, we'll see. 17-1/2 years with one is devastating to lose. Can't concentrate yet and not up for any concerts now, maybe when PT comes back - the only thing that can help me. Maybe the Jaegar and deep breaths. When will this torture end? Your good old pal - Blu |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 04:05 pm: | |
Hey Eric, I`ve been tied up in the office the past week and haven`t had a chance to get by the post office to mail ya the prints from Muldoons and Leesburg. I`ve got them ready to go and I`ll get to you as soon as I can. Well, tomorrow is the great Mexican holiday Cinco De Mayo! I have my festive wear prepared and hope ya`ll do to. To quote the late great Mexican General, Pancho Villa, "badges...., BADGES!?!? WE DON`T GOT TO SHOW YOU NO STEENKIN' BADGES!!!! Happy holiday to one and all. |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 07:34 pm: | |
Hey Bette... that is a cool photo isn't it? It fell out of a stack I was trying to orginize and said "scan me! scan me!" Oh oh a digital Les Paul? I couldn't imagine PT's sound on steroids I also couldn't imagine buying Gibson for $5million bux!!! What a bargain!
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 08:50 pm: | |
gREG: The heads-up I wanted to give Randal was for one of the performers at the Pacific Beach Block Party on Saturday, none other than the incredible Joe Bonamassa. Not that he will EVER replace Pat in my heart, but he is an amazing young talent with an incredible rhythm section who rival Rick and Eric in talent and friendliness. If anyone is a blues-rock fan and can make it to San Diego on Saturday, I HIGHLY recommend catching Joe's set. condolences on the loss of your best friend. I grew up around dogs, as my mom was a "cat" person, but my father was highly allergic, it's awful to lose 'em. We just lost a 15-year old feline who did a great impersonation of a person...was devastating. After a brief mourning period, we just adopted a 7 month-old kitten and my girlfriend is ecstatic. As whoever said it, they'll never be replaced, but it's amazing how much it helps the healing process. Many studies show that pet ownership lowers stress and is generally good for one's health. I just purchased a copy of a recent Baltimore 'burbs show courtesy of the Ginbels...I am psyched to see it because I was AT the show ;-) I am sure it will be up to their usual high standards of quality production! Well, lots to going to see if my guitar teacher can help me learn "The Pain"...god I love that song! Talk atchy'all later! Carl |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 10:55 pm: | |
gREG and Carl -- is Street Scene THIS Saturday??? DAMN! I'll be in Seattle and Portland!! Seattle Thursday afternoon through Saturday, then down to Portland through Mom's Day. I leave at 4:20 -- rather ironic, don't you think? Hey Stratmandu, any chance of you meeting me in Portland? My business meeting fizzled out, but I had alrady committed to dropping my rental car there and flying out. I have relatives there so can kill time hanging with them, but thought I'd give you a shout anyway. Meet me at Multnomah Falls for beers?? watcha say? cell 619 571 3786 |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 04, 2004 - 10:59 pm: | |
gREG, thanks again for the pictures!! You, Eric and Rick are constantly staring at me in the office, all with either heck-eating grins or looking absolutely NUTS (Eric - hahahahahaha) PT has sure given us all some cool times. It's great to be a part of the PT Family, eh folks?? Blu, I do remember seeing Yogi the Dog. Glad I got the chance! My folks already got a new dog and it's helped them alot. Take a trip to the pound and see who's waiting for you to adopt them! |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 06:02 am: | |
Blu, I am also sorry to hear about your dog. I myself lost a feline (that I was very attached to) about 3 years ago, his name was Thai and he was about 17 years old, it was devasting he was with me through thick and thin, however, as Carl stated we got another kitten and it did help the healing process. Maybe you and Chris should think about another puppy, not to replace yogi but to have another animal to love again. Hey TexasRich, how are you, well I am finally moved in and I will email you this week, also the trip to Disneyland was a blast, next weekend it is Magic Mountain! Anyone go to the Sac show, how was it?
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 09:13 am: | |
Kathi !!!!!!!!!!!!!! & Daryl, How are you guys doing. I was thinking last night about Hawaii and Hanama Bay. Wish I was there. Whatcha been doing? Taken up scuba diving yet? Cya someday. Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 09:50 am: | |
carl, thanx for the advice, if we make it there this weekend will be sure to check them out! High praise indeed!! Randal, go ahead and cancel yer trip......just because we might make it there......i thank u! hahaha! enjoy the trip! In our "movie" room,(my sons room since he moved out to college) i have the pic of u,me and Eric at the airport w/ Pats guitar. Damn good times. Talk about memories BURNED/TATOO'ED onto the brain!! PTBRULES!!! g |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 10:56 am: | |
Anybody heard anything about the PT at the Boardwalk in Sheffield UK on the 5th June being cancelled? If so this is the third time on the trot. I hope it's not true. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 11:57 am: | |
Pat, we need you to come back to NY soon. it was pretty dark when you signed my Melody Maker so the signature is very faded. Come back soon, alot of people were blown away with your performance that night. JMROXX jimmy |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 12:25 pm: | |
Bazza, I have certainly not heard of the Sheffield gig being cancelled, but I wouldn't be surprised after the last two were shelved. Just checked the Boardwalk site and PTB is not listed for June 5th. I was at the Boardwalk last week and the flyers didn't list him for that date either, but he was listed as coming soon. Where did you hear itwas cancelled? |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 01:16 pm: | |
Cuttlefish66 I went to ticketweb from the boardwalk site and it says "No More Tickets Available Through TicketWeb", I then went to and it says "Sorry, but this event has been cancelled" |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 01:29 pm: | |
Bazza, I've emailed the venue direct. Will post when I get a reply. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 01:46 pm: | |
cuttlefish66 Cheers mate. |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 05:22 pm: | |
Purplehaze62 & Randal, you are right on w/ your recommendation to catch Joe Bonomassa in San Diego. Joe has played in Portland twice and blew me away both times. He is not to be missed. He is still a kid, but plays the blues guitar like a veteran. Let me know if you want a couple of live show CD's from other fans. BTW, PT & Wishbox rocked the house at the Roseland in Portland Thursday Night. PT is a class act that needs to be experienced from the edge of the stage in a small club. The set was solid. I think my hearing will return soon. Have been rocking w/ PT since 77. I hope Pat got paid this time. The last show at the Roseland he said they stiffed him. What kind of crap is that? The boys rock the house and don't get paid? Oh well, if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all! PTB ROCKS LONG AND HARD! |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 05, 2004 - 08:49 pm: | | you post on Joe's forum too? Your name sounded familiar but I couldn't place it. I'd love to get some more live Joe, and I have a bit to trade, hoping to get some more soon. Drop me a line at and we'll talk. I don't mind paying $15-30 to see him, but ya can't beat FREE either! As far as PT goes...come back to MD/VA/DC area soon, with Rico and da Frate Train! You always rock us! Carl |
| Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 12:21 pm: | |
Hey, Ron. Wouldn't yo know it? I'll be in Portland Saturday and ol' PT was there four nights before. DAMN! I don't mind seeing Pat with Wishbox, as I like Sal, Mike and Ben, but it would be grrrreat to see eRick again!!!!! Lettuce say, WILL be grrreat! Hopefully soon. Strat?? I'm in Seattle tonight and tomorrow night with nothing on the slate, then Portland Saturday night. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 02:10 pm: | |
Randal, any way you could swing into Yakville for Friday night? There will be an amazing fusion power trio called Ecstacy In Numbers that are playing at Grant's Pub that I plan on catching. I've seen them several times and am always glad I went. They are instrumental rock/jazz/fusion consisting of guitar/bass/drums...very talented! If you like Eric Johnson, or can imagine Joe Satriani in jazz mode, you'd definitely dig this. Think about coming over. Would be worth the trip, and only an $8.00 cover. If you come over and don't dig 'em, I'll refund you the cover charge myself. Plus I can buy you those brews we keep promising each other for the last year or so! LOL! Lemme know, Bro... |
| Posted on Thursday, May 06, 2004 - 02:26 pm: | |
Sorry about this to all the PT heads, as this has nuthin' to do about Pat, but this is the only way I can communicate with Randal at the moment! Randal, Check out for info on the band. Here's a piece from a review about them... Guitarist, Mike Mattingly, leads the band through the compositions with his multifaceted approach to guitar, he seems to have a vast array of influences he taps to get the desired effect for EIN's many varied sounds, I can pick up everyone from Alex Lifeson(Rush), Scott Henderson(Tribal Tech), Steve Lukather(Toto), Pat Metheny, Allan Holdsworth, etc. in his playing, he has a very prominent sound in this band, and plays the roles as rhythmist and soloist very amicable. Drummer, Garey Williams, is an energetic and complex player, as a threesome, his polyrhythmic inventions, fills, and disciplined approach to time signatures, gives added dimension to EIN's music. Certain songs demand exacted and difficult cadences, with many odd times, and rapid fire staccato snippets, he delivers these with the mark of a pro, as if he were mechanized. Bassist, Dean Schmidt, not only holds the backbone of the bands structure solid, he too is offered center stage and shows is virtuoso side as a soloist on a few songs, the color he adds to each song is a personalized voice that coincides perfectly to Mattingly's guitars voicings, he is one of those rare players that can masterfully play outside of the harmonic realm, by fitting somewhat disharmonic tones and countermelody to the existing songs structure. |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 08:13 am: | |
In the cd player:Joe Bonamassa, 12/21/2001, Fort Wayne USA!!!! Awesome!! The Dutch Hammerheads. |
| Posted on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 03:38 pm: | |
In the CD player: PTB-Radioactive/ PTB-2003 NYE/ George Harrison-Nine clouds/ 3 Doors Down-Away From the Sun/ Kenny Wayne Shepherd Band-Trouble Is......set on Random......nice......have good weekend peeps. Wish I could afford to take everyone to the overseas shows.....or even just myself!! C'mon lotto ticket!!! g |
| Posted on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 05:37 pm: | |
In my CD player: Trapeze - You Are The Music, We're Just The Band / 30 Seconds To Mars - Debut / Black Crowes - By Your Side / UFO - Force It / PAT TRAVERS (of course!) - Crash & Burn (drum mix is amazing on this disc...) |
| Posted on Friday, May 07, 2004 - 06:32 pm: | |
Hey, Snorkels...glad you're diggin' the Joe B! If you haven't had a chance yet to catch him live, he is amazing. I saw him 3 times in 6 nights and 2 states last month, every show was fantastic, and he and the band are ALMOST as friendly as Rick and Eric, which is a statement. My favorite song on the Ft. Wayne show is "If Heartaches Were Nickels", which reminds me a great deal of Pat's "The Pain" in terms of song structure (can you tell I'm a guitar player?) I hope to be learning them both "note-for-note" soon...wish me much luck LOL. Hope PT and the boyz come over and visit with you all soon! Carl |
Daryl & Kathi
| Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 10:36 am: | |
Bette!!!!!!!!! Hey what's up? I don't get here much anymore, I left my computer in Sac, Daryl usually has his with him. Oahu was cool but next time I think we should do the Big Island. It's already been 6 We as always have lots going on, I still run between north and south Cal, every month, then all the in between stuff. Pat hasn't been doing much in Cal lately, Fair Fax and Freemont in July sound fun. I won't be working that weekend.........hmmmmmm. Maybe! L8er Daryl & Kathi!!!!!! |
| Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 06:25 pm: | |
Hey guys, just wanted to give you a quick update on the newest PTB fan! Ethan Daniel Guy Whitesell was born yesterday morning. This is our second (and final) child. We are so blessed to have Ethan in our lives after a miscarriage in between kids. It really helps keep things in perspective. Ethan and my wife are doing great at the hospital, and big sister Maggie (3 1/2) is digging it as well. I'm home for a short spell to get some much needed rest. Pat, Rick, and Eric are probably cranking it up at Myrtle Beach at the House Of Blues as I type this. It's one of the very few things that could keep me from driving 4 hours to a PT show, but my precious boy will get to see my favorite musician in due time. |
| Posted on Saturday, May 08, 2004 - 06:43 pm: | |
That is awesome Blur! Congratulations! Happy BIRTH-day Ethan! |
| Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 12:18 am: | |
Way to go Blur!!! And a happy b-day to Ethan!! More PT fans!! Ya gotta love it!! |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 04:10 pm: | |
Hey, Hey, Blur, congrats on the little Hammerhead!!! I hope you get a lot of rest this weekend `cause you ain`t gonna get much for a long, long time!, I know I promised you the pic prints from Leesburg and Muldoons, but let me `splain. Last week was like insane all week at werk and I didn`t get by the post office. I was gonna send them to you this Saturday, but on Friday evening I got a phone call from a fellow PTB fan/hammerhead/groupie/stalker. Her name is Sandy and she lives in nearby Fort Lauderdale. She was at the Ft. Laud. gig the other month, and does peep in on the board frequently, but doesn`t post. Anyhow, Sandy bought me a PT shirt from Texas Rich from when PT was in Texas a little while ago!!! Soooo..., Sandy said that she really liked some of the PTB pics from the recent Leesburg gig so I decided make her a few enlargements. Welp, the pics to you will be delayed again. I swear to Buhdda that I`ll get them up to you by weeks end. By the way, T. Rich, Sandy speaks highly of you! Next Friday evening I`ll be down in the Floriduh Keys, Marathon to be exact, for a Derringer gig! WOOHOO! I`ll be sleeping in a tent, fer real, Friday night. The rates for a motel room down there next weekend are outrageous! Derringer`s gig is part of a big motor boat event happening down that way. Back in the 80`s. I used to be involved with boat racing, fer real! I`ll hang around for the propeller stuff on Satuday. Late Saturday, I`ll boogie on back to Miami to catch another favorite getar player, Jon Paris. As far as the sleeping in a tent stuff, I figger I`ll be like the great outdoors woodsman, Dan`l Boone. I guess I`ll have to wrestle a few Indian women and make love to bears. S'later, JH |
| Posted on Sunday, May 09, 2004 - 09:49 pm: | |
Hello there everyone, I have a question....dumb as usual but at the same time very logical to me (possibly only me)and that has nothing to do with Pat Travers but I've noticed that I'm not the only one that asks or discusses non-related PT topics on this site and also I'm not just asking ya'll, but I have submitted my question to several others as well as newspaper sports pages....needless to say, I haven't gotten my answer as of yet and am interested if anyone else has ever thought to ask (if you don't know already).... QUESTION: WHY ARE THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES PLAYED IN THEIR HOMETOWNS GIVING THEM "HOME COURT ADVANTAGE"? The NFL doesn't do that and it just seems logical that if played on neutral territory neither team would get any advantages which I thought would be a major factor in Championship games.....make sense to anyone?....I don't care if you couldn't care less as I probably wouldn't if I hadn't thought of it and was given an immediate,logical explanation..I only watch sports games during Championship games if and only if my team happens to be in them anyways, and have never thought of or cared about or even noticed this untill now but, now that I do, I feel the need to know.................. Thanks in advance to anyone who cares to reply to this nonsense! |
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 06:08 am: | |
PTB Stalker..........sorry it took me so long to get that PT T-shirt to her, before she could get it to you.........I've been busy with a couple of shows (Warrant last week, Derringer on June 26th)and the post office has been out of sight for a while. Sandy must be a good freind to be bestowing such cool stuff on ya........she's a sweetie you'd better stay in touch with!! If her strings bend just right, we're going deep sea fishin in Cabo this summer!! Pack your stuff Stalker and come along?? She has to win the contest first........after that we're beach bound! Peace and Stay Happy! |
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 09:46 am: | |
Heres my spin (and I have PTB cranked in the back ground so i dont feel so bad), There are SSOO many NBA games that by the time the season ends, each individual city that makes it is in a frenzy....not the country. Football has a huge build up to each game played 1 time a week. so the anticipation is higher. The NBA OVERKILLS the public w/ 4/5 games a week for each team. By the time the season mercifly ends, and the playoffs are over, ya have the best of 7 games for even the championship....holy chit. Ya can see why the college championship does so well...1 freakin game to determine the winner. Baseball is the same way, they just have the "National past-time" tagged onto it. PTBRULES! g |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 10:11 am: | |
Right on Blur, congrats! Get that boy a geetar now so he can get started on the right path! Ed, good to see you on Fri, thanks for making it out to the show! gREG, I take it you & the clan aren't making the trek to Dizzkneeland today? Hope Lisa's ok! Cheers, and Happy Monday, all! Steve Z |
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 10:50 am: | |
I agree with gREG on the NBA thing. and also the season is toooooooooo long. Sorry basketball fans. |
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 11:23 am: | |
Same for NHL seven game series...the point of doing well during the season is to try to secure home advantage. works for me...If my team is in the finals I want to be able to go downtown, not across country, to see them! |
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 11:24 am: | |
Welcome Ethan Daniel Guy Whitesell !!!
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 02:34 pm: | |
Anyone heard of LosLonelyBoys? If you havent, get out and get their CD........Hanry Garza smokes on guitar. Saw them last Saturday night at Nuemo's in Seattle...maybe 500 people. This guy is the BEST "new" guitarist around in my opinion. Sounds like heavily influenced by Santana and Stevie Ray. Henry has magic fingers people. And his brothers JoJo on bass and Ringo on drums fill out the lineup. They sound GREAT and Henry definitely has a unique sound. Go see them when you can.....the secret is out. Peace..................... |
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 02:44 pm: | |
Steve Z, yeah that oral surgery thing Lisa has this week kinda ruined things for tonight.....God, she's so selfish! Even w/ insurance its a healthy chunck-o-change. Gas prices here in PHX are up to $2.18 a gallon....and goin up. Whaaaaaaaaata joke. g |
| Posted on Monday, May 10, 2004 - 08:51 pm: | |
Cool -- yeah, I read a review on them in The Stranger Friday night, as I was lookin' for something to do! The review sounded good, so I was flat-out impressed to see your mention of them. Sorry Strat, but you posted right about the time I was sitting down in First Class for the trip north! Probably had a MacTarnahans in hand by then . . . I don't check emails when touring, so didn't get your message until I checked this site just now. DAMN AGAIN! I could've pulled it off, too, as I jsut killed time drinking and hanging out in Seattle that night. Thought about you Saturday afternoon while heading for Portland, but since I didn't get a call from you on my cell I figured it wasn't happnin'. I do get up th ere quite a bit, so we'll keep trying for some cold Grant's!! Blur, atta boy! As ol' ZZ Top once said, "you gotta make that boy boogie woogie." |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 04:24 am: | |
Steve, It had been a long time sinced I rocked and rolled... Let me tell ya - You guys were sight for sore ears. (if that makes sense) |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 04:34 am: | |
Congrats Blur! Having a a baby would be one of the two or three acceptable excuses for missing a PT show.
| Posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 05:15 pm: | |
Thanks everyone for the congrats. It's been a bit of a tough ride thus far. We're still in the hospital but hopeful to get out Wednesday. Ethan is improving and Mrs. Blur and I are ready to get the hell out of there! Thank God for my dogs needing to be fed or I wouldn't even be able to leave. Back to hell I go. CHEERS! |
| Posted on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 - 06:11 pm: | |
Sincere regrets to the family of slain civilian Nick Berg. I am sick for them and all of the families of armed forces and civilians in Iraq. Jim |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 - 05:32 am: | |
Amen, Brother! |
| Posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2004 - 12:41 pm: | |
Randal......if you get the chance to see LLB do it. You should check out their CD too. I'm sure you will be very impressed. |
| Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 04:38 am: | |
Went out to the House of Blues in Myrtle Beach saturday to see Atlanta Rhythm Section, with PT opening. Never seen the Travers band as just a 3 piece before. Pretty good show, though "Crash & Burn" suffered somewhat for the lack of keyboards. I was really surprised to hear him play "Inside Looking Out" ( an old Animals song made famous by Grand Funk). Not as good as Farner's version, but a lot more current. PT said he'd just recorded it the year before, and I'm wondering which album it's on. a guy up front had a handful of inserts, but not that one. Pat said if he didn't have that one, he wasn't gonna sign any of them. I saw the "Voices of Classic Rock" album on here, and am wondering about the line-up for this incarnation of the VOCR; Ron Hammond, former lead singer for ARS, toured briefly with the VOCR, but his health problems forced his retirement. Anyway, I usually have pics, and was hoping to add pics of PT to my collection, but such was not to be. the HOB folks were being real behinds about it ( they even hassled a roadie making digital video backstage ) For anyone interested, you can see my pics of recent ARS and other concerts at: http://community/ Keep It Shinin' On ! Tom |
| Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 05:03 am: | |
Tom 'inside' is on "power trio" which came out last year cheers! |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 06:10 am: | |
Hey, about the gig in Sheffield ( 5 june )is now: HARROW CLUB THE RAINERS. The bookings-agency give no more details. And Carl, we hope to catch Joe live in the end of the year, the're some rumours Pain and Sorrow from the cd 'So, it's like that' and 'If Heartaches were Nickels' are great songs. And...uhhhhh thousand times luck But first: WE'RE READY FOR THE ONE AND ONLY PTB!!! WOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, CU GUY'S IN TWO WEEKS "The Dutch Hammerheads".
| Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 06:48 am: | |
Last night leaving work listening to my local radio station 107.7 "The Bone" the DJ played "Boom Boom" and afterwards announced that Pat is on his European tour and will return in July to play Fairfax and Fremont, thought it was pretty cool that they did a plug for him, it sounded as if they went to the PT web site to check the info!!! Have a great weekend everyone, off to play at Six Flags Magic Mountain with the kids!!
| Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 03:02 pm: | |
I NEEEEEEEEED to go to Magic Mountain!! B |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 04:56 pm: | |
T. Rich, I got the 2004 Tour shirt today, (Sandy, will you have my baby?), and now I`m the coolest kid on the block. Uhh...Eric..I decided to make even more enlargements from the shows a couple of weeks ago. In the mean time, do you want that I should oughta e-mail you the scanned in pics? Hey Tom, I even heard PT mention that he wish he had a keyboard for "Crash and Burn", still, the guitar version kinda grows on ya after a few times. Oh yeah, "Inside Looking Out" was written by Eric Burden of "The Animals" fame. Hey Snorks, how many of the shows ya`ll going to? Remember, ya can`t ever get to much PTB and ya only die once! This weekend it`ll be Derringer on Friday night, hot rod boats Saturday afternoon, a little known, but superb player, Jon Paris, on Saturday night, for me! DA PARTY STARTS NOW!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, May 13, 2004 - 10:31 pm: | |
YO! as gREG says, lol lol.....been some interest in a chat session so.......... PT Chat THIS Sunday in they Yahoo club chat room SUNDAY 5pm Pacific 6pm Mountain 7pm Central 8pm Eastern
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 06:27 am: | |
PTB're welcome for the shirt, you've always been the coolest kid on the block but...........she's having my baby!! Sorry wildman! TR |
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 10:59 am: | |
I love it that you two are fighting over lil olde me. You both know me: when I'm good I'm very good but when I'm bad I'm betta so....... carry on boys! |
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 11:09 am: | |
now I must have this woman for my own..........ahem. Nice!! Use'd love those chats Cindy! Count me in! I'm in Blu's state a mind from a week ago.....Ol' Bear past away yesterday....right after Lisa's dental surgery. Holy cow! I'm not sure, but I think Bears favorite PTB song was "Life in London." He would really wag his tail on that one! Such a good ol' dog. gonna miss him. uh oh....Lisa'a ringing her bell. UGH! I need that Mountain Magic thingy like Bette! g |
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 12:59 pm: | |
Have to settle for "Magic Mushrooms"? Sorry about Bear! Bette |
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 02:18 pm: | |
good call, Gettin' Bette! sounds like a camping trip in the works Sorry to hear about Bear, gREG. Sally sends her condolences along with me and the family CINDY!!! Good to hear from ya! I'll be working Sunday, so will make a note to drop in on the chat Have a safe insane weekend, folks |
| Posted on Friday, May 14, 2004 - 07:03 pm: | |
Greg, I'm so sorry to hear about Bear. I've lost 2 dogs in the past. It hurts, but all the good/funny memories help keep them alive in your heart. How's Nellie doing? Tell her Rich and I said hi for us. hey Cindy!!!!! Are you thawed out yet?! (lol) It's getting very nice here in Delaware...mid 80s during the day and 60s at night. Can't wait for summer! The chat sounds like a good idea. My cheeks have recovered well from all the nonstop laughing that occurred during those past chats. Take Care All! ~~nancy~~ |
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 05:45 am: | |
Hey, Pat Travers Band, Have a great time in Europe! Rock their effing pants off!!! lol Any more tattoos? Anyway, be careful and have fun! We love you you guys! ~~Nancy~~ |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 10:44 am: | |
Has anyone heard a copy of the live " Black Pearl " CD ? I've seen it on E bay .Is this legit ? I'm not interested in some boot. Thanks |
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 11:49 am: | |
It's as "legit" as you're gonna find. Here or ANYWHERE. It's PT approved, but not released by some money grubbing corporate power. Bottom's a good quality sounding show in a nice package (huh huh...he said package). It was put together by a big fan of the band and most all of the proceeds end up in the band's hands. Everyone here at this site will vouch for the quality. I can almost guarantee you will see other posts following mine that will endorse Ginbel's (aka as PTBROXX on eBay) products. Get the won't be disappointed, unless you're some elitist hi-fi snob, in which case you'd probably not like the quality even if it WAS a "legit" release, as it's a "live" recording. It is NOT a crappy, unprofessional audience recorded boot, if that's your concern. Any PTB fan will DEFINITELY enjoy it! gREG & Blu...My thoughts are with you regarding your recent pet losses. I know how you feel. Hang tough, because you know your dogs would! And as always...PTB is KING! |
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 12:36 pm: | |
not only Black Pearl, but Radioactive (My fav), hotshot and "Live" shows!! All TOP quality stuff!! DVD's too! I just watched the San Diego show AGAIN (2000) And it smokes! Just make sure it's from the Ginbels (Rich-n-Nancy). True...TRUE PTB fans. Kick-ass across da great sea PTB....hey, is it true the toilets flush in the opposite direction over there??? PTBRULES! |
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 12:37 pm: | |
oh, and thanx for the Ol' Bear sympathy....means alot to us! g |
Anton Kiwi
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 12:51 pm: | |
Hey Rick, I saw you guys are coming to Drachten again soon, I hope we can hook up again when you are here. I would've mailed you personally but I have lost the addy. See you soon. Take care Anton |
PT Finatic
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 01:13 pm: | |
Thanks so much for the Back Pearl endorsements .  |
| Posted on Saturday, May 15, 2004 - 02:49 pm: | |
Shoot Greg, I can't believe it, you and I both lost our best friends, Your Bear and My Yogi Boo Boo Bear. Yogi was a 9.1 lb. pure bred red pomeranian. Crissy and I are still realing. April 27 was the fatal day and we will never get over it. It's a horrible nightmare and I know you know what I'm saying. PT tunes cheer me up and Jaegarmesiter helps, but nothing can help, unless somehow we could bring em back. They say that if you were really, really close to your dog then it may be reincarnated in another puppy of the same breed and that you are suppose to get the same personality traits and identical qualities. It's something to think about and I hope the hel# it's true. Your sympathetic bro. - Blu |