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Message |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 06:02 am: | |
Picked up Bazooka yesterday at Media Play in Charlotte. Will report back later once I really get to listen to it. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 06:03 am: | |
Eric, I think what Blur meant is we "prefer" you to be on the throne ( and I sure hope he means drum-kit when he says that!) That said, did you ever notice you never see Tommy and Doctor Who in the same place? |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 06:36 am: | |
Eric knows I want him pounding away whenever I see the PTB. What other drummer and bass player would shoot pool with me after the show anyway? |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 07:24 am: | |
Got me big package of PT & Appice yesterday from CD Universe!!! It only took 3 days. Bazooka CD: Awesome stuff here upon 1st listen. Live At the House Of Blues CD: Also very good Live At The House Of Blues DVD Better than CD, the DVD rocks harder with the addition of video. Get yer Travers while you can as this stuff has a habit of disappearing quickly. These sure are good times for PT ( & Carmine Appice) fans. Rock on........ |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 08:16 am: | |
Tony - possible group from Brentwood going to the Rubber Side Down/Echo Of Souls Saturday, November 26th, 2005. Both brothers and their friends are interested. Maybe we will see you and Wendy there! Going to go see Joe Lynn Turner tomorrow night - should be a fun show! I worked the Bridge School Benefit concert Sunday and I will tell you --- Jerry Lee Lewis can still rock, there was one moment that was questionable but he pulled it off nicely, Crosby, Still, Nash and Young are still incredible together! Dave Matthews, Los Lobos, Emmy Lou Harris, Norah Jones, Good Charlotte, they all did great - fun show to work! Can't wait for some Pat in No. California!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 08:51 am: | |
Randal....message recieved!! Plans made!! Seattle goin' down!!! g |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 11:40 am: | |
Yep, that's right -- DOWN to Phoenix to pluck the Cardinals!!! woo HOO!! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 11:44 am: | |
Ed...the home page is pretty "ghoul"! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 12:35 pm: | |
ditto on the homepage! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 01:06 pm: | |
Let's all get in on the gREG bashing... Currently: Seattle 5-2 Phoenix 2-5 Next Monday: Seattle 6-2 Phoenix 2-6 'Nuff said! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 01:07 pm: | |
I know it's Arizona Cardinals, but decided to make it a city vs. city duel this week. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 03:05 pm: | |
oh yeah???? Well.........uh.....its hot here and we hot here! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 03:42 pm: | |
Yo gREG, Hot enough there to cook some RED CHICKENS? And while we're talking football... Specs! What the heck happened to Farve last Sunday?!? FIVE interceptions? WTF? That is SO unlike him. Really bummed me out to see his stats after that game. You know what all this means? PTB ROXX! And that makes it all okay... |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 06:42 pm: | |
I'll bring some hot sauce for the red chicken wings, and you KNOW that means a guys gotta wash them down! A case of Dad's for gREG and a case of Heinies for me, says I. Nah, I'll have the two oldest sons with me, so let's make it a half case for me and another half cse of Dad's for them! gREG, are we tailgating, going to the stadium early, taking the trolley (we do that here) or what? Crawling through the desert for three days, sunburned and scorched with no water and cactus needles sticking out of our butts on the way to the field? Ain't never been to a game in PHX, so that's about how I imagine it . . . oh yeah, and a thunderstorm to boot. |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 06:43 pm: | |
was at the chat for a bit, but the three others who were there split so I ended up chatting with myself. For a minute. huh |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 - 08:22 pm: | |
Randal, email me some details. We can do whatever ya want! have a friend of mine that is looking into some tix. Crawling thru the desert on the WAY home sounds about right......3 yrs ago, but now, enjoy the sweet air conditioning of a car!! Food-a-plenty!! g |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 07:28 am: | |
Any Tour Dates or has the Tour been Cancelled? |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 10:47 am: | |
Bazooka rocks!!!! Definitely beats out "It Takes A Lotta Balls" although also very good. Anybody wonder why no TM Stevens? He was definitely an asset to the House Of Blues CD/DVD. Get Bazooka now at CD Universe for only $11.89. They also have "Live At THe House Of Blues CD & DVD for $13.65 & $13.99. Also, anybody else notice that the TM Stevens picture & equipment page is missing from the "Live At The House Of Blues" CD but not the DVD?  |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 11:02 am: | |
Hey Strat, Favre just had an off day. I'm not making excuses when I say this, but the Packers have a TON of injuries. Pretty much all offensive weapons they were counting on at the beginning of the year are hurt. Injuries are no excuse but the Packers are using guys who have been with the team for all of 2 weeks. That's how bad the situation in Green Bay gotten. I suspect a couple of those interceptions were caused by the receivers running the wrong route. The rest were probably the result of Brett trying to do too much. I did get a kick out of that "fan" running on the field and taking the ball out of Favre's hand. The look on his face was priceless. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 12:54 pm: | |
Just got some cool N.Y.E. news,Y & T with our buddy Frankie Hannon of Tesla at the Avalon in Santa Clara....This should be a ROCKIN' N.Y.E...Looking Forward to this show!!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 04:20 pm: | |
Hey Specs, I'm certainly not slagging Farve. He's one of my favorite QB's. I hate it almost as much as you do that he's having such a bad year. Now, if ya wanna slag on somebody, there's always them RED CHICKENS out in the desert that could use a good laughing at, right gREG? Randal, be sure to have a couple of Heinies for the Pig! Off to get my copy of Bazooka! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 - 04:49 pm: | |
hello Rick , Eric and Pat, hope yall are doing well, looking forward to a show in Atlanta, I am perfectly content with Eric on the the Big Bass drum, haha Tommy's Ego is too big, I liked Sandy Gennaro" s solo better on the black Pearl live, Im with you Blur , The band sounded tight in Charlotte and the pool playing was cool too Eric is really talented and I liked his setup with the cymbals too. I think Tommy Aldridge has forgotten where he came from. I am 100% behind Rick and Eric. looking forward to Bazooka, got it coming that's 4 new PT cd's this year. Elation does not even describe the feeling. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 08:08 am: | |
For those of you that have Bazooka-how about the two high notes that Pat hits in the middle of his solo for "Evil"? I almost had to change my drawers after I heard that! Pat's solos are definitely taken to a higher level on this disc and that's saying a lot. |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 08:57 am: | |
Any chance of PT playing Evil & Disappear from Bazooka & also Wiser Man from PT=MC2 on the upcoming tour dates??? Will the setlist be posted here for the tour? And finally,does anybody know when the tour dates are gonna be announced??? Isn't the Tour supposed to start like Mid November??? |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 11:43 am: | |
Dec 17th St. Petersburg! Got my tickets yesterday. Six P.T shows in one year. Four in Florida and two in California. I love life!! Maybe P.T. will be kind enough to sign a couple of the 8x10 pictures from the Hollister, CA show for me. PTB Stalker are you going to come up to St. Pete for the show? Jim K. Mad Bch |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 02:15 pm: | |
I thought you guys were kidding about the Cher tributes until I looked it up....what?!? |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 02:17 pm: | |
I thought you guys were kidding about the Cher tributes until I looked it up on the internet ......what?!? |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 02:17 pm: | |
oops, double dose. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 03:56 pm: | |
Going to get my Bazooka tonight, what song is on the tribute CD for Cher????? C'mon Eric give us some info on the tour dates |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 04:58 pm: | |
PT can turn any song into rock and roll heaven-Beethoven, Cher, Elton John, Barry Manilow, Yanni, etc. I'll bet the Cher tribute kicks butt. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 03, 2005 - 06:47 pm: | |
This just in: Sasquatch has been sighted in Avondale, Arizona. He's sunburned, scorched and has cactus needles sticking out of his butt, and has been seen trying to scalp Cardinals tickets outside the stadium. Beware Hey Blur, with all due respect you misspelled one artist's name: Barely Manenough You stand corrected. GO SEAHAWKS! gO cArdinals -- into the Locker room. Lookout Phoenix -- here we come. gREG -- please put blankets in the back of your truck so I can relive the cORNETT eXPERIENCE. Piglet, you oughta fly down! Looks like I'll be in SEA for the Rams game -- can you make it? |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 08:17 am: | |
Hey Steve! Great show last night! Must have been a ton-O-fun playin' with Carmine. I won a framed and signed BÖC - Curse Of The Hidden Mirror - poster at the silent auction!!! Too Cool! Damn them Canadian fishermen! ************ BAZOOKA ROCKS! Got my copy yesterday. Only had a chance to listen to it once. But I am duely impressed. This weekend I'll be spinning all the new PT stuff that came out this year. ************ Tonight it's off to see that ol' west coast project the WISHBOX gang playing with Joe Lynn Turner at Paladino's. Sunday they're at the Coach House... Rand you want to go? Happy Friday everybody! |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 08:24 am: | |
I'll also try and get a hold of Pat this weekend to see if I can get the new tour dates. K? |
Too Cool
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 08:37 am: | |
Does anybody have details about the new stuff Pat mentioned he has been working on last month? |
Freight Train
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 09:23 am: | |
Hey gang I am just waiting on the O.K. from Pat (which should come today) to post the dates. |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 09:26 am: | |
I've gotta believe the "new stuff" involves a new set list incorporating the talents of the PTB's new guitarist Kirk McKim. Welcome aboard, Kirk! |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 09:26 am: | |
Yo Eric! Can't wait to catch you guys soon! |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 09:34 am: | |
Thanks Ed, yeah that was a blast playing with Carmine! He's a great guy, too, and we all chatted with him for quite a while before the show. I told him I really liked the stuff he's done with Pat, which he was real pleased to hear. He called Pat the second Jeff Beck! Quite a compliment! I'll see you tonight at Paladino's, congrats on winning the auction! |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 11:08 am: | |
Hey Strat, no offense taken. I wasn't making excuses for the poor play, just giving an explanation. He'll be back next year. I'm not a real big Packers fan. It gets a little sickening the way Brett and the team are thought of around here. Some sample headlines would include "Brett Favre farts. Details at 10:00." "Brett Favre pulls a long greenie from his nose, pictures on page 2." It gets to be a little much. On another note, I got my copy of Bazooka and the Cher tribute disc. On the Cher disc, don't even bother. You can't even tell Pat and Carmine are playing and the chick singing isn't all that great. To top it off, they don't even list any of the musicians who played on the disc. Bazooka - For the most part, this disc kicks major as*. Pat's guitar work is stellar as always. The question I kept asking myself is why? Why did they have to remake Boom Boom and Snortin? Why? They don't sound any better then the original versions. I personally think this is a waste of space. The Crash remake I can kind of understand but I think one of the live versions like the one on the Etched disc are better. I can do without the cover of Last Child too. I don't want to rip too much as I've only listened to it twice. With that said, the rest of this disc is simply AWESOME!!! I really like Evil, Disappear, and Superstitious. The title track is pretty good too. Everyone, go out and get this disc. Check the credits too. Credit for the live photo shots is given to a Wilma H(I can't remember the spelling of the last name sorry). Is the same Wilma as in Andres and Wilma who post here from time to time? Now bring on those tour dates. |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 01:01 pm: | |
Specks,You got the wrong one,the one at walmart is the wrong one....You want to get An ALL STAR TRIBUTE To Cher,on All Straz records,2005...Its the one that Cindy posted about a few weeks ago...It has Pat& Carmine on it...phone414-282-1380..Sound and Vision Planet |
The Snorkels
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 02:17 pm: | |
Yep, we are the same Andries and Wilma Hoogendoorn  |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 02:41 pm: | |
TraversTravelers, thanks for correcting me, although I feel real stupid right now. Oh well, not the first the last time that's gonna happen. Wilma - Congrads on the photos and making the credits. That shot of Pat is definitly cover worthy. |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 02:59 pm: | |
Randal, the back of my truck awaits you!! I think we will just meet you at the airport and go directly to Alicetown. Call da Bruce and tell him to meet us there. Or if ya wanna just head to my house first, let me know, I'll send ya directs. didn't see an email from ya so......headin out to find Bazoooooooooo.....ka. I figure they re-did Snortin' and Boom boom cuz they are such a riot to play!! Eric, PLEASE tell me theres some west coast dates....dare I say AZ????? g |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 03:33 pm: | |
Hello everyone. I got my Bazooka and Cher Tribute both on Wednesday. Then had to leave first thing Thursday morning to drive about 170ish miles to Prineville, Oregon, where I am now at a Motel 6. My Dad's health started failing rapidly, and he died this morning at 6:00 AM. I am here to give my Mom a hand with the arrangements, and fortunately, I think we are all going to be okay, as we have had a little bit of time to prepare for this. Anyway, we had the snow on Mount Hood just starting to give a little dusting, and the new PT stuff in, so we made the best of it. We just missed waiting in traffic behind a fatal accident due to ice and snow. Not looking forward to the drive back, as it is a little more trecherous now. We'll just drive nice and slow. Anyway, I'll check back in as soon as I can, maybe there'll be some tour dates posted (for Portland) by then. |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 05:11 pm: | |
Damn sad for you Monae. I'll be thinking of you. Later... |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 05:37 pm: | |
Oh man..., still no `zooka in my maikbox!!! CD Universe sez they sent it this past Monday. Maybe I shouldn`t have chosen turtle express as the shipping method. Oh yeah, Jim K., I`ll be at da December St. Pete show fo' sher! Hopefully the Ginbels will make it down for that hootenanny! If ya give me $10, I`ll be sure to have Pat sign your pics! Now for $20, I`ll get Rick and Eric to sign also! S`later, JH |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 05:42 pm: | |
Monae, I`m so sorry to read the tragic news. We`re all here for you, you can always lean on us. JH |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 06:00 pm: | |
Specks,Don't feel bad we did the same |
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 06:46 pm: | |
Oh Monae, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Life does throw us curves, but I'm glad to hear that you had time to prepare. You're in my thoughts! Way to be there for mom. Poor thing! gREG, tried to call ya but got no answer. We get in on Southwest flight 1308 at 5 pm. Since you guys don't adjust your time, it's gonna take us 2 hours to get there -- WTF? LOL! BFD. I'm renting a car from Hertz, but will look for you at the airport unless I hear otherwise. My cell number is 619 571 3786. If you hear a page for Sasquatch, that's me looking for ya : ) Ed, I really wanted to go to that show as I understand Tony Lopez will be there too. Was hoping to hook up with him, as we haven't gotten to know each other yet. I'm taking my two oldest sons to PHX to see the Seahawks CRUSH the lowly Cardinals, and won't be back 'til 9:20 pm Sunday. DAMN! Thanks for the invite. Take good notes. Speaking of the Coach House -- ???? remember gREG, Jim Beseau and Rockpig will meet us at AliceCooperstown at 7 . . . NOT! how lame! I'm calling Bruce Fryed right now. See ya tamale! woo HOO! Eric, hoping to see you guys on the Best Coast soon! Say hi to the fellers for me |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, November 04, 2005 - 07:13 pm: | |
Tour Dates,Tour Dates,Tour Dates????? |
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 12:10 am: | |
Steve, Kansas is playing the Galaxy theatre Nov 16th. We are gonna see them on the 18th here in Scottsdale, AZ!! Just got back from ZZ Top....whatta buncha billy bad asses!!! Freakin RAWKed!! Mr. Gibbons makes da geetar sing da preeeety songs....word! g |
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 09:58 am: | |
Quote:Bazooka - For the most part, this disc kicks major as*. Pat's guitar work is stellar as always. The question I kept asking myself is why? Why did they have to remake Boom Boom and Snortin? Why? They don't sound any better then the original versions. I personally think this is a waste of space. The Crash remake I can kind of understand but I think one of the live versions like the one on the Etched disc are better. I can do without the cover of Last Child too.
Well, I'm going one further. Can't help it. My hat's off to Pat and every single thing he does. That said, why attempt to improve on the perfection that is "Crash & Burn" and "Snortin' Whiskey"? What good could possibly come of it? Kind of like remaking "The Godfather". I probably shouldn't have said that because some idiot director is prolly looking at it as I type...And all I can say on "Last Child" is wow. Kind of train-wreckish. I very rarely speak my opinion on things, usually just pathetic BS silliness. Forgive me for I know not what I do. Pat, please don't hate me. I'm no critic, and certainly no musician. It's just that your originals are so...original. And they all kick ass! Thanks for hanging with us. You are the best. Later...
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 10:02 am: | |
Anybody dig Buckcherry!!? Or Butch Walker?! Shiite I'm so late! Damn tasty stuff!! Find "Borderline" by Buckcherry and "Sober" by Butch Walker. Buckcherry sounds sort of like The Black Crowes if they were worth half a bean. Sorry, my opinion again. Damn I should stick to the pathetic BS silliness. Check 'em out if you haven't. Later... Nevertheless |
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 12:55 pm: | |
Randal, just called and left ya message. g |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 02:07 pm: | |
Yo Jbeseau, me thinks you worry to much. So Pat diddled with "Snortin'" & "Boom Boom" a bit on the `zooka CD,....nuthin`s sacred. By the way, I do like both the Crowe`s and Buckcherry. I haven`t heard of Butch Walker, but I`ve met a relative of his, Johnny Walker "Red", a time or two. Still no `zooka yet for me!!! I know a couple of local post offices were damaged during the `cane the other week, and they`re running behind on delivery. Yo Nancy and Rich, I sure hope you guys can make it down for the December 17th gig in St. Pete!!! It`ll fer sure be a cool thang! It`ll be great to see everybody again, and now with Kirk McKim on 6 string!! I`ve heard Kirk play a few PT tunes before, as a originating member of REK, and the man sure can do PT material justice! Wouldn`t it be tanfastic if Pat showed up at the St. Pete gig with a keyboard!?!? Speaking of gigs....., WHERE DA #@~! IS THE GIG SCHEDULE!?!? "#@~!" is the same thing as saying "heck". S`later, JH |
Freight Train
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 03:42 pm: | |
I would like to let everyone know a little of what's been happening in P.T.B. land. First of all RICK NAVARRO has moved on to pursue other musical interests. He is no longer a P.T.B. member OR a Bad Ass R.E.K. member. It's been almost six years of ups and downs, ins and outs, and all in between. Rick is my brother and as much as I hate to see him go all GREAT things must come to an end. He has some great stuff on the horizon. As most everyone knows Kirk McKim is on board and absolutely awe inspiring. The chemistry between Pat and Kirk is undeniable. Frank (RIZZO) McDaniels is on bass guitar and man is the band SMOKIN'! The set list has undergone a lot of changes. The tour starts on November 28th in Annapolis Maryland and ending in Tampa on December 17th. All the dates in between will be posted A.S.A.P. I know that we have shows in Tennessee, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, and all down the East coast. Thanks for hanging in there through the quiet past month or two while we have been undergoing these changes. Now maybe a little light has been shed on the reasoning behind the silence. All I can say is HOLD on because the new Pat Travers Band is headin' out in three weeks and heads are gonna turn. Oh yeah....We will rock Seattle and the rest of the west coast in January.LOOK OUT!!!!!! ERIC |
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 04:43 pm: | |
I am shocked and sad to see Rick go from PTB.....I am thankful for being able to see PTB (PAT, RICK and ERIC) the last time when they played here in Canada on the last tour, will miss ya Rick! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 05:24 pm: | |
Rick Navarro is a terrific person and awesome bass player. He was an incredible ambassador for Pat and the band. He'll be terribly missed and I wish him nothing but the best. Let's all send out a warm welcome to Mr. Frank McDaniels. Also to Kirk. I found a little bit of info on Kirk that I posted in the past. Now I'm off on a google quest for Frank. Can't wait to catch the new band! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 09:30 pm: | |
Look out ! There it goes ! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 10:56 pm: | |
Wow. I will miss Rick. Always made you feel like you were family. Best of luck Rick. Glad we got the Train sticking with us! Good luck PTB! Later...
tom leary
| Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 - 11:05 pm: | |
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 12:09 am: | |
Rick rules. Lets just hope the new Bass man is as warm and personable as Rick was. Every time I'd see him or Eric, they made me, and everyone around me, feel like we belonged right there w/ them!! Hope Pat does a quick post to share his thoughts on Rickster leaving. Thanks for the heads up Eric!! g |
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 08:49 am: | |
I agree with everything gREG said. Rick was an amazing musician, but even more than that he was a stellar human being and friend. The guy simply had no enemies and you couldn't help but like the guy. The world could use more folks like that! I'm still in shock over the news. Rick, if you're reading these posts, PLEASE know that you made a big impact around here and know that you've made a lot of friends here. We STILL consider you "family" and I certainly hope you will drop in here from time to time and let us know how you're doing and what you are up to musicially & professionally. Regards, and all the best to you. My only question is...Now how the heck are you & I gonna be able to have that "bottomless Heineken feast" that I promised you this past Summer? Good luck kid...we'll be thinking about ya! Keep the low end low & funky... |
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 08:58 am: | |
I had heard the rumor about Rick. Very sad. The PTB has been and probably always will be an ever evolvng entity. Rick is a world class bassmeister and one cool dude so I'm sure he'll rock on. Thanks for your many years of hard work in making "your version" the PTB one of the best ever! I'll miss you buddy!
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 09:29 am: | |
On the subject of ex bandmates... Wishbox - now known as the Real Rockers really friggin rocked Paladino's Friday! Joe Lynn Turner was amazing. He was highly energized and very personable. And still retains a truly amazing voice. He told a cute story about the song Jealous Lover. Hope I remember correctly - it went something like this... They were somewhere in the midwest talking a break from a tour and had the Rolling Stones mobile unit hooked up to record a "B" side of some single. They where all set to record a particular song but Ritchie started playing some different riff. Joe Lynn tells him "That's not the song we're recording" to which Ritchie retorts "One ••••••• riff is as good as another. This is the one we're playing" Joe Lynn didn't have any lyrics for this new song and had to make some up on the spot. He said he wrote them down in 15 minutes. He summed up the situation - I quote - "that's how chit becomes a hit." But the bottom line best part of the show for me was getting to see my old buddies (Wishbox) lay down a wall of sound behind true rock royalty. You'll never meet a harder working, better sounding, nicer bunch anywhere. They did Pat justice and they're doing the same for JLT. Can't wait until this evening's show!!! |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 04:33 pm: | |
For anyone in the Nashville Area,PT is playing the Exit In on Monday December 12th... |
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 04:58 pm: | |
That is such a cool story on Jealous Lover! One of my favorite guitar riffs ever. Not just of Rainbow's, but of all! Love that chunkiness! Sometimes megolomania leads to good things! Thanks for sharing Ed! Later...
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 07:08 pm: | |
OK...OK....the Cardz got their asses kicked...but it was alot fun! Great seeing my brutha Randal and his boys! Awesome kids! These guys put an unruly piece-o-chit Cardz fan in his place!! Strong boys.....and to think they came from Randals seed! How'd THAT happen??!! I told Randal this morning about Rick....we were both kinda in shock all day. As we waited in line at HOOTERS, we just shook our stay so long w/ Pat....and then things fall in place for PT to tour....then leave! HOLY COW!! But anyway, GREAT seeing king Randal again....lets hope PTB does alot a shows on the best-coast so we can hook up for some PTB ass-kickin'.....but I'll leave the ass kickin' to Dustin and Jayson!!! hahaha!! word. g |
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 10:55 pm: | |
Thanky, spanky! You're quite the gracious host. AliceCooperstown was a great stop. We enjoyed the trip, however short, but yeah it did have a dark cloud hanging over it on the heels of the RickNews. Good thing Seattle won or I'd be in a REALLY bad mood! Funny part was, one of the hecklers who had said some nasty things to Jayson at the game was at the airport, and when Jayson glared at him he just pulled down his beanie and tried to hide. Dumb stuff over a simple football game, but I'm glad cooler heads prevailed and we awere able to watch the effective end of the game without any major problems. Can't blame guys too much for being disappointed in the Cards' record, though, but just didn't see alot of sense in the dumb stuff. anyhoo . . . it was fun in spite of the excitement! Good seeing you again, pal. Yer an inspiration Man, what a shock but I too had heard things might be changing in the PTB camp -- just had no idea what or when. Rick, buddy, we will surely miss you and like Rockpig says don't be a stranger. Hanging out with you at Camp Heineken and after the Pinellas gig are even more priceless now that you've moved on. I truly and very much hope that the pastures will be greener for ya. Adieu, mon ami Eric, we'll be waiting for you and the new boys on the west coast! Lettuce know ahead of time and we'll make a party of it! |
| Posted on Sunday, November 06, 2005 - 11:02 pm: | |
Hello everyone. Just wanted to thank you all for the encouraging words. Everything will be okay. My Mom is tough as nails, and I like to think that I am also, as I was taught to be by my Dad. I was only able to hear the Cher tribute cd only once, I can't get my husband to stop listening to Bazooka, of course I like it enough to keep on listening to it too. I hope that we get to see some West Coast tour dates real soon! |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 05:15 am: | |
Hi! I'm a new member from Brazil. I would like to know if there are any plans for a PT Tour in my country. Brazilian rockers are eager to see Mr. PT live!!! Regards, Marcelo |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 06:48 am: | |
Hey Marcelo, I wouldn't hold yer breath. Although Pat recently did a small stint in Europe, so there's hope. Grab the Travers & Appice Live DVD. Should hold you over until seeing him live proper. |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 06:54 am: | |
Hey Rick, Gonna miss ya man! Only got to see you on DVD, but very good nonetheless. Stay true and never give up. Now, who is in contention for the opening of PT's bass player? MarsMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsMarsMars Sorry, but as you can tell from my board name, I am a bit biased. |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 07:24 am: | |
Monae - my condolences to you and your family on the loss of your loved one. Rick - It was nice to have met you, was able to meet you at one of the Reno gigs! Good Luck with your future music endeavors! Ed - there is a great article on the Real Rocker Boys - San Jose Mercury - November 2 in the Lifestyle section. Have a great week everyone! |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 08:27 am: | |
My condolences to the Appice family of the loss of Carmine Sr. |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 08:56 am: | |
yeah, sad to see Rick move on but best wishes to him. Always personable, and I learned more than a thing or two about bass playing watching him! Always will be one of my favorites. Now then...about that bass player opening...where does one apply??? |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 10:42 am: | |
Another Pat Travers Gig,PT is playing the Music Mill in Indianapolis,IN on 12/07/05!!! |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 01:14 pm: | |
And another PT Gig,this one is in Annapolis,MD @ the Rams Head On Stage...11/28/05 |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 03:56 pm: | |
Whoa...I'm stunned, but I guess it's just part of the rock'n'roll life, people come and go. Rick, although I've always loved Pat, you and Eric's entrance into the scene made me feel like a part of the were always so cool to hang out with and smoked the crap out of the ol' 4/5 string. I wish you all the best in the future and hope you'll still post here and let us know how and what you're doing. If you're ever in the DC metro area, drop me a line and we'll have a few Heinekens, my treat for sure! Eric, you know me and IceQueen will be there with bells on to see you guys tear down Jaxx. Thinking about Ram's Head in Annapolis, but it's really sort of an uptight scene, so I may pass and wait for the next weekend. Looking forward to the duel-guitar attack, and seeing "Crash and Burn" with keyboards for the first time in...oh, 10 or 12 years, would be really awesome. Hope everyone out in PT-fanland is doing well. We're hanging in there. Carl & Kendi |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 04:02 pm: | |
Hearing about Rick leaving the band is a big time shocker. Still can't believe it! Rick became a very good long distance friend of Sandy & myself. Rick treated us like royalty at all the shows I travelled too, from Randall's Camp Heineken in San Diego & all the way up the west coast to Vancouver BC. Rick, you will truly be missed!!! Good to hear that Eric is still fully entrenched in the PTB camp. Lookin' forward to seeing you again in the new year Eric! With all the new dates currently being announced, it looks as if Pats new mangager, Tom Vitorino, is doing his job well. I believe he is Carmine Appice's Manager also. Does anyone know if this is the same guy who was with them on the Canadian Strange Days tour? Eric? Pat? Anyone? Here's another new date... PTB at the Exit In in Nashville, Tennessee on December 12th. ALL THE BEST RICK!!!
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 04:49 pm: | |
Carl, what do you mean by 'uptight' exactly? We went to the website and you have to reserve tables. Is there no standing/dancing allowed at this place? Are you and Kendi planning on going to JAXX? Then we'll see you there!!! I can't stand out in front of the stage, but what the heck, I'll still have alot of fun there! ~~Nancy~~ |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 04:54 pm: | |
Ricky, Ricky, Ricky......Rick,....Rico, the Rickmiester, Tricky Ricky, Ricky Ricardo, ya know we all wish ya nothing but the best!!! I sure hope ya can make it over to St. Pete on Dec.17 and hang out with us Hammerheads. Oh yeah, I hope Monica can make it over to the St. Pete gig too. Heck, I hope everybody can make it to `Pete. I just got Bazooka this evening, and it`s locked and loaded right now as I type! SSSSMOKES!!!! A bluesfest that was planned for a couple a weeks ago, but was postponed cause of a `cane, is going off this weekend! I`m pumped for it! S`later, JH |
| Posted on Monday, November 07, 2005 - 06:02 pm: | |
Well, Rich wanted the nearest 'PT fix', so we bought tickets for the Annapolis show! It's only about 2 hours away from where we live. We can't wait to see Pat and Eric again, and meet Kirk and Frank. It'll feel awkward without Rick being there, but we'll manage just fine. Rick is such a down-to-earth, easy going guy...he always made everyone feel so welcomed into the PTB family. He's such a talented and skilled musician, that we don't think he'll have any trouble persuing other musical interests. We wish you the best of luck in everything and anything you do, Rick. Please keep in touch with the PTB gang,here. You'll always have friends here and will never be forgotten, for you have become part of the Pat Travers Legacy!! Thank you for all the fun times, laughs, beer, and all the kookiness that went along with it!! Did we mention that Pat, Eric, and Rick kicked our as*es at about 12 different shows!!!?? PTB ROXX!!! Peace Out, Nancy and Rich PS Mid-night Frisbee!! You just can't beat nights/fun like that! We laughed so hard we thought our jaws were going to fall off(and Nancy thought her feet were going to freeze off). Greg had his big Gorilla feet on that night!! We'll never forget all the fun we had in Arizona. .....and we have a DVD of the show to remember it by. Thank you! |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 06:41 am: | |
RICK,Just want to say Thanks!!!,For all the great music & bass playing...We always had a blast hang out with you and Eric back stage and at all the hotels-no and KEEP ON ROCKIN'!!!!!Eric,we're looking forward to a new Pat Travers Experience....Take Care and See Ya Soon.Scott & Jo |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 09:55 am: | |
Thanks, Missingmars! I will look for the DVD and keep my fingers crossed 'bout the gig. Regards, Marcelo |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 12:11 pm: | |
Norwegian Wood forever! Gettin' Bette |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 02:42 pm: | |
how the heck are you people finding out about these gigs? I only find three listed on the tickmaster site...and none on the pT site. c'mon now...this just ain't right no how |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 03:05 pm: | |
Wow, Rick's gone! All the best to him; with his talent, I'm sure he'll continue on with great stuff. But PT's gotta do what PT's gotta do, and that's to keep on rockin' us! Looking forward to seeing the new line-up! Ed, I saw you up front at Joe Lynn Turner, but I couldn't find you when it was over to say hi! Great show, reminded me how many killer songs Rainbow had! Cheers, Steve Z |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 03:51 pm: | |
So whats the Hold Up with Posting some Tour Dates??? With the Tour starting @ the end of the month wouldn't it make sense to post the dates sooner than later so word can spread about the shows!?!?!?! Or are the Tour Dates Posted elsewhere??? |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 05:50 pm: | |
Maybe the tour dates are FINALIZED yet Haze. Be patient. Eric said he'd post them when they're ready. He's always been good on his word. He'll get them to us... |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 06:57 pm: | |
Nancy & Rich: When I say "uptight", Ram's Head is reserved seating and seating ONLY. No standing, dancing and they frown on talking, as it would prevent other patrons from hearing the band (not that that should be a problem with Pat and his Marshall stack LOL). Ram's Head is alright if the artist you want to see isn't playing anywhere else, but it's no way to see a rockin' show like PT. I went there to see Frank Marino a few weeks ago, had had tickets for a June show that got cancelled, then rescheduled, bought them months in advance, the day before I decided to go catch him at Jaxx also and am really glad I did....was nice to be able to walk around and see different angles. If you got a decent table at Ram's Head, you'll be okay, but it's not ideal IMHO. Definitely get to Jaxx, I'll buy you guys a few Mich Ultra's, or buy Rich a couple and you a nice soft drink :-) Hope to see ya soon! Carl |
| Posted on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 - 07:11 pm: | |
Correction to my previous post.... Maybe the tour dates ARE NOT finalized yet. Sorry for any confusion! |
Freight Train
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 12:48 am: | |
Rockpig my friend THANK YOU!!!!!! I sure hope you guys know that I would post the dates as soon as I had them finalized. We are waiting on three venues to confirm before we post the entire itenerary. I once again PROMISE to give to you all within minutes of receiving them myself. Man I can't wait to get out there with this band. Rehearsals are going great! ERIC |
PTB Stalker
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 03:50 am: | |
Yeah, but Eric, when are the three venues gonna confirm? |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 04:58 am: | |
yeah! If any of 'em are near Buffalo let me know and I'll go "convince" 'em!
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 06:30 am: | |
Rick Navarro.........happy tails to you bud and all of the best of luck to you!! You are a great talent and player......... it was a pleasure traveling Texas with you, Eric and PT. Can't wait to see the new line-up if and when it hits the Lone Star State. Peace and Love to the PT posters.......Ed, you rock pal! Texas Rich |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 07:05 am: | |
wow too much,good luck rick |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 08:39 am: | |
Eric-can you tell us more about Frank? All I could find is that he played bass in a band called "David's Playground". As always, THANKS MY BRUTHA! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 09:40 am: | |
I am a new user and want to say hellow to the other fans. I have been a PT fan since 1980. In all that time I have only been able to see the band 4 times. Words realy can't describe how good this band can be to see live as I remember a very good set played at the Cleveland Cafe (bordering Lakewood, Ohio) years ago.I hope this tour will make it to the Cleveland/Akron, Ohio area to give me one more chance! Many thanks to Pat and past/currant band members for 25 years of enjoyment and inspiration! The music has realy picked me up when I needed it. I will leave you with a few questions; Will the addition of Kirk McKim be seen on tour? Adding lots of power to the older tunes. What would the addition of Doug Bare (Fantastic keys from the "Don't Feed..." session) do for a live set? I think it would be smoking! Speak up! Cheers. |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 12:35 pm: | |
I know that Kirk will be on the upcoming tour. I will defer to the experts on the other questions. Pat has guests perform live with him but it's usually down in Florida. Bummer for folks like me but cool for those that can see him numerous times per year. I be so jealous! |
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 03:54 pm: | |
Good luck Rick - we'll missya in the UK too! Good luck also to Kirk & Frank - hope to see you over here - SOON!!!!! love TC |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 - 05:59 pm: | |
Has anybody gotten the Cream-Live @ The Albert Hall Dvd yet??? This is one Sweet Dvd,Clapton is in Fine form!!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 08:33 am: | |
Hey Eric, you just coined a new word -- "entirinerary". Lettuce know when your dates are final. see ya, you friggin' Monster of Rock! gREG, Rockpig and Beseau are full of |
| Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 08:54 am: | |
I got the Cream DVD. I wish Eric would have used the wah pedal in White Room. I guess he used it at the NYC dates. They also did Tales of Brave Ulysis in NYC which isn't on the DVD. Overall it's pretty awesome Jack on Fretless on the 2nd half of the show is pretty cool. I saw the Jaxx website. It says George Lynch is on the bill. Looks like Appice is on the kit for Lynch Mob. (Vinny Ap'pa'see). Vinny pronouces his last name a little different than Carmine does. Hey, it's still Travers and Appice on the bill right? ha ha ha. Have a good time whomever makes it to the show. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 02:40 pm: | |
cokadootypoopy......i thank u. |
| Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 02:50 pm: | |
Looks like gREG has his pink tutu & electric blue feather boa on again, standing on a street corner talking nonsense! The more things change, the more they stay the same... |
| Posted on Thursday, November 10, 2005 - 07:28 pm: | |
I'v dropped the pink tutu....and have the velvet sweat pimp hand is strong. I got my stable of hoes all ready for the PTB crew to roll thru town. Gonna be a party baby. Just like the party on Devils Rejects!! Thats my kinda party.......i thank u. Now excuse me while I make a new face-mask outta my nieghbor. |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 07:00 am: | |
I heard the voice of rock and roll, otherwise known as Ronnie James Dio announce Vinne Appice, pronouncing his name, a-puh-say, thinking, "Huh?! I guess Carmine doesn't know how to pronounce his own name!?" That was on Dio's "Holy Diver" tour. Wow! Long time ago, but damn! What a show! That near elf of a man can belt like no friggin' body's business! And he always (most?) has top caliber musicians surrounding him. Hell, he did sing in a little band called Rainbow, yeah?! Oh, and Sabbath I think? Who knows... Still thinking about Rick leaving. Wonder if Pat will comment here. Not a tell all, just a good-bye and what-not. I feel certain, regardless of the situation, Pat will miss Rick. He and Eric were/are such great fits with Pat. Someone used the word ambassador. So fitting for both of them. I couldn't have said it better. And I know you all know THAT! Save your snide comments any/everyone!! I feel some drunk posting coming soon...not like in the next hour or so, but soon. I miss those... Later...
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 07:30 am: | |
Hey Eric, Is there any chance of the setlist looking something like this for upcoming PT Tour? Snortin'Whiskey Life In London Gettin'Betta Evil Disappear Wiser Man Remind Me Steppin'Out White Room I Don't Care Just Enough Money Heat In The Street Better From A Distance* Taken(The Iguana Song) Tore Up(From The Floor Up) Wat'cha Gonna Do Without Me Boom,Boom(Out Go The Lights) (*Better is a great Tune,has PT ever sang it?) I think it would be Damn Cool to hear Pat sing Better From A Distance!!!:-) |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 08:04 am: | |
Silver Haze - I believe Pat has done Better From A Distance without Carmine. I have a set list from a P.T. show with Better From A Distance on it, so you might get your wish on this one. |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 08:36 am: | | I think PT has a stronger voice than Carmine!!! Can you recall if PT has ever played 'Tore Up' or 'Wiser Man' Live??? |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 02:23 pm: | |
I think I have Wiser Man on the West-Coast Rockin DVD. |
Brian Maybe
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 04:55 pm: | |
Quote:I think I have Wiser Man on the West-Coast Rockin DVD.
Yes you do, and so do I! gREG, going to see Kansas at the House of Blues here next Tues. Happy weekend, everyone! Cheers, Steve Z |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 07:46 pm: | |
OK,so this is Sweet,PT does do Better From A Distance & Wiser Man Live!!!! Could both these great songs be part of this Tour??? And whadda about Steppin'Out & Tore Up...when was the last time PT played both of these Killer Tunes live?? |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 07:58 pm: | |
Hello Eric, Is the Tour still making a stop @ The Hayloft Liquor Stand in Mt.Clemens Michigan on Friday December 2nd? Need to know as there website says the Gig is on & we would like to know here as we are trying to put a gameplan together to see the show! There is No Info @ TicketBastard Yet?? So is Pat Travers Rockin' Michigan on December 2nd? Cheers, Silver Haze |
| Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 - 11:27 pm: | |
I think I remember seeing "Better from a Distance" performed by Pat & Co. around 2 years ago at Sweet Caroline's in Winchester, VA, and Eric did a great job handling the lead vocals. For those of you who haven't heard him sing, he can really rock on vocals, as well as kick the sh*t outta a drum kit. Can't wait to see the "Pat Travers, Mach V" version. Lickin' my chops already! Carl |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 05:59 am: | |
All this talk about PTB shows...did Texas secede from the PTB Union!? I'm flying my colors over here, guys! Eric!!? Help a brother out!! Texas Rich!!? Please, tell me what can I do!!? I have no less than 10 paid entries into a Dallas/Fort Worth show. I know that does squat in the long run but it's a start! Some of my body parts twitched when I read about the addition of a second guitar! Holy $41T Batman! How long has it been? I know who, but when? Sometimes hearing Pat alongside, in conjunction with another player reminds you just how effing good he is! I mean the man is in my monster category! I think he's up there with maybe 3 or 4 other true monsters! Not legends, monsters. Big difference! Pat will be both later. Not now! Too fresh for a legend yet! Drunk post soon I can feel it! An old girlfriend who caused much drunk posting is back after nearly a year hiatus...ten months maybe. Yikes! We males are some friggin' idiots when it comes to that X Factor sometimes. If she weren't so damn cute, smelled so good, and so nice to me when she was around I would be able to resist! Who was it that got divorced a while back? Gimme' a shout! How are you? I know you're doing good because it almost always passes and other things take the place of what is missing. I know. And I know you probably know now. Hit me! Later...
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 07:48 am: | |
Big Jim...the witchy-woman hex has got me things, fix my things, feed me, I need more of this, change into the person that I want you to be, stop doing what you want.......Aaaahhhhhhh whatever! An awsome romp in the hay makes it all bearable! I was hoping TXRich would bring the mighty PTB threw TX and the west coast too. I'm dying to get the dates! It would be cool if they could hop on the George Lunch-Lynch Mob tour. Waitng on pins-n-needles.....the pins really hurt, learning to live w/ the needles. g |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 07:58 am: | |
gREG! I hear you on the hex, except she doesn't ask me to do anything for her. And she comes to me! How can you say no?! I have faith in PTB and Texas Rich that I will see the PTB soon...hoping...fingers crossed...burning candles... Saw George with Dokken way back in the day...Tooth & Nail tour/era. He's a helluva player for sure. Need to hear some of his current stuff. Later...
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 09:21 am: | |
Now thats a nice lady!! Now if she does yer laundry...shes a keeper!! Steve Z, goin to see Kansas /Surviver on Friday at the Gila River Casino. |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 09:39 am: | |
Yawn... Sip. Just waking up after two weeks from Hell. Tore Up is a possibilty SH. I believe I heard the Sean Shannon, Kevin Rian, PT version do it once or twice. But then again I may have lost my mind. My memory ain't what it used to be. Wiser Man was an audience favorite for quite some time. I always thought it would make an excelent Budwiser jingle. The last three versions of the PTB did this live. I love this song and am lucky enough to have all three studio demo versions (PT,Sean,Kevin - PT,Sean, Dave LaRue and of course the PT, E-Rick one) <><><><><> Hey T-Rich ol buddy ol pal! <><><><><> Steve, sorry I missed you at the show last week. I was fading fast and split right after. I missed out on talking to the boys and meeting JLT. And you missed out on chatting with Tony. <><><><><> Specks can you post that setlist? For that matter can anyone post any setlists that they may have? Might make for an interesting capitulaton. <><><><><> Eric could please have Kirk and Frank e-mail some pics of themselves for the webpage? <><><><><> Well it's off to a well deserved round on the links. Oh and a few Tecates and anything else that I might bring along... Ta Ta
Toast Poster
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 11:31 am: | |
I was thinking Wiser's Deluxe, Canadian Rye Whiskey |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 05:05 pm: | |
First time I saw Pat in a large venue on a large bill was opening for Nugent on his camouflage (sp?) tour. What album was that for Nuge? It was Pat's tour between Radioactive and Black Pearl, Radioactive still being one of my top 3 PT albums, in order, GFWYK, Crash and Burn, and Radioactive. I saw a band, a local band, perform Life In London on a flat bed trailer of an 18 wheeler at a county fair in Fayetteville, NC! I was 16 and that was 1979!! That, was some bad s&*t!! I almost crapped my pants! I thought me and my friends were the only people that knew Pat! I was so f%$king cool! I am two beers away from a drunk post unless someone calls me back and takes me up on a trip to Dallas, ugh, to see a local band called The Feds. They are very cool. You can sample their newest stuff at their page. It is nice and tasty, but oh so much better live. Later
Call me Randall-oh-dee-oh!! |
| Posted on Saturday, November 12, 2005 - 10:51 pm: | |
Jim, u have a myspace page? g |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 12:54 am: | |
I am the walrus......who wants to buy a chicken....a chicken Seahawk....about to be eaten by a Ram and pooped out onto the cold, hard concrete....Randal, interested? |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 07:00 am: | |
Jim d'you git drunk amd fall asleep? First time I saw Pat was at the Sartory Sälle in Köln opening for Journey - 9 März 1979. Blew them away - I mean Journey was friggin great... But the PTB was by far the better band. I had never heard anything like it before. I remember thinking during Journey... Who the hell was this guy Pat Travers? That day in history started a 26 year 8 month and 4 day obsession with the music of the PTB. And I've loved every minute of it no matter who has been playing it. |
Toast Poster
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 08:38 am: | |
Ladies & gentlemen, boy's & girls, children of all ages, I have been turned on to one of the greatest (ranks close to PT=MC2) hard rock records made in some time! Yes, Hammerheads it's true! You too can re-visit the hazy memory of your lost youth. This records vibe & style will knock you square back to 1979. In fact it was one of my long lost Buds' that I first met back in 79 who phoned up out of the distance and told me to by this record NOW. Not one to argue with a friend whom I once travelled time & space with - I dutifull purchased. I was prepared for a warm memory wrapped in a reminiscent but tired musical style. What I was unprepared for was a main line portal in time & a rejuvenation of a musical style whose bones I thought where picked clean. This record through me back in time much the same manner as UFO's Walk on Water. But where Walk on Water sent us back on a focused path of a grand band re-energizing its musical style. This record incorporates a lot of the amazing musical styles of the time. Of course all the usual suspects are there like Zeppelin, & Purple, now add Boston, Bad Company, Rainbow, and the like. Bottom line folks, run don't walk to your favouite record store. Slap your peso's down, return home with this little jewel. Slap it into your loudest stereo, strap your self in. Then take a tour to a time when you where thin, vibrant, had lots of hair and your biggest worry was if your high tops where white enough - all via RUSSELL ALLEN'S ATOMIC SOUL. I'm going back now. |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 12:01 pm: | |
Rick, best wishes to all of your endevours, you will be missed. we need to make a list of all the musicins Pat has played with. Jbeseau- Butch Walker is from my hometown, I know his real name, got to sit in with him one time many moons ago,need that Georgia gig listing. got a lot of people coming. |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 12:28 pm: | |
Eric, How much longer do we have to wait till you post the tour dates? Thought they would be posted by the weekend. Any chance of posting the 'CONFIRMED' Dates? Cheers, SH |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 01:32 pm: | |
Eric called and said Rick would be running for President on the Democrat ticket. This explains his absence in the mighty PTB. But....if the Rickster wins...guess whos gonna be playing at the inaguration ball.....dare I say it..... |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 01:51 pm: | |
STEHM!? At the inaugural it takes a lot of balls!? Hell Yeah! |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 01:52 pm: | |
And whaddaumean Butch Walker's real name isn't really Butch Walker really?! Really?! |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 02:06 pm: | |
first time i saw pat ,was with a band called red hot,then with ronnie hawkins,then the P.T.B |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 06:39 pm: | |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 06:43 pm: | |
It's Cindy's birthday? Woohoo! She's finally legal! HA! Make it a great one Cindy! I'm sure you're having a "kind" birthday with your "buds". All the best to you, and hope that you can make the Seattle PTB gig in January that Eric mentioned. |
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 07:01 pm: | |
Toast Poster: I am glad to hear such a glowing review of Russell Allen's solo CD. I have been a big fan of Symphony X for several years now, have seen them several times, and Russell can sing his a** off...wasn't aware of the solo effort until just recently, but I guess I'll go seek it out based on your recommendation. Given the caliber of the musicians in his regular band, I'd assume the backing musicians would be pretty awesome. Will definitely check in with a review once I get my hands on it. Thanks for the heads-up. Carl P.S. All you progressive neo-classical metal fans might check out some of Symphony X's works, Michael Romeo is a pretty amazing guitarist himself, though he's no PT ;-) |
Fearless Living
| Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 09:53 pm: | |
I know a few of you already posted your interest in the exact tour dates. This is yet another one. What are they??? Also, hope PAT is still up to it. Considering his situation with the Black belt and all. Of which by the way; Really sorry to hear about it. And hope he is recovered as best as can be. I too have a war story. I'm sure many of us have life challenges that we must face with courage and hope. Life is about adaptng, hope all of you, including Pat and associates are adapting to lifes many challenges. And hurry up this way, ( midwest) to give us some escape from lifes fires... |
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 07:10 am: | |
Hey Jbeseau, Dio also pronounced Carmine's brother Vinnie as Vinnie Aa-piss-See on Black Sabbath's "Live Evil". Makes you wonder huh? Ronnie James Dio is (still) truly an amazing singer. A true original as distinctive as Halford, Tate, Mecury, Hogarth, etc...... Two of my favorite Sabbath albums are Dio's "Heaven & Hell" & Mob Rules". |
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 07:17 am: | |
Pat Travers band no longer a trio? Well, I'm not so sure I'm too excited about this. We'll have to see them live to find out. I must say that in my book and many people I've converted over the years, the monster status of PTB cam from the fact that only three people were up there ripping it up. For Pat to sing and play all the rythm & lead guitar parts live is simply amazing. His music is certainly no walk in the park as far as performing it goes. Not that I'm complaining. He comes to upstate NY, then I'm there no matter who's playing with him. I haven't seen him live since '98.  |
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 08:11 am: | |
I like both, yes it is so cool for one guy to cover all those things live on stage and also its cool to have the second and backround parts. Fav thing about Travers is the leads against the rhythm's |
Silver Haze
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 09:12 am: | |
Just noticed this PT Gig added @ Ticketbastard this morning..... Sat 12/10/05 Pat Travers @ The Whitehouse II in Niles Michigan!!! |
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 12:37 pm: | |
Jimmy B - it is I who is recently divorced. Things are going so much better. Never really realized how unhappy I was, on to better things if ya know what I mean. Ed - I have 2 set lists I can post. 1 with Better From A Distance and 1 from the last time PT played Brew Town. Will post both. |
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 03:30 pm: | |
Cool Specks! I am so glad! And that is exactly how I felt and feel now! Coming on three years for me. I won't say a bad word about her as I know she feels much the same, but wow! Night and day! Lonely is so much better than miserable!! I really dig the power trio format, but Pat's leads on top of some fat, well played rhythms are insanely good! Repeating from before it just reminds how damn good he is, right Kellyman!? And no kidding, love Sabbath but my two absolute favorites are with Dio! The only two I replaced on cd are Mob Rules and Heaven and Hell. His voice is greatness. Love that Oz Man though! November 14th and I think it hit 80 today! Fall has hit Texass!! Woo-Hoo!! Later...
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 03:36 pm: | |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CINDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its so awesome to finally turn 17 yrs old......what a great age!!! No drinkin' now!! g |
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 03:38 pm: | |
Oh yeah....damn the Cardz, damn the Seahens.....and damn the fairy Falcons!!! Did I call it or what!!! PTB!!!!....rules |
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 03:59 pm: | |
D@mn! I forgot to wish Cindy a Happy Birthday! Is it today? It's my dad's today too if so! If not, it's still my dad's!! Hehehe... Happy Birthday Cindy, you twistid azz sister! Later...
| Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 - 10:08 pm: | |
Finally caught Sideways and the big scene that Pat did the score for!! Wowsers! What a huge toboggan on that guys head! Hah! Seriously, I don't think the scene would have worked half as well without The PTB running in the background! How funny! With all you guys'/gals' pre-warning and watching those guys drink so much, I just knew it was going to involve ralphing! Later...